20 research outputs found

    On the capacity of rate adaptive modulation systems over fading channel

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    Principles of Transmission and Detection of Digital Signals

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    Equalizador híbrido na banda das ondas milimétricas para sistemas GFDM

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    Wireless communication using very-large multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas has been regarded as one of the enabling technologies for the future mobile communication. It refers to the idea of equipping cellular base stations (BSs) with a very large number of antennas giving the possibility to focusing the transmitted signal energy into very short-range areas, which will provide huge improvements in the capacity, in addition to the spectral and energy efficiency. Concurrently, this demand for high data rates and capacity led to the necessity of exploiting the enormous amount of spectrum in the millimeter wave (mmWave) bands. However, the combination of millimeter-wave communications arrays with a massive number of antennas has the potential to dramatically enhance the features of wireless communication. This combination implies high cost and power consumption in the conventional full digital architecture, where each RF chain is dedicated to one antenna. The solution is the use of a hybrid architecture, where a small number of RF chains are connected to a large number of antennas through a network of phase shifters. On the other hand, another important factor that affect the transmission quality is the modulation technique, which plays an important role in the performance of the transmission process, for instance, GFDM is a flexible non-orthogonal multicarrier modulation concept, that introduces additional degrees of freedom when compared to other multicarrier techniques. This flexibility makes GFDM a promising solution for the future cellular generations, because it can achieve different requirements, such as higher spectrum efficiency, better control of out-of-band (OOB) emissions, as well as achieving low peak to average power ratio (PAPR). In this work, we present an analog-digital transmitter and receiver structures. Considering a GFDM modulation technique to be implemented in the digital part, while in the analog part, we propose a full connected hybrid multiuser linear equalizer, combined with low complexity hybrid precoder for wideband millimeter-wave massive MIMO systems. The hybrid equalizer is optimized by minimizing the mean square error between the hybrid approach and the full digital counterpart. The results show that the performance of the proposed hybrid scheme is very close to the full digital counterpart and the gap reduces as the number of RF chains increases.O uso de um número elevado de antenas, também designado por MIMO massivo, tem sido considerada uma das tecnologias mais promissoras para os futuros sistemas de comunicação sem fios. Esta tecnologia, refere-se à ideia de equipar as estações base (BSs) com um número muito grande de antenas, dando a possibilidade de focar a energia do sinal transmitido em áreas de alcance muito restritas, o que proporcionará grandes melhorias na capacidade, além das espectrais e eficiência energética. Simultaneamente, a exigência por taxas de dados elevadas e capacidade levou à necessidade de explorar uma enorme quantidade de espectro nas bandas de ondas milimétricas (mmWave). A combinação de comunicação na banda das ondas milimétricas com terminais equipados com um grande número de antenas tem o potencial de melhorar drasticamente os recursos da comunicação sem fios. Considerando no entanto uma arquitetura digital, usada em sistemas MIMO convencionais, em que cada cadeia de RF é dedicada a uma antena, implica um custo e um consumo de energia elevados. A solução é o uso de uma arquitetura híbrida, na qual um pequeno número de cadeias de RF é conectado a um grande número de antenas através de um conjunto de deslocadores de fase. Outro fator importante que afeta a qualidade da transmissão é a técnica de modulação usada, que desempenha um papel importante no desempenho do processo de transmissão. O GFDM é um conceito de modulação de portadora múltipla, não ortogonal e flexível, que introduz graus de liberdade adicionais, quando comparado a outras técnicas de portadora múltipla, como o OFDM. Essa flexibilidade faz do GFDM uma solução promissora para as futuras gerações celulares, pois pode atender a diferentes requisitos, como maior eficiência de espectro, melhor controle das emissões fora de banda (OOB), além de atingir baixo rácio de potência média / pico ( PAPR). Neste trabalho, é assumido uma arquitetura hibrida no transmissor e recetor. Considera-se uma técnica de modulação GFDM a ser implementada na parte digital, enquanto na parte analógica, é proposto um equalizador linear híbrido multiutilizador totalmente conectado, i.e., cada cadeia RF está ligada a todas as antenas, combinado com um pré-codificador híbrido, de baixa complexidade para sistemas MIMO massivo de banda larga. O equalizador híbrido é otimizado, minimizando o erro quadrático médio entre a abordagem híbrida e a contraparte totalmente digital. Os resultados mostram que o desempenho do esquema híbrido proposto está muito próximo do equivalente digital, à medida que o número de cadeias de RF aumenta.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Diversity receiver design and channel statistic estimation in fading channels

