9 research outputs found

    Periodic rigidity on a variable torus using inductive constructions

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    In this paper we prove a recursive characterisation of generic rigidity for frameworks periodic with respect to a partially variable lattice. We follow the approach of modelling periodic frameworks as frameworks on a torus and use the language of gain graphs for the finite counterpart of a periodic graph. In this setting we employ variants of the Henneberg operations used frequently in rigidity theory

    A characterisation of generically rigid frameworks on surfaces of revolution

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    A foundational theorem of Laman provides a counting characterisation of the finite simple graphs whose generic bar-joint frameworks in two dimensions are infinitesimally rigid. Recently a Laman-type characterisation was obtained for frameworks in three dimensions whose vertices are constrained to concentric spheres or to concentric cylinders. Noting that the plane and the sphere have 3 independent locally tangential infinitesimal motions while the cylinder has 2, we obtain here a Laman-Henneberg theorem for frameworks on algebraic surfaces with a 1-dimensional space of tangential motions. Such surfaces include the torus, helicoids and surfaces of revolution. The relevant class of graphs are the (2,1)-tight graphs, in contrast to (2,3)-tightness for the plane/sphere and (2,2)-tightness for the cylinder. The proof uses a new characterisation of simple (2,1)-tight graphs and an inductive construction requiring generic rigidity preservation for 5 graph moves, including the two Henneberg moves, an edge joining move and various vertex surgery moves.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. Minor revisions - most importantly, the new version has a different titl

    A characterization of generically rigid frameworks on surfaces of revolution

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    A foundational theorem of Laman provides a counting characterization of the finite simple graphs whose generic bar-joint frameworks in two dimensions are infinitesimally rigid. Recently a Laman-type characterization was obtained for frameworks in three dimensions whose vertices are constrained to concentric spheres or to concentric cylinders. Noting that the plane and the sphere have 3 independent locally tangential infinitesimal motions while the cylinder has 2, we obtain here a Laman-type theorem for frameworks on algebraic surfaces with a 1-dimensional space of tangential motions. Such surfaces include the torus, helicoids, and surfaces of revolution. The relevant class of graphs are the (2,1)-tight graphs, in contrast to (2,3)-tightness for the plane/sphere and (2,2)-tightness for the cylinder. The proof uses a new characterization of simple (2,1)-tight graphs and an inductive construction requiring generic rigidity preservation for 5 graph moves, including the two Henneberg moves, an edge joining move, and various vertex surgery moves. Read More: http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/13091319

    Flexible placements of periodic graphs in the plane

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    Isotopy classes for 3-periodic net embeddings

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    Entangled embedded periodic nets and crystal frameworks are defined, along with their {dimension type}, {homogeneity type}, {adjacency depth} and {periodic isotopy type}. We obtain periodic isotopy classifications for various families of embedded nets with small quotient graphs. We enumerate the 25 periodic isotopy classes of depth 1 embedded nets with a single vertex quotient graph. Additionally, we classify embeddings of n-fold copies of {pcu} with all connected components in a parallel orientation and n vertices in a repeat unit, and determine their maximal symmetry periodic isotopes. We also introduce the methodology of linear graph knots on the flat 3-torus [0, 1)^3. These graph knots, with linear edges, are spatial embeddings of the labelled quotient graphs of an embedded net which are associated with its periodicity bases