2,180 research outputs found


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    GPS kinematic positioning in the post-processed or in the real-time mode is now increasingly used for many surveying and navigation applications on land, at sea and in the air. Techniques range from the robust pseudo-range-based differential GPS (DGPS) techniques capable of delivering accuracies at the few metre level, to sophisticated carrier phase-based centimetre accuracy techniques. The distance from the mobile receiver to the nearest reference receiver may range from a few kilometres to hundreds of kilometres. As the receiver separation increases, the problems of accounting for distance-dependent biases grows. For carrier phasebased techniques reliable ambiguity resolution becomes an even greater challenge. In the case of DGPS, more appropriate implementations such as Wide Area DGPS become necessary. In this paper, the challenges, progress and outlook for high precision GPS kinematic positioning for the short-range, medium-range and long-range cases, in both the post-processing and real-time modes will be discussed. Although the focus will be on carrier phase-based systems, some comments will also be made with regards to DGPS systems. Several applications of kinematic GPS positioning will be considered, so as to demonstrate the engineering challenges in addition to GPS, that have to be addressed

    A Review of Selected Applications of GNSS CORS and Related Experiences at the University of Palermo (Italy)

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    Services from the Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) provide data and insights to a range of research areas such as physical sciences, engineering, earth and planetary sciences, computer science, and environmental science. Even though these fields are varied, they are all linked through the GNSS operational application. GNSS CORS have historically been deployed for three-dimensional positioning but also for the establishment of local and global reference systems and the measurement of ionospheric and tropospheric errors. In addition to these studies, CORS is uncovering new, emerging scientific applications. These include real-time monitoring of land subsidence via network real-time kinematics (NRTK) or precise point positioning (PPP), structural health monitoring (SHM), earthquake and volcanology monitoring, GNSS reflectometry (GNSS-R) for mapping soil moisture content, precision farming with affordable receivers, and zenith total delay to aid hydrology and meteorology. The flexibility of CORS infrastructure and services has paved the way for new research areas. The aim of this study is to present a curated selection of scientific papers on prevalent topics such as network monitoring, reference frames, and structure monitoring (like dams), along with an evaluation of CORS performance. Concurrently, it reports on the scientific endeavours undertaken by the Geomatics Research Group at the University of Palermo in the realm of GNSS CORS over the past 15 years


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    The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is used for precise positioning applications, such as surveying and geodesy. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the effectiveness of web-based relative positioning (RP) and precise point positioning (PPP) GNSS post-processing services using measurements of different satellite visibility obstacles. Within this framework, static GNSS observations were conducted at three control benchmarks selected taking the impact of natural and human-made obstacles on satellite signals into consideration. 3 hours of static GNSS observations in Istanbul, Turkey were repeatedly obtained from three control BMs over six days and were evaluated through two RP (AUSPOS, OPUS) and three PPP (CSRS-PPP, Magic-PPP, GAPS-PPP) web-based GNSS post-processing services. The 6-day average of the three control benchmark coordinates computed using the Bernese GPS software v5.0, and were accepted as true results. They were compared to the local coordinates acquired through the RP and PPP web-based GNSS post-processing services. The different satellite visibility conditions were found to have significant effects on the GNSS point positioning solutions. We also found that web-based GNSS post-processing services provide easy and effective solutions for geodetic positioning applications

    Application of GNSS-RTK derived topographical maps for rapid environmental monitoring: a case study of Jack Finnery Lake (Perth, Australia)

