11,913 research outputs found

    A Study on Platform's New Strategy in Media 2.0 Era - Based on “Keystone” concept & Google case

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    The purpose of this paper is to suggest a new strategy of the platform in Media 2.0 era. This goal is approached by firstly examining conceptual change of the platform strategy from mass media world (Media 1.0) to micro media world (Media 2.0). Then, it will discuss "Keystone" strategy by Iansiti & Levien (2004) who introduced four different types of platform and will give an example, Google. The data shows, how Google's keystone strategy could be successfully accomplished with three sources for value creation, revelation, aggregation and plasticity, and how healthy it is in terms of productivity, robustness, and niche creation. Finally, an applicable framework to Media 2.0 will be constructed on the basis sources for value creation and "Keystone" capabilities of ecosystem management. Three main parts of the keystone strategy are the openness, synchronization, and mass customization focus. --Media platform,Keystone,ecosystem

    Mobile Phone:The Past,The Present and The Future

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    Since the introduction of cellular analogue phone in 1985 (first generation mobile phone), there has been a continuous improvement from the first generation to digital secondgeneration to 2.5 generation and now the third-generation. The ground is also being prepared for the fourth-generation mobile phone. Mobile technology has transformed our lives in ways that might have seemed unimaginable some years ago and yet we are still witnessing more transformations and many more are yet to come. This paper examines the concept of cellular communication, the development of mobile phones, the features in the past, the current trends and what to the future holds in general and specifically for Nigeria. The cost implications of the various generations over the previous ones to the end users are also discusse

    Addressable TV Advertising Enhances Advertising Effectiveness

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    As TV consumption evolves from traditional linear programming to more on-demand viewing, advertising is also changing, seeking to tailor content to best match the interests of viewers. Addressable advertising is an interactive form of advertising that combines online data personalization with on-demand TV content with the aim of addressing individual viewers and improving advertising outcomes. This study investigated whether audience engagement with advertising (indexed by self-report liking, attention, and memory for an advertisement) was affected by addressability and the screen size on which the content was viewed. Using a limited capacity model of information processing and the elaboration likelihood model as its theoretical bases as well as a physiological measure of attention, we found that people both prefer and remember addressable advertisements more than those that are not relevant to them. In addition, viewing advertisements on large screens improved attention and retention for the content relative to smaller screens

    Addressable TV Advertising Enhances Advertising Effectiveness

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    As TV consumption evolves from traditional linear programming to more on-demand viewing, advertising is also changing, seeking to tailor content to best match the interests of viewers. Addressable advertising is an interactive form of advertising that combines online data personalization with on-demand TV content with the aim of addressing individual viewers and improving advertising outcomes. This study investigated whether audience engagement with advertising (indexed by self-report liking, attention, and memory for an advertisement) was affected by addressability and the screen size on which the content was viewed. Using a limited capacity model of information processing and the elaboration likelihood model as its theoretical bases as well as a physiological measure of attention, we found that people both prefer and remember addressable advertisements more than those that are not relevant to them. In addition, viewing advertisements on large screens improved attention and retention for the content relative to smaller screens

    Pervasive and standalone computing: The perceptual effects of variable multimedia quality.

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    The introduction of multimedia on pervasive and mobile communication devices raises a number of perceptual quality issues, however, limited work has been done examining the 3-way interaction between use of equipment, quality of perception and quality of service. Our work measures levels of informational transfer (objective) and user satisfaction (subjective)when users are presented with multimedia video clips at three different frame rates, using four different display devices, simulating variation in participant mobility. Our results will show that variation in frame-rate does not impact a user’s level of information assimilation, however, does impact a users’ perception of multimedia video ‘quality’. Additionally, increased visual immersion can be used to increase transfer of video information, but can negatively affect the users’ perception of ‘quality’. Finally, we illustrate the significant affect of clip-content on the transfer of video, audio and textual information, placing into doubt the use of purely objective quality definitions when considering multimedia presentations

    Value Creation in a QoE Environment

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    User behavior of multimedia services currently undergoes strong changes. This is reflected in several recent trends, e.g. the increase of rich media content consumption, preferences for more individual and personalized services and the higher sensitivity of end users for quality issues. These changes will eventually lead to strong changes in network traffic characteristics: rising congestion in peak times and less availability of bandwidth for the individual user. As a result, the quality as perceived by the end-user will decrease if network operators and service providers do not anticipate the required changes for the network. Measurable network requirements such as available video and speech quality, security and reliability are addressed by technologies that are commonly summed up in the Quality of Service (QoS) concept. However, the end-users' perception of quality is only reflected in the wider concept of Quality of Experience (QoE). This takes the measurable network requirements into account as well as customer needs, wants and preferences. For the implementation of QoE technologies several network components need to be added or changed resulting in high capital expenditures. Yet, it is not clear if these costs can be compensated with efficiency increases. Thus, new revenue streams for the network operator are necessary to incentivize investments in QoE technologies. In this paper we address four new value creation models that can serve as basis for more elaborated business models for network operators and other actors. We show how interest in QoE of the user, the content provider, the service provider and the advertiser induces new revenue streams. These models are embedded in five possible future QoE scenarios that reveal regulation, end user quality sensibility and end-to-end support as major issues for the future. --Business Models,Quality of Experience (QoE),Quality of Service (QoS),Value Creation

    The crowd as a cameraman : on-stage display of crowdsourced mobile video at large-scale events

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    Recording videos with smartphones at large-scale events such as concerts and festivals is very common nowadays. These videos register the atmosphere of the event as it is experienced by the crowd and offer a perspective that is hard to capture by the professional cameras installed throughout the venue. In this article, we present a framework to collect videos from smartphones in the public and blend these into a mosaic that can be readily mixed with professional camera footage and shown on displays during the event. The video upload is prioritized by matching requests of the event director with video metadata, while taking into account the available wireless network capacity. The proposed framework's main novelty is its scalability, supporting the real-time transmission, processing and display of videos recorded by hundreds of simultaneous users in ultra-dense Wi-Fi environments, as well as its proven integration in commercial production environments. The framework has been extensively validated in a controlled lab setting with up to 1 000 clients as well as in a field trial where 1 183 videos were collected from 135 participants recruited from an audience of 8 050 people. 90 % of those videos were uploaded within 6.8 minutes

    Determining Resource Distribution for the Elements of Marketing Communication Mix Using TOPSIS Method

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    Decisions about marketing communication focused on developing relations between firms and customers bear critical value in today’s competition environment.  The aim of this study is to determine the priority of an international firm with a powerful position in Turkey’s insurance and individual retirement market while allocating resources for life insurance, non-life insurance and individual retirement products from marketing communication budget to elements of marketing communication. In line with this aim of the study, the data acquired through an interview with the marketing manager of the firm were analysed using TOPSIS Method. As a result of the study, the priority of the firm while allocating resources for life insurance, non-life insurance and individual retirement products from marketing communication budget to elements of marketing communication is determined to be advertisement, promotion, public relations and personal selling. This result supports the need for making the society in Turkey conscious about insurance. Insurance and retirement products should be promoted through advertisements and their importance should be emphasized. Also, premium productions should be supported through promotions and reputation of insurance companies should be raised through public relations efforts as well as developing relations with customers through personal selling. Keywords: Marketing communication, TOPSIS Method, Advertisement, Public relations, Personal selling, Promotio