292,397 research outputs found

    Evaluation of control strategies for managing supply chain risks using Bayesian belief networks

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    Supply chains have become complex and vulnerable and therefore, researchers are developing effective techniques in order to capture the complex structure of the supply network and interdependency between supply chain risks. Researchers have recently started using Bayesian Belief Networks for modelling supply chain risks. However, these models are still focused on limited domains of supply chain risk management like supplier selection, supplier performance evaluation and ranking. We have developed a comprehensive risk management process using Bayesian networks that captures all three stages of risk management including risk identification, risk assessment and risk evaluation. Our proposed new risk measures and evaluation scheme of different combinations of control strategies are considered as an important contribution to the literature. We have modelled supply network as a Bayesian Belief Network incorporating the supply network configuration, probabilistic interdependency between risks, resulting losses, risk mitigation control strategies and associated costs. An illustrative example is presented and three different models are solved corresponding to different risk attitudes of the decision maker. Based on our results, it is not always viable to implement control strategy at the most important risk factor because of the consideration of mitigation cost, relative loss and probabilistic interdependency between connected risk factors

    Managing and measuring sustainability performance of supply chains

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    Sustainable development from an industrial perspective has extended beyond organisational boundaries to incorporate a supply chain approach. This paper provides a framework which can assist focal companies in development of sustainable supply chains. The literature related to sustainable supply chain evaluation is reviewed incorporating concepts from four organisational theories including the resource based, institutional, stakeholder and social network perspectives to illustrate key drivers and enablers of sustainability initiatives in the supply chain. A conceptual multidimensional framework is then developed which can serve as a tool for research scholars and supply chain practitioners in identifying and assessing various economic, environmental and social performance indicators

    Applying fuzzy PERT in cycle time management for supply chain system

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    As the fast technology evolution and the globalization trend, the competition among businesses transform into supply chain network gradually. However, the operation performance of the supply chain network influenced by many uncertain factors. These uncertain influence factors include the demand of the customer, the response time of delivery, operation lead time, stock level and cost. Under foregoing conditions, enterprises cannot control the variations in actual environment precisely and satisfy customers’ requirements. Therefore, the linguistic variables are used to express these uncertainties in this paper. First, this paper presents a procedure to transform the operation processes of the supply chain network into a diagram to indicate the activities among members of supply chain. Second, combining fuzzy set theory with the program evaluation and review technique (PERT) to estimate the cycle time of supply chain system. According to the fuzzy PERT model, we can calculate the cycle time and find out the critical path of a supply chain system. Furthermore, we can compute the possibility of the order fulfillment of a supply chain system. Finally, a numerical simulation is presented to illustrate the procedure of this proposed model

    A Hybrid MCDM Method To Evaluate Supply-Chain Development Strategies

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    [[abstract]]Global logistics and outsourcing have become an irreversible industrial development trend in today's technology industry. Previous studies differ on supplier selection, supplier development, and supply-chain performance assessment evaluation methods. Research suggests that outsourcing is not only a program of options, but also results in different operating performances based on varying company supply-chain strategies. To build a competitive supply chain, companies must conduct a comprehensive assessment and develop a clear and explicit supply-chain development strategy. This research derives a composite method for assessing supply-chain strategy. A decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory method first clarify six major areas of supply-chain strategy assessment, and then draw a network impact-relationship map based on the direction of influence and extent of the impact in each area. An analytic network process then captures the interdependence between the evaluating factors, and identifies the relative weight of these criteria for each major factor in the supply-chain development strategy. Finally, the study develops an effective supply-chain strategy decision-making assessment model to help companies select an optimal strategy. Examining the world's top 4 TFT-LCD factories validates the results of this study.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[incitationindex]]SCI[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]PA

    Di-ANFIS: an integrated blockchain–IoT–big data-enabled framework for evaluating service supply chain performance

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    Service supply chain management is a complex process because of its intangibility, high diversity of services, trustless settings, and uncertain conditions. However, the traditional evaluating models mostly consider the historical performance data and fail to predict and diagnose the problems’ root. This paper proposes a distributed, trustworthy, tamper-proof, and learning framework for evaluating service supply chain performance based on Blockchain and Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) techniques, named Di-ANFIS. The main objectives of this research are: 1) presenting hierarchical criteria of service supply chain performance to cope with the diagnosis of the problems’ root; 2) proposing a smart learning model to deal with the uncertainty conditions by a combination of neural network and fuzzy logic, 3) and introducing a distributed Blockchain-based framework due to the dependence of ANFIS on big data and the lack of trust and security in the supply chain. Furthermore, the proposed six-layer conceptual framework consists of the data layer, connection layer, Blockchain layer, smart layer, ANFIS layer, and application layer. This architecture creates a performance management system using the Internet of Things (IoT), smart contracts, and ANFIS based on the Blockchain platform. The Di-ANFIS model provides a performance evaluation system without needing a third party and a reliable intermediary that provides an agile and diagnostic model in a smart and learning process. It also saves computing time and speeds up information flow.Service supply chain management is a complex process because of its intangibility, high diversity of services, trustless settings, and uncertain conditions. However, the traditional evaluating models mostly consider the historical performance data and fail to predict and diagnose the problems’ root. This paper proposes a distributed, trustworthy, tamper-proof, and learning framework for evaluating service supply chain performance based on Blockchain and Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) techniques, named Di-ANFIS. The main objectives of this research are: 1) presenting hierarchical criteria of service supply chain performance to cope with the diagnosis of the problems’ root; 2) proposing a smart learning model to deal with the uncertainty conditions by a combination of neural network and fuzzy logic, 3) and introducing a distributed Blockchain-based framework due to the dependence of ANFIS on big data and the lack of trust and security in the supply chain. Furthermore, the proposed six-layer conceptual framework consists of the data layer, connection layer, Blockchain layer, smart layer, ANFIS layer, and application layer. This architecture creates a performance management system using the Internet of Things (IoT), smart contracts, and ANFIS based on the Blockchain platform. The Di-ANFIS model provides a performance evaluation system without needing a third party and a reliable intermediary that provides an agile and diagnostic model in a smart and learning process. It also saves computing time and speeds up information flow

    Hybrid Petri-nets for Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Supply Chains

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Modelling and analysis of complex and co-ordinated supply chains is a crucial task due to its inherent complexity and uncertainty. Therefore, the current research direction is to devise an efficient modelling technique that maps the dynamics of a real life supply chain and assists industrial practitioners in evaluating and comparing their network with other competing networks. Here an effective modelling technique, the hybrid Petri-net, is proposed to efficiently handle the dynamic behaviour of the supply chain. This modelling methodology embeds two enticing features, i.e. cost and batch sizes, in deterministic and stochastic Petri-net for the modelling and performance evaluation of supply chain networks. The model is subsequently used for risk management to investigate the issues of supply chain vulnerability and risk that has become a major research subject in recent years. In the test bed, a simple productive supply chain and an industrial supply chain are modelled with fundamental inventory replenishment policy. Subsequently, its performance is evaluated along with the identification and assessment of risk factors using analytical and simulation techniques respectively. Thus, this paper presents a complete package for industrial practitioners to model, evaluate performance and manage risky events in a supply chain


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    Risk mitigation in global supply chains has grown in importance in recent years, in tandem with globalization and both the commercial and security threats faced by firms both large and small. This study hypothesizes that a firm’s ability to manage risk strategy—and therefore support its competitiveness—is determined by a symbiotic triad of factors: the resources it utilizes; network systems; and performance criteria it employs. The study, comprising 24 in-depth interviews with electronics and IT firms, examines resource utilization through the Resource-Based View (RBV), assesses firms’ proclivity to engage in networks for risk mitigation and competitiveness; and highlights the importance of performance evaluation as a critically important component in supply chain management. Findings reveal that both buyers and suppliers believe that the symbiotic triad can provide them with a competitive advantage in addition to improving operational efficiency, effectiveness and quality. Future research should also extend this pilot investigation to other countries and industries, and utilize a larger sample of firms for quantitative as well as qualitative assessment.Risk management; emerging markets; Supply Chain Management; IT

    Blockchain network model to improve supply chain vsibility based on smart contract

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    Abstract—Due to the increasing complexity of supply chains over the past years, many factors significantly contribute to lowering the supply chains performance. Poor visibility is one of the major challenging factors that lowers supply chains performance. This paper proposes a Blockchain-based supply chain network model to improve the supply chain visibility. The model focuses in improving the visibility measurements properties: information sharing, traceability, and inventory visibility. The proposed model consists of information sharing, traceability, and inventory visibility platforms based on Blockchain technology smart contract. The model built with Hyperledger platform and extend the Hyperledger Composer Supply Chain Network (HCSC) model. The research is designed to three main phases. First phase: the preliminary phase which is the literature review phase to identify the existing challenges in the domain. The second phase: the design and implementation phase which is the development steps of the proposed research model. The third phase: the evaluation phase which represent the performance evaluation of the proposed model and the comparisons between the proposed model and the existing models. In the evaluation performance, the common performance metrics Lead time and average inventory levels will be compared in the proposed model, Cloud-based information system, and the traditional supply chain. These proposed platforms offer an end-to-end visibility of products, orders, and stock levels for supply chain practitioners and customers within supply chain networks. Which helps managers’ access key information that support critical business decisions and offers essential criteria for competitiveness and therefore, enhance supply chain performance

    Fuzzy Supplier Selection Strategies in Supply Chain Management

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    Supplier selection is a major strategy for manufacture to run the production process smoothly in supply chain network. Supplier categorization, selection and performance evaluation are decisions of strategic importance to companies. Global competition, mass customization, high customer expectations and harsh economic conditions are forcing companies to rely on external suppliers to contribute a larger portion of parts, materials, and assemblies to finished products and to manage a growing number of processes and functions that were once controlled internally. Thus supplier performance evaluation is very important to choose the right supplier for the right product for supply chain management. In this paper a fuzzy supplier selection algorithm (FSSA) is implemented to rank the technically efficient vendors according to both predetermined performance criteria and additional product-related performance criteria. Investigation of the properties of the best supplier alternative by ranking the fuzzy indices allow to develop an algorithm which is based on calculating fuzzy suitability indices for the efficient supplier alternatives and validity is illustrated through an example problem

