76 research outputs found

    Identifying the relevance of personal values to e-government portals' success: insights from a Delphi study

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    Most governments around the world have put considerable financial resources into the development of e-government systems. They have been making significant efforts to provide information and services online. However, previous research shows that the rate of adoption and success of e-government systems vary significantly across countries. It is argued here that culture can be an important factor affecting e- government success. This paper aims to explore the relevance of personal values to the e-government success from an individual user’s perspective. The ten basic values identified by Schwartz were used. A Delphi study was carried out with a group of experts to identify the most relevant personal values to the e-government success from an individual’s point of view. The findings suggest that four of the ten values, namely Self-direction, Security, Stimulation, and Tradition, most likely affect the success. The findings provide a basis for developing a comprehensive e-government evaluation framework to be validated using a large scale survey in Saudi Arabia


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    Nowadays internet has been used for selling product or e-shopping. Intention people to shop via internet is still low. For this reason, one of the problems on online shop is how to convert visitors into buyers. One of the solution is using personal value approach . The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of personal value in e-shopping behavior when applied with attitude toward e-shopping attributes. The sampling method that used in this study is purposive sampling with a sample of people that ever shopped via internet in “Gracia” online shop fashion . Data analysis using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method with Lisrel software. The results of this study indicate that personal value has a very significantly positive effect on consumers attitude toward e-shopping attributes, which is give 0,73 (73%) value in return. Whenever consumer have a positive attitude toward e-shopping attributes, then it will give a self motivation for them to do online shopping behavi

    Can regulatory focus help explain why we shop differently online?

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    As an important behavioral trait in consumer psychology, regulatory focus (RF) has been proven to describe and predict human behavior in numerous situations as it demonstrates that individuals can be distinguished according to two independent structures of strategic inclination and orientation in the pursuit of goals: promotion focus and prevention focus. However, to date no research has explicitly considered the potential link between RF and perceived risk in the various dimensions of online shopping (OS). This paper aims to fill this gap. By developing an RF model of online consumer shopping behavior (REFCOS) covering motives, behaviors, and continuance-evaluation and empirically testing a number of hypotheses, we find how consumers with different foci use the Internet. Our findings provide confirmatory evidence for emerging literature that RF is a powerful predictor of behavior in OS

    The determinant of online purchasing behaviour in Malaysia based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

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    Internet online purchasing has been a growing phenomenon around the globe, especially among countries that have well developed infrastructure for marketing activities over the Internet. Despite the world internet potential, the growth of actual number of internet users who purchased online has been low.Thus, our study intends to investigate the determinant of online purchasing behaviour in Malaysia based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).This study examines the relationships between perceived risks (PR), perceived usefulness (PU), and perceived ease of use (PEOU), toward attitude, intention and actual online purchasing (AOP).Data were collected from 212 internet users in Malaysia via questionnaires.The results show that all direct hypotheses are supported while the indirect hypotheses are not supported. The generating model achieved the highest SMC (R2), explaining 53.9% variance in AOP. The results are discussed in the Malaysian online purchasing context

    The impact of information technology on the Romanian markets and e-commerce

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    The present paper has as an objective the concise analysis of the tendencies we could identify regarding the E-commerce in Romania. These tendencies have been identified after a research, analysing the secondary sources of information we can find in Romania. Starting from the hypothesis that in Romania, on line shopping is at the border between necessity and fashion, we present you a short list of the most used sites with on line shopping in order to have an idea about the dimension of this sector in Romania. Although the method has its limits , we think that it is the most appropriate way to offer some figures about the new industry that is going to develop in Romania. The paper also intends to identify possible tendencies of the near future in E-commerce taking into account the worldwide features of this process. Another aspect we want to point out is the impact of the information technology on the marketing and on the Romanian markets, both final markets and intermediate ones. In this new era of information technology, established marketing concepts seem to be assuming a completely different meaning; the ways of viewing the market and the possibilities of influencing it are taking on a new dimension. Technology plays a prominent part but the human part remains the same. Several studies have been conducted in the last 25 years with regard to Internet use and E-commerce by different analysts, pointing out that the computer power of processing data has increased thousands of times, whereas the processing power of the human brain has been the same.E-commerce; information technology; business market; consumer market; marketing

