198 research outputs found

    Efficient security for IPv6 multihoming

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    In this note, we propose a security mechanism for protecting IPv6 networks from possible abuses caused by the malicious usage of a multihoming protocol. In the presented approach, each multihomed node is assigned multiple prefixes from its upstream providers, and it creates the interface identifier part of its addresses by incorporating a cryptographic one-way hash of the available prefix set. The result is that the addresses of each multihomed node form an unalterable set of intrinsically bound IPv6 addresses. This allows any node that is communicating with the multihomed node to securely verify that all the alternative addresses proposed through the multihoming protocol are associated to the address used for establishing the communication. The verification process is extremely efficient because it only involves hash operationsPublicad

    Insights on the Internet routing scalability issues

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    In recent years, the size and dynamics of the global routing table have increased rapidly along with an increase in the number of edge networks. The relation between edge network quantity and routing table size/dynamics reveals a major limitation in the current architecture. In this paper we introduce the two problematics target as the main cause for the Internet scalability issue. Subsequently, we describe the different proposals that address the scalability problem. We group them in three categories: Separation, Elimination and GeographicPostprint (published version

    Multihomed mobile network architecture

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    IP mobility ensures network reachability and session continuity while IPv6 networks are on the move. In the Network Mobility (NEMO) model, the potential for NEMO Mobile Routers (MRs) to interconnect and extend Internet connectivity allows the formation Nested NEMO networks. With MANEMO, nested MRs can be efficiently interconnected in a tree-based structure with Internet access being maintained via a designated Gateway. However, this only supports single-homed Internet connectivity. With the span of wireless access technologies and the popularity of multi-interfaced devices, multihoming support in this scenario becomes critical. A Nested Mobile Network with heterogeneous available Internet access options would allow better overall network performance and optimal utilisation of available resources. In this paper, we present the Multihomed Mobile Network Architecture (MMNA), a comprehensive multihomed mobility solution. It provides a multihoming management mechanism for Gateway Discovery and Selection on top of a multihomed mobility model integrating different mobility and multihoming protocols. It enables a complex nested multihomed topology to be established with multiple gateways supporting heterogeneous Internet access. The results demonstrate that the proposed solution achieves better overall throughput, load sharing, and link failure recovery

    Host mobility management with identifier-locator split protocols in hierarchical and flat networks

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    Includes abstractIncludes bibliographical references.As the Internet increasingly becomes more mobile focused and overloaded with mobile hosts, mobile users are bound to roam freely and attach to a variety of networks. These different networks converge over an IP-based core to enable ubiquitous network access, anytime and anywhere, to support the provision of services, that is, any service, to mobile users. Therefore, in this thesis, the researcher proposed network-based mobility solutions at different layers to securely support seamless handovers between heterogeneous networks in hierarchical and flat network architectures

    State-of-the-Art Multihoming Protocols and Support for Android

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    Il traguardo più importante per la connettività wireless del futuro sarà sfruttare appieno le potenzialità offerte da tutte le interfacce di rete dei dispositivi mobili. Per questo motivo con ogni probabilità il multihoming sarà un requisito obbligatorio per quelle applicazioni che puntano a fornire la migliore esperienza utente nel loro utilizzo. Sinteticamente è possibile definire il multihoming come quel processo complesso per cui un end-host o un end-site ha molteplici punti di aggancio alla rete. Nella pratica, tuttavia, il multihoming si è rivelato difficile da implementare e ancor di più da ottimizzare. Ad oggi infatti, il multihoming è lontano dall’essere considerato una feature standard nel network deployment nonostante anni di ricerche e di sviluppo nel settore, poiché il relativo supporto da parte dei protocolli è quasi sempre del tutto inadeguato. Naturalmente anche per Android in quanto piattaforma mobile più usata al mondo, è di fondamentale importanza supportare il multihoming per ampliare lo spettro delle funzionalità offerte ai propri utenti. Dunque alla luce di ciò, in questa tesi espongo lo stato dell’arte del supporto al multihoming in Android mettendo a confronto diversi protocolli di rete e testando la soluzione che sembra essere in assoluto la più promettente: LISP. Esaminato lo stato dell’arte dei protocolli con supporto al multihoming e l’architettura software di LISPmob per Android, l’obiettivo operativo principale di questa ricerca è duplice: a) testare il roaming seamless tra le varie interfacce di rete di un dispositivo Android, il che è appunto uno degli obiettivi del multihoming, attraverso LISPmob; e b) effettuare un ampio numero di test al fine di ottenere attraverso dati sperimentali alcuni importanti parametri relativi alle performance di LISP per capire quanto è realistica la possibilità da parte dell’utente finale di usarlo come efficace soluzione multihoming

    A Survey on Handover Management in Mobility Architectures

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    This work presents a comprehