222 research outputs found

    Optimization of the interoperability and dynamic spectrum management in mobile communications systems beyond 3G

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    The future wireless ecosystem will heterogeneously integrate a number of overlapped Radio Access Technologies (RATs) through a common platform. A major challenge arising from the heterogeneous network is the Radio Resource Management (RRM) strategy. A Common RRM (CRRM) module is needed in order to provide a step toward network convergence. This work aims at implementing HSDPA and IEEE 802.11e CRRM evaluation tools. Innovative enhancements to IEEE 802.11e have been pursued on the application of cross-layer signaling to improve Quality of Service (QoS) delivery, and provide more efficient usage of radio resources by adapting such parameters as arbitrary interframe spacing, a differentiated backoff procedure and transmission opportunities, as well as acknowledgment policies (where the most advised block size was found to be 12). Besides, the proposed cross-layer algorithm dynamically changes the size of the Arbitration Interframe Space (AIFS) and the Contention Window (CW) duration according to a periodically obtained fairness measure based on the Signal to Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) and transmission time, a delay constraint and the collision rate of a given machine. The throughput was increased in 2 Mb/s for all the values of the load that have been tested whilst satisfying more users than with the original standard. For the ad hoc mode an analytical model was proposed that allows for investigating collision free communications in a distributed environment. The addition of extra frequency spectrum bands and an integrated CRRM that enables spectrum aggregation was also addressed. RAT selection algorithms allow for determining the gains obtained by using WiFi as a backup network for HSDPA. The proposed RAT selection algorithm is based on the load of each system, without the need for a complex management system. Simulation results show that, in such scenario, for high system loads, exploiting localization while applying load suitability optimization based algorithm, can provide a marginal gain of up to 450 kb/s in the goodput. HSDPA was also studied in the context of cognitive radio, by considering two co-located BSs operating at different frequencies (in the 2 and 5 GHz bands) in the same cell. The system automatically chooses the frequency to serve each user with an optimal General Multi-Band Scheduling (GMBS) algorithm. It was shown that enabling the access to a secondary band, by using the proposed Integrated CRRM (iCRRM), an almost constant gain near 30 % was obtained in the throughput with the proposed optimal solution, compared to a system where users are first allocated in one of the two bands and later not able to handover between the bands. In this context, future cognitive radio scenarios where IEEE 802.11e ad hoc modes will be essential for giving access to the mobile users have been proposed

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Literature Reported Mac and Phy Enhancements of Zigbee and its Alliances

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    Wireless communication is one of the most required technologies by the common man. The strength of this technology is rigorously progressing towards several novel directions in establishing personal wireless networks mounted over on low power consuming systems. The cutting-edge communication technologies like bluetooth, WIFI and ZigBee significantly play a prime role to cater the basic needs of any individual. ZigBee is one such evolutionary technology steadily getting its popularity in establishing personal wireless networks which is built on small and low-power digital radios. Zigbee defines the physical and MAC layers built on IEEE standard. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of literature reported MAC and PHY enhancements of ZigBee and its contemporary technologies with respect to performance, power consumption, scheduling, resource management and timing and address binding. The work also discusses on the areas of ZigBee MAC and PHY towards their design for specific applications

    Cross-layer per-flow QoE evaluation for VoIP in wireless system

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    The Internet as the biggest worldwide network provides a huge range of facilities and conveniences. Different types of communication applications are one of the most manifest conveniences provided up to date. Among others wireless VoIP as one of the most adhered applications which compliances anywhere/anytime communication capability is of special interest and attention. Performance optimization in the context of real-time applications such as VoIP is one of the most principal and yet challenging issues. Wireless environments aggravate conditions and tensity of issues due to inherent uncertainties, vulnerabilities and time-varying characteristics. The layered structure of the communication protocol stack is not well-suited for wireless environments by setting isolated layers and encumbering limitations. Whereas, if different layers of the protocol stack not only neighbouring ones can communicate and exchange information and make appropriate functionality decisions based on obtained information may be it becomes more straightforward to achieve optimized performance at any given instant of time. This is the basis for cross-layer design. In this thesis work we proposed a cross-layer performance evaluation frame work for a wireless VoIP flow of interest from the end-user perspective. As, quality perception is the most momentous aspect of it. In this frame work we used the E-model for formulating and measurement of perceived speech quality. In our work we considered the effect of underlying layers parameters and processes contributing in performance evaluation on the performance provided to the IP layer. As, performance evaluation is carried out at the IP layer. IP packet loss probability and transmission delay as the effects of the wireless channel, FEC and ARQ error concealment mechanisms at the data-link layer, queuing process at the IP layer, losses due to buffer overflow and at the end perceived quality evaluation through simple packet loss rate model and the integrated loss metric model (Clark s model) were considered through extensive simulations. We realized that the Clark s model which takes into account the effect of loss correlation provides more accurate performance estimates. As a general and important result we concluded that by designing and developing dynamic performance control systems such as rate control or resource allocation which dynamically adapt to time-varying real-time traffic and wireless channel conditions we can achieve better performance at any given instant of time. This can be considered as further studies and as an extension of this thesis work. /Kir1

