21 research outputs found

    Novel techniques for integration of super-users in cellular networks

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    Final report on the evaluation of RRM/CRRM algorithms

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    Deliverable public del projecte EVERESTThis deliverable provides a definition and a complete evaluation of the RRM/CRRM algorithms selected in D11 and D15, and evolved and refined on an iterative process. The evaluation will be carried out by means of simulations using the simulators provided at D07, and D14.Preprin

    AODV enhanced by Smart Antennas

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    Antenna Downtilt Selection Methods for Radio Access Network Rollout Automation

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    At Elisa, a project called Mass Rollout Automation has been ongoing for a while, with the goal of automating as many parts of the rollout process as possible. This includes the automation of the Radio Access Network planning process. This type of automation differs from the Self-Organizing Network concept, where automation has a focus on operation and maintenance of a network after deployment. One of the parameters that must be selected during RAN planning is the antenna downtilt, which has an effect on network coverage, capacity and quality of service. The first research question is to determine if automation can reliably enough select the antenna downtilt angle prior to the deployment of a base station. The second research question is to find a downtilt selection method best suited for the Mass Rollout Automation project. To answer the questions two simulation scenarios were created based on the Elisa live network, and quality and coverage related predictions for three proposed downtilt methods were calculated. After analysis of the results, automation was found to be reliable enough for the selection of the downtilt angle, when comparing the predictions against the live network scenario. One method was found to be the best if quality were to be prioritized over coverage. Another method was found to be the overall safest pick, as it kept the network coverage and quality almost equal to the live network

    Spatio-Temporal processing for Optimum Uplink-Downlink WCDMA Systems

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    The capacity of a cellular system is limited by two different phenomena, namely multipath fading and multiple access interference (MAl). A Two Dimensional (2-D) receiver combats both of these by processing the signal both in the spatial and temporal domain. An ideal 2-D receiver would perform joint space-time processing, but at the price of high computational complexity. In this research we investigate computationally simpler technique termed as a Beamfom1er-Rake. In a Beamformer-Rake, the output of a beamfom1er is fed into a succeeding temporal processor to take advantage of both the beamformer and Rake receiver. Wireless service providers throughout the world are working to introduce the third generation (3G) and beyond (3G) cellular service that will provide higher data rates and better spectral efficiency. Wideband COMA (WCDMA) has been widely accepted as one of the air interfaces for 3G. A Beamformer-Rake receiver can be an effective solution to provide the receivers enhanced capabilities needed to achieve the required performance of a WCDMA system. We consider three different Pilot Symbol Assisted (PSA) beamforming techniques, Direct Matrix Inversion (DMI), Least-Mean Square (LMS) and Recursive Least Square (RLS) adaptive algorithms. Geometrically Based Single Bounce (GBSB) statistical Circular channel model is considered, which is more suitable for array processing, and conductive to RAKE combining. The performances of the Beam former-Rake receiver are evaluated in this channel model as a function of the number of antenna elements and RAKE fingers, in which are evaluated for the uplink WCDMA system. It is shown that, the Beamformer-Rake receiver outperforms the conventional RAKE receiver and the conventional beamformer by a significant margin. Also, we optimize and develop a mathematical formulation for the output Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) of a Beam former-Rake receiver. In this research, also, we develop, simulate and evaluate the SINR and Signal to Noise Ratio (Et!Nol performances of an adaptive beamforming technique in the WCDMA system for downlink. The performance is then compared with an omnidirectional antenna system. Simulation shows that the best perfom1ance can be achieved when all the mobiles with same Angle-of-Arrival (AOA) and different distance from base station are formed in one beam

    Técnicas com múltiplas antenas distribuídas para sistemas sem fios

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesTransmissão cooperativa, em que uma fonte e um relay cooperam para enviar uma mensagem para o destino, pode proporcionar diversidade espacial contra o desvanecimento nas comunicações sem fios. O objectivo deste projecto é estudar a performance de um sistema de transmissão cooperativo com dois relays equipados com duas antenas, entre o transmissor e o utilizador. Considera-se que a estação base está equipada com duas antenas e o terminal móvel apenas com uma. O sistema cooperativo foi implementado de acordo com as especificações do LTE e avaliado em diversos cenários de propagação, considerando canais com diferentes Relação Sinal Ruído (SNR). Verificou-se que o desempenho do sistema proposto é melhor, quando comparado com o sistema não cooperativo, na maior parte dos cenários estudados.Cooperative transmission, in which a source and relay cooperate to sent a mensage to destination, can provide spatial diversity against fading in wirless telecomunications. The goal of this project is to study the perfomance of a cooperative tranmition systems with two relays equiped with two antennas, between transmitter and user. It is considered that the base station is equipped with two antennas and the mobile terminal with only one. The cooperative system was implemented according to the specifications of the LTE and evaluated at several propagation scenarios, considering channels with diferents Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). It was found that the perfomance of the proposed system is better when compared with the non-cooperative ones, in most scenarios considered.CODIV/FP7-ICT-200

