70 research outputs found

    High-performance wireless interface for implant-to-air communications

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    Nous élaborons une interface cerveau-machine (ICM) entièrement sans fil afin de fournir un système de liaison directe entre le cerveau et les périphériques externes, permettant l’enregistrement et la stimulation du cerveau pour une utilisation permanente. Au cours de cette thèse, nous explorons la modélisation de canal, les antennes implantées et portables en tant que propagateurs appropriés pour cette application, la conception du nouveau système d’un émetteur-récepteur UWB implantable, la conception niveau système du circuit et sa mise en oeuvre par un procédé CMOS TSMC 0.18 um. En plus, en collaboration avec Université McGill, nous avons conçu un réseau de seize antennes pour une détection du cancer du sein à l’aide d’hyperfréquences. Notre première contribution calcule la caractérisation de canal de liaison sans fil UWB d’implant à l’air, l’absorption spécifique moyennée (ASAR), et les lignes directrices de la FCC sur la densité spectrale de puissance UWB transmis. La connaissance du comportement du canal est nécessaire pour déterminer la puissance maximale permise à 1) respecter les lignes directrices ANSI pour éviter des dommages aux tissus et 2) respecter les lignes directrices de la FCC sur les transmissions non autorisées. Nous avons recours à un modèle réaliste du canal biologique afin de concevoir les antennes pour l’émetteur implanté et le récepteur externe. Le placement des antennes est examiné avec deux scénarios contrastés ayant des contraintés de puissance. La performance du système au sein des tissus biologiques est examinée par l’intermédiaire des simulations et des expériences. Notre deuxième contribution est dédiée à la conception des antennes simples et à double polarisation pour les systèmes d’enregistrement neural sans fil à bande ultra-large en utilisant un modèle multicouches inhomogène de la tête humaine. Les antennes fabriquées à partir de matériaux flexibles sont plus facilement adaptées à l’implantation ; nous étudions des matériaux à la fois flexibles et rigides et examinons des compromis de performance. Les antennes proposées sont conçues pour fonctionner dans une plage de fréquence de 2-11 GHz (ayant S11-dessous de -10 dB) couvrant à la fois la bande 2.45 GHz (ISM) et la bande UWB 3.1-10.6 GHz. Des mesures confirment les résultats de simulation et montrent que les antennes flexibles ont peu de dégradation des performances en raison des effets de flexion (en termes de correspondance d’impédance). Finalement, une comparaison est réalisée entre quatre antennes implantables, couvrant la gamme 2-11 GHz : 1) une rigide, à la polarisation simple, 2) une rigide, à double polarisation, 3) une flexible, à simple polarisation et 4) une flexible, à double polarisation. Dans tous les cas une antenne rigide est utilisée à l’extérieur du corps, avec une polarisation appropriée. Plusieurs avantages ont été confirmés pour les antennes à la polarisation double : 1) une taille plus petite, 2) la sensibilité plus faible aux désalignements angulaires, et 3) une plus grande fidélité. Notre troisième contribution fournit la conception niveau système de l’architecture de communication sans fil pour les systèmes implantés qui stimulent simultanément les neurones et enregistrent les réponses de neurones. Cette architecture prend en charge un grand nombre d’électrodes (> 500), fournissant 100 Mb/s pour des signaux de stimulation de liaison descendante, et Gb/s pour les enregistrements de neurones de liaison montante. Nous proposons une architecture d’émetteur-récepteur qui partage une antenne ultra large bande, un émetteur-récepteur simplifié, travaillant en duplex intégral sur les deux bandes, et un nouveau formeur d’impulsions pour la liaison montante du Gb/s soutenant plusieurs formats de modulation. Nous présentons une démonstration expérimentale d’ex vivo de l’architecture en utilisant des composants discrets pour la réalisation les taux Gb/s en liaison montante. Une bonne performance de taux d’erreur de bit sur un canal biologique à 0,5, 1 et 2 Gb/s des débits de données pour la télémétrie de liaison montante (UWB) et 100 Mb/s pour la télémétrie en liaison descendante (bande 2.45 GHz) est atteinte. Notre quatrième contribution présente la conception au niveau du circuit d’un dispositif d’émission en duplex total qui est présentée dans notre troisième contribution. Ce dispositif d’émission en duplex total soutient les applications d’interfaçage neural multimodal et en haute densité (les canaux de stimulant et d’enregistrement) avec des débits de données asymétriques. L’émetteur (TX) et le récepteur (RX) partagent une seule antenne pour réduire la taille de l’implant. Le TX utilise impulse radio ultra-wide band (IR-UWB) basé sur une approche alliant des bords, et le RX utilise un nouveau 2.4 GHz récepteur on-off keying (OOK).Une bonne isolation (> 20 dB) entre le trajet TX et RX est mis en oeuvre 1) par mise en forme des impulsions transmises pour tomber dans le spectre UWB non réglementé (3.1-7 GHz), et 2) par un filtrage espace-efficace du spectre de liaison descendante OOK dans un amplificateur à faible bruit RX. L’émetteur UWB 3.1-7 GHz peut utiliser soit OOK soit la modulation numérique binaire à déplacement de phase (BPSK). Le FDT proposé offre une double bande avec un taux de données de liaison montante de 500 Mbps TX et un taux de données de liaison descendante de 100 Mb/s RX, et il est entièrement en conformité avec les standards TSMC 0.18 um CMOS dans un volume total de 0,8 mm2. Ainsi, la mesure de consommation d’énergie totale en mode full duplex est de 10,4 mW (5 mW à 100 Mb/s pour RX, et de 5,4 mW à 500 Mb/s ou 10,8 PJ / bits pour TX). Notre cinquième contribution est une collaboration avec l’Université McGill dans laquelle nous concevons des antennes simples et à double polarisation pour les systèmes de détection du cancer du sein à l’aide d’hyperfréquences sans fil en utilisant un modèle multi-couche et inhomogène du sein humain. Les antennes fabriquées à partir de matériaux flexibles sont plus facilement adaptées à des applications portables. Les antennes flexibles miniaturisées monopôles et spirales