1,025 research outputs found

    Neuromusculoskeletal Rehabilitation of Severe Cerebral Palsy

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    Persons with Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels IV and V are considered as severe cerebral palsy (CP) and are non-ambulatory. These persons are at a higher risk of complications such as hip displacement (sub-luxation or dislocation), spinopelvic deformities, musculoskeletal pain, low bone mineral density and low energy fracture. The recommended management strategy at present for this group is wheelchair-aided mobility, with which none of these complications can be prevented. There is a strong need to evaluate alternative methods of treatment that can allow assisted ambulation in persons with severe CP. The role of Single Event Multilevel Lever Arm Restoration and AntiSpasticity Surgery (SEMLARASS) and protocol-based active rehabilitation on gross motor function and ambulation of non-ambulatory persons with CP at GMFCS levels IV and V is examined. Active rehabilitation involves making the person with severe CP active through most of the waking hours and participating actively in the rehabilitation. A well-planned and executed SEMLARASS, followed by intensive, protocol-based, sequenced multidisciplinary active rehabilitation, provides the persons with GMFCS levels IV and V a significant functional improvement in gross motor function and mobility

    Investigating the Cause and Focusing on Treating Heart Failure-Related Target Organ Damage

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    Previous studies from our laboratory and others show a significant increase in levels of both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA and RNA oxidation in vulnerable brain regions in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Although total DNA oxidation is increased in AD it remains unclear whether oxidative damage is widespread throughout the genome or is concentrated to specific genes. To test the hypothesis that specific genes are more highly oxidized in the progression of AD, we propose to quantify the percent oxidative damage in genes coding for proteins shown to be altered in the progression of AD using quantitative/real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR/ RT-PCR). To further test the hypothesis that diminished DNA repair capacity in the progression of AD contributes to increased DNA oxidation we will use custom PCR arrays and qPCR, Western blot analysis and activity assays to quantify changes in enzymes involved in base excision repair (BER). In order to carry out these studies tissue specimens from superior and middle temporal gyri (SMTG) and inferior parietal lobe (IP), as well as, a non-vulnerable region, the cerebellum (CER) will be analyzed from normal control (NC) subjects and subjects throughout the progression of AD including those with preclinical AD (PCAD), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and late stage AD (LAD). We will also analyze specimens from diseased control subjects (DC; Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)) to determine if the changes we observe in AD are specific

    Recent Changes in Drug Abuse Scenario: The Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Phenomenon

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    copyright 2019 by the authors. Articles in this book are Open Access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. The book as a whole is distributed by MDPI under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND.Final Published versio

    Faculty Scholarship Bibliography 2008-2012

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    Cerebral Palsy

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    Nowadays, cerebral palsy (CP) rehabilitation, along with medical and surgical interventions in children with CP, leads to better motor and postural control and can ensure ambulation and functional independence. In achieving these improvements, many modern practices may be used, such as comprehensive multidisciplinary assessment, clinical decision making, multilevel surgery, botulinum toxin applications, robotic ambulation applications, treadmill, and other walking aids to increase the quality and endurance of walking. Trainings are based on neurodevelopmental therapy, muscle training and strength applications, adaptive equipment and orthotics, communication, technological solves, and many others beyond the scope of this book. In the years of clinical and academic experiences, children with cerebral palsy have shown us that the world needs a book to give clinical knowledge to health professionals regarding these important issue. This book is an attempt to fulfill and to give “current steps” about CP. The book is intended for use by physicians, therapists, and allied health professionals who treat/rehabilitate children with CP. We focus on the recent concepts in the treatment of body and structure problems and describe the associated disability, providing suggestions for further reading. All authors presented the most frequently used and accepted treatment methods with scientifically proven efficacy and included references at the end of each chapter

    Comprehension of acoustically degraded speech in Alzheimer's disease and primary progressive aphasia

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    Successful communication in daily life depends on accurate decoding of speech signals that are acoustically degraded by challenging listening conditions. This process presents the brain with a demanding computational task that is vulnerable to neurodegenerative pathologies. However, despite recent intense interest in the link between hearing impairment and dementia, comprehension of acoustically degraded speech in these diseases has been little studied. Here we addressed this issue in a cohort of 19 patients with typical Alzheimer's disease and 30 patients representing the three canonical syndromes of primary progressive aphasia (nonfluent/agrammatic variant primary progressive aphasia; semantic variant primary progressive aphasia; logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia), compared to 25 healthy age-matched controls. As a paradigm for the acoustically degraded speech signals of daily life, we used noise-vocoding: synthetic division of the speech signal into frequency channels constituted from amplitude-modulated white noise, such that fewer channels convey less spectrotemporal detail thereby reducing intelligibility. We investigated the impact of noise-vocoding on recognition of spoken three-digit numbers and used psychometric modelling to ascertain the threshold number of noise-vocoding channels required for 50% intelligibility by each participant. Associations of noise-vocoded speech intelligibility threshold with general demographic, clinical and neuropsychological characteristics and regional grey matter volume (defined by voxel-based morphometry of patients' brain images) were also assessed. Mean noise-vocoded speech intelligibility threshold was significantly higher in all patient groups than healthy controls, and significantly higher in Alzheimer's disease and logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia than semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (all p < 0.05). In a receiver-operating-characteristic analysis, vocoded intelligibility threshold discriminated Alzheimer's disease, non-fluent variant and logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia patients very well from healthy controls. Further, this central hearing measure correlated with overall disease severity but not with peripheral hearing or clear speech perception. Neuroanatomically, after correcting for multiple voxel-wise comparisons in pre-defined regions of interest, impaired noise-vocoded speech comprehension across syndromes was significantly associated (p < 0.05) with atrophy of left planum temporale, angular gyrus and anterior cingulate gyrus: a cortical network that has previously been widely implicated in processing degraded speech signals. Our findings suggest that the comprehension of acoustically altered speech captures an auditory brain process relevant to daily hearing and communication in major dementia syndromes, with novel diagnostic and therapeutic implications
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