    Mobile 5G millimeter-wave multi-antenna systems

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    In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. If interested in reprinting/republishing IEEE copyrighted material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution, please go to http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/rights_link.html to learn how to obtain a License from RightsLink.Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsMassive antenna architectures and millimeter-wave bands appear on the horizon as the enabling technologies of future broadband wireless links, promising unprecedented spectral efficiency and data rates. In the recently launched fifth generation of mobile communications, millimetric bands are already introduced but their widespread deployment still presents several feasibility issues. In particular, high-mobility environments represent the most challenging scenario when dealing with directive patterns, which are essential for the adequate reception of signals at those bands. Vehicular communications are expected to exploit the full potential of future generations due to the massive number of connected users and stringent requirements in terms of reliability, latency, and throughput while moving at high speeds. This thesis proposes two solutions to completely take advantage of multi-antenna systems in those cases: beamwidth adaptation of cellular stations when tracking vehicular users based on positioning and Doppler information and a tailored radiation diagram from a panel-based system of antennas mounted on the vehicle. Apart from cellular base stations and vehicles, a third entity that cannot be forgotten in future mobile communications are pedestrians. Past generations were developed around the figure of human users and, now, they must still be able to seamlessly connect with any other user of the network and exploit the new capabilities promised by 5G. The use of millimeter-waves is already been considered by handset manufacturers but the impact of the user (and the interaction with the phone) is drastically changed. The last part of this thesis is devoted to the study of human user dynamics and how they influence the achievable coverage with different distributed antenna systems on the phone.Les arquitectures massives d'antenes i les bandes mil·limètriques apareixen a l'horitzó com les tecnologies que impulsaran els futurs enllaços sense fils amb gran ample de banda i prometen una eficiència espectral i velocitat de transmissió sense precedents. A la recent cinquena generació de comunicacions mòbils, les bandes mil·limètriques ja en són una part constitutiva però el seu desplegament encara presenta certes dificultats. En concret, els entorns d'alta mobilitat representen el major repte quan es fan servir diagrames de radiació directius, els quals són essencials per una correcta recepció del senyal en aquestes bandes. S'espera que les comunicacions vehiculars delimitin les capacitats de les xarxes en futures generacions degut al gran nombre d'usuaris simultanis i els requeriments estrictes en termes de fiabilitat, retard i flux de dades mentre es mouen a grans velocitats. Aquesta tesi proposa dues solucions per tal d'explotar al màxim els sistemes de múltiples antenes en tals casos: un ample de feix adaptatiu de les estacions bases quan estiguin fent el seguiment d'un vehicle usuari basat en informació de la posició i el Doppler i el disseny d'un diagrama de radiació adequat al costat del vehicle basat en una estructura de múltiples panells muntats a l'estructura del mateix. A més de les estacions base i els vehicles, un tercer element que no pot ser obviat en aquests escenaris són els vianants. Les generacions anteriors van ser desenvolupades al voltant de la figura d'usuaris humans i ara han de seguir tenint la capacitat de connexió ininterrumpuda amb la resta d'usuaris i explotar les capacitats de 5G. L'ús de frequències mil·limètriques també es té en compte en la fabricació de telèfons mòbils però l'impacte de l'usuari és completament diferent. La última part de la tesis tracta l'estudi de les dinàmiques de l'usuari humà i com influeixen en la cobertura amb diferent sistemes distribuïts d'antenes.Postprint (published version

