310 research outputs found

    Ensemble approach on enhanced compressed noise EEG data signal in wireless body area sensor network

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    The Wireless Body Area Sensor Network (WBASN) is used for communication among sensor nodes operating on or inside the human body in order to monitor vital body parameters and movements. One of the important applications of WBASN is patients’ healthcare monitoring of chronic diseases such as epileptic seizure. Normally, epileptic seizure data of the electroencephalograph (EEG) is captured and compressed in order to reduce its transmission time. However, at the same time, this contaminates the overall data and lowers classification accuracy. The current work also did not take into consideration that large size of collected EEG data. Consequently, EEG data is a bandwidth intensive. Hence, the main goal of this work is to design a unified compression and classification framework for delivery of EEG data in order to address its large size issue. EEG data is compressed in order to reduce its transmission time. However, at the same time, noise at the receiver side contaminates the overall data and lowers classification accuracy. Another goal is to reconstruct the compressed data and then recognize it. Therefore, a Noise Signal Combination (NSC) technique is proposed for the compression of the transmitted EEG data and enhancement of its classification accuracy at the receiving side in the presence of noise and incomplete data. The proposed framework combines compressive sensing and discrete cosine transform (DCT) in order to reduce the size of transmission data. Moreover, Gaussian noise model of the transmission channel is practically implemented to the framework. At the receiving side, the proposed NSC is designed based on weighted voting using four classification techniques. The accuracy of these techniques namely Artificial Neural Network, Naïve Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbour, and Support Victor Machine classifiers is fed to the proposed NSC. The experimental results showed that the proposed technique exceeds the conventional techniques by achieving the highest accuracy for noiseless and noisy data. Furthermore, the framework performs a significant role in reducing the size of data and classifying both noisy and noiseless data. The key contributions are the unified framework and proposed NSC, which improved accuracy of the noiseless and noisy EGG large data. The results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed framework and provided several credible benefits including simplicity, and accuracy enhancement. Finally, the research improves clinical information about patients who not only suffer from epilepsy, but also neurological disorders, mental or physiological problems

    Edge-based Compression and Classification for Smart Healthcare Systems: Concept, Implementation and Evaluation

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    Smart healthcare systems require recording, transmitting and processing large volumes of multimodal medical data generated from different types of sensors and medical devices, which is challenging and may turn some of the remote health monitoring applications impractical. Moving computational intelligence to the net- work edge is a promising approach for providing efficient and convenient ways for continuous-remote monitoring. Implementing efficient edge-based classification and data reduction techniques are of paramount importance to enable smart health- care systems with efficient real-time and cost-effective remote monitoring. Thus, we present our vision of leveraging edge computing to monitor, process, and make au- tonomous decisions for smart health applications. In particular, we present and im- plement an accurate and lightweight classification mechanism that, leveraging some time-domain features extracted from the vital signs, allows for a reliable seizures detection at the network edge with precise classification accuracy and low com- putational requirement. We then propose and implement a selective data transfer scheme, which opts for the most convenient way for data transmission depending on the detected patient’s conditions. In addition to that, we propose a reliable energy-efficient emergency notification system for epileptic seizure detection, based on conceptual learning and fuzzy classification. Our experimental results assess the performance of the proposed system in terms of data reduction, classification accuracy, battery lifetime, and transmission delay. We show the effectiveness of our system and its ability to outperform conventional remote monitoring systems that ignore data processing at the edge by: (i) achieving 98.3% classification accuracy for seizures detection, (ii) extending battery lifetime by 60%, and (iii) decreasing average transmission delay by 90%

    Novel Processing and Transmission Techniques Leveraging Edge Computing for Smart Health Systems

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    Edge Computing For Smart Health: Context-aware Approaches, Opportunities, and Challenges

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    Improving the efficiency of healthcare systems is a top national interest worldwide. However, the need to deliver scalable healthcare services to patients while reducing costs is a challenging issue. Among the most promising approaches for enabling smart healthcare (s-health) are edge-computing capabilities and next-generation wireless networking technologies that can provide real-time and cost-effective patient remote monitoring. In this article, we present our vision of exploiting MEC for s-health applications. We envision a MEC-based architecture and discuss the benefits that it can bring to realize in-network and context-aware processing so that the s-health requirements are met. We then present two main functionalities that can be implemented leveraging such an architecture to provide efficient data delivery, namely, multimodal data compression and edge-based feature extraction for event detection. The former allows efficient and low distortion compression, while the latter ensures high-reliability and fast response in case of emergency applications. Finally, we discuss the main challenges and opportunities that edge computing could provide and possible directions for future research