sur un 50 um Kapton polyimide sont conçus, en utilisant high frequency structure simulator (HFSS), à être en contact avec des tissus biologiques du sein. Les antennes proposées sont conçues pour fonctionner dans une gamme de fréquences de 2 à 4 GHz. Les mesures montrent que les antennes flexibles ont une bonne adaptation d’impédance dans les différentes positions sur le sein. De Plus, deux antennes à bande ultralarge flexibles 4 × 4 (simple et à double polarisation), dans un format similaire à celui d’un soutien-gorge, ont été développés pour un système de détection du cancer du sein basé sur le radar.We are working on a fully wireless brain-machine-interface to provide a communication link between the brain and external devices, enabling recording and stimulating the brain for permanent usage. In this thesis we explore channel modeling, implanted and wearable antennas as suitable propagators for this application, system level design of an implantable UWB transceiver, and circuit level design and implementing it by TSMC 0.18 um CMOS process. Also, in a collaboration project with McGill University, we designed a flexible sixteen antenna array for microwave breast cancer detection. Our first contribution calculates channel characteristics of implant-to-air UWB wireless link, average specific absorption rate (ASAR), and FCC guidelines on transmitted UWB power spectral density. Knowledge of channel behavior is required to determine the maximum allowable power to 1) respect ANSI guidelines for avoiding tissue damage and 2) respect FCC guidelines on unlicensed transmissions. We utilize a realistic model of the biological channel to inform the design of antennas for the implanted transmitter and the external receiver. Antennas placement is examined under two scenarios having contrasting power constraints. Performance of the system within the biological tissues is examined via simulations and experiments. Our second contribution deals with designing single and dual-polarization antennas for wireless ultra-wideband neural recording systems using an inhomogeneous multi-layer model of the human head. Antennas made from flexible materials are more easily adapted to implantation; we investigate both flexible and rigid materials and examine performance trade-offs. The proposed antennas are designed to operate in a frequency range of 2–11 GHz (having S11 below -10 dB) covering both the 2.45 GHz (ISM) band and the 3.1–10.6 GHz UWB band. Measurements confirm simulation results showing flexible antennas have little performance degradation due to bending effects (in terms of impedance matching). Finally, a comparison is made of four implantable antennas covering the 2-11 GHz range: 1) rigid, single polarization, 2) rigid, dual polarization, 3) flexible, single polarization and 4) flexible, dual polarization. In all cases a rigid antenna is used outside the body, with an appropriate polarization. Several advantages were confirmed for dual polarization antennas: 1) smaller size, 2) lower sensitivity to angular misalignments, and 3) higher fidelity. Our third contribution provides system level design of wireless communication architecture for implanted systems that simultaneously stimulate neurons and record neural responses. This architecture supports large numbers of electrodes (> 500), providing 100 Mb/s for the downlink of stimulation signals, and Gb/s for the uplink neural recordings. We propose a transceiver architecture that shares one ultra-wideband antenna, a streamlined transceiver working at full-duplex on both bands, and a novel pulse shaper for the Gb/s uplink supporting several modulation formats. We present an ex-vivo experimental demonstration of the architecture using discrete components achieving Gb/s uplink rates. Good bit error rate performance over a biological channel at 0.5, 1, and 2 Gbps data rates for uplink telemetry (UWB) and 100 Mbps for downlink telemetry (2.45 GHz band) is achieved. Our fourth contribution presents circuit level design of the novel full-duplex transceiver (FDT) which is presented in our third contribution. This full-duplex transceiver supports high-density and multimodal neural interfacing applications (high-channel count stimulating and recording) with asymmetric data rates. The transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) share a single antenna to reduce implant size. The TX uses impulse radio ultra-wide band (IR-UWB) based on an edge combining approach, and the RX uses a novel 2.4-GHz on-off keying (OOK) receiver. Proper isolation (> 20 dB) between the TX and RX path is implemented 1) by shaping the transmitted pulses to fall within the unregulated UWB spectrum (3.1-7 GHz), and 2) by spaceefficient filtering (avoiding a circulator or diplexer) of the downlink OOK spectrum in the RX low-noise amplifier. The UWB 3.1-7 GHz transmitter can use either OOK or binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation schemes. The proposed FDT provides dual band 500-Mbps TX uplink data rate and 100 Mbps RX downlink data rate, and it is fully integrated into standard TSMC 0.18 um CMOS within a total size of 0.8 mm2. The total measured power consumption is 10.4 mW in full duplex mode (5 mW at 100 Mbps for RX, and 5.4 mW at 500 Mbps or 10.8 pJ/bit for TX). Our fifth contribution is a collaboration project with McGill University which we design single and dual-polarization antennas for wireless ultra-wideband breast cancer detection systems using an inhomogeneous multi-layer model of the human breast. Antennas made from flexible materials are more easily adapted to wearable applications. Miniaturized flexible monopole and spiral antennas on a 50 um Kapton polyimide are designed, using a high frequency structure simulator (HFSS), to be in contact with biological breast tissues. The proposed antennas are designed to operate in a frequency range of 2–4 GHz (with reflection coefficient (S11) below -10 dB). Measurements show that the flexible antennas have good impedance matching while in different positions with different curvature around the breast. Furthermore, two flexible conformal 4×4 ultra-wideband antenna arrays (single and dual polarization), in a format similar to that of a bra, were developed for a radar-based breast cancer detection system

