623,893 research outputs found

    Laboratory observations of permeability enhancement by fluid pressure oscillation of in situ fractured rock

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    We report on laboratory experiments designed to investigate the influence of pore pressure oscillations on the effective permeability of fractured rock. Berea sandstone samples were fractured in situ under triaxial stresses of tens of megapascals, and deionized water was forced through the incipient fracture under conditions of steady and oscillating pore pressure. We find that short-term pore pressure oscillations induce long-term transient increases in effective permeability of the fractured samples. The magnitude of the effective permeability enhancements scales with the amplitude of pore pressure oscillations, and changes persist well after the stress perturbation. The maximum value of effective permeability enhancement is 5 × 10^(−16) m^2 with a background permeability of 1 × 10^(−15) m^2; that is, the maximum enhanced permeability is 1.5 × 10^(−15) m^2. We evaluate poroelastic effects and show that hydraulic storage release does not explain our observations. Effective permeability recovery following dynamic oscillations occurs as the inverse square root of time. The recovery indicates that a reversible mechanism, such as clogging/unclogging of fractures, as opposed to an irreversible one, like microfracturing, is responsible for the transient effective permeability increase. Our work suggests the feasibility of dynamically controlling the effective permeability of fractured systems. The result has consequences for models of earthquake triggering and permeability enhancement in fault zones due to dynamic shaking from near and distant earthquakes

    Dietary calcium decreases but short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides increase colonic permeability in rats

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    An increased intestinal permeability is associated with several diseases. Nutrition can influence gut permeability. Previously, we showed that dietary Ca decreases whereas dietary short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scFOS) increase intestinal permeability in rats. However, it is unknown how and where in the gastrointestinal tract Ca and scFOS exert their effects. Rats were fed a Western low-Ca control diet, or a similar diet supplemented with either Ca or scFOS. Lactulose plus mannitol and Cr-EDTA were added to the diets to quantify small and total gastrointestinal permeability, respectively. Additionally, colonic tissue was mounted in Ussing chambers and exposed to faecal water of these rats. Dietary Ca immediately decreased urinary Cr-EDTA excretion by 24 % in Ca-fed rats compared with control rats. Dietary scFOS increased total Cr-EDTA permeability gradually with time, likely reflecting relatively slow gut microbiota adaptations, which finally resulted in a 30 % increase. The lactulose: mannitol ratio was 15 % higher for Ca-fed rats and 16 % lower for scFOS-fed rats compared with control rats. However, no dietary effect was present on individual urinary lactulose and mannitol excretion. The faecal waters did not influence colonic permeability in Ussing chambers. In conclusion, despite effects on the lactulose: mannitol ratio, individual lactulose values did not alter, indicating that diet did not influence small-intestinal permeability. Therefore, both nutrients affect permeability only in the colon: Ca decreases, while scFOS increase colonic permeability. As faecal water did not influence permeability in Ussing chambers, probably modulation of mucins and/or microbiota is important for the in vivo effects of dietary Ca and scFOS

    Numerical upscaling of the permeability of a randomly cracked porous medium

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    The equivalent permeability of a randomly cracked porous material is studied using a finite element program in which a four-nodes zero-thickness element is implemented for modelling the cracks. The numerical simulations are performed for geometries with different cracks densities and for different values of matrix permeability and cracks conductivity, but the cracks length are taken equal to one. The method used for determination of the equivalent permeability resulted in a perfectly symmetric equivalent permeability tensor for each case. Based on the obtained results a simple relation is presented for the equivalent permeability of a randomly cracked porous material as a function of the matrix permeability and the cracks density and conductivity. This relation is then generalized for the cracks of any length using a linear transformation

    Correlation between chemical and mineralogical characteristics and permeability of phyllite clays using multivariate statistical analysis

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    Phyllite clays are applied as a layer on a surface to be waterproofed and subsequently compacted. For this purpose, phyllite clays deposits can be grouped by their chemical and mineralogical characteristics, and these characteristics can be connected with their properties, mainly permeability, in order to select those deposits with the lowest permeability values. Several deposits of phyllite clays in the provinces of Almería and Granada (SE Spain) have been studied. The results of applying a multivariate statistical analysis (MVA) to the chemical data analysed from 52 samples determined by XRF, mineralogical analysis by XRD and permeability are reported. Permeability, a characteristic physical property of phyllite clays, was calculated using the results for experimental nitrogen gas adsorption and nitrogen adsorption-desorption permeability dependence. According to the results, permeability values differentiated two groups, i.e. group 1 and group 2, with two subgroups in the latter. The influence of chemical as well as mineralogical characteristics on the permeability values of this set of phyllite clays was demonstrated using a multiple linear regression model. Two regression equations were deduced to describe the relationship between adsorption and desorption permeability values, which support this correlation. This was an indication of the statistical significance of each chemical and mineralogical variable, as it was added to the model. The statistical tests of the residuals suggested that there was no serious autocorrelation in the residuals.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Transmission Studies of Left-handed Materials

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    Left-handed materials are studied numerically using an improved version of the transfer-matrix method. The transmission, reflection, the phase of the reflection and the absorption are calculated and compared with experiments for both single split-ring resonators (SRR) with negative permeability and left-handed materials (LHMs) which have both the permittivity and permeability negative. Our results suggest ways of positively identifying materials that have both permittivity and permeability negative, from materials that have either permeability or permittivity negative

    Permeability evolution during progressive development of deformation bands in porous sandstones

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    [1] Triaxial deformation experiments were carried out on large (0.1 m) diameter cores of a porous sandstone in order to investigate the evolution of bulk sample permeability as a function of axial strain and effective confining pressure. The log permeability of each sample evolved via three stages: (1) a linear decrease prior to sample failure associated with poroelastic compaction, (2) a transient increase associated with dynamic stress drop, and (3) a systematic quasi-static decrease associated with progressive formation of new deformation bands with increasing inelastic axial strain. A quantitative model for permeability evolution with increasing inelastic axial strain is used to analyze the permeability data in the postfailure stage. The model explicitly accounts for the observed fault zone geometry, allowing the permeability of individual deformation bands to be estimated from measured bulk parameters. In a test of the model for Clashach sandstone, the parameters vary systematically with confining pressure and define a simple constitutive rule for bulk permeability of the sample as a function of inelastic axial strain and effective confining pressure. The parameters may thus be useful in predicting fault permeability and sealing potential as a function of burial depth and faul

    High frequency magnetic permeability of nanocomposite film

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    The high frequency magnetic permeability of nanocomposite film consisting of the single-domain spherical ferromagnetic particles in the dielectric matrix is studied. The permeability is assumed to be determined by rotation of the ferromagnetic inclusion magnetic moments around equilibrium direction in AC magnetic field. The composite is modeled by a cubic array of ferromagnetic particles. The magnetic permeability tensor is calculated by solving the Landau-Lifshits-Gilbert equation accounting for the dipole interaction of magnetic particles. The permeability tensor components are found as functions of the frequency, temperature, ferromagnetic inclusions density and magnetic anisotropy. The obtained results show that nanocomposite films could have rather high value of magnetic permeability in the microwave range