59 research outputs found

    Napredna (edge computing) softverska arhitektura za upravljanje resursima i unutrašnje pozicioniranje

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    In Part I, this thesis aims to shed light on IoT and edge com-puting systems and accompanying computing and architectural paradigms, their definition, areas of application, and common use-cases, as well as operational, business, economical, social challenges and benefits. It illustrates modern needs and requests in building IoT systems and current State-of-The-Art (SoTA) approaches to designing them. Additionally, it discusses the security and privacy topics of IoT and edge computing systems. It also encompasses research, design, and implementation of an MQTT-based Resource Management Framework for Edge Com-puting systems that handle: resource management, failover detection and handover administration, logical and physical workload balancing and protection, and monitoring of physical and logical system resources designed for a real-world IoT platform. The thesis offers insights into modern requests for such frameworks, current SoTA approaches, and offer a solution in the form of a software framework, with minimal implementation and communication overhead. In Part II, the thesis elaborates on IPS, their definition, deploy-ment types, commonly used positioning techniques, areas of application, and common use-cases, as well as operational, business, economic, social challenges, and benefits. It specifically discusses designing IPS for the typical IoT infrastructure. It offers insights to modern IPS requests, current SoTA in solving them, and under-line original approaches from this thesis. It elaborates on the research, design and authors’ implementation of an IPS for the IoT – Bluetooth LowEnergyMicrolocation Asset Tracking (BLEMAT), including its software engines (collections of software components) for: indoor positioning, occupancy detection, visualization, pattern discovery and prediction, geofencing, movement pattern detection, visualization, discovery and prediction, social dynamics analysis, and indoor floor plan layout detection.Deo I teze ima je za cilj da rasvetli IoT i edge computing računarske sisteme i prateće računarske paradigme softverskih arhitektura, njihovu definiciju, područja primene i slučajeve uobičajene upotrebe, kao i operativne, poslovne, ekonomske, i socijalne izazove i koristi. Teza ilustruje savremene potrebe i zahtevi u izgradnji IoT sistema i najsavremeniji pristupi u njihovom dizajniranju. Raspravlja se o temama bezbednosti i privatnosti u IoT i edge computing računarskim sistemima. Kao još jedan glavni zadatak, teza je obuhvata istraživanje, dizajn i implementaciju softverske arhitekture za upravljanje resursima zasnovanim na MQTT komunikacionom protokolu za edge computing računarske sisteme koja se bavi: upravljanjem resursima, detekcijom prestanka rada upravljačkih algoritama i administracijom primopredaje tj. transporta upravljačkih algoritama, i logičkim i fizičkim balansiranjem i zaštitom radnog opterećenja sistema. Diskutuju se savremeni zahtevi za takve softverske arhitekture, trenutni pristupi. Na kraju, prikazuje se rešenje sa minimalnim troškovima implementacije i  komunikacije. Deo II teze ima za cilj da objasni sisteme za unutrašnje pozicioniranje, njihovu definiciju, vrste primene, najčešće korišćene tehnike pozicioniranja, područja primene i uobičajene slučajeve upotrebe, kao i operativne, poslovne, ekonomske, i socijalne izazove i koristi. Posebno se diskutuje o dizajniranju ovakvih sistema za tipičnu IoT infrastrukturu. Nudi se uvid u savremene zahteve sisteme za unutrašnje pozicioniranje, trenutne pristupe u rešavanju istih, i naglašeni su originalni pristupe iz ove teze. Dalje je fokus na istraživanju, dizajniranju i implementaciji sistema za unutrašnje pozicioniranje (BLEMAT), uključujući njegove softverske podsisteme (kolekcije softverskih komponenti) za: pozicioniranje u zatvorenom prostoru, detekciju zauzeća prostorija, vizualizaciju, otkrivanje i predviđanje obrazaca kretanja, geofencing, vizualizaciju i analizu društvene dinamike i detekciju rasporeda prostorija unutrašnjeg prostora

    The 11th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    2019 EC3 July 10-12, 2019 Chania, Crete, Greece

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    Endless Data

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    Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), as well as micro teams, face an uphill task when delivering software to the Cloud. While rapid release methods such as Continuous Delivery can speed up the delivery cycle: software quality, application uptime and information management remain key concerns. This work looks at four aspects of software delivery: crowdsourced testing, Cloud outage modelling, collaborative chat discourse modelling, and collaborative chat discourse segmentation. For each aspect, we consider business related questions around how to improve software quality and gain more significant insights into collaborative data while respecting the rapid release paradigm