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    The main goal of this thesis is to provide an in-depth study of two important techniques that are effective in improving the performance, data rate, or bandwidth-efficiency in wireless communication systems. The two techniques are, first, diversity combining equipped with quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), and second, the estimation of fading channel statistical properties;To effectively combat the adverse effect of fading and to improve the error rate performance in wireless communications, one of the major approaches is to employ diversity combining techniques. In the first part of this thesis, we focus on the equal gain combining (EGC) and hybrid-selection equal gain combining (HS/EGC) for bandwidth-efficient wireless systems (i.e. QAM systems). For EGC QAM systems, we propose the receiver structure and the corresponding decision variables, and then study the effects of imperfect channel estimation (ICE) and quantify the loss of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain caused by ICE. For HS/EGC QAM system, we develop a general approach to derive unified error rate and outage probability formulas over various types of fading channels based on the proposed HS/EGC receiver. The main contribution of this work lies in that it provides effective hybrid diversity schemes and new analytical approaches to enable thorough analysis and effective design of bandwidth efficient wireless communication systems which suffer from ICE and operate in realistic multipath channels;Channel statistic information is proven to be critical in determining the systems design, achievable data rate, and achievable performance. In the second part of this thesis, we study the estimation of the fading channel Statistics and Probability; We propose several iterative algorithms to estimate the first- and second-order statistics of general fading or composite fading-shadowing channels and derive the Cramer-Rao bounds (CRBs) for all the cases. We demonstrate that these iterative methods are efficient in the sense that they achieve their corresponding CRBs. The main contribution of this work is that it bridges the gap between the broad utilization of fading channel statistical properties and the lack of systematic study that makes such statistical properties available

    Wireless multiuser communication systems: diversity receiver performance analysis, GSMuD design, and fading channel simulator

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    Multipath fading phenomenon is central to the design and analysis of wireless communication systems including multiuser systems. If untreated, the fading will corrupt the transmitted signal and often cause performance degradations such as increased communication error and decreased data rate, as compared to wireline channels with little or no multipath fading. On the other hand, this multipath fading phenomenon, if fully utilized, can actually lead to system designs that provide additional gains in system performance as compared to systems that experience non-fading channels.;The central question this thesis tries to answer is how to design and analyze a wireless multiuser system that takes advantage of the benefits the diversity multipath fading channel provides. Two particular techniques are discussed and analyzed in the first part of the thesis: quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and diversity receivers, including maximal ratio combining (MRC) and generalized selection combining (GSC). We consider the practical case of imperfect channel estimation (ICE) and develop a new decision variable (DV) of MRC receiver output for M-QAM. By deriving its moment generating function (MGF), we obtain the exact bit error rate (BER) performance under arbitrary correlated Rayleigh and Rician channels, with ICE. GSC provides a tradeoff between receiver complexity and performance. We study the effect of ICE on the GSC output effective SNR under generalized fading channels and obtain the exact BER results for M-QAM systems. The significance of this part lies in that these results provide system designers means to evaluate how different practical channel estimators and their parameters can affect the system\u27s performance and help them distribute system resources that can most effectively improve performance.;In the second part of the thesis, we look at a new diversity technique unique to multiuser systems under multipath fading channels: the multiuser diversity. We devise a generalized selection multiuser diversity (GSMuD) scheme for the practical CDMA downlink systems, where users are selected for transmission based on their respective channel qualities. We include the effect of ICE in the design and analysis of GSMuD. Based on the marginal distribution of the ranked user signal-noise ratios (SNRs), we develop a practical adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) scheme and equal power allocation scheme and statistical optimal 1-D and 2-D power allocation schemes, to fully exploit the available multiuser diversity. We use the convex optimization procedures to obtain the 1-D and 2-D power allocation algorithms, which distribute the total system power in the waterfilling fashion alone the user (1-D) or both user and time (2-D) for the power-limited and energy-limited system respectively. We also propose a normalized SNR based GSMuD scheme where user access fairness issues are explicitly addressed. We address various fairness-related performance metrics such as the user\u27s average access probability (AAP), average access time (AAT), and average wait time (AWT) in the absolute- and normalized-SNR based GSMuD. These metrics are useful for system designers to determine parameters such as optimal packet size and delay constraints.;We observe that Nakakagami-m fading channel model is widely applied to model the real world multipath fading channels of different severity. In the last part of the thesis, we propose a Nakagami-m channel simulator that can generate accurate channel coefficients that follow the Nakagami-m model, with independent quadrature parts, accurate phase distribution and arbitrary auto-correlation property. We demonstrate that the proposed simulator can be extremely useful in simulations involving Nakagami-m fading channel models, evident from the numerous simulation results obtained in earlier parts of the thesis where the fading channel coefficients are generated using this proposed simulator

