6 research outputs found

    Generic Home Automation System Using IoT Gateway Based on Wi-Fi and ant+ Sensor Network

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    This research article explores the use of internet of things (IoT) technology in home automation, including cloud computing and sensor networks to improve quality of life, and the increasing affordability through mobile connectivity. In this proposed smart home system, our main objective is to build a home automation system for the common consumer, which can help him to use home appliances with confidence and control at a low cost. The paper describes the building of an IoT gateway using the ANT multi-hop wireless network protocol and the Wi-Fi protocol, specifically utilizing the nRF24L01 and Esp8266 chips. Various sensor nodes, such as a water tank level sensor, human presence sensor, smart LED door sensor, and smart switch, will be integrated into the system. The main goal of the research is to develop an affordable solution for smart home technology for everyday consumers

    BORDER: A Benchmarking Framework for Distributed MQTT Brokers

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    [EN] Message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT), one of the most popular application layer protocols for the Internet of Things, works according to a publish/subscribe paradigm where clients connect to a centralized broker. Sometimes (e.g., in high scalability and low-latency applications), it is required to depart from such a centralized approach and move to a distributed one, where multiple MQTT brokers cooperate together. Many MQTT brokers (both open source or commercially available) allow to create such a distributed environment: however, it is challenging to select the right solution due to the many available choices. This article proposes, therefore benchmarking framework for distributed MQTT brokers (BORDER), a framework for creating and evaluating distributed architectures of MQTT brokers with realistic and customizable network topologies. Based on isolated Docker containers and emulated network components, the framework provides quantitative metrics about the overall system performance, such as End-to-End latency as well as network and physical resources consumed. We use BORDER to compare five of the most popular MQTT brokers that allow the creation of distributed architectures and we release it as an open-source project to allow for reproducible researches.This work was supported in part by the Project BASE5G under Project 1155850 funded by Regione Lombardia within the framework POR FESR 2014-2020.Longo, E.; Redondi, A.; Cesana, M.; Manzoni, P. (2022). BORDER: A Benchmarking Framework for Distributed MQTT Brokers. IEEE Internet of Things. 9(18):17728-17740. https://doi.org/10.1109/JIOT.2022.3155872177281774091

    BORDER: a Benchmarking Framework for Distributed MQTT Brokers

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    SIP-MBA: A secure IoT platform with brokerless and micro-service architecture

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    The Internet of Things is one of the most interesting technology trends today. Devices in the IoT network are often geared towards mobility and compact in size, thus having a rather weak hardware configuration. There are many light weight protocols, tailor-made suitable for limited processing power and low energy consumption, of which MQTT is the typical one. The current MQTT protocol supports three types of quality-of-service (QoS) and the user has to trade-off the security of the packet transmission by transmission rate, bandwidth and energy consumption. The MQTT protocol, however, does not support packet storage mechanisms which means that when the receiver is interrupted, the packet cannot be retrieved. In this paper, we present a broker-less SIP-MBA Platform, designed for micro-service and using gRPC protocol to transmit and receive messages. This design optimizes the transmission rate, power consumption and transmission bandwidth, while still meeting reliability when communicating. Besides, we implement users and things management mechanisms with the aim of improving security issues. Finally, we present the test results by implementing a collect data service via gRPC protocol and comparing it with streaming data by using the MQTT protocol.Web of Science12759358

    Sistema de controlo de luminosidade auto-adaptativo usando tecnologias de IoT

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    Os sistemas de iluminação em sistemas robóticos são controlados de forma automática e reprogramável usando tecnologias de IoT, tecnologias essas capazes de se identificar em uma rede e de comunicar entre si, ou seja, todo o tipo de objectos e aparelhos com capacidade computacional e de ligação à web. A aplicação de IoT consiste na sensorização de objectos, com o objectivo de captura e transmissão de dados para um conjunto de aplicações e usuários conectados em rede. Com isto, para usufruir de todos benefícios que a tecnologia oferece, é necessário não só sensorizar objectos e colectar dados, como também obter aplicações práticas para os dados colectados, permitindo análises e tomada de acções com base nos dados obtidos. Contudo, a aplicação de IoT é complexa, isto é, a tecnologia está directamente relacionada a um grande volume de dados colectados e sua necessidade de processamento. Por intermédio da aplicação combinada de IoT com soluções de Inteligência Artificial (algoritmos e Machine Learning), é possível identificar padrões e emitir alertas para intervenção humana ou acções programadas. Neste caso, foi desenvolvida uma aplicação em Node-RED, esta comunica por Wi-Fi, através do protocolo de comunicação MQTT, tendo como finalidade controlar e regular a intensidade do LED através dos valores detectados pelo sensor, de modo a obter uma maior eficiência energética, diminuindo assim consumos desnecessários do meio evolvente.The lighting systems in robotic systems are controlled automatically and reprogrammable using IoT technologies, technologies that are able to identify themselves in a network and communicate with each other, that is, all types of objects and devices with computational and connection capacity to the web. The application of IoT consists of object sensing, with the objective of capturing and transmitting data to a set of applications and users connected in a network. With this, to take advantage of all the benefits that technology offers, it is necessary not only to sense objects and collect data, but also to obtain practical applications for the collected data, allowing analysis and action taking based on the data obtained. However, the application of IoT is complex, that is, the technology is directly related to a large volume of collected data and its need for processing. Through the combined application of IoT with Artificial Intelligence solutions (algorithms and Machine Learning), it is possible to identify patterns and issue alerts for human intervention or programmed actions. In this case, an application was developed in Node-RED, which communicates via Wi-Fi, using the MQTT communication protocol, with the purpose of controlling and regulating the LED intensity through the values detected by the sensor, in order to obtain greater efficiency. thus reducing unnecessary consumption of the evolving medium

    Performance Evaluation of MQTT Broker Servers Deployed in the Cloud

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    La comunicación entre dispositivos en una red exige el uso de protocolos. En internet hay protocolos muy  conocidos que pueden ser usados tanto en la arquitectura de un servidos con múltiples clientes como en una comunicación máquina a máquina (M2M). En aplicaciones de Internet de las Cosas (IoT), la comunicación en una red puede ser administrada por un servidor denominado supervisor, y el protocolo más ampliamente usado en la camada de aplicación con este propósito es MQTT (Message-Queuing Telemetry Transport). Este artículo compara el desempeño de ocho servidores supervisores instalados en la nube disponibles publicamente en tres experimentos bajo diferentes condiciones de exigencia. El objetivo es elegir el supervisor más adecuado para ser usado en la comunicación entre un nanosatélite del tipo Cubesat y el terminal de Tierra.Communication between devices on a network requires the use of protocols. On internet there are well known protocols that can be used both in the architecture of a server with multiple clients as well as in a machine to machine (M2M) communication. In Internet of Things (IoT) applications, network communication can be supervised by a server denoted as broker, and the most widely used application layer protocol for this purpose is MQTT (Message-Queuing Telemetry Transport). This paper compares the performance of eight publicly  available MQTT brokers deployed in the cloud in three experiments under different stress conditions. The goal is to choose the most suitable broker to be used in the communication between a Cubesat-type nanosatellite and the land terminal.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