    Reliable high-data rate body-centric wireless communication

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    2009 Index IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters Vol. 8

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    This index covers all technical items - papers, correspondence, reviews, etc. - that appeared in this periodical during the year, and items from previous years that were commented upon or corrected in this year. Departments and other items may also be covered if they have been judged to have archival value. The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first author\u27s name. The primary entry includes the coauthors\u27 names, the title of the paper or other item, and its location, specified by the publication abbreviation, year, month, and inclusive pagination. The Subject Index contains entries describing the item under all appropriate subject headings, plus the first author\u27s name, the publication abbreviation, month, and year, and inclusive pages. Note that the item title is found only under the primary entry in the Author Index

    2008 Index IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Vol. 16

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    This index covers all technical items - papers, correspondence, reviews, etc. - that appeared in this periodical during the year, and items from previous years that were commented upon or corrected in this year. Departments and other items may also be covered if they have been judged to have archival value. The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first author\u27s name. The primary entry includes the coauthors\u27 names, the title of the paper or other item, and its location, specified by the publication abbreviation, year, month, and inclusive pagination. The Subject Index contains entries describing the item under all appropriate subject headings, plus the first author\u27s name, the publication abbreviation, month, and year, and inclusive pages. Note that the item title is found only under the primary entry in the Author Index