    Software Defined Applications in Cellular and Optical Networks

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    abstract: Small wireless cells have the potential to overcome bottlenecks in wireless access through the sharing of spectrum resources. A novel access backhaul network architecture based on a Smart Gateway (Sm-GW) between the small cell base stations, e.g., LTE eNBs, and the conventional backhaul gateways, e.g., LTE Servicing/Packet Gateways (S/P-GWs) has been introduced to address the bottleneck. The Sm-GW flexibly schedules uplink transmissions for the eNBs. Based on software defined networking (SDN) a management mechanism that allows multiple operator to flexibly inter-operate via multiple Sm-GWs with a multitude of small cells has been proposed. This dissertation also comprehensively survey the studies that examine the SDN paradigm in optical networks. Along with the PHY functional split improvements, the performance of Distributed Converged Cable Access Platform (DCCAP) in the cable architectures especially for the Remote-PHY and Remote-MACPHY nodes has been evaluated. In the PHY functional split, in addition to the re-use of infrastructure with a common FFT module for multiple technologies, a novel cross functional split interaction to cache the repetitive QAM symbols across time at the remote node to reduce the transmission rate requirement of the fronthaul link has been proposed.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Connectivity Management for HetNets based on the Principles of Autonomicity and Context-Awareness

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    Στο περιβάλλον του Διαδικτύου του Μέλλοντος, η Πέμπτη γενιά (5G) δικτύων έχει ήδη αρχίσει να καθιερώνεται. Τα δίκτυα 5G αξιοποιούν υψηλότερες συχνότητες παρέχοντας μεγαλύτερο εύρος ζώνης, ενώ υποστηρίζουν εξαιρετικά μεγάλη πυκνότητα σε σταθμούς βάσης και κινητές συσκευές, σχηματίζοντας ένα περιβάλλον ετερογενών δικτύων, το οποίο στοχεύει στο να καλυφθούν οι απαιτήσεις της απόδοσης ως προς την μικρότερη δυνατή συνολική χρονοκαθυστέρηση και κατανάλωση ενέργειας. Η αποδοτική διαχείριση της συνδεσιμότητας σε ένα τόσο ετερογενές δικτυακό περιβάλλον αποτελεί ανοιχτό πρόβλημα, με σκοπό να υποστηρίζεται η κινητικότητα των χρηστών σε δίκτυα διαφορετικών τεχνολογιών και βαθμίδων, αντιμετωπίζοντας θέματα πολυπλοκότητας και διαλειτουργικότητας, υποστηρίζοντας τις απαιτήσεις των τρεχουσών εφαρμογών και των προτιμήσεων των χρηστών και διαχειρίζοντας ταυτόχρονα πολλαπλές δικτυακές διεπαφές. Η συλλογή, η μοντελοποίηση, η διεξαγωγή συμπερασμάτων και η κατανομή πληροφορίας περιεχομένου σε σχέση με δεδομένα αισθητήρων θα παίξουν κρίσιμο ρόλο σε αυτήν την πρόκληση. Με βάση τα παραπάνω, κρίνεται σκόπιμη η αξιοποίηση των αρχών της επίγνωσης περιεχομένου και της αυτονομικότητας, καθώς επιτρέπουν στις δικτυακές οντότητες να είναι ενήμερες του εαυτού τους και του περιβάλλοντός τους, καθώς και να αυτοδιαχειρίζονται τις λειτουργίες τους ώστε να πετυχαίνουν συγκεκριμένους στόχους. Επιπλέον, χρειάζεται ακριβής ποσοτική αξιολόγηση της απόδοσης λύσεων διαχείρισης της συνδεσιμότητας για ετερογενή δίκτυα, οι οποίες παρουσιάζουν διαφορετικές στρατηγικές επίγνωσης περιβάλλοντος, απαιτώντας μια μεθοδολογία που να είναι περιεκτική και γενικά εφαρμόσιμη ώστε να καλύπτει διαφορετικές προσεγγίσεις, καθώς οι υπάρχουσες μεθοδολογίες στην βιβλιογραφία είναι σχετικά περιορισμένες. Tο σύνολο της μελέτης επικεντρώνεται σε δύο θεματικούς άξονες. Στο πρώτο θεματικό μέρος της διατριβής, αναλύεται ο ρόλος της επίγνωσης περιβάλλοντος και της αυτονομικότητας, σε σχέση με την διαχείριση της συνδεσιμότητας, αναπτύσσοντας ένα πλαίσιο ταξινόμησης και κατηγοριοποίησης, επεκτείνοντας την τρέχουσα βιβλιογραφία. Με βάση το προαναφερθέν πλαίσιο, ταξινομήθηκαν και αξιολογήθηκαν λύσεις για την υποστήριξη της κινητικότητας σε ετερογενή δίκτυα, οι οποίες δύνανται να θεωρηθούν ότι παρουσιάζουν επίγνωση περιβάλλοντος και αυτο-διαχειριστικά χαρακτηριστικά. Επιπλέον, μελετήθηκε κατά πόσον οι αποφάσεις που λαμβάνονται ως προς την επιλογή του κατάλληλου δικτύου, σύμφωνα με την κάθε λύση, είναι αποτελεσματικές και προτάθηκαν τρόποι βελτιστοποίησης των υπαρχουσών αρχιτεκτονικών, καθώς και προτάσεων προς περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη σχετικών μελλοντικών λύσεων. Στο δεύτερο θεματικό μέρος της διατριβής, αναπτύχθηκε μια ευέλικτη αναλυτική μεθοδολογία, περιλαμβάνοντας όλους τους παράγοντες που μπορούν να συνεισφέρουν στην συνολική χρονοκαθυστέρηση, λαμβάνοντας υπόψιν την σηματοδοσία, την επεξεργαστική επιβάρυνση και την συμφόρηση (μελέτη ουράς), επεκτείνοντας την τρέχουσα βιβλιογραφία. Η μεθοδολογία είναι περιεκτική, ενώ ταυτόχρονα προσφέρει κλειστού τύπου λύσεις και έχει την δυνατότητα να προσαρμόζεται σε διαφορετικές προσεγγίσεις. Προς απόδειξη αυτού, εφαρμόσαμε την μεθοδολογία σε δύο λύσεις με διαφορετική στρατηγική επίγνωσης περιβάλλοντος (μια μεταδραστική και μια προδραστική). Και για τις δύο προσεγγίσεις, τα αναλυτικά αποτελέσματα επιβεβαιώθηκαν από προσομοιώσεις, επιβεβαιώνοντας την αποτελεσματικότητα και την ακρίβεια της αναλυτικής μεθοδολογίας. Επιπλέον, αποδείχθηκε ότι η προδραστική προσέγγιση εμφανίζει καλύτερη απόδοση ως προς την συνολική χρονοκαθυστέρηση, ενώ χρειάζεται σημαντικά λιγότερους επεξεργαστικούς πόρους, παρουσιάζοντας πιθανά οφέλη και στην συνολική ενεργειακή κατανάλωση και στα λειτουργικά και κεφαλαιουχικά κόστη (OPEX και CAPEX)

