5 research outputs found

    Performance of video processing at the edge for crowd-monitoring applications

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    Video analytics has a key role to play in smart cities and connected community applications such as crowd counting, activity detection, event classification, traffic counting etc. Using a cloud-centric approach where data is funneled to a central processor presents a number of key problems such as available bandwidth, real-time responsiveness and personal data privacy issues. With the development of edge computing, a new paradigm for smart data management is emerging. Raw video feeds can be pre-processed at the point of capture while integration and deeper analytics is performed in the cloud. In this paper we explore the capacity of video processing at the edge and shown that basic image processing can be achieved in near real-time on low-powered gateway devices. We have also investigated deep learning model capabilities for crowd counting in this context showing that its performance is highly dependent on the input size and re-scaling video frames can optimise processing and performance. Increased edge processing resolves a number of issues in video analytics for crowd monitoring applications

    Simplified Video Surveillance Framework for Dynamic Object Detection under Challenging Environment

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    An effective video surveillance system is highly essential in order to ensure constructing better form of video analytics. Existing review of literatures pertaining to video analytics are found to directly implement algorithms on the top of the video file without much emphasis on following problems i.e. i) dynamic orientation of subject, ii)poor illumination condition, iii) identification and classification of subjects, and iv) faster response time. Therefore, the proposed system implements an analytical concept that uses depth-image of the video feed along with the original colored video feed to apply an algorithm for extracting significant information about the motion blob of the dynamic subjects. Implemented in MATLAB, the study outcome shows that it is capable of addressing all the above mentioned problems associated with existing research trends on video analytics by using a very simple and non-iterative process of implementation. The applicability of the proposed system in practical world is thereby proven

    Staying at the Edge of Privacy: Edge Computing and Impersonal Extraction

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    From self-driving cars to smart city sensors, billions of devices will be connected to networks in the next few years. These devices will collect vast amounts of data which needs to be processed in real-time, overwhelming centralized cloud architectures. To address this need, the industry seeks to process data closer to the source, driving a major shift from the cloud to the ‘edge.’ This article critically investigates the privacy implications of edge computing. It outlines the abilities introduced by the edge by drawing on two recently published scenarios, an automated license plate reader and an ethnic facial detection model. Based on these affordances, three key questions arise: what kind of data will be collected, how will this data be processed at the edge, and how will this data be ‘completed’ in the cloud? As a site of intermediation between user and cloud, the edge allows data to be extracted from individuals, acted on in real-time, and then abstracted or sterilized, removing identifying information before being stored in conventional data centers. The article thus argues that edge affordances establish a fundamental new ‘privacy condition’ while sidestepping the safeguards associated with the ‘privacy proper’ of personal data use. Responding effectively to these challenges will mean rethinking person-based approaches to privacy at both regulatory and citizen-led levels

    Okos stadionok – Hogyan reformálja a digitális ökoszisztéma a sportinfrastruktúra üzemeltetését és a sportszolgáltatások modelljét

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    Stadiums fundamentally influence the attractiveness of a sporting event, as the facility and the related additional services contribute significantly to increasing consumer interest, so their development and operation directly and indirectly contribute to increasing the scene's determining sources of income. Today's stadiums are facing increasing competition due to the development of home viewing options, which provide a better alternative for the crowd found at the scene. The highly digitizing world offers a range of technological solutions that can provide a competitive advantage in the fierce competition for consumer interest by augmenting various aspects of stadiums. The latest phenomenon of the last few years is the smart stadium, with smart devices integrated into the operation and digitization and cloud based systems, resulting in a renewal of measurement to such an extent that it fundamentally changes the management of sports services and affects every aspect of the stadium itself and the space surrounding it, thus improving consumer experiences and efficient facility management as well.A stadionok alapvetően befolyásolják sportesemény vonzerejét, hiszen a létesítmény és a kapcsolódó kiegészítő szolgáltatások is jelentősen hozzájárulnak a fogyasztói érdeklődés növeléséhez, így azok fejlesztése és üzemeltetése közvetlenül és közvetetten is hozzájárul a szcéna meghatározó bevételi forrásainak növeléséhez. A mai stadionok egyre erősödő versenyben vannak az otthoni megtekintés lehetőségeinek fejlődése miatt, melyek jobb alternatívát nyújtanak a mérkőzést követni kívánó tömeg számára. Az erősen digitalizálódó világ olyan technológiai megoldások tárházát nyújtja, amelyek a stadionok különböző aspektusainak augmentálásával versenyelőnyt jelenthetnek a fogyasztók érdeklődésére irányuló kiélezett versenyben. Az utóbbi évek legújabb fenoménja az okos stadion, az üzemeltetésbe integrált okos eszközökkel és a digitalizáció, illetve a felhő alapú rendszerekkel a mérés olyan mértékű megújulását eredményezte, amely gyökereiben változtatja meg a sportszolgáltatások menedzsmentjét és amely a stadion és az azt körülvevő tér minden egységére kiterjed, így javítva a fogyasztói élményeket vagy éppen a hatékony létesítménygazdálkodást