    Predicting Islamic ethical work behavior using the theory of planned behavior and religiosity in Brunei

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    The objective of this study was to employ the theory of planned behavior in examining the inclusion of Islamic religiosity in predicting Islamic ethical work behavior. Islamic religiosity was included as Islam plays a dominant role in Brunei’s society. Participants consisted of 370 Malay Muslim teachers. Structural equation modeling was used to test three proposed models. While Model 1 was based on the theory of planned behavior, it does not take into consideration the distinctive Islamic context of the Bruneian society. Hence, Model 2 was proposed to include Islamic religiosity. To better reflect the population, a model with Islamic religiosity was further augmented leading to Model 3. Results showed support for only two models: Model 1 and Model 3. Model 3 was revised by removing non-significant paths. Model comparison indicated that the revised Model 3 (AIC = 100.82; BIC = 103.55) is a better model than Model 1 (AIC = 141.88; BIC = 143.98). This suggests that the predictive power of the theory of planned behavior can be improved by including dominant cultural factors, such as religiosity, that affect a person’s belief. In conclusion, it can be said that religion is indispensable in exploring and understanding how the people in Brunei think and behave in their workplace and society

    What Drives Students' Loyalty-Formation in Social Media Learning Within a Personal Learning Environment Approach? The Moderating Role of Need for Cognition

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    Our study analyzes an educational experience based on the integrated use of social media within a higher education course under a personal learning environment approach and investigates the factors that determine students' loyalty to social media learning. We examined the moderating role of need for cognition (NFC) in students' formation of attitudes, satisfaction, and loyalty toward this learning experience. The results indicate that NFC has an influence on these variables, significantly moderating how loyalty toward social media learning is formed. For high-NFC students, satisfaction with the learning experience is the most important variable to explain loyalty; whereas for low-NFC students, attitudes have a stronger effect. Different strategies are suggested, according to the learners' NFC levels, for increasing the use of social media in personal learning environments. Practical implications for improving the integration of such informal resources into formal education are discussed.Junta de Andalucía – Programa Andaluz de I + D P12 SEJ 259

    Personal Learning Environments Acceptance Model: The Role of Need for Cognition, e-Learning Satisfaction and Students' Perceptions

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    As long as students use Web 2.0 tools extensively for social purposes, there is an opportunity to improve students' engagement in Higher Education by using these tools for academic purposes under a Personal Learning Environment approach (PLE 2.0). The success of these attempts depends upon the reactions and acceptance of users towards e-learning using Web 2.0. This paper aims to analyse the factors (e-learning satisfaction and students’ perceptions, among others) that determine the intention of use of a PLE 2.0 initiative. The study in addition analyses the moderating role of the Need for Cognition (NFC) in the model. The results indicate that the model proposed has a high explanatory power of the intention to use a PLE 2.0 and gives support to the moderating role of NFC. The study discusses how this analysis can help to improve course designs by teachers

    Key values of Chinese consumers buying sustainable goods: the case of Green Food in Fuzhou

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    This research identifies the key individual values guiding the choice of Chinese customers for Green Food. The work builds on literature on sustainable consumption and the role of values in explaining consumers’ buying behaviour. A questionnaire on values and buying behaviour was administered to customers who buy Green Food in Fuzhou, China. The results indicated that the well-being and health of the respondents and their closest relations were the most important reasons for buying Green Food. Concern for the planet and intergenerational solidarity was less important for most respondents. Lifestyle considerations did not seem to play a role. In the promotion of Green Food the main focus should be on  health benefits; only a limited group will be responsive to arguments in favour of the Earth’s natural environment. The present study was limited to a specific city in China and to buyers of Green Food. Future research should consider replication in other cities and the inclusion of non-buyers. Nevertheless, this study offered some insights into the rapidly expanding market for Green Food in China. In contrast to mature economies such as the European Union and USA, Chinese consumers are more concerned for personal and family health and less for the environment at large. An unexpected result is that buying  motives from existing literature should be reviewed in the light of research on value orientation. Keywords: food consumption, Green Food, sustainable consumption, valuesResearch in Hospitality Management 2012, 1(2): 65–7
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