107 research outputs found

    Sustainability in the Global-Knowledge Economy

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    Knowledge affects all aspects of the economy, but digitalization probably represents the most ubiquitous of its appearances. This book analyzes, from a constructive point of view, some of its applications, extracting lessons to maximize its utility and exporting its use to other sectors. It also shows the caveats of its applications, allowing managers to learn its difficulties and how to overcome them from real-life cases. All the information is presented in an academic and rigorous way and represents an excellent starting point to study the effects of digitalization for both practitioners and researchers

    EU Kids Online III: a thematic network to stimulate and coordinate investigation into the use of new media by children (final annual report)

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    This report is Deliverable D1.5C (Third Annual Progress Report, to cover the period from 01/11/13 to 31/12/14). - This report is based on the work of the whole EU Kids Online network of 33 countries as well as the International Advisory Panel (see Annex 1 for a list of all members). - This third and final annual report is organised in two ways. First, we report on activities by date, noting key activities and events in accordance with the project timeline. - Second, we summarise activities by WP, noting progress and any issues arising for each. - The annexes provide additional information (meeting agendas and participants, lists of contacts and dissemination activities, etc.) as appropriate

    Learning high-level process models from event data

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    Sharia and Democracy: Efforts to Synergize the Demands of Faith with the legal System in Indonesia

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    Since the fall of the New Order's authoritarian regime, Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world is often praised as a country that has proven that Islam, democracy and modernity can grow and develop together. However, democracy in Indonesia does not escape the challenges associated with the return of the spirit of religion in political life. The problem is the return of religion to politics – and to public life in general – is a serious challenge to the rule of democratically enacted law and the civil liberties that go with it. Islamic activism or Islamism although they use freedom provided by democracy, actually rejects the principles of democracy and human rights which they see as contrary to the sharia and the absolute sovereignty of God. In the past thirteen years there has been a tendency for rising aspirations for Indonesia to be regulated by sharia law. The purpose of this research is to look for the meaning of sharia and democracy for Muslims, the theological foundations for Muslim to support democracy, and the challenges and alternative solutions that can be offered so that sharia can be transformed to Indonesia legal system. By assuming that sharia has a purpose and that Islamic law can change, evolve in line with developments and challenges of the times, the author argues that the synergy between sharia and democracy can occur in Indonesia as long as Muslims in Indonesia can accept plurality in understanding the sharia and are not bound to one model in understanding sharia. The author believes that sharia can be applied in democratic countries such as Indonesia, because the purpose of the sharia and the purpose of the state are the same, namely the achievement of social justice for all without discrimination

    Publishing Activities of Shiites and Democratization of Islamic Thought in Indonesia

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    This paper examines the pattern of publication in a mass Islamic organization that is a minority in Indonesia, namely those originating from the Shia Islamic School. The publication process itself is inseparable from the position of an organization which is one of the centers of Shia community activities in Indonesia in giving and receiving knowledge and information. The study on the Indonesian Ahlulbait Jamaat Association (IJABI) which was founded in Bandung uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, documentation studies, and literature studies. The results of the study show that there is a model of publication activity which is characterized by the presence of managers, participants, and supporters of publication activities based on the role of communication among the very dominant Shia citizens. This needs to be exemplified by other organizations, in order to strengthen the character, intelligence and skills of the community in facing the fast, effective and efficient development of the ag

    Biographical Lexicon of Public Health

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    Biographical Lexicon of Public Healt

    Enlargement negotiations between Poland and the European Union on the chapter of agriculture

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    European Union (EU) recently went through a long and complex process of enlargement and welcomed 10 more new states. Among the 10 new comers, Poland is a crucial accession country due to its size, geographical position, and large population. In addition, it has a problematic industrial restructuring and a large agricultural sector. It is hard for the European Union to digest Poland and therefore the outcome of the negotiations with Poland had and will have a leverage effect for other countries with similar issues to tackle with the EU. Agriculture is considered as one of the most complicated issues between Poland and the EU not only due to the large and inefficient agricultural sector in Poland, but also due to the internal problems EU is facing with its policies on agriculture. This thesis will focus on the negotiations between the EU and Poland on the chapter of agriculture, which is one of the 31 chapters of the acquis communataire. Enlargement negotiations are the negotiations on the compliance of the candidate states with the acquis communataire of the European Community. Acquis communataire is the legislation of the European Community. It encompasses the founding treaties of the Community, subsidiary treaties, secondary legislation and decisions, opinions and general principles of European Court of Justice. Acquis is presented in 31 chapters to the candidates. The thesis aims to analyse the negotiation process between EU and Poland on the chapter of agriculture, providing an insight into the context and background of the negotiations. Each negotiation issue stated by Poland as a response to the acquis presented by the EU has been discussed thouroughly based on primary resources from the EU and Poland
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