    Spatio-Temporal processing for Optimum Uplink-Downlink WCDMA Systems

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    The capacity of a cellular system is limited by two different phenomena, namely multipath fading and multiple access interference (MAl). A Two Dimensional (2-D) receiver combats both of these by processing the signal both in the spatial and temporal domain. An ideal 2-D receiver would perform joint space-time processing, but at the price of high computational complexity. In this research we investigate computationally simpler technique termed as a Beamfom1er-Rake. In a Beamformer-Rake, the output of a beamfom1er is fed into a succeeding temporal processor to take advantage of both the beamformer and Rake receiver. Wireless service providers throughout the world are working to introduce the third generation (3G) and beyond (3G) cellular service that will provide higher data rates and better spectral efficiency. Wideband COMA (WCDMA) has been widely accepted as one of the air interfaces for 3G. A Beamformer-Rake receiver can be an effective solution to provide the receivers enhanced capabilities needed to achieve the required performance of a WCDMA system. We consider three different Pilot Symbol Assisted (PSA) beamforming techniques, Direct Matrix Inversion (DMI), Least-Mean Square (LMS) and Recursive Least Square (RLS) adaptive algorithms. Geometrically Based Single Bounce (GBSB) statistical Circular channel model is considered, which is more suitable for array processing, and conductive to RAKE combining. The performances of the Beam former-Rake receiver are evaluated in this channel model as a function of the number of antenna elements and RAKE fingers, in which are evaluated for the uplink WCDMA system. It is shown that, the Beamformer-Rake receiver outperforms the conventional RAKE receiver and the conventional beamformer by a significant margin. Also, we optimize and develop a mathematical formulation for the output Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) of a Beam former-Rake receiver. In this research, also, we develop, simulate and evaluate the SINR and Signal to Noise Ratio (Et!Nol performances of an adaptive beamforming technique in the WCDMA system for downlink. The performance is then compared with an omnidirectional antenna system. Simulation shows that the best perfom1ance can be achieved when all the mobiles with same Angle-of-Arrival (AOA) and different distance from base station are formed in one beam

    Indoor Planning in Broadband Cellular Radio Networks

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    The capacity requirements of cellular networks continue to grow. This has forced cellular operators to seek new ways of improving the availability and transmission rate experienced by users. The majority of cellular network data users are located inside buildings, where coverage is difficult to ensure due to high penetration loss. Indoor users also cause high load to outdoor networks, reducing the quality and availability for outdoor users. This has given rise to a growing need for implementing dedicated indoor systems, and further optimizing their performance to provide high capacity. It was estimated that in 2011 there were 5.37 billion mobile subscriptions in 3GPP-supported GSM, UMTS/HSPA and LTE networks, of which 890.7 million were using UMTS/HSPA. Currently, UMTS is the leading standard for providing mobile broadband, although LTE is becoming increasingly popular. The planning of radio networks is well known and documented. However, the planning and optimization of indoor networks has not been widely studied, although clear improvements in both coverage and capacity can be achieved by optimizing cell- and antenna line configuration. This thesis considers the special characteristics of the indoor environment with regard to radio propagation and radio network planning. The aspects of radio network planning are highlighted especially for WCDMA radio access technology. The target is to provide guidelines for indoor radio network planning and optimization using an outdoor-to-indoor repeater or a dedicated indoor system with various antenna and cell configurations. The studies conducted here are intended to provide better understanding of the indoor functionality and planning of WCDMA radio access, and UMTS cellular system including the latest HSPA updates. The studies show that the indoor performance of a high data rate WCDMA system can be improved by increasing the antenna density in the distributed antenna system, or by utilizing uplink diversity reception. It is also shown how system capacity can be further improved by adding more indoor cells to a single building. The inter-cell interference is analyzed, and the limits for cell densification are discussed. The results show that compared to dedicated indoor systems, similar indoor performance can be provided by extending macrocellular coverage inside buildings using an outdoor-to-indoor repeater. However, good performance of repeater implementation needs careful repeater antenna line and parameter configuration. Nevertheless, capacity is in any case borrowed from an outdoor mother cell. Sharing frequencies between outdoor and indoor systems is often necessary due to high capacity demand and limited available frequency band. A co-channel indoor system was measured to affect both uplink and downlink performance of an outdoor cell. In the uplink, a clear increase in uplink intercell interference was observed. Throughput degradation was also measured in downlink, but the affect is limited to the area close to the indoor system. However, the added high capacity of an indoor network usually justifies performance degradation. The results can help mobile operators design their networks to provide better coverage, higher capacity and better quality for indoor users. After taking into account the implementation costs, the results also help operators to reach a techno-economic trade-off between the various deployment options