1,208 research outputs found

    Energy and performance-aware application mapping for inhomogeneous 3D networks-on-chip

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    Three dimensional Networks-on-Chip (3D NoCs) have evolved as an ideal solution to the communication demands and complexity of future high density many core architectures. However, the design practicality of 3D NoCs faces several challenges such as thermal issues, high power consumption and area overhead of 3D routers as well as high complexity and cost of vertical link implementation. To mitigate the performance and manufacturing cost of 3D NoCs, inhomogeneous architectures have emerged to combine 2D and 3D routers in 3D NoCs producing lower area and energy consumption while maintaining the performance of homogeneous 3D NoCs. Due to the limited number of vertical links, application mapping on inhomogeneous 3D NoCs can be complex. However, application mapping has a great impact on the performance and energy consumption of NoCs. This paper presents an energy and performance aware application mapping algorithm for inhomogeneous 3D NoCs. The algorithm has been evaluated with various realistic traffic patterns and compared with existing mapping algorithms. Experimental results show NoCs mapped with the proposed algorithm have lower energy consumption and significant reduction in packet delays compared to the existing algorithms and comparable average packet latency with Branch-and-Bound

    An efficient 2D router architecture for extending the performance of inhomogeneous 3D NoC-based multi-core architectures

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    To meet the performance and scalability demands of the fast-paced technological growth towards exascale and Big-Data processing with the performance bottleneck of conventional metal based interconnects, alternative interconnect fabrics such as inhomogeneous three dimensional integrated Network-on-Chip (3D NoC) has emanated as a cost-effective solution for emerging multi-core design. However, these interconnects trade-off optimized performance for cost by restricting the number of area and power hungry 3D routers. Consequently, in this paper, we propose a low-latency adaptive router with a low-complexity single-cycle bypassing mechanism to alleviate the performance degradation due to the slow 2D routers in inhomogeneous 3D NoCs. By combining the low-complexity bypassing technique with adaptive routing, the proposed router is able to balance the traffic in the network to reduce the average packet latency under various traffic loads. Simulation shows that, the proposed router can reduce the average packet delay by an average of 45% in 3D NoCs

    Extending the performance of hybrid NoCs beyond the limitations of network heterogeneity

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    To meet the performance and scalability demands of the fast-paced technological growth towards exascale and Big-Data processing with the performance bottleneck of conventional metal based interconnects (wireline), alternative interconnect fabrics such as inhomogeneous three-dimensional integrated Network-on-Chip (3D NoC) and hybrid wired-wireless Network-on-Chip (WiNoC) have emanated as a cost-effective solution for emerging System-on-Chip (SoC) design. However, these interconnects trade-off optimized performance for cost by restricting the number of area and power hungry 3D routers and wireless nodes. Moreover, the non-uniform distributed traffic in chip multiprocessor (CMP) demands an on-chip communication infrastructure which can avoid congestion under high traffic conditions while possessing minimal pipeline delay at low-load conditions. To this end, in this paper, we propose a low-latency adaptive router with a low-complexity single-cycle bypassing mechanism to alleviate the performance degradation due to the slow 2D routers in such emerging hybrid NoCs. The proposed router transmits a flit using dimension-ordered routing (DoR) in the bypass datapath at low-loads. When the output port required for intra-dimension bypassing is not available, the packet is routed adaptively to avoid congestion. The router also has a simplified virtual channel allocation (VA) scheme that yields a non-speculative low-latency pipeline. By combining the low-complexity bypassing technique with adaptive routing, the proposed router is able balance the traffic in hybrid NoCs to achieve low-latency communication under various traffic loads. Simulation shows that, the proposed router can reduce applicationsā€™ execution time by an average of 16.9% compared to low-latency routers such as SWIFT. By reducing the latency between 2D routers (or wired nodes) and 3D routers (or wireless nodes) the proposed router can improve performance efficiency in terms of average packet delay by an average of 45% (or 50%) in 3D NoCs (or WiNoCs)

    A survey on scheduling and mapping techniques in 3D Network-on-chip

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    Network-on-Chips (NoCs) have been widely employed in the design of multiprocessor system-on-chips (MPSoCs) as a scalable communication solution. NoCs enable communications between on-chip Intellectual Property (IP) cores and allow those cores to achieve higher performance by outsourcing their communication tasks. Mapping and Scheduling methodologies are key elements in assigning application tasks, allocating the tasks to the IPs, and organising communication among them to achieve some specified objectives. The goal of this paper is to present a detailed state-of-the-art of research in the field of mapping and scheduling of applications on 3D NoC, classifying the works based on several dimensions and giving some potential research directions