    Ultrawideband Technology for Medical In-Body Sensor Networks: An Overview of the Human Body as a Propagation Medium, Phantoms, and Approaches for Propagation Analysis

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    [EN] An in-body sensor network is that in which at least one of the sensors is located inside the human body. Such wireless in-body sensors are used mainly in medical applications, collecting and monitoring important parameters for health and disease treatment. IEEE Standard 802.15.6-2012 for wireless body area networks (WBANs) considers in-body communications in the Medical Implant Communications Service (MICS) band. Nevertheless, high-data-rate communications are not feasible at the MICS band because of its narrow occupied bandwidth. In this framework, ultrawideband (UWB) systems have emerged as a potential solution for in-body highdata-rate communications because of their miniaturization capabilities and low power consumption.This work was supported by the Programa de Ayudas de Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID-01-16) at the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain; by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (TEC2014-60258-C2-1-R); and by the European FEDER funds. It was also funded by the European Union’s H2020:MSCA:ITN program for the Wireless In-Body Environ-ment Communication–WiBEC project under grant 675353.Garcia-Pardo, C.; Andreu-Estellés, C.; Fornés Leal, A.; Castelló-Palacios, S.; Pérez-Simbor, S.; Barbi, M.; Vallés Lluch, A.... (2018). Ultrawideband Technology for Medical In-Body Sensor Networks: An Overview of the Human Body as a Propagation Medium, Phantoms, and Approaches for Propagation Analysis. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine. 60(3):19-33. https://doi.org/10.1109/MAP.2018.2818458S193360

    UWB Path Loss Models for Ingestible Devices

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    [EN] Currently, some medical devices such as the Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) are used for data transmission from inside to outside the body. Nevertheless, for certain applications such as WCE, the data rates offered by current medical frequency bands can result insufficient. Ultra Wideband (UWB) frequency band has become an interesting solution for this. However, to date, there is not a formal channel path loss model for the UWB frequency band in the gastrointestinal (GI) scenario due to the huge differences between the proposed studies. There are three main methodologies to characterize the propagation channel, software simulations and experimental measurements either in phantom or in in vivo animals. Previous works do not compare all the methodologies or present some disagreements with the literature. In this paper, a dedicated study of the path loss using the three methodologies aforementioned (simulations, phantoms and in vivo measurements) and a comparison with previous researches in the literature is performed. Moreover, numerical values for a path loss model which agrees with the three methodologies and the literature are proposed. This paper aims at being the starting point for a formal path loss model in the UWB frequency band for WBANs in the GI scenarioThis work was supported in part by the European Union's H2020-MSCA-ITN Program for the "Wireless In-body Environment Communication" Project under Grant 675353, in part by the Programa de Ayudas de Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID-01-16) from Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, and in part by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain under Grant TEC2014-60258-C2-1-R through the European FEDER Funds.Pérez-Simbor, S.; Andreu-Estellés, C.; Garcia-Pardo, C.; Frasson, M.; Cardona Marcet, N. (2019). UWB Path Loss Models for Ingestible Devices. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 67(8):5025-5034. https://doi.org/10.1109/TAP.2019.2891717S5025503467

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationSince the late 1950s, scientists have been working toward realizing implantable devices that would directly monitor or even control the human body's internal activities. Sophisticated microsystems are used to improve our understanding of internal biological processes in animals and humans. The diversity of biomedical research dictates that microsystems must be developed and customized specifically for each new application. For advanced long-term experiments, a custom designed system-on-chip (SoC) is usually necessary to meet desired specifications. Custom SoCs, however, are often prohibitively expensive, preventing many new ideas from being explored. In this work, we have identified a set of sensors that are frequently used in biomedical research and developed a single-chip integrated microsystem that offers the most commonly used sensor interfaces, high computational power, and which requires minimum external components to operate. Included peripherals can also drive chemical reactions by setting the appropriate voltages or currents across electrodes. The SoC is highly modular and well suited for prototyping in and ex vivo experimental devices. The system runs from a primary or secondary battery that can be recharged via two inductively coupled coils. The SoC includes a 16-bit microprocessor with 32 kB of on chip SRAM. The digital core consumes 350 ÎĽW at 10 MHz and is capable of running at frequencies up to 200 MHz. The integrated microsystem has been fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS technology and the silicon has been fully tested. Integrated peripherals include two sigma-delta analog-to-digital converters, two 10-bit digital-to-analog converters, and a sleep mode timer. The system also includes a wireless ultra-wideband (UWB) transmitter. The fullydigital transmitter implementation occupies 68 x 68 ÎĽm2 of silicon area, consumes 0.72 ÎĽW static power, and achieves an energy efficiency of 19 pJ/pulse at 200 MHz pulse repetition frequency. An investigation of the suitability of the UWB technology for neural recording systems is also presented. Experimental data capturing the UWB signal transmission through an animal head are presented and a statistical model for large-scale signal fading is developed

    Ultra Wideband

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    Ultra wideband (UWB) has advanced and merged as a technology, and many more people are aware of the potential for this exciting technology. The current UWB field is changing rapidly with new techniques and ideas where several issues are involved in developing the systems. Among UWB system design, the UWB RF transceiver and UWB antenna are the key components. Recently, a considerable amount of researches has been devoted to the development of the UWB RF transceiver and antenna for its enabling high data transmission rates and low power consumption. Our book attempts to present current and emerging trends in-research and development of UWB systems as well as future expectations

    Radio channel characterisation and system-level modelling for ultra wideband body-centric wireless communications

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    PhDThe next generation of wireless communication is evolving towards user-centric networks, where constant and reliable connectivity and services are essential. Bodycentric wireless network (BCWN) is the most exciting and emerging 4G technology for short (1-5 m) and very short (below 1 m) range communication systems. It has got numerous applications including healthcare, entertainment, surveillance, emergency, sports and military. The major difference between the BCWN and conventional wireless systems is the radio channel over which the communication takes place. The human body is a hostile medium from the radio propagation perspective and it is therefore important to understand and characterise the effect of the human body on the antenna elements, the radio propagation channel parameters and hence the system performance. In addition, fading is another concern that affects the reliability and quality of the wireless link, which needs to be taken into account for a low cost and reliable wireless communication system for body-centric networks. The complex nature of the BCWN requires operating wireless devices to provide low power requirements, less complexity, low cost and compactness in size. Apart from these characteristics, scalable data rates and robust performance in most fading conditions and jamming environment, even at low signal to noise ratio (SNR) is needed. Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology is one of the most promising candidate for BCWN as it tends to fulfill most of these requirements. The thesis focuses on the characterisation of ultra wideband body-centric radio propagation channel using single and multiple antenna techniques. Apart from channel characterisation, system level modelling of potential UWB radio transceivers for body-centric wireless network is also proposed. Channel models with respect to large scale and delay analysis are derived from measured parameters. Results and analyses highlight the consequences of static and dynamic environments in addition to the antenna positions on the performance of body-centric wireless communication channels. Extensive measurement i campaigns are performed to analyse the significance of antenna diversity to combat the channel fading in body-centric wireless networks. Various diversity combining techniques are considered in this process. Measurement data are also used to predict the performance of potential UWB systems in the body-centric wireless networks. The study supports the significance of single and multiple antenna channel characterisation and modelling in producing suitable wireless systems for ultra low power body-centric wireless networks.University of Engineering and Technology Lahore Pakista

    UWB radio channel and diversity characterization for wireless implanted devices

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    Las redes de área corporal permiten la interconexión de nodos independientes situados dentro o fuera de la superficie corporal o, incluso, alejados de dicha superficie. En cuanto a las comunicaciones intracorporales, el establecimiento de un enlace robusto con una cápsula endoscópica o con un marcapasos, son ejemplos de los avances tecnológicos conseguidos en las últimas décadas. A pesar de estos desarrollos en asistencia sanitaria, los estándares actuales para este tipo de comunicaciones no permiten conexiones inalámbricas de alta velocidad de transmisión, las cuales son comunes en los servicios actuales de telecomunicaciones. Los sistemas UWB han surgido como potencial candidato para las futuras redes de comunicaciones inalámbricas intracorporales. No obstante, el principal obstáculo de la tecnología UWB para aplicaciones intracorporales es la alta atenuación que sufren las señales transmitidas al atravesar los distintos tejidos corporales, que aumenta drásticamente con el aumento de la frecuencia. Por tanto, es importante una caracterización precisa del canal UWB intracorporal a la hora de validar dicha banda como la adecuada para este propósito.Esta tesis se centra en el análisis de la tecnología UWB para posibilitar comunicaciones intracorporales inalámbricas desde un punto de vista experimental. Para conseguir este objetivo, se ha empleado un novedoso sistema de medidas experimental basado en fantomas en diversos escenarios de propagación intracorporal. De esta forma, se pueden comprobar las pérdidas de propagación en el medio así como la diversidad del canal de una forma fiable. Con el fin de validar los valores obtenidos en el laboratorio, se han comparado y analizado con los obtenidos en un experimento in vivo. Por otro lado, se han diseñado y fabricado nuevas antenas UWB candidatas para comunicaciones intracorporales, empleando técnicas existentes y nuevas de miniaturización y optimización. Finalmente, se han usado técnicas basadas en diversidad para mejorar el rendimiento del canal de propagación en dos escenarios intracorporales diferentes.Wireless Body Area Networks allow the interconnection between independent nodes located either inside or over the body skin or further. Regarding in-body communications, establishing a proper link with a capsule endoscope or with a pacemaker are examples of technological advances achieved in the last decades. In spite of these healthcare developments, current standards for these kind of communications do not allow high data rate wireless connections, which are common in the current telecommunication services. UWB systems have emerged as a potential solution for future wireless in-body communications. Nevertheless, the main drawback of UWB for in-body applications is the high attenuation of human body tissues which increases dramatically with the increment of frequency. Hence, an accurate UWB in-body channel characterization is relevant in order validate UWB frequency band as the best candidate for future networks of implantable nodes. This thesis is devoted to test UWB technology for in-body communications from an experimental point of view. To achieve this goal, a novel spatial phantom-based measurement setup is used in several in-body propagation scenarios. Thus, the losses in the propagation medium and the channel diversity are checked in a reliable way. In order to check the values obtained in laboratory, they are compared and discussed with those obtained in an in vivo experiment. On the other hand, new UWB antenna candidates for inbody communications are designed and manufactured by using typical and new miniaturization and antenna optimization techniques for this purpose. Finally, diversity-based techniques are used to improve the performance of the propagation channel in two different in-body scenarios.Les xarxes d'àrea corporal permeten la interconnexió de nodes independents situats, o bé dins, o bé sobre la pell, o inclús allunyats del propi cos. Pel que fa a les comunicacions intracorporals, l'establiment d'un bon enllaç amb una càpsula endoscòpica o amb un marcapassos, són exemples dels avanços tecnològics aconseguits les darreres dècades. A pesar d'aquests desenvolupaments en assistència sanitària, els estàndards actuals per a aquests tipus de comunicacions no permeten connexions sense fil d'alta velocitat de transmissió, que són habituals als serveis actuals de telecomunicacions. Els sistemes UWB han sorgit com una solució potencial per a les futures comunicacions sense fill intracorporals. No obstant, el principal obstacle de la tecnologia UWB per a les aplicacions intracorporals és l'alta atenuació dels teixits del cos humà, que augmenta dràsticament amb l'increment de freqüència. Per tant, és important una caracterització acurada del canal UWB intracorporal a l'hora de validar la banda de freqüència UWB com a la millor candidata per a les futures xarxes de nodes implantats.Aquesta tesi se centra en l'anàlisi de la tecnologia UWB per a comunicacions intracorporals des d'un punt de vista experimental. Per a aconseguir aquest objectiu s'ha emprat un sistema novedós de mesures experimentals, basat en fantomes, en diversos escenaris de propagació intracorporal. D'aquesta manera es poden comprovar les pèrdues de propagació en el medi i la diversitat del canal d'una forma fiable. Per tal d'avaluar els valors obtinguts al laboratori, s'han comparat i analitzat amb aquells obtinguts en un experiment in vivo. Per altra banda, s'han dissenyat i fabricat noves antenes UWB candidates per a comunicacions intracorporals emprant tècniques típiques i noves de miniaturització i optimització d'antenes per a aquest propòsit. Finalment s'han usat tècniques basades en diversitat per a millorar el rendiment del canal de propagació en dos escenaris intracorporals diferents.Andreu Estellés, C. (2018). UWB radio channel and diversity characterization for wireless implanted devices [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/111836TESI
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