851 research outputs found

    Coordination of specialised energy aggregators for balancing service provision

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    In the present context of evolution of the power and energy systems, more flexibility is required on the generation and demand side, to cope with the increasing uncertainty mostly introduced by variable renewable energy resources. This paper presents a conceptual framework that encompasses different types of aggregators, including local network aggregators, demand-side general aggregators, specialised energy aggregators (SEAs), and energy community aggregators. In this framework, this paper focuses on the coordination of SEAs to provide balancing services to the system operator. Each SEA manages a specific type of load, so that these loads can be managed by exploiting their control capabilities in a detailed way considering response time, dynamics and available flexibility. Moreover, the presence of the SEAs increases the privacy protection of the users, as only the information on a specific type of user's load is sent to the SEA. The SEA Coordinator interacts with the Balancing Service Provider aimed at procuring frequency containment, frequency restoration and replacement reserve services. This paper contains the SEA Coordinator formulation, information exchange and control operation strategies. Case study applications are presented by using SEAs for three specific types of loads (thermoelectric refrigerator, water booster pressure systems and electric vehicle charging stations). The results show how the control algorithm of the SEA Coordinator is effective in providing balancing services at different timings with the different types of loads. Various scenarios are considered, comparing an ideal situation without command propagation delays with realistic situations that take into account the command propagation delays

    H2020 REALVALUE Deliverable D6.5:European Approach Report

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    Improving the Market for Flexibility in the Electricity Sector. Report of a CEPS Task Force. CEPS Task Force Report

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    Electricity will play a greater role in the transport and building sectors and all decarbonisation scenarios point to the increasing electrification of the energy system. To reach EU climate change targets, however, electricity will need to come increasingly from low carbon sources, especially (but not only) from variable renewable energy sources. Both trends − the electrification of sectors and the need to integrate electricity from variable renewables − mean that the electricity sector should become more flexible. This report reflects the discussions held in the CEPS Energy Climate House Task Force on Creating a Market Design for Flexibility in EU Electricity Markets, which met between April and September 2017. The Task Force formulated a number of recommendations in the areas of short-term and balancing markets; grid reinforcement and cross-zonal capacity allocation; aggregation; priority dispatch; DSOs (distribution system operators); and sectoral integration

    Integration of new technology in the ancillary service markets

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    SEEV4City INTERIM 'Summary of the State of the Art' report

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    This report summarizes the state-of-the-art on plug-in and full battery electric vehicles (EVs), smart charging and vehicle to grid (V2G) charging. This is in relation to the technology development, the role of EVs in CO2 reduction, their impact on the energy system as a whole, plus potential business models, services and policies to further promote the use of EV smart charging and V2G, relevant to the SEEV4-City project

    A Framework for Flexible Loads Aggregation

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