103 research outputs found

    Workflow Critical Path: A Data-oriented Critical path metric for Holistic HPC Workflows

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    Current trends in HPC, such as the push to exascale, convergence with Big Data, and growing complexity of HPC applications, have created gaps that traditional performance tools do not cover. One example is Holistic HPC Workflows — HPC workflows comprising multiple codes, paradigms, or platforms that are not developed using a workflow management system. To diagnose the performance of these applications, we define a new metric called Workflow Critical Path (WCP), a data-oriented metric for Holistic HPC Workflows. WCP constructs graphs that span across the workflow codes and platforms, using data states as vertices and data mutations as edges. Using cloud-based technologies, we implement a prototype called Crux, a distributed analysis tool for calculating and visualizing WCP. Our experiments with a workflow simulator on Amazon Web Services show Crux is scalable and capable of correctly calculating WCP for common Holistic HPC workflow patterns. We explore the use of WCP and discuss how Crux could be used in a production HPC environment

    Performance Observability and Monitoring of High Performance Computing with Microservices

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    Traditionally, High Performance Computing (HPC) softwarehas been built and deployed as bulk-synchronous, parallel executables based on the message-passing interface (MPI) programming model. The rise of data-oriented computing paradigms and an explosion in the variety of applications that need to be supported on HPC platforms have forced a re-think of the appropriate programming and execution models to integrate this new functionality. In situ workflows demarcate a paradigm shift in HPC software development methodologies enabling a range of new applications --- from user-level data services to machine learning (ML) workflows that run alongside traditional scientific simulations. By tracing the evolution of HPC software developmentover the past 30 years, this dissertation identifies the key elements and trends responsible for the emergence of coupled, distributed, in situ workflows. This dissertation's focus is on coupled in situ workflows involving composable, high-performance microservices. After outlining the motivation to enable performance observability of these services and why existing HPC performance tools and techniques can not be applied in this context, this dissertation proposes a solution wherein a set of techniques gathers, analyzes, and orients performance data from different sources to generate observability. By leveraging microservice components initially designed to build high performance data services, this dissertation demonstrates their broader applicability for building and deploying performance monitoring and visualization as services within an in situ workflow. The results from this dissertation suggest that: (1) integration of performance data from different sources is vital to understanding the performance of service components, (2) the in situ (online) analysis of this performance data is needed to enable the adaptivity of distributed components and manage monitoring data volume, (3) statistical modeling combined with performance observations can help generate better service configurations, and (4) services are a promising architecture choice for deploying in situ performance monitoring and visualization functionality. This dissertation includes previously published and co-authored material and unpublished co-authored material

    Scalable Observation, Analysis, and Tuning for Parallel Portability in HPC

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    It is desirable for general productivity that high-performance computing applications be portable to new architectures, or can be optimized for new workflows and input types, without the need for costly code interventions or algorithmic re-writes. Parallel portability programming models provide the potential for high performance and productivity, however they come with a multitude of runtime parameters that can have significant impact on execution performance. Selecting the optimal set of parameters, so that HPC applications perform well in different system environments and on different input data sets, is not trivial.This dissertation maps out a vision for addressing this parallel portability challenge, and then demonstrates this plan through an effective combination of observability, analysis, and in situ machine learning techniques. A platform for general-purpose observation in HPC contexts is investigated, along with support for its use in human-in-the-loop performance understanding and analysis. The dissertation culminates in a demonstration of lessons learned in order to provide automated tuning of HPC applications utilizing parallel portability frameworks

    Bridging a Gap Between Research and Production: Contributions to Scheduling and Simulation

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    Large scale distributed computing infrastructures (e.g., data centers, grids, or clouds) are used by scientists from various domains to produce outstanding research results, such as the discovery of the Higgs Boson in High Energy Physics. These infrastructures are also studied by Computer Scientists to produce their own set of scientific results. Ideally, a virtuous circle should exist between Domain and Computer Scientists: the former raising challenges that could be addressed by the latter. Unfortunately, in many occasions, a gap exists that prevents such an ideal and fostering collaboration. This habilitation covers research works conducted in the fields of scheduling and simulation that contribute to the filling of this gap. It discusses the necessary conditions to achieve this goal and details concrete initiatives in this endeavor

    Knowledge Support and Automation for Performance Analysis with PerfExplorer 2.0

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    Modern scientific workflows are becoming complex with the incorporation of non-traditionalcomputation methods, and advances in technologies enabling on-the-fly analysis. These work- flows exhibit unpredictable runtime behaviors and have dynamic requirements. For example, such workflows must maintain overall performance and throughput while dealing with undesired events, adapting to failures, and supporting data-driven adaptive analysis. A fixed, predetermined resource assignment common to HPC machines is inefficient for overall performance, throughput, and data-driven adaptive analysis. While solutions exist to enable elastic resource management, there is no support that can manage the workflows at runtime to determine when the resource assignment and/or the runtime state of tasks (i.e. stopping, starting, changing the task parameters for adapting analysis, or changing how data is sent/received by the workflow tasks) needs to be revised, and perform the feasible changes at runtime accordingly. This dissertation provides a flexible and portable model, DYFLOW, with strategies to auto-mate the management of scalable and adaptive workflows. The model gathers runtime statistics, tracks the occurrence of important events, and finalizes a plan of action to execute in response to events that occurred, by mediating between suggested actions with respect to the running state of the workflow tasks and resource availability. Further, the model supports a wide range of con- structs and tunable parameters that allow users to express events of interest, select prospective responses, and set various preferences to set the service expectation, e.g., throughput, performance, resilience to failures, or quality of results. To showcase that the DYFLOW model supports adaptive functionality desired for emerging workflows, several examples of problematic behavior are demonstrated where DYFLOW accommodates the specific requirements and automates the runtime management process for scientists while delivering the quality of service desired