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    In environmental monitoring, environmental impact assessments and environmental audits, topographical maps play an essential role in providing a means by which the locations of sampling sites may be selected, in assisting with the interpretation of physical features, and in indicating the impact or potential impact on an area due to changes in the system being monitored (e.g. spatially changing features such as wetlands). Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are hereby presented as a rapid method for monitoring spatial changes to support environmental monitoring decisions and policies. To validate the GNSS based method, a comparison is made of results from a small-scale topographic survey using radio based real-time kinematic GNSS (GNSS-RTK) and total station survey methods at Jack Finnery Lake, Perth, Australia.The accuracies achieved by the total station in this study were 2 cm horizontally and 6 cm vertically, while the GNSS-RTKalso achieved an accuracy of 2 cm horizontally, but only 28 cm vertically. While the GNSS-RTK measurements were less accurate in the height component compared to those from the total station method, it is still capable of achieving accuracies sufficient for a topographic map at ascale of 1:1,750 that could support environmental monitoring tasks such as identifying spatial changes in small water bodies or wetlands. The time taken to perform the survey using GNSSRTK, however, was much shorter compared to the total station method, thereby making it quite suitable for monitoring spatial changes within an environmental context, e.g., dynamic mining activities that require rapid surveys and the updating of the monitored data at regular intervals

    Global RTK Corrections for Monitoring Displacements: Geo-Informatics

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    Developing solutions for real-time positioning is on high demand, conducted by autonomous technologies and IoT. The traditional RTK uses reference stations to correct the position in real-time, however this method has disadvantages, with the need of permanent stations nearby being the bigger one, as well as the lack of scalability. Methods of positioning in real-time using State Space Representation (SSR) messages solve the need of stations in the vicinity. The proposed method in this dissertation adopts SSR messages to correct the positioning, using an open source program package for GNSS positioning named RTKLIB. The main goal of this dissertation is to compute and analyze the final solutions and verify if it is possible to monitor stations in real-time using the proposed method.O posicionamento preciso em tempo-real utilizando Sistemas de Posicionamento baseado em satélites, conhecido vulgarmente por Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) ou Global Positioning System (GPS), é uma área intensiva de investigação, impulsionado principalmente por aplicações como condução autónoma ou a Internet of Things (IoT). Métodos de posicionamento em tempo-real tradicionais utilizam estações de referência para corrigir a posição dos receptores em seu redor. Porém, estes métodos apresentam várias desvantagens, em particular o facto da qualidade da correção ser dependente da distância à estação, o que obriga à existência de redes densas de estações de referência. Métodos de posicionamento baseados em correções globais resolvem este problema de proximidade. Estes métodos são baseados no conceito em que os erros que afetam o posicionamento são modelados sobre largas áreas em vez da correção direta a partir das observações da estação(ões) de referência(s) mais próximas. O objetivo desta dissertação é implementar um serviço que permita monitorizar a posição de estações permanentes de forma a que se possa detetar deslocamentos devido a causas humanas (e.g., deformação de um edifício) ou naturais (e.g., sismos ou vulcões) usando correções globais, permitindo assim a sua utilização em qualquer ponto da Terra

    GNSS mobile road dam surveying for TanDEM-X correction to improve the database for floodwater modeling in northern Namibia

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    The aim of this study is the improvement of the TanDEM-X elevation model for future floodwater modeling by implementing surveyed road dams and the use of filter algorithms. Modern satellite systems like TanDEM-X deliver high-resolution images with a high vertical and horizontal accuracy. Nevertheless, regarding special usage they sometimes reach their limits in documenting important features that are smaller than the grid size. Especially in the context of 2D-hydrodynamic flood modelling, the features that influence the runoff processes, e.g. road dams and culverts, have to be included for precise calculations. To fulfil the objective, the main road dams were surveyed, especially those that are blocking the flood water flowing from south Angola to the Etosha Pan in northern Namibia. First, a Leica GS 16 Sensor was installed on the roof of a car recording position data in real time while driving on the road dams in the Cuvelai Basin. In total, 532 km of road dams have been investigated during 4 days while driving at a top speed of 80 km/h. Due to the long driving distances, the daily regular adjustment of the base station would have been necessary but logistically not possible. Moreover, the lack of reference stations made a RTK and Network-RTK solution likewise impossible. For that reasons, the Leica SmartLink function was used. This method is not dependent on classic reference stations next to the GNSS sensor but instead works with geostationary satellites sending correction data in real time. The surveyed road dam elevation data have a vertical accuracy of 4.3 cm up to 10 cm. These precise measurements contribute to rectifying the TanDEM-X elevation data and thus improve the surface runoff network for the future floodwater model and should enhance the floodwater prediction for the Cuvelai Basin