19 research outputs found

    Real-time auditing of domotic robotic cleaners

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    Domotic Robotic Cleaners are autonomous devices that are designed to operate almost entirely unattended. In this paper we propose a system that aims to evaluate the performance of such devices by analysis of their trails. This concept of trails is central to our approach, and it encompasses the traditional notion of a path followed by a robot between arbitrary numbers of points in a physical space. We enrich trails with context-specific metadata, such as proximity to landmarks, frequency of visitation, duration, etc. We then process the trail data collected by the robots, we store it an appropriate data structure and derive useful statistical information from the raw data. The usefulness of the derived information is twofold: it can primarily be used to audit the performance of the robotic cleaner –for example, to give an accurate indication of how well a space is covered (cleaned). And secondarily information can be analyzed in real-time to affect the behavior of specific robots – for example to notify a robot that specific areas have not been adequately covered. Towards our first goal, we have developed and evaluated a prototype of our system that uses a particular commercially available robotic cleaner. Our implementation deploys adhoc wireless local networking capability available through a surrogate device mounted onto this commodity robot; the device senses relative proximity to a grid of RFID tags attached to the floor. We report on the performance of this system in experiments conducted in a laboratory environment, which highlight the advantages and limitations of our approach

    Engineering Pervasive Service Ecosystems: The SAPERE approach

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    Emerging pervasive computing services will typically involve a large number of devices and service components cooperating together in an open and dynamic environment. This calls for suitable models and infrastructures promoting spontaneous, situated, and self-adaptive interactions between components. SAPERE (Self-Aware Pervasive Service Ecosystems) is a general coordination framework aimed at facilitating the decentralized and situated execution of self-organizing and self-adaptive pervasive computing services. SAPERE adopts a nature-inspired approach, in which pervasive services are modeled and deployed as autonomous individuals in an ecosystem of other services and devices, all of which interact in accord to a limited set of coordination laws, or eco-laws. In this article, we present the overall rationale underlying SAPERE and its reference architecture. We introduce the eco-laws--based coordination model and show how it can be used to express and easily enforce general-purpose self-organizing coordination patterns. The middleware infrastructure supporting the SAPERE model is presented and evaluated, and the overall advantages of SAPERE are discussed in the context of exemplary use cases

    Genetic stigmergy: Framework and applications

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    Stigmergy has long been studied and recognized as an effective system for self-organization among social insects. Through the use of chemical agents known as pheromones, insect colonies are capable of complex collective behavior often beyond the scope of an individual agent. In an effort to develop human-made systems with the same robustness, scientists have created artificial analogues of pheromone-based stigmergy, but these systems often suffer from scalability and complexity issues due to the problems associated with mimicking the physics of pheromone diffusion. In this thesis, an alternative stigmergic framework called \u27Genetic Stigmergy\u27 is introduced. Using this framework, agents can indirectly share entire behavioral algorithms instead of pheromone traces that are limited in information content. The genetic constructs used in this framework allow for new avenues of research, including real-time evolution and adaptation of agents to complex environments. As a nascent test of its potential, experiments are performed using genetic stigmergy as an indirect communication framework for a simulated swarm of robots tasked with mapping an unknown environment. The robots are able to share their behavioral genes through environmentally distributed Radio-Frequency Identification cards. It was found that robots using a schema encouraging them to adopt lesser used behavioral genes (corresponding with novelty in exploration strategies) can generally cover more of an environment than agents who randomly switch their genes, but only if the environmental complexity is not too high. While the performance improvement is not statistically significant enough to clearly establish genetic stigmergy as a superior alternative to pheromonal-based artificial stigmergy, it is enough to warrant further research to develop its potential

    Sophisticated collective foraging with minimalist agents: a swarm robotics test

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    How groups of cooperative foragers can achieve efficient and robust collective foraging is of interest both to biologists studying social insects and engineers designing swarm robotics systems. Of particular interest are distance-quality trade-offs and swarm-size-dependent foraging strategies. Here we present a collective foraging system based on virtual pheromones, tested in simulation and in swarms of up to 200 physical robots. Our individual agent controllers are highly simplified, as they are based on binary pheromone sensors. Despite being simple, our individual controllers are able to reproduce classical foraging experiments conducted with more capable real ants that sense pheromone concentration and follow its gradient. One key feature of our controllers is a control parameter which balances the trade-off between distance selectivity and quality selectivity of individual foragers. We construct an optimal foraging theory model that accounts for distance and quality of resources, as well as overcrowding, and predicts a swarmsize-dependent strategy. We test swarms implementing our controllers against our optimality model and find that, for moderate swarm sizes, they can be parameterised to approximate the optimal foraging strategy. This study demonstrates the sufficiency of simple individual agent rules to generate sophisticated collective foraging behaviour