    Trace-based Performance Analysis for Hardware Accelerators

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    This thesis presents how performance data from hardware accelerators can be included in event logs. It extends the capabilities of trace-based performance analysis to also monitor and record data from this novel parallelization layer. The increasing awareness to power consumption of computing devices has led to an interest in hybrid computing architectures as well. High-end computers, workstations, and mobile devices start to employ hardware accelerators to offload computationally intense and parallel tasks, while at the same time retaining a highly efficient scalar compute unit for non-parallel tasks. This execution pattern is typically asynchronous so that the scalar unit can resume other work while the hardware accelerator is busy. Performance analysis tools provided by the hardware accelerator vendors cover the situation of one host using one device very well. Yet, they do not address the needs of the high performance computing community. This thesis investigates ways to extend existing methods for recording events from highly parallel applications to also cover scenarios in which hardware accelerators aid these applications. After introducing a generic approach that is suitable for any API based acceleration paradigm, the thesis derives a suggestion for a generic performance API for hardware accelerators and its implementation with NVIDIA CUPTI. In a next step the visualization of event logs containing data from execution streams on different levels of parallelism is discussed. In order to overcome the limitations of classic performance profiles and timeline displays, a graph-based visualization using Parallel Performance Flow Graphs (PPFGs) is introduced. This novel technical approach is using program states in order to display similarities and differences between the potentially very large number of event streams and, thus, enables a fast way to spot load imbalances. The thesis concludes with the in-depth analysis of a case-study of PIConGPU---a highly parallel, multi-hybrid plasma physics simulation---that benefited greatly from the developed performance analysis methods.Diese Dissertation zeigt, wie der Ablauf von Anwendungsteilen, die auf Hardwarebeschleuniger ausgelagert wurden, als Programmspur mit aufgezeichnet werden kann. Damit wird die bekannte Technik der Leistungsanalyse von Anwendungen mittels Programmspuren so erweitert, dass auch diese neue Parallelitätsebene mit erfasst wird. Die Beschränkungen von Computersystemen bezüglich der elektrischen Leistungsaufnahme hat zu einer steigenden Anzahl von hybriden Computerarchitekturen geführt. Sowohl Hochleistungsrechner, aber auch Arbeitsplatzcomputer und mobile Endgeräte nutzen heute Hardwarebeschleuniger um rechenintensive, parallele Programmteile auszulagern und so den skalaren Hauptprozessor zu entlasten und nur für nicht parallele Programmteile zu verwenden. Dieses Ausführungsschema ist typischerweise asynchron: der Skalarprozessor kann, während der Hardwarebeschleuniger rechnet, selbst weiterarbeiten. Die Leistungsanalyse-Werkzeuge der Hersteller von Hardwarebeschleunigern decken den Standardfall (ein Host-System mit einem Hardwarebeschleuniger) sehr gut ab, scheitern aber an einer Unterstützung von hochparallelen Rechnersystemen. Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht, in wie weit auch multi-hybride Anwendungen die Aktivität von Hardwarebeschleunigern aufzeichnen können. Dazu wird die vorhandene Methode zur Erzeugung von Programmspuren für hochparallele Anwendungen entsprechend erweitert. In dieser Untersuchung wird zuerst eine allgemeine Methodik entwickelt, mit der sich für jede API-gestützte Hardwarebeschleunigung eine Programmspur erstellen lässt. Darauf aufbauend wird eine eigene Programmierschnittstelle entwickelt, die es ermöglicht weitere leistungsrelevante Daten aufzuzeichnen. Die Umsetzung dieser Schnittstelle wird am Beispiel von NVIDIA CUPTI darstellt. Ein weiterer Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Darstellung von Programmspuren, welche Aufzeichnungen von den unterschiedlichen Parallelitätsebenen enthalten. Um die Einschränkungen klassischer Leistungsprofile oder Zeitachsendarstellungen zu überwinden, wird mit den parallelen Programmablaufgraphen (PPFGs) eine neue graphenbasisierte Darstellungsform eingeführt. Dieser neuartige Ansatz zeigt eine Programmspur als eine Folge von Programmzuständen mit gemeinsamen und unterchiedlichen Abläufen. So können divergierendes Programmverhalten und Lastimbalancen deutlich einfacher lokalisiert werden. Die Arbeit schließt mit der detaillierten Analyse von PIConGPU -- einer multi-hybriden Simulation aus der Plasmaphysik --, die in großem Maße von den in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Analysemöglichkeiten profiert hat
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