10 research outputs found

    Second IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, November 26th, 1997, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

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    Second IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, November 26th, 1997, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

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    Third International Symposium on Space Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems, part 1

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    Under the theme of 'Opportunities in Ground Data Systems for High Efficiency Operations of Space Missions,' the SpaceOps '94 symposium included presentations of more than 150 technical papers spanning five topic areas: Mission Management, Operations, Data Management, System Development, and Systems Engineering. The papers focus on improvements in the efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, and quality of data acquisition, ground systems, and mission operations. New technology, techniques, methods, and human systems are discussed. Accomplishments are also reported in the application of information systems to improve data retrieval, reporting, and archiving; the management of human factors; the use of telescience and teleoperations; and the design and implementation of logistics support for mission operations

    Workshop on Microwave Power Transmission and Reception. Workshop Paper Summaries

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    Microwave systems performance and phase control are discussed. Component design and reliability are highlighted. The power amplifiers, radiating elements, rectennas, and solid state configurations are described. The proper sizing of microwave transmission systems is also discussed

    Marshall Space Flight Center Faculty Fellowship Program

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    The research projects conducted by the 2016 Faculty Fellows at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center included propulsion studies on propellant issues, and materials investigations involving plasma effects and friction stir welding. Spacecraft Systems research was conducted on wireless systems and 3D printing of avionics. Vehicle Systems studies were performed on controllers and spacecraft instruments. The Science and Technology group investigated additive construction applied to Mars and Lunar regolith, medical uses of 3D printing, and unique instrumentation, while the Test Laboratory measured pressure vessel leakage and crack growth rates

    Management of Technological Innovation in Developing and Developed Countries

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    It is widely accepted that technology is one of the forces driving economic growth. Although more and more new technologies have emerged, various evidence shows that their performances were not as high as expected. In both academia and practice, there are still many questions about what technologies to adopt and how to manage these technologies. The 15 articles in this book aim to look into these questions. There are quite many features in this book. Firstly, the articles are from both developed countries and developing countries in Asia, Africa and South and Middle America. Secondly, the articles cover a wide range of industries including telecommunication, sanitation, healthcare, entertainment, education, manufacturing, and financial. Thirdly, the analytical approaches are multi-disciplinary, ranging from mathematical, economic, analytical, empirical and strategic. Finally, the articles study both public and private organizations, including the service industry, manufacturing industry, and governmental organizations. Given its wide coverage and multi-disciplines, the book may be useful for both academic research and practical management

    Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration

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    Abstracts describe missions, mission elements or experiments for consideration in the 2005-2020 time frame. Also the technologies and the support necessary to achieve the results are discussed.NASA Headquarters; Lunar and Planetary Institutehosted by Lunar and Planetary Institute ; sponsored by NASA Headquarters, Lunar and Planetary Institute ; convener Scott Hubbard

    New Competition; Foreign Direct Investment and Industrial Development in China

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    Guoyong Liang is completing his Ph.D. in international business and works at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. His current research interests include the theory of the multinational enterprise, business strategy, and business/government interaction. Before his Ph.D. study in the Netherlands, Guoyong Liang was a lecturer at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. He was also a fellow at Shanghai Securities and Futures Institute. He has managerial experience in China’s financial and ICT sector.The primary aim of this study is to examine inward FDI as an industrial phenomenon – how the introduction of a new competitive force through FDI inflows influences the development of industries. It offers an interdisciplinary effort to advance the understanding of the FDI impact on industrial development in emerging markets. Based on a multidimensional, dynamic and comparative approach to analysing industrial advancement, this study investigates in particular the development of two Chinese industries – the automotive industry and the electronics and ICT sector. It illustrates the critical role of the policy environment in determining the effects of inward FDI. The policy environment at the industrial level is largely defined by both entry restrictions and trade barriers. This study suggests that, under certain circumstances, multinational corporations and domestic firms might collaborate to dominate a market, for instance by establishing international joint ventures, which reinforces the problems of market dominances, welfare losses, and regulatory capture. This study also seeks to help policy makers understand the evolution of industries and to provide a fact base for decision making at both the industrial and national level. It advocates a more sophisticated and competition-friendly framework of public policy, which requires both the introduction of new institutions and the upgrading of existing policy instruments. This framework is vital to ensure the contestability of markets, to reap the benefits of FDI, to tackle the negative effects of FDI, and to promote long-term sustainable industrial development.在中国经济改革过程中,新的竞争力量通过市场准入和各种制度安排被不断地引入不同行业。外商直接投资是来自国外的竞争力量直接进入中国产业的首要方式。本书研究了外商直接投资对竞争、市场结构和中国产业发展的影响,并提出了相关的政策建议。在对中国经济中新旧各种竞争力量和新的竞争格局进行产业层面分析的同时,本书亦结合对中国经济发展模式的总结对此进行了宏观层面的分析,从而对所谓“中国奇迹”提供了一个独特的解读。 理论上,本书提出了一个分析外商直接投资对产业发展影响的架构,并对传统的静态和动态分析方法进行了必要的拓展和补充。本书探讨了包括溢出效应、关联效应和竞争效应在内的外商直接投资影响产业发展的诸多机制,并分析了转轨经济和新兴市场的特殊环境对外商直接投资作用机制的影响。本书强调了产业层面的政 策环境对于外商直接投资和跨国公司进入对产业发展作用的影响,并特别强调了低贸易壁垒和松准入管制对于提高市场的可竞争性,保证一定程度的市场竞争以及促进产业发展的作用。从某种意义上说,本书是对关于竞争性市场体制与中国经济发展关系理论的进一步诠释以及在产业层面和利用外资领域的细化。 在实证方面,本书在跨行业分析的基础上重点对中国汽车和电子信息产业进行了对比分析,从而对不同政策模式对产业发展和跨国公司进入效果的影响进行了概括。本书对外商直接投资和市场竞争对生产能力提高、技术进步、本国企业发展和国际竞争力提升等产业发展各方面的影响进行了全面的分析。定量分析的结论表明,即使在外资大量进入的情况下,竞争的缺乏仍可能存在并造成显著的福利损失,而以严格和歧视性的进入管制和高关税壁垒为特征的限制性产业政策是竞争缺乏和企业市场支配地位形成的主要原因。实证分析的结论也证明了竞争性市场结构对于产业发展的重要作用。然而,在某些竞争性行业中,不必要的管制可能借产业政策之名长期存在,从而限制市场竞争,影响利用外资的效果,并从多方面制约产业的发展。特别是在大企业的发展成为产业政策唯一目标的情况下,消费者的利益很可能被忽略,从而造成企业超额利润和社会净福利损失并存的局面。不仅国有企业,跨国公司也可能成为此类政策的推动者和受益者。“管制俘获”(regulatory capture) 假说提供了对这种现象的一个合理解释。 本书旨在通过理论和实证分析为产业层面的公共政策制定提供必要的参考。本书特别强调了一个“竞争友好”(competition-friendly)的政策架构对于确保适度市场竞争,提高利用外资效果和促进可持续产业发展的作用。该政策架构的建立既需要新的政策工具(如竞争政策)的推出,又需要对既有政策工具(如产业政策)的完善。作者希望本研究的结论及相关政策建议能够对中国产业政策和利用外资政策的完善以及竞争政策(反垄断政策)的推出提供有益的参考