    A study of recent contributions on simulation tools for Network-on-Chip (NoC)

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    The growth in the number of Intellectual Properties (IPs) or the number of cores on the same chip becomes a critical issue in System-on-Chip (SoC) due to the intra-communication problem between the chip elements. As a result, Network-on-Chip (NoC) has emerged as a new system architecture to overcome intra-communication issues. New approaches and methodologies have been developed by many researchers to improve NoC. Also, many NoC simulation tools have been proposed and adopted by both academia and industry. This paper presents a study of recent contributions on simulation tools for NoC. Furthermore, an overview of NoC is covered as well as a comparison between some NoC simulators to help facilitate research in on-chip communication

    Design and Implementation of High QoS 3D-NoC using Modified Double Particle Swarm Optimization on FPGA

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    One technique to overcome the exponential growth bottleneck is to increase the number of cores on a processor, although having too many cores might cause issues including chip overheating and communication blockage. The problem of the communication bottleneck on the chip is presently effectively resolved by networks-on-chip (NoC). A 3D stack of chips is now possible, thanks to recent developments in IC manufacturing techniques, enabling to reduce of chip area while increasing chip throughput and reducing power consumption. The automated process associated with mapping applications to form three-dimensional NoC architectures is a significant new path in 3D NoC research. This work proposes a 3D NoC partitioning approach that can identify the 3D NoC region that has to be mapped. A double particle swarm optimization (DPSO) inspired algorithmic technique, which may combine the characteristics having neighbourhood search and genetic architectures, also addresses the challenge of a particle swarm algorithm descending into local optimal solutions. Experimental evidence supports the claim that this hybrid optimization algorithm based on Double Particle Swarm Optimisation outperforms the conventional heuristic technique in terms of output rate and loss in energy. The findings demonstrate that in a network of the same size, the newly introduced router delivers the lowest loss on the longest path.  Three factors, namely energy, latency or delay, and throughput, are compared between the suggested 3D mesh ONoC and its 2D version. When comparing power consumption between 3D ONoC and its electronic and 2D equivalents, which both have 512 IP cores, it may save roughly 79.9% of the energy used by the electronic counterpart and 24.3% of the energy used by the latter. The network efficiency of the 3D mesh ONoC is simulated by DPSO in a variety of configurations. The outcomes also demonstrate an increase in performance over the 2D ONoC. As a flexible communication solution, Network-On-Chips (NoCs) have been frequently employed in the development of multiprocessor system-on-chips (MPSoCs). By outsourcing their communication activities, NoCs permit on-chip Intellectual Property (IP) cores to communicate with one another and function at a better level. The important components in assigning application duties, distributing the work to the IPs, and coordinating communication among them are mapping and scheduling methods. This study aims to present an entirely advanced form of research in the area of 3D NoC mapping and scheduling applications, grouping the results according to various parameters and offering several suggestions for further research

    A survey of system level power management schemes in the dark-silicon era for many-core architectures

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    Power consumption in Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology has escalated to a point that only a fractional part of many-core chips can be powered-on at a time. Fortunately, this fraction can be increased at the expense of performance through the dark-silicon solution. However, with many-core integration set to be heading towards its thousands, power consumption and temperature increases per time, meaning the number of active nodes must be reduced drastically. Therefore, optimized techniques are demanded for continuous advancement in technology. Existing eļ¬€orts try to overcome this challenge by activating nodes from diļ¬€erent parts of the chip at the expense of communication latency. Other eļ¬€orts on the other hand employ run-time power management techniques to manage the power performance of the cores trading-oļ¬€ performance for power. We found out that, for a signiļ¬cant amount of power to saved and high temperature to be avoided, focus should be on reducing the power consumption of all the on-chip components. Especially, the memory hierarchy and the interconnect. Power consumption can be minimized by, reducing the size of high leakage power dissipating elements, turning-oļ¬€ idle resources and integrating power saving materials

    A study of recent contributions on performance and simulation techniques for accelerator devices

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    High performance computing platform is moving from homogeneous individual unites to heterogeneous systems where each unit is a combination of homogeneous cores and accelerator devices. Accelerators such as GPUs, FPGAs, DSPs, are usually designed for specific and intensive type of computing tasks. The presence of these devises have created fresh and attractive development platforms for developers and designers as well as novel performance analysis frameworks and optimization tools. This is the cutting edge in performance of some accelerator devices like: GPUs and Intelā€™s Xeon Phi. We outline some of the existing heterogeneous systems and their development frameworks. The core of this study is a review of performance modeling of these devices