    Proceedings of the Third Edition of the Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2006)

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    Ce fichier regroupe en un seul documents l'ensemble des articles accéptés pour la conférences WONS2006/http://citi.insa-lyon.fr/wons2006/index.htmlThis year, 56 papers were submitted. From the Open Call submissions we accepted 16 papers as full papers (up to 12 pages) and 8 papers as short papers (up to 6 pages). All the accepted papers will be presented orally in the Workshop sessions. More precisely, the selected papers have been organized in 7 session: Channel access and scheduling, Energy-aware Protocols, QoS in Mobile Ad-Hoc networks, Multihop Performance Issues, Wireless Internet, Applications and finally Security Issues. The papers (and authors) come from all parts of the world, confirming the international stature of this Workshop. The majority of the contributions are from Europe (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, UK). However, a significant number is from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Iran, Korea and USA. The proceedings also include two invited papers. We take this opportunity to thank all the authors who submitted their papers to WONS 2006. You helped make this event again a success

    Improving the Performance of Wireless LANs

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    This book quantifies the key factors of WLAN performance and describes methods for improvement. It provides theoretical background and empirical results for the optimum planning and deployment of indoor WLAN systems, explaining the fundamentals while supplying guidelines for design, modeling, and performance evaluation. It discusses environmental effects on WLAN systems, protocol redesign for routing and MAC, and traffic distribution; examines emerging and future network technologies; and includes radio propagation and site measurements, simulations for various network design scenarios, numerous illustrations, practical examples, and learning aids

    Securing Handover in Wireless IP Networks

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    In wireless and mobile networks, handover is a complex process that involves multiple layers of protocol and security executions. With the growing popularity of real time communication services such as Voice of IP, a great challenge faced by handover nowadays comes from the impact of security implementations that can cause performance degradation especially for mobile devices with limited resources. Given the existing networks with heterogeneous wireless access technologies, one essential research question that needs be addressed is how to achieve a balance between security and performance during the handover. The variations of security policy and agreement among different services and network vendors make the topic challenging even more, due to the involvement of commercial and social factors. In order to understand the problems and challenges in this field, we study the properties of handover as well as state of the art security schemes to assist handover in wireless IP networks. Based on our analysis, we define a two-phase model to identify the key procedures of handover security in wireless and mobile networks. Through the model we analyze the performance impact from existing security schemes in terms of handover completion time, throughput, and Quality of Services (QoS). As our endeavor of seeking a balance between handover security and performance, we propose the local administrative domain as a security enhanced localized domain to promote the handover performance. To evaluate the performance improvement in local administrative domain, we implement the security protocols adopted by our proposal in the ns-2 simulation environment and analyze the measurement results based on our simulation test