10 research outputs found

    Disembodied Machine Learning: On the Illusion of Objectivity in NLP

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    Machine Learning seeks to identify and encode bodies of knowledge within provided datasets. However, data encodes subjective content, which determines the possible outcomes of the models trained on it. Because such subjectivity enables marginalisation of parts of society, it is termed (social) `bias' and sought to be removed. In this paper, we contextualise this discourse of bias in the ML community against the subjective choices in the development process. Through a consideration of how choices in data and model development construct subjectivity, or biases that are represented in a model, we argue that addressing and mitigating biases is near-impossible. This is because both data and ML models are objects for which meaning is made in each step of the development pipeline, from data selection over annotation to model training and analysis. Accordingly, we find the prevalent discourse of bias limiting in its ability to address social marginalisation. We recommend to be conscientious of this, and to accept that de-biasing methods only correct for a fraction of biases.Comment: In revie

    Controllable Text Simplification with Explicit Paraphrasing

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    Text Simplification improves the readability of sentences through several rewriting transformations, such as lexical paraphrasing, deletion, and splitting. Current simplification systems are predominantly sequence-to-sequence models that are trained end-to-end to perform all these operations simultaneously. However, such systems limit themselves to mostly deleting words and cannot easily adapt to the requirements of different target audiences. In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid approach that leverages linguistically-motivated rules for splitting and deletion, and couples them with a neural paraphrasing model to produce varied rewriting styles. We introduce a new data augmentation method to improve the paraphrasing capability of our model. Through automatic and manual evaluations, we show that our proposed model establishes a new state-of-the-art for the task, paraphrasing more often than the existing systems, and can control the degree of each simplification operation applied to the input texts

    Lexical complexity prediction: an overview

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    The occurrence of unknown words in texts significantly hinders reading comprehension. To improve accessibility for specific target populations, computational modeling has been applied to identify complex words in texts and substitute them for simpler alternatives. In this article, we present an overview of computational approaches to lexical complexity prediction focusing on the work carried out on English data. We survey relevant approaches to this problem which include traditional machine learning classifiers (e.g., SVMs, logistic regression) and deep neural networks as well as a variety of features, such as those inspired by literature in psycholinguistics as well as word frequency, word length, and many others. Furthermore, we introduce readers to past competitions and available datasets created on this topic. Finally, we include brief sections on applications of lexical complexity prediction, such as readability and text simplification, together with related studies on languages other than English

    Complex word identification model for lexical simplification in the Malay language for non-native speakers

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    Text Simplification (TS) is the process of converting complex text into more easily understandable text. Lexical Simplification (LS), a method in TS, is the task of converting words into simpler words. Past studies have shown weaknesses in the LS first task, called Complex Word Identification (CWI), where simple and complex words have been misidentified in previous CWI model. The main objective of this study is to produce a Malay CWI model with three sub-objectives, i) To propose a dataset based on the state-of-the-art Malay corpus, ii) To produce a Malay CWI model, and iii) To perform an evaluation based on the standard statistical metrics; accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and G1-score. This model is constructed based on the development of the CWI model outlined by the previous researcher. This study consists of three modules, i) A Malay CWI dataset, ii) Malay CWI features with the new enhanced stemmer rules, and iii) A CWI model based on the Gradient Boosted Tree (GB) algorithm. The model is evaluated based on a state-of-the-art Malay corpus. This corpus is divided into training and testing data using k-fold cross-validation, where k=10. A series of tests were performed to ensure the best model was produced, including feature selection, generation of an improved stemmer algorithm, data imbalances, and classifier testing. The best model using the Gradient Boost algorithm showed an average accuracy of 92.55%, F1- score of 92.09% and G1-score of 89.7%. The F1-score was better than the English standard baseline score, with an increased difference of 16.3%. Three linguistic experts verified the results for 38 unseen sentences, and the results showed significantly positive results between the model built and the linguistic experts’ assessment. The proposed CWI model has improved the F1- score that has been obtained in second CWI shared task and positively affected non-native speakers and researchers

