5,128 research outputs found

    Perturbation resilience for the facility location problem

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    We analyze a simple local search heuristic for the facility location problem using the notion of perturbation resilience: an instance is γ-perturbation resilient if all costs can be perturbed by a factor of γ without changing the optimal solution. We prove that local search for FLP succeeds in finding the optimal solution for γ-perturbation resilient instances for γ≥3, and we show that this is tight

    k-Center Clustering Under Perturbation Resilience

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    The k-center problem is a canonical and long-studied facility location and clustering problem with many applications in both its symmetric and asymmetric forms. Both versions of the problem have tight approximation factors on worst case instances: a 2-approximation for symmetric kcenter and an O(log*(k))-approximation for the asymmetric version. Therefore to improve on these ratios, one must go beyond the worst case. In this work, we take this approach and provide strong positive results both for the asymmetric and symmetric k-center problems under a very natural input stability (promise) condition called alpha-perturbation resilience [Bilu Linial, 2012], which states that the optimal solution does not change under any alpha-factor perturbation to the input distances. We show that by assuming 2-perturbation resilience, the exact solution for the asymmetric k-center problem can be found in polynomial time. To our knowledge, this is the first problem that is hard to approximate to any constant factor in the worst case, yet can be optimally solved in polynomial time under perturbation resilience for a constant value of alpha. Furthermore, we prove our result is tight by showing symmetric k-center under (2-epsilon)-perturbation resilience is hard unless NP=RP. This is the first tight result for any problem under perturbation resilience, i.e., this is the first time the exact value of alpha for which the problem switches from being NP-hard to efficiently computable has been found. Our results illustrate a surprising relationship between symmetric and asymmetric k-center instances under perturbation resilience. Unlike approximation ratio, for which symmetric k-center is easily solved to a factor of 2 but asymmetric k-center cannot be approximated to any constant factor, both symmetric and asymmetric k-center can be solved optimally under resilience to 2-perturbations

    Approximation algorithms for clustering and facility location problems

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    In this thesis we design and analyze algorithms for various facility location and clustering problems. The problems we study are NP-Hard and therefore, assuming P is not equal NP, there do not exist polynomial time algorithms to solve them optimally. One approach to cope with the intractability of these problems is to design approximation algorithms which run in polynomial-time and output a near-optimal solution for all instances of the problem. However these algorithms do not always work well in practice. Often heuristics with no explicit approximation guarantee perform quite well. To bridge this gap between theory and practice, and to design algorithms that are tuned for instances arising in practice, there is an increasing emphasis on beyond worst-case analysis. In this thesis we consider both these approaches. In the first part we design worst case approximation algorithms for Uniform Submodular Facility Location (USFL), and Capacitated k-center (CapKCenter) problems. USFL is a generalization of the well-known Uncapacitated Facility Location problem. In USFL the cost of opening a facility is a submodular function of the clients assigned to it (the function is identical for all facilities). We show that a natural greedy algorithm (which gives constant factor approximation for Uncapacitated Facility Location and other facility location problems) has a lower bound of log(n), where n is the number of clients. We present an O(log^2 k) approximation algorithm where k is the number of facilities. The algorithm is based on rounding a convex relaxation. We further consider several special cases of the problem and give improved approximation bounds for them. The CapKCenter problem is an extension of the well-known k-center problem: each facility has a maximum capacity on the number of clients that can be assigned to it. We obtain a 9-approximation for this problem via a linear programming (LP) rounding procedure. Our result, combined with previously known lower bounds, almost settles the integrality gap for a natural LP relaxation. In the second part we consider several well-known clustering problems like k-center, k-median, k-means and their corresponding outlier variants. We use beyond worst-case analysis due to the practical relevance of these problems. In particular we show that when the input instances are 2-perturbation resilient (i.e. the optimal solution does not change when the distances change by a multiplicative factor of 2), the LP integrality gap for k-center (and also asymmetric k-center) is 1. We further introduce a model of perturbation resilience for clustering with outliers. Under this new model, we show that previous results (including our LP integrality result) known for clustering under perturbation resilience also extend for clustering with outliers. This leads to a dynamic programming based heuristic for k-means with outliers (k-means-outlier) which gives an optimal solution when the instance is 2-perturbation resilient. We propose two more algorithms for k-means-outlier — a sampling based algorithm which gives an O(1) approximation when the optimal clusters are not “too small”, and an LP rounding algorithm which gives an O(1) approximation at the expense of violating the number of clusters and outliers by a small constant. We empirically study our proposed algorithms on several clustering datasets

    Center-based Clustering under Perturbation Stability

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    Clustering under most popular objective functions is NP-hard, even to approximate well, and so unlikely to be efficiently solvable in the worst case. Recently, Bilu and Linial \cite{Bilu09} suggested an approach aimed at bypassing this computational barrier by using properties of instances one might hope to hold in practice. In particular, they argue that instances in practice should be stable to small perturbations in the metric space and give an efficient algorithm for clustering instances of the Max-Cut problem that are stable to perturbations of size O(n1/2)O(n^{1/2}). In addition, they conjecture that instances stable to as little as O(1) perturbations should be solvable in polynomial time. In this paper we prove that this conjecture is true for any center-based clustering objective (such as kk-median, kk-means, and kk-center). Specifically, we show we can efficiently find the optimal clustering assuming only stability to factor-3 perturbations of the underlying metric in spaces without Steiner points, and stability to factor 2+32+\sqrt{3} perturbations for general metrics. In particular, we show for such instances that the popular Single-Linkage algorithm combined with dynamic programming will find the optimal clustering. We also present NP-hardness results under a weaker but related condition

    Certified Algorithms: Worst-Case Analysis and Beyond

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    In this paper, we introduce the notion of a certified algorithm. Certified algorithms provide worst-case and beyond-worst-case performance guarantees. First, a ?-certified algorithm is also a ?-approximation algorithm - it finds a ?-approximation no matter what the input is. Second, it exactly solves ?-perturbation-resilient instances (?-perturbation-resilient instances model real-life instances). Additionally, certified algorithms have a number of other desirable properties: they solve both maximization and minimization versions of a problem (e.g. Max Cut and Min Uncut), solve weakly perturbation-resilient instances, and solve optimization problems with hard constraints. In the paper, we define certified algorithms, describe their properties, present a framework for designing certified algorithms, provide examples of certified algorithms for Max Cut/Min Uncut, Minimum Multiway Cut, k-medians and k-means. We also present some negative results

    Benders decomposition for congested partial set covering location with uncertain demand

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    In this paper, we introduce a mixed integer quadratic formulation for the congested variant of the partial set covering location problem, which involves determining a subset of facility locations to open and efficiently allocating customers to these facilities to minimize the combined costs of facility opening and congestion while ensuring target coverage. To enhance the resilience of the solution against demand fluctuations, we address the case under uncertain customer demand using Γ\Gamma-robustness. We formulate the deterministic problem and its robust counterpart as mixed-integer quadratic problems. We investigate the effect of the protection level in adapted instances from the literature to provide critical insights into how sensitive the planning is to the protection level. Moreover, since the size of the robust counterpart grows with the number of customers, which could be significant in real-world contexts, we propose the use of Benders decomposition to effectively reduce the number of variables by projecting out of the master problem all the variables dependent on the number of customers. We illustrate how to incorporate our Benders approach within a mixed-integer second-order cone programming (MISOCP) solver, addressing explicitly all the ingredients that are instrumental for its success. We discuss single-tree and multi-tree approaches and introduce a perturbation technique to deal with the degeneracy of the Benders subproblem efficiently. Our tailored Benders approaches outperform the perspective reformulation solved using the state-of-the-art MISOCP solver Gurobi on adapted instances from the literature

    How to monitor sustainable mobility in cities? Literature review in the frame of creating a set of sustainable mobility indicators

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    The role of sustainable mobility and its impact on society and the environment is evident and recognized worldwide. Nevertheless, although there is a growing number of measures and projects that deal with sustainable mobility issues, it is not so easy to compare their results and, so far, there is no globally applicable set of tools and indicators that ensure holistic evaluation and facilitate replicability of the best practices. In this paper, based on the extensive literature review, we give a systematic overview of relevant and scientifically sound indicators that cover different aspects of sustainable mobility that are applicable in different social and economic contexts around the world. Overall, 22 sustainable mobility indicators have been selected and an overview of the applied measures described across the literature review has been presented
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