    MIMO techniques for higher data rate wireless communications

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    The demand for higher data rate, higher spectral efficiency and better quality of service in wireless communications is growing fast in the past few years. However, obtaining these requirements become challenging for wireless communication systems due to the problems of channel multi-path fading, higher power loss and power bandwidth limitations. A lot of research interest has been directed towards implementing new techniques in wireless communication systems, such as MIMO an OFDM, to overcome the above mentioned problems. Methods of achieving higher data rate and better spectral efficiency have been dealt with in the thesis. The work comprised three parts; the first part focuses on channel modelling, the second looks at fading mitigation techniques, and the third part deals with adaptive transmission schemes for different diversity techniques. In the first part, we present multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) space-time geometrical channel model with hyperbolically distributed scatterers (GBHDS) for a macro-cell mobile environment. The model is based on one-ring scattering assumption. This MIMO model provides statistics of the time of arrival (TOA) and direction of arrival (DOA). Our analytical results are validated with measurement data and compared to different geometrical based signal bounce macro-cell (GBSSBM) channel models including Gaussian scatterer density (GSD) channel model, the geometrical based exponential (GBE) channel model. On the other hand, for the same channel model we investigate the analytical methods which capture physical wave and antenna configuration at both ends representing in a matrix form. In the second part, we investigate the proposed channel model using joint frequency and spatial diversity system. . We combine STBC with OFDM to improve the error performance in the fading channels. We consider two different fading scenarios namely frequency selective and time selective fading channels. For the first scenario we propose a new technique to suppress the frequency error offset caused by the motion of mobile (Doppler shift). On the other hand, we examine the performance of STBC-OFDM in time selective macro-cell channel environment. In the last part, we evaluate the spectral efficiency for different receiver diversity namely maximal ratio combiner (MRC), selection combiner (SC), and Hybrid (MRC/SC). We derive closed form expressions for the single user capacity, taking into account the effect of imperfect channel estimation at the receiver. The channel considered is a slowly varying spatially independent flat Rayleigh fading channel. Three adaptive transmission schemes are analysed: 1) optimal power rate and rate adaptation (opra), constant power with optimal rate adaptation (ora), and 3) channel inversion with fixed rate (cifr). Furthermore, we derive analytical results for capacity statistics including moment generating function (MGF), complementary cumulative distribution function (CDF) and probability density function (pdf)

    Performance analysis of diversity wireless systems

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    Orthogonal multicarrier modulation for high-rates mobile and wireless communications