    Discovering and analysing lexical variation in social media text

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    For many speakers of non-standard or minority language varieties, social media provides an unprecedented opportunity to write in a way which reflects their everyday speech, without censorship or castigation. Social media also functions as a platform for the construction, communication, and consolidation of personal and group identities, and sociolinguistic variation is an important resource that can be put to work in these processes. The ease and efficiency with which vast social media datasets can be collected make them fertile ground for large-scale quantitative sociolinguistic analyses, and this is a growing research area. However, the limited meta-data associated with social media posts often makes it difficult to control for potential confounding factors and to assess the generalisability of results. The aims of this thesis are to advance methodologies for discovering and analysing patterns of sociolinguistic variation in social media text, and to apply them in order to answer questions about social factors that condition the use of Scots and Scottish English on Twitter. The Anglic language varieties spoken in Scotland are often conceptualised as a continuum extending from Scots at one end to Standard English at the other, with Scottish English in between. There is a large degree of overlap in grammar and vocabulary across the whole continuum, and people fluidly shift up and down it depending on the social context. It can therefore be difficult to classify a short utterance as unequivocally Scots or English. For this reason we focus on the lexical level, using a data-driven method to identify words which are distinctive to tweets from Scotland. These include both centuries-old Scots words attested in dictionaries, and newer forms not yet recorded in dictionaries, including innovative variant spellings, contractions, and acronyms for common Scottish turns of phrase. We first investigate a hypothesised relationship between support for Scottish independence and distinctively Scottish vocabulary use, revealing that Twitter users who favoured hashtags associated with support for Scottish independence in the lead up to the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum used distinctively Scottish lexical variants at higher rates than those who favoured anti-independence hashtags. We also test the hypothesis that when specifically discussing the referendum, people might increase their Scots usage in order to project a stronger Scottish identity or to emphasise Scottish cultural distinctiveness, but find no evidence to suggest this is a widespread phenomenon on Twitter. In fact, our results indicate that people are significantly more likely to use distinctively Scottish vocabulary in everyday chitchat on Twitter than when discussing Scottish independence. We build on the methodologies of previous large-scale studies of style-shifting and lexical variation on social media, taking greater care to avoid confounding form and meaning, to distinguish effects of audience and topic, and to assess whether our findings generalise across different groups of users. Finally, we develop a system to identify pairs of lexical variants which refer to the same concepts and occur in the same syntactic contexts; but differ in form and signal different things about the speaker or situational context. Our aim is to facilitate the process of curating sociolinguistic variables by providing researchers with a ranked list of candidate variant pairs, which they only have to accept or reject. Data-driven identification of lexical variables is particularly important when studying language varieties which do not have a written standard, and when using social media data where linguistic creativity and innovation is rife, as the most distinctive variables will not necessarily be the same as those that are attested in speech or other written domains. Our proposed system takes as input an unlabelled text corpus containing a mixture of language varieties, and generates pairs of lexical variants which have the same denotation but differential associations with two language varieties of interest. This can considerably speed up the process of identifying pairs of lexical variants with different sociocultural associations, and may reveal pertinent variables that a researcher might not have otherwise considered

    Demographic-Aware Natural Language Processing

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    The underlying traits of our demographic group affect and shape our thoughts, and therefore surface in the way we express ourselves and employ language in our day-to-day life. Understanding and analyzing language use in people from different demographic backgrounds help uncover their demographic particularities. Conversely, leveraging these differences could lead to the development of better language representations, thus enabling further demographic-focused refinements in natural language processing (NLP) tasks. In this thesis, I employ methods rooted in computational linguistics to better understand various demographic groups through their language use. The thesis makes two main contributions. First, it provides empirical evidence that words are indeed used differently by different demographic groups in naturally occurring text. Through experiments conducted on large datasets which display usage scenarios for hundreds of frequent words, I show that automatic classification methods can be effective in distinguishing between word usages of different demographic groups. I compare the encoding ability of the utilized features by conducting feature analyses, and shed light on how various attributes contribute to highlighting the differences. Second, the thesis explores whether demographic differences in word usage by different groups can inform the development of more refined approaches to NLP tasks. Specifically, I start by investigating the task of word association prediction. The thesis shows that going beyond the traditional ``one-size-fits-all'' approach, demographic-aware models achieve better performances in predicting word associations for different demographic groups than generic ones. Next, I investigate the impact of demographic information on part-of-speech tagging and syntactic parsing, and the experiments reveal numerous part-of-speech tags and syntactic relations, whose predictions benefit from the prevalence of a specific group in the training data. Finally, I explore demographic-specific humor generation, and develop a humor generation framework to fill-in the blanks to generate funny stories, while taking into account people's demographic backgrounds.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155164/1/gaparna_1.pd

    Universal rewriting via machine translation

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    Natural language allows for the same meaning (semantics) to be expressed in multiple different ways, i.e. paraphrasing. This thesis examines automatic approaches for paraphrasing, focusing on three paraphrasing subtasks: unconstrained paraphrasing where there are no constraints on the output, simplification, where the output must be simpler than the input, and text compression where the output must be shorter than the input. Whilst we can learn paraphrasing from supervised data, this data is sparse and expensive to create. This thesis is concerned with the use of transfer learning to improve paraphrasing when there is no supervised data. In particular, we address the following question: can transfer learning be used to overcome a lack of paraphrasing data? To answer this question we split it into three subquestions (1) No supervised data exists for a specific paraphrasing task; can bilingual data be used as a source of training data for paraphrasing? (2) Supervised paraphrasing data exists in one language but not in another; can bilingual data be used to transfer paraphrasing training data from one language to another? (3) Can the output of encoder-decoder paraphrasing models be controlled

    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges