26 research outputs found

    Statistical evaluation of visual quality metrics for image denoising

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    This paper studies the problem of full reference visual quality assessment of denoised images with a special emphasis on images with low contrast and noise-like texture. Denoising of such images together with noise removal often results in image details loss or smoothing. A new test image database, FLT, containing 75 noise-free "reference" images and 300 filtered ("distorted") images is developed. Each reference image, corrupted by an additive white Gaussian noise, is denoised by the BM3D filter with four different values of threshold parameter (four levels of noise suppression). After carrying out a perceptual quality assessment of distorted images, the mean opinion scores (MOS) are obtained and compared with the values of known full reference quality metrics. As a result, the Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient (SROCC) between PSNR values and MOS has a value close to zero, and SROCC between values of known full-reference image visual quality metrics and MOS does not exceed 0.82 (which is reached by a new visual quality metric proposed in this paper). The FLT dataset is more complex than earlier datasets used for assessment of visual quality for image denoising. Thus, it can be effectively used to design new image visual quality metrics for image denoising.Comment: Submitted to ICASSP 201

    Colorectal Cancers: From Present Problems to Future Solutions

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    The scientific community has made significant progress in our molecular understanding of sporadic and hereditary colorectal carcinogenesis and progression. Thie pertains to, e.g., the discovery of (mutated) oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, microsatellite instabilities, modifications in DNA repair, cellular aging, signaling cascades, genomic, epigenetic, transcriptional, translational, and protein modifications, as well as microbiotic factors and further parameters. Progression and metastasis have been more intensively studied, especially during recent years, leading to an intensified knowledge on molecular protagonists and microenvironmental interactions contributing to invasion, dissemination, and metastasis; still, more concerted efforts need to be made to better understand issues such as metastasis to different sites or the metastatic heterogeneity of single cells. Nevertheless, based on actual discoveries, personalized medicine, together with highly interdisciplinary therapeutic strategies combining advanced levels of surgical techniques, oncology, and radiation in neoadjuvant, adjuvant, or palliative settings, has started to improve the clinical prognosis of individual patients with colorectal cancer. The present Special Issue features articles of excellent international experts with the latest data in the fields mentioned. With this Special Issue, we aim to deepen discussions amongst colleagues in all kinds of disciplines working on this disease and to intensify interdisciplinary collaborations aimed at an ultimate understanding of strategies to defeat and prevent, colorectal cancer, and its progression

    Fusion of high spatial resolution multispectral & object height data for urban environmental monitoring: methods & applications

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    High spatial resolution (HSR) multispectral and object height data are becoming increasingly available in the urbanized regions of the world. The synergistic utilization of these data sources holds a large potential for the fine-scale characterization of a city because they are of high descriptive power and non-redundant. However, despite this promising development, detailed and area-wide maps of important settlement parameters, like land cover (LC), urban site characteristics (USCs), and urban structure types (USTs), are still lacking in many municipalities. One reason for this observation is the methodological challenge of turning the wealth of geospatial data into reliable thematic information. Accordingly, there is a strong need for accurate and transferable software solutions being able to produce some of the key data sets for human settlement monitoring from HSR multispectral and object height data. The present work aims at addressing this need. The overall goal of the dissertation was to develop methods for the fusion of HSR multispectral and object height data as well as to showcase their utility in the context of different urban environmental mapping and monitoring applications. It therefore intended to make both a technical and an applied contribution to the field of urban remote sensing. Particular emphasis was put on mapping urban LC, USCs, and USTs, as well as the usage of USCs to study urban land surface temperature (LST) and the surface urban heat island (UHI) effect. These settlement parameters were chosen because they are thematically connected, difficult to obtain from other data sources, and of high relevance for urban planning. To meet the above goal, a comprehensive literature review was conducted in advance. The review helped identifying current deficits within the chosen research fields and led to the formulation of specific thesis objectives. The latter determined the practical agenda of this work, comprising an overall number of four studies.Die Verfügbarkeit räumlich hochaufgelöster Multispektral- und Objekthöhendaten nimmt für die urbanen Gebiete der Erde stetig zu. Die synergetische Verknüpfung solcher Daten birgt ein großes Potential zur genauen Beschreibung von Städten, da diese Daten einen hohen Informationsgehalt aufweisen und redundanzfrei sind. Trotz dieser positiven Entwicklung fehlt es in vielen Städten an detaillierten Karten, welche Aufschluss über planungsrelevante Siedlungsparameter geben. Ein Grund für diese Beobachtung ist die methodische Herausforderung, die Fülle an zugänglichen Geodaten in verlässliche thematische Informationen zu überführen. Demzufolge besteht ein großer Bedarf an akkuraten und übertragbaren Auswertungsverfahren, welche sich das Synergiepotential räumlich hochaufgelöster Multispektral- und Objekthöhendaten für ein verbessertes Stadtmonitoring zunutze machen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt darauf ab, diesen Bedarf zu decken. Das übergeordnete Ziel der Dissertation war, Methoden zur Fusion räumlich hochaufgelöster Multispektral- und Objekthöhendaten zu entwickeln und deren Nutzen im Rahmen stadtumweltbezogener Fragestellungen zu demonstrieren. Folglich sollte die Arbeit einen technischen und einen angewandten Beitrag auf dem Gebiet der urbanen Fernerkundung leisten. Das Hauptaugenmerk lag auf der genauen und robusten Kartierung der Landbedeckung und Stadtstruktur. Darüber hinaus wurden verschiedene urbane Bewertungsindikatoren extrahiert und zu einem neuen Dichtemaß verknüpft. Die abgeleiteten Karten und Indikatoren kamen im Zuge einer abschließenden Analyse zum Einsatz, welche sich mit den Ursprüngen städtischer Wärmeinseln befasste. Um das obige Ziel zu erreichen, wurde im Vorfeld eine umfangreiche Literaturrecherche vorgenommen. Diese ermöglichte die Identifikation derzeitiger Forschungsdefizite und führte zur Formulierung spezifischer Arbeitsziele. Nach den Zielen richtete sich der praktische Teil der kumulativen Dissertation, welcher insgesamt vier Studien umfasste

    Microorganisms - the good, the bad and the indispensable

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    Marine Structures: consuming and producing energy

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    Microfluidic devices for health applications

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    Changing energy systems to prevent climate change

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