    Evaluation of the supply chain network design at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) - Through the development of a performance measurement system

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    Background: UNFPA is a subsidiary organ to the United Nations (UN) with a primary focus on population and development strategies, sexual and reproductive health and gender equality. In March 2005 the UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board had realized that for the UNFPA Procurement Services Branch (PSB) to operate in line with its mission, focus would need to be directed specifically towards improvements in the areas of procurement, supply and logistics. Several studies were conducted that resulted in a recommendation to implement regional warehouses. However, the conclusion of the studies was that further quantitative analysis was needed in terms of performance measures for transportation, warehousing costs and lead-times to make an informative decision. PSB now has an opportunity to utilize United Nations Humanitarian Response Depots (UNHRDs) as regional warehouses. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a performance measurement system for PSB’s supply chain network design. In addition, the purpose was to use the performance measurement system in an evaluation of the alternative supply chain network design with regional warehouses. Research questions: 1. Which performance measures need to be considered when developing a new performance measurement system for PSB? 2. Should PSB keep its current supply chain network design or switch to a supply chain network design with regional warehouses in the UNHRDs? Method: First, exploratory interviews were held to get an understanding for PSB, its supply chain and where to direct the focus for this study. Second, several interviews were held with employees at PSB regarding PSB’s supply chain, supply chain strategy and performance measurement system. A performance measurement system could thereby be developed through these interviews and the frame of reference developed for this study. Third, order data from PSB’s information was used to determine the performance for the current and alternative supply chain. Finally, the performance of the two supply chain network designs was compared and a recommendation regarding PSB’s supply chain network design was presented. Conclusions: A new performance measurement system was developed for PSB. It was developed to contain measures from the three categories; resource, output and flexibility. The developed performance measurement system was used to analyze and compare the current supply chain network design to a supply chain network design with regional warehouses in the UNHRDs. It was found that the supply chain network design performed better or equal to the current supply chain for 11 out of the 13 performance measures. The supply chain with regional warehouses scored high in the areas that PSB had expressed as important to their strategy such as freight performance, responsiveness and customer satisfaction. All regional warehouses except for the one in Brindisi were found suitable. Therefore, the authors recommend PSB to start utilizing the UNHRDs in Accra, Dubai, Panama and Subang.Bakgrund: UNFPA är en underorganisation till Förenta Nationerna (FN). UNFPA fokuserar på populations- och utvecklingsstrategier och jämlikhet mellan könen. I mars 2005 bestämdes det i UNDP/UNFPAs styrelse att UNFPAs inköpsavdelning (PSB) skulle behöva förbättras om de skulle nå upp till sina mål. Flera studier har genomförts och resultatet av dessa visade bland annat på en rekommendation att införa regionala lager för att kunna minska ledtiderna mot kund. De visade dock också på att en mer kvantitativ analys skulle behövas med avseende på potentiella transport- och lagerkostnader innan ett informativt beslut skulle kunna tas. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla ett system med mätetal för att utvärdera PSBs försörjningskedja. Syftet var också att med hjälp av detta system utvärdera fördelarna och nackdelarna för PSB att ha regionala lager för att slutligen kunna ge en rekommendation angående huruvida PSB ska börja lagra produkter i UNHRDs eller ej. Forskningsfrågor: 1. Vilka mätetal behöver inkluderas för att kunna utvärdera PSBs försörjningskedja med avseende på regionala lager? 2. Borde PSB behålla sin nuvarande design på försörjningskedjan eller ändra till en design som inkulderar regionala lager med UNHRD? Metod: Inledande intervjuer hölls med anställda på PSB i studiens början för att få en djupare förståelse för PSB, dess försörjningskedja och var fokus skulle läggas. Ytterligare intervjuer hölls sedan angående PSB’s försörjningskedja, strategi och system med mätetal. Genom dessa intervjuer och det teoretiska rameverket kunde ett system med mätetal utvecklas. Detta system andvändes sedan för att mäta skillnaden mellan den nuvarande försörjningskedjan och den alternativa försörjningskedjan med regionala lager. Analysen av mätetalens resultat låg till grund för rekommendationen till PSB. Slutsatser: Ett system med mätetal utvecklades för PSB utifrån de tre kategorierna; tillgångar, resultat och flexibilitet. Detta system användes för att analysera och jämföra PSBs nuvarande försörjningskedja med en försörjningskedja med regionala lager hos UNHRD. Resultatet visade att försörjningskedjan med regionala lager fick bättre resultat på 11 av de 13 mätetalen som användes i analysen. Försörjningskedjan med regionala lager fick höga poäng för mätetal som PSB hade uttryckt att de tyckte var extra viktiga, såsom leveranstid, möjligheten att snabbt kunna leverera akuta ordrar samt kundnöjdhet. Alla UNHRDs regionala lager ansågs vara passande förutom lagret i Brindisi på grund av för små och infrekventa ordrar. Författarna reklommenderar därför PSB att börja lagra sina produkter in UNHRDs lager i Accra, Dubai, Panama och Subang