    Fault Management For Service-Oriented Systems

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    Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) enable the automatic creation of business applications from independently developed and deployed Web services. As Web services are inherently unreliable, how to deliver reliable Web services composition over unreliable Web services is a significant and challenging problem. The process requires monitoring the system\u27s behavior, determining when and why faults occur, and then applying fault prevention/recovery mechanisms to minimize the impact and/or recover from these faults. However, it is hard to apply a non-distributed management approach to SOA, since a manager needs to communicate with the different components through authentications. In SOA, a business process can terminate successfully if all services finish their work correctly through providing alternative plans in case of fault. However, the business process itself may encounter different faults because the fault may occur anywhere at any time due to SOA specifications. In this work, we propose new fault management technique (FLEX) and we identify several improvements over existing techniques. First, existing techniques rely mainly on static information while FLEX is based on dynamic information. Second, existing frameworks use a limited number of attributes; while we use all possible attributes by identify them as either required or optional. Third, FLEX reduces the comparison cost (time and space) by filtering out services at each level needed for evaluation. In general, FLEX is divided into two phases: Phase I, computes service reliability and utility, while in Phase II, runtime planning and evaluation. In Phase I, we assess the fault likelihood of the service using a combination of techniques (e.g., Hidden Marcov Model, Reputation, and Clustering). In Phase II, we build a recovery plan to execute in case of fault(s) and we calculate the overall system reliability based on the fault occurrence likelihoods assessed for all the services that are part of the current composition. FLEX is novel because it relies on key activities of the autonomic control loop (i.e., collect, analyze, decide, plan, and execute) to support dynamic management based on the changes of user requirements and QoS level. Our technique dynamically evaluates the performance of Web services based on their previous history and user requirements, assess the likelihood of fault occurrence, and uses the result to create (multiple) recovery plans. Moreover, we define a method to assess the overall system reliability by evaluating the performance of individual recovery plans, when invoked together. The Experiment results show that our technique improves the service selection quality by selecting the services with the highest score and improves the overall system performance in comparison with existing works. In the future, we plan to investigate techniques for monitoring service oriented systems and assess the online negotiation possibilities for combining different services to create high performance systems

    The Essence of Software Engineering

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    Software Engineering; Software Development; Software Processes; Software Architectures; Software Managemen

    Interdependent Security and Compliance in Service Selection

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    Application development today is characterized by ever shorter release cycles and more frequent change requests. Hence development methods such as service composition are increasingly arousing interest as viable alternative approaches. While employing web services as building blocks rapidly reduces development times, it raises new challenges regarding security and compliance since their implementation remains a black box which usually cannot be controlled. Security in particular gets even more challenging since some applications require domainspecific security objectives such as location privacy. Another important aspect is that security objectives are in general no singletons but subject to interdependence. Hence this thesis addresses the question of how to consider interdependent security and compliance in service composition. Current approaches for service composition do neither consider interdependent security nor compliance. Selecting suiting services for a composition is a combinatorial problem which is known to be NP-hard. Often this problem is solved utilizing genetic algorithms in order to obtain near-optimal solutions in reasonable time. This is particularly the case if multiple objectives have to be optimized simultaneously such as price, runtime and data encryption strength. Security properties of compositions are usually verified using formal methods. However, none of the available methods supports interdependence effects or defining arbitrary security objectives. Similarly, no current approach ensures compliance of service compositions during service selection. Instead, compliance is verified afterwards which might necessitate repeating the selection process in case of a non-compliant solution. In this thesis, novel approaches for considering interdependent security and compliance in service composition are being presented and discussed. Since no formal methods exist covering interdependence effects for security, this aspect is covered in terms of a security assessment. An assessment method is developed which builds upon the notion of structural decomposition in order to assess the fulfillment of arbitrary security objectives in terms of a utility function. Interdependence effects are being modeled as dependencies between utility functions. In order to enable compliance-awareness, an approach is presented which checks compliance of compositions during service selection and marks non-compliant parts. This enables to repair the corresponding parts during the selection process by replacing the current services and hence avoids the necessity to repeat the selection process. It is demonstrated how to embed the presented approaches into a genetic algorithm in order to ease integration with existing approaches for service composition. The developed approaches are being compared to state-of-the-art genetic algorithms using simulations