85 research outputs found

    Iterative receivers and multichannel equalisation for time division multiple access systems

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    The thesis introduces receiver algorithms improving the performance of TDMA mobile radio systems. Particularly, we consider receivers utilising side information, which can be obtained from the error control coding or by having a priori knowledge of interference sources. Iterative methods can be applied in the former case and interference suppression techniques in the latter. Convolutional coding adds redundant information into the signal and thereby protects messages transmitted over a radio channel. In the coded systems the receiver is usually comprised of separate channel estimation, detection and channel decoding tasks due to complexity restrictions. This suboptimal solution suffers from performance degradation compared to the optimal solution achieved by optimising the joint probability of information bits, transmitted symbols and channel impulse response. Conventional receiver utilises estimated channel state information in the detection and detected symbols in the channel decoding to finally obtain information bits. However, the channel decoder provides also extrinsic information on the bit probabilities, which is independent of the received information at the equaliser input. Therefore it is beneficial to re-perform channel estimation and detection using this new extrinsic information together with the original input signal. We apply iterative receiver techniques mainly to Enhanced General Packet Radio System (EGPRS) using GMSK modulation for iterative channel estimation and 8-PSK modulation for iterative detection scheme. Typical gain for iterative detection is around 2 dB and for iterative channel estimation around 1 dB. Furthermore, we suggest two iteration rounds as a reasonable complexity/performance trade-off. To obtain further complexity reduction we introduce the soft trellis decoding technique that reduces the decoder complexity significantly in the iterative schemes. Cochannel interference (CCI) originates from the nearby cells that are reusing the same transmission frequency. In this thesis we consider CCI suppression by joint detection (JD) technique, which detects simultaneously desired and interfering signals. Because of the complexity limitations we only consider JD for two binary modulated signals. Therefore it is important to find the dominant interfering signal (DI) to achieve the best performance. In the presence of one strong DI, the JD provides major improvement in the receiver performance. The JD requires joint channel estimation (JCE) for the two signals. However, the JCE makes the implementation of the JD more difficult, since it requires synchronised network and unique training sequences with low cross-correlation for the two signals.reviewe

    Noncircularity exploitation in signal processing overview and application to radar

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    International audienceWith new generation of Active Digital Radar Antenna, there is a renewal of waveform generation and processing approaches, and new strategies can be explored to optimize waveform design and waveform analysis and to benefit of all potential waveform diversity. Among these strategies, building and exploitation of the Noncircularity of waveforms is a promising issue. Up to the middle of the nineties, most of the signals encountered in practice are assumed to be second order (SO) circular (or proper), with a zero second correlation function. However, in numerous operational contexts such as in radio communications, the observed signals are either SO noncircular (or improper) or jointly SO noncircular with a particular signal to estimate, to detect or to demodulate, with some information contained in the second correlation function of the signals. Exploitation of this information in the processing of SO noncircular signals may generate dramatic gain in performance with respect to conventional processing and opens new perspective in signal processing. The purpose of this paper is to present a short overview of the interest of taking into account the potential SO noncircularity of the signals in signal processing and to describe the potential interest of SO noncircular waveforms for radar applications

    Noncircular Waveforms Exploitation for Radar Signal Processing : Survey and Study for Agile Radar Waveform

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    International audienceWith new generation of Active Digital Radar Antenna, there is a renewal of waveform generation and processing approaches, and new strategies can be explored to optimize waveform design and waveform analysis and to benefit of all potential waveform diversity. Among these strategies, building and exploitation of the Noncircularity of waveforms is a promising issue. Up to the middle of the nineties, most of the signals encountered in practice are assumed to be second order (SO) circular (or proper), with a zero second correlation function. However, in numerous operational contexts such as in radio communications, the observed signals are either SO noncircular (or improper) or jointly SO noncircular with a particular signal to estimate, to detect or to demodulate, with some information contained in the second correlation function of the signals. Exploitation of this information in the processing of SO noncircular signals may generate dramatic gain in performance with respect to conventional processing and opens new perspective in signal processing. The purpose of this paper is to present a short overview of the interest of taking into account the potential SO noncircularity of the signals in signal processing and to describe the potential interest of SO noncircular waveforms for radar applications