    Architecting a One-to-many Traffic-Aware and Secure Millimeter-Wave Wireless Network-in-Package Interconnect for Multichip Systems

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    With the aggressive scaling of device geometries, the yield of complex Multi Core Single Chip(MCSC) systems with many cores will decrease due to the higher probability of manufacturing defects especially, in dies with a large area. Disintegration of large System-on-Chips(SoCs) into smaller chips called chiplets has shown to improve the yield and cost of complex systems. Therefore, platform-based computing modules such as embedded systems and micro-servers have already adopted Multi Core Multi Chip (MCMC) architectures overMCSC architectures. Due to the scaling of memory intensive parallel applications in such systems, data is more likely to be shared among various cores residing in different chips resulting in a significant increase in chip-to-chip traffic, especially one-to-many traffic. This one-to-many traffic is originated mainly to maintain cache-coherence between many cores residing in multiple chips. Besides, one-to-many traffics are also exploited by many parallel programming models, system-level synchronization mechanisms, and control signals. How-ever, state-of-the-art Network-on-Chip (NoC)-based wired interconnection architectures do not provide enough support as they handle such one-to-many traffic as multiple unicast trafficusing a multi-hop MCMC communication fabric. As a result, even a small portion of such one-to-many traffic can significantly reduce system performance as traditional NoC-basedinterconnect cannot mask the high latency and energy consumption caused by chip-to-chipwired I/Os. Moreover, with the increase in memory intensive applications and scaling of MCMC systems, traditional NoC-based wired interconnects fail to provide a scalable inter-connection solution required to support the increased cache-coherence and synchronization generated one-to-many traffic in future MCMC-based High-Performance Computing (HPC) nodes. Therefore, these computation and memory intensive MCMC systems need an energy-efficient, low latency, and scalable one-to-many (broadcast/multicast) traffic-aware interconnection infrastructure to ensure high-performance. Research in recent years has shown that Wireless Network-in-Package (WiNiP) architectures with CMOS compatible Millimeter-Wave (mm-wave) transceivers can provide a scalable, low latency, and energy-efficient interconnect solution for on and off-chip communication. In this dissertation, a one-to-many traffic-aware WiNiP interconnection architecture with a starvation-free hybrid Medium Access Control (MAC), an asymmetric topology, and a novel flow control has been proposed. The different components of the proposed architecture are individually one-to-many traffic-aware and as a system, they collaborate with each other to provide required support for one-to-many traffic communication in a MCMC environment. It has been shown that such interconnection architecture can reduce energy consumption and average packet latency by 46.96% and 47.08% respectively for MCMC systems. Despite providing performance enhancements, wireless channel, being an unguided medium, is vulnerable to various security attacks such as jamming induced Denial-of-Service (DoS), eavesdropping, and spoofing. Further, to minimize the time-to-market and design costs, modern SoCs often use Third Party IPs (3PIPs) from untrusted organizations. An adversary either at the foundry or at the 3PIP design house can introduce a malicious circuitry, to jeopardize an SoC. Such malicious circuitry is known as a Hardware Trojan (HT). An HTplanted in the WiNiP from a vulnerable design or manufacturing process can compromise a Wireless Interface (WI) to enable illegitimate transmission through the infected WI resulting in a potential DoS attack for other WIs in the MCMC system. Moreover, HTs can be used for various other malicious purposes, including battery exhaustion, functionality subversion, and information leakage. This information when leaked to a malicious external attackercan reveals important information regarding the application suites running on the system, thereby compromising the user profile. To address persistent jamming-based DoS attack in WiNiP, in this dissertation, a secure WiNiP interconnection architecture for MCMC systems has been proposed that re-uses the one-to-many traffic-aware MAC and existing Design for Testability (DFT) hardware along with Machine Learning (ML) approach. Furthermore, a novel Simulated Annealing (SA)-based routing obfuscation mechanism was also proposed toprotect against an HT-assisted novel traffic analysis attack. Simulation results show that,the ML classifiers can achieve an accuracy of 99.87% for DoS attack detection while SA-basedrouting obfuscation could reduce application detection accuracy to only 15% for HT-assistedtraffic analysis attack and hence, secure the WiNiP fabric from age-old and emerging attacks
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