    Crowdsourcing through cognitive opportunistic networks

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    Until recently crowdsourcing has been primarily conceived as an online activity to harness resources for problem solving. However the emergence of opportunistic networking (ON) has opened up crowdsourcing to the spatial domain. In this paper we bring the ON model for potential crowdsourcing in the smart city envi- ronment. We introduce cognitive features to the ON that allow users’ mobile devices to become aware of the surrounding physical environment. Specifically, we exploit cognitive psychology studies on dynamic memory structures and cognitive heuristics, i.e. mental models that describe how the human brain handles decision- making amongst complex and real-time stimuli. Combined with ON, these cognitive features allow devices to act as proxies in the cyber-world of their users and exchange knowledge to deliver awareness of places in an urban environment. This is done through tags associated with locations. They represent features that are perceived by humans about a place. We consider the extent to which this knowledge becomes available to participants, using interactions with locations and other nodes. This is assessed taking into account a wide range of cognitive parameters. Outcomes are important because this functionality could support a new type of recommendation system that is independent of the traditional forms of networking

    Emergent Communication: The evolution of simplistic machines using different communication types

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    The methods of transmitting information may be divided as follows: direct; and, indirect. The âdirectâ method occurs when a creature transmits a signal that other creatures in its local environment can receive. Word of mouth advertising is a form of direct communication. âIndirectâ communication relays a message through the environment. This type of communication is known as stigmergy. Both word of mouth communication and stigmergy require the existence of groups of communicators. It is, however, difficult to analyse a very large number of local interactions that occur in group behaviour. A global phenomenon known as âemergenceâ arises from such behaviour. The phrase ââthe whole is greater than the sum of its partsâ normally describes emergence. In this research, we investigate how the two methods of communicating, direct and indirect (including a combination of these), result in emergent behaviour. In order to establish this outcome we employed the use of agent-based software in which we designed groups of agents to evolve over generations in response to specific situations. The manner in which these agent groups evolve is by a genetic algorithm. This is based on the consumption and collection of resources from the environment - a metric for gauging how well the population performs as a whole. For the purpose of this dissertation, we measure and examine the performance of four styles of the two methods of communication: No Communication, Word of Mouth, Stigmergic and Both (a combination of direct and indirect). We observe the fitness arising through successive generations of agents for each of the four styles and compare the results. The âNo Communicationâ style is markedly the worst performer and is âthe sum of the partsâ in terms of the definition of emergence. The âWord of Mouthâ style is marginally below the best performer but is rated well above that of âNo Communicationâ. The âStigmergicâ style is only the third best performer. Combining the direct and indirect methods yields the best result for the âBothâ style. All the communicating categories, considered âthe wholeâ in terms of the definition for emergence, outperform the âNo Communicationâ style. This demonstrates that emergence occurs when using these communication methods in groups. Keywords: Communication, Emergence, Genetic Algorithms, Group Behaviou

    Pervasive Pheromone-Based Interaction with RFID Tags

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    Despite the growing interest in pheromone-based interaction to enforce adaptive and context-aware coordination, the number of deployed systems exploiting digital pheromones to coordinate the activities of situated autonomous agents is still very limited. In this paper, we present a simple, low-cost and generalpurpose implementation of a pheromone-based interaction mechanism for pervasive environments. This is realized by making use of RFID tags to store digital pheromones, and by having humans or robots spread/sense pheromones by properly writing/reading RFID tags populating the surrounding physical environment. We exemplify and evaluate the effectiveness of our approach via an application for object-tracking. This application allows robots and humans to find "forgotten-somewhere " objects by following pheromones trails associated with them. In addition, we sketch further potential applications of our approach in pervasive computing scenarios, discuss related work in the area, and identify future research directions