    Adaptive space-time processing for digital mobile radio communication systems

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    The performance of digital mobile radio communication systems is primarily limited by cochannel interference and multipath fading. Antenna arrays, with optimum combining (OC), have been shown to combat multipath fading of the desired signal and are capable of reducing the power of interfering signals at the receiver through spatial filtering. With OC, the signals received by several antenna elements are weighted and combined to maximize the output signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SLNR). We derive new closed-form expressions for (1) the probability density function (PDF) of the SINR at the output of the optimum combiner, (2) the average probability of bit error rate (BER) and its upper bound, and (3) the outage probability in a Rayleigh fading environment with multiple cochannel interferers. The study covers both the case when the number of antenna elements exceeds the number of interferers and vice versa. We consider independent fading at each antenna element, as well as the effect of fading correlation. The analysis is also extended to processing using maximal ratio combining (MRC). The performance of the optimum combiner is compared to that of the maximal ratio combiner and results show that OC performs significantly better than MRC. We investigate the performance of OC in a microcellular environment where the desired signal and the cochannel interference can have different statistical characteristics. The desired signal is assumed to have Rician statistics implying that a dominant multipath reflection or a line-of-sight (LOS) propagation exists within-cell transmission. Interfering signals from cochannel cells are assumed to be subject to Rayleigh fading due to the absence of LOS propagation. This is the so called Rician/Rayleigh model. We also study OC for a special case of the Rician/Rayleigh model, the Nonfading/Rayleigh model. We derive expressions for the PDF of the SJNR, the BER and the outage probability for both Rician/Rayleigh and Nonfading/Rayleigh models. Similar expressions are derived with MRC. Another area in which space-time processing may provide significant benefits is when wideband signals (such as code division multiple access (CDMA) signals) are overlaid on existing narrowband user signals. The conventional approach of rejecting narrowband interference in direct-sequence (DS) CDMA systems has been to sample the received signal at the chip interval, and to exploit the high correlation between the interference samples prior to spread spectrum demodulation. A different approach is space-time processing. We study two space-time receiver architectures, referred to as cascade and joint, respectively, and evaluate the performance of a DS-CDMA signal overlaying a narrowband signal for personal communication systems (PCS). We define aild evaluate the asymptotic efficiency of each configuration. We develop new closed-form expressions for the PDF of the SINR at the array output, the BER and its upper bound, for both cascade and joint configurations. We also analyze the performance of this system in the presence of multiple access interference (MAJ)

    Lightweight mobile and wireless systems: technologies, architectures, and services

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    1Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering (ICSE), University of the Aegean, 81100 Mytilene, Greece 2Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI), University of Trento, 38123 Trento, Italy 3Department of Informatics, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 574 00 Macedonia, Greece 4Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), 08860 Barcelona, Spain 5North Carolina State University (NCSU), Raleigh, NC 27695, US

    SAIC pour une interférence circulaire au second-ordre par filtrage de Volterra complexe d'ordre 3

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    National audienceIt has been recently proved that in the presence of a rectilinear signal of interest (SOI) and a co-channel interference (CCI), received on a single antenna, the rejection of a strong interference can be greatly improved by the use of a MMSE third-order complex Volterra filter in place of a MMSE widely linear filter (WL). This improvement is achieved by exploiting both the non-Gaussiannity and the non-circularity of the signals up to the 6th-order, rather than the second-order non-circularity exploited by the WL filters. This makes it possible, at least for BPSK signals, the exploitation of the amplitude discrimination in addition to the phase discrimination between the signals. The aim of this contribution is to examine whether these properties remain valid for second-order circular signals, ubiquitous in radiocommunicationsIl a été démontré récemment qu'en présence de signaux rectilignes, respectivement utile (SOI) et interférant (CCI), captés par une seule antenne, la réjection d'une interférence forte peut être fortement améliorée par l'utilisation d'un filtre de Volterra complexe du 3ème ordre MMSE à la place d'un filtre widely linear (WL) MMSE. Cette amélioration est obtenue en exploitant à la fois la non gaussiannité et la non circularité des signaux aux ordres 2, 4 et 6 plutôt que la seule non-circularité à l'ordre 2 exploitée par les filtres WL. Cela permet, au moins pour des signaux BPSK, l'exploitation d'une discrimination d'amplitude en plus d'une discrimination de phase entre les signaux. Le but de cette contribution est d'examiner si ces propriétés restent valables pour des signaux circulaires au second-ordre, omniprésents en radiocommunication

    Improving Frequency Reuse and Cochannel Interference Coordination in 4G HetNets

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    This report describes my M.A.Sc. thesis research work. The emerging 4th generation (4G) mobile systems and networks (so called 4G HetNets) are designed as multilayered cellular topology with a number of asymmetrically located, asymmetrically powered, self-organizing, and user-operated indoor small cell (e.g., pico/femto cells and WLANs) with a variety of cell architectures that are overlaid by a large cell (macro cell) with some or all interfering wireless links. These designs of 4G HetNets bring new challenges such as increased dynamics of user mobility and data traffic trespassing over the multi-layered cell boundaries. Traditional approaches of radio resource allocation and inter-cell (cochannel) interference management that are mostly centralized and static in the network core and are carried out pre-hand by the operator in 3G and lower cellular technologies, are liable to increased signaling overhead, latencies, complexities, and scalability issues and, thus, are not viable in case of 4G HetNets. In this thesis a comprehensive research study is carried out on improving the radio resource sharing and inter-cell interference management in 4G HetNets. The solution strategy exploits dynamic and adaptive channel allocation approaches such as dynamic and opportunistic spectrum access (DSA, OSA) techniques, through exploiting the spatiotemporal diversities among transmissions in orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) based medium access in 4G HetNets. In this regards, a novel framework named as Hybrid Radio Resource Sharing (HRRS) is introduced. HRRS comprises of these two functional modules: Cognitive Radio Resource Sharing (CRRS) and Proactive Link Adaptation (PLA) scheme. A dynamic switching algorithm enables CRRS and PLA modules to adaptively invoke according to whether orthogonal channelization is to be carried out exploiting the interweave channel allocation (ICA) approach or non-orthogonal channelization is to be carried out exploiting the underlay channel allocation (UCA) approach respectively when relevant conditions regarding the traffic demand and radio resource availability are met. Benefits of CRRS scheme are identified through simulative analysis in comparison to the legacy cochannel and dedicated channel deployments of femto cells respectively. The case study and numerical analysis for PLA scheme is carried out to understand the dynamics of threshold interference ranges as function of transmit powers of MBS and FBS, relative ranges of radio entities, and QoS requirement of services with the value realization of PLA scheme.1 yea

    Limiting Performance of Conventional and Widely Linear DFT-precoded-OFDM Receivers in Wideband Frequency Selective Channels

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    This paper describes the limiting behavior of linear and decision feedback equalizers (DFEs) in single/multiple antenna systems employing real/complex-valued modulation alphabets. The wideband frequency selective channel is modeled using a Rayleigh fading channel model with infinite number of time domain channel taps. Using this model, we show that the considered equalizers offer a fixed post signal-to-noise-ratio (post-SNR) at the equalizer output that is close to the matched filter bound (MFB). General expressions for the post-SNR are obtained for zero-forcing (ZF) based conventional receivers as well as for the case of receivers employing widely linear (WL) processing. Simulation is used to study the bit error rate (BER) performance of both MMSE and ZF based receivers. Results show that the considered receivers advantageously exploit the rich frequency selective channel to mitigate both fading and inter-symbol-interference (ISI) while offering a performance comparable to the MFB