    Performance comparison of classification algorithms for EEG-based remote epileptic seizure detection in wireless sensor networks

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    Identification of epileptic seizure remotely by analyzing the electroencephalography (EEG) signal is very important for scalable sensor-based health systems.Classification is the most important technique for wide-ranging applications to categorize the items according to its features with respect to predefined set of classes.In this paper, we conduct a performance evaluation based on the noiseless and noisy EEG-based epileptic seizure data using various classification algorithms including BayesNet, DecisionTable, IBK, J48/C4.5, and VFI.The reconstructed and noisy EEG data are decomposed with discrete cosine transform into several sub-bands.In addition, some of statistical features are extracted from the wavelet coefficients to represent the whole EEG data inputs into the classifiers.Benchmark on widely used dataset is utilized for automatic epileptic seizure detection including both normal and epileptic EEG datasets.The classification accuracy results confirm that the selected classifiers have greater potentiality to identify the noisy epileptic disorders

    Design of a wearable sensor system for neonatal seizure monitoring

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    Design of a wearable sensor system for neonatal seizure monitoring

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    A Multi-Tier Distributed fog-based Architecture for Early Prediction of Epileptic Seizures

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    Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological problem. With 50 million people living with epilepsy worldwide, about one in 26 people will continue experiencing recurring seizures during their lifetime. Epileptic seizures are characterized by uncontrollable movements and can cause loss of awareness. Despite the optimal use of antiepileptic medications, seizures are still difficult to control due to their sudden and unpredictable nature. Such seizures can put the lives of patients and others at risk. For example, seizure attacks while patients are driving could affect their ability to control a vehicle and could result in injuries to the patients as well as others. Notifying patients before the onset of seizures can enable them to avoid risks and minimize accidents, thus, save their lives. Early and accurate prediction of seizures can play a significant role in improving patients’ quality of life and helping doctors to administer medications through providing a historical overview of patient's condition over time. The individual variability and the dynamic disparity in differentiating between the pre-ictal phase (a period before the onset of the seizure) and other seizures phases make the early prediction of seizures a challenging task. Although several research projects have focused on developing a reliable seizure prediction model, numerous challenges still exist and need to be addressed. Most of the existing approaches are not suitable for real-time settings, which requires bio-signals collection and analysis in real-time. Various methods were developed based on the analysis of EEG signals without considering the notification latency and computational cost to support monitoring of multiple patients. Limited approaches were designed based on the analysis of ECG signals. ECG signals can be collected using consumer wearable devices and are suitable for light-weight real-time analysis. Moreover, existing prediction methods were developed based on the analysis of seizure state and ignored the investigation of pre-ictal state. The analysis of the pre-ictal state is essential in the prediction of seizures at an early stage. Therefore, there is a crucial need to design a novel computing model for early prediction of epileptic seizures. This model would greatly assist in improving the patients' quality of lives. This work proposes a multi-tier architecture for early prediction of seizures based on the analysis of two vital signs, namely, Electrocardiography (ECG) and Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. The proposed architecture comprises of three tiers: (1) sensing at the first tier, (2) lightweight analysis based on ECG signals at the second tier, and (3) deep analysis based on EEG signals at the third tier. The proposed architecture is developed to leverage the potential of fog computing technology at the second tier for a real-time signal analytics and ubiquitous response. The proposed architecture can enable the early prediction of epileptic seizures, reduce the notification latency, and minimize the energy consumption on real-time data transmissions. Moreover, the proposed architecture is designed to allow for both lightweight and extensive analytics, thus make accurate and reliable decisions. The proposed lightweight model is formulated using the analysis of ECG signals to detect the pre-ictal state. The lightweight model utilizes the Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVM) classifier, while the proposed extensive analytics model analyzes EEG signals and utilizes Deep Belief Network (DBN) to provide an accurate classification of the patient’s state. The performance of the proposed architecture is evaluated in terms of latency minimization and energy consumption in comparison with the cloud. Moreover, the performance of the proposed prediction models is evaluated using three datasets. Various performance metrics were used to investigate the prediction model performance, including: accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and F1-Measure. The results illustrate the merits of the proposed architecture and show significant improvement in the early prediction of seizures in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity
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