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN037085 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Resource allocation for 5G technologies under statistical queueing constraints

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    As the launch of fifth generation (5G) wireless networks is approaching, recent years have witnessed comprehensive discussions about a possible 5G standard. Many transmission scenarios and technologies have been proposed and initial over-the-air experimental trials have been conducted. Most of the existing literature studies on 5G technologies have mainly focused on the physical layer parameters and quality of service (QoS) requirements, e.g., achievable data rates. However, the demand for delay-sensitive data traffic over wireless networks has increased exponentially in the recent years, and is expected to further increase by the time of 5G. Therefore, other constraints at the data-link layer concerning the buffer overflow and delay violation probabilities should also be regarded. It follows that evaluating the performance of the 5G technologies when such constraints are considered is a timely task. Motivated by this fact, in this thesis we explore the performance of three promising 5G technologies when operating under certain QoS at the data-link layer. We follow a cross-layer approach to examine the interplay between the physical and data-link layers when statistical QoS constraints are inflicted in the form of limits on the delay violation and buffer overflow probabilities. Noting that wireless systems, generally, have limited physical resources, in this thesis we mainly target designing adaptive resource allocation schemes to maximize the system performance under such QoS constraints. We initially investigate the throughput and energy efficiency of a general class of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with arbitrary inputs. As a cross-layer evaluation tool, we employ the effective capacity as the main performance metric, which is the maximum constant data arrival rate at a buffer that can be sustained by the channel service process under specified QoS constraints. We obtain the optimal input covariance matrix that maximizes the effective capacity under a short-term average power budget. Then, we perform an asymptotic analysis of the effective capacity in the low signal-to-noise ratio and large-scale antenna (massive MIMO) regimes. Such analysis has a practical importance for 5G scenarios that necessitate low latency, low power consumption, and/or ability to simultaneously support massive number of users. Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has attracted significant attention in the recent years as a promising multiple access technology for 5G. In this thesis, we consider a two-user power-domain NOMA scheme in which both transmitters employ superposition coding and the receiver applies successive interference cancellation (SIC) with a certain order. For practical concerns, we consider limited transmission power budgets at the transmitters, and assume that both transmitters have arbitrarily distributed input signals. We again exploit the effective capacity as the main cross-layer performance measure. We provide a resource management scheme that can jointly obtain the optimal power allocation policies at the transmitters and the optimal decoding order at the receiver, with the goal of maximizing the effective capacity region that provides the maximum allowable sustainable arrival rate region at the transmitters' buffers under QoS guarantees. In the recent years, visible light communication (VLC) has emerged as a potential transmission technology that can utilize the visible light spectrum for data transmission along with illumination. Different from the existing literature studies on VLC, in this thesis we consider a VLC system in which the access point (AP) is unaware of the channel conditions, thus the AP sends the data at a fixed rate. Under this assumption, and considering an ON-OFF data source, we provide a cross-layer study when the system is subject to statistical buffering constraints. To this end, we employ the maximum average data arrival rate at the AP buffer and the non-asymptotic bounds on buffering delay as the main performance measures. To facilitate our analysis, we adopt a two-state Markov process to model the fixed-rate transmission strategy, and we then formulate the steady-state probabilities of the channel being in the ON and OFF states. The coexistence of radio frequency (RF) and VLC systems in typical indoor environments can be leveraged to support vast user QoS needs. In this thesis, we examine the benefits of employing both technologies when operating under statistical buffering limitations. Particularly, we consider a multi-mechanism scenario that utilizes RF and VLC links for data transmission in an indoor environment. As the transmission technology is the main physical resource to be concerned in this part, we propose a link selection process through which the transmitter sends data over the link that sustains the desired QoS guarantees the most. Considering an ON-OFF data source, we employ the maximum average data arrival rate at the transmitter buffer and the non-asymptotic bounds on data buffering delay as the main performance measures. We formulate the performance measures under the assumption that both links are subject to average and peak power constraints