56 research outputs found

    Pervasive Messaging

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    Pervasive messaging is the part of pervasive computing that enables users to communicate with each other. Many of today's electronic messaging systems have their own distinct merits and peculiarities. Pervasive messaging will have to shield the user from these differences. In this paper, we introduce a taxonomy for electronic messaging systems, providing a uniform way to analyze, compare, and discuss electronic messaging systems. With this taxonomy, we analyze the current practice, demonstrating its shortfalls. To overcome these shortfalls, we introduce a novel messaging model: The Unified Messaging System. This system can, in fact, mimic any electronic messaging system, thus providing powerful unified messaging

    Pervasive Messaging

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    Virtual-spine: The Collaboration Between Pervasive Environment Based Simulator, Game Engine (Mixed-Reality) and Pervasive Messaging

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    This paper outlines a project called "Virtual-spine" which aims to convert seated posture data into interactive 3D representations of spine movement. Spine movement information is collected from pressure sensors installed at various locations on the seat. Sensor readings are combined with "chair-id" and user "profile" to obtain contextual hypotheses. The output is delivered via a messaging system developed to help prevent harmful and fixed postures in prolonged sitting. A specific setup for evaluation testing is also outlined

    Reconfigurable Autonomy

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    This position paper describes ongoing work at the Universities of Liverpool, Sheffield and Surrey in the UK on developing hybrid agent architectures for controlling autonomous systems, and specifically for ensuring that agent-controlled dynamic reconfiguration is viable. The work outlined here forms part of the Reconfigurable Autonomy research project

    Unifying User-to-User Messaging

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    Unification of user-to-user messaging systems facilitates message exchange independent of time, place, protocol, and end-user device. This article describes an approach to unification that is based on introducing a middleware layer instead of employing gateways. It entails a single system that provides common services such as email, fax, and short messaging, but that can also enable novel services that current messaging systems can't support. The authors also describe how the model can be efficiently implemented on a global scale

    Interaction Design in Virtual Reality Game Using Arduino Sensors

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    Virtual reality (VR) is the use of computer simulation to produce a virtual world, providing users with a variety of sensory simulation, which enables users to feel as though they are in the virtual world. Currently, mature three-dimensional (3D) computer graphics technology can present realistic 3D visual effects. However, system interaction is still mainly through specific interactive devices for system control, such as the Vive controller for HTC Vive. In order to enable the user to control the game intuitively, this study employed a currently popular Arduino technology to carry out design of interactive control devices for virtual reality. The interaction design in this study is based mainly on a virtual reality baseball game. To let users carry out swings more intuitively in the baseball game, this study used actual baseball bat–installed sensors, called “Arduino baseball bat,” as a replacement for the VR joystick. The implemented system was roughly divided into two components: a transmitter system module on the bat and a receiver system module connecting to the server host. According to the results, our system cannot only realistically display 3D visual effects, but the Arduino baseball bat can also provide intuitive real-time game interaction for the user

    Fracture: Failure as a Path to Utopia in Queer Art and Life

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    Reproductive Futurism is the pervasive structuring of politics and society around securing of the future through fealty to a figurative Child. The primary means of the Child’s proliferation is the normalizing of hetero-reproduction, which privileges heterosexuality with validity and meaning. Fracture represents a body of work that illustrates my personal break with these normalizing structures, and through embracing my queer sexuality a refusal of the figurative Child and the future it represents. The work articulates the role sex played in my failure to adhere to (liberation from) normative relational structures, and proposes potential new configurations of bodies and filial bonds born from that failure. The work also represents a material shift in my work from photographic prints to intermedia/installation. The evolution of my process as an artist was informed by my personal transformation; my vision of the world shifted, so too did my material/aesthetic response to that world

    SMS-Based Medical Diagnostic Telemetry Data Transmission Protocol for Medical Sensors

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    People with special medical monitoring needs can, these days, be sent home and remotely monitored through the use of data logging medical sensors and a transmission base-station. While this can improve quality of life by allowing the patient to spend most of their time at home, most current technologies rely on hardwired landline technology or expensive mobile data transmissions to transmit data to a medical facility. The aim of this paper is to investigate and develop an approach to increase the freedom of a monitored patient and decrease costs by utilising mobile technologies and SMS messaging to transmit data from patient to medico. To this end, we evaluated the capabilities of SMS and propose a generic communications protocol which can work within the constraints of the SMS format, but provide the necessary redundancy and robustness to be used for the transmission of non-critical medical telemetry from data logging medical sensors

    Towards Light-Weight Probabilistic Model Checking

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    YesModel checking has been extensively used to verify various systems. However, this usually has been done by experts who have a good understanding of model checking and who are familiar with the syntax of both modelling and property specification languages. Unfortunately, this is not an easy task for nonexperts to learn description languages for modelling and formal logics/languages for property specification. In particular, property specification is very daunting and error-prone for nonexperts. In this paper, we present a methodology to facilitate probabilistic model checking for nonexperts. The methodology helps nonexpert users model their systems and express their requirements without any knowledge of the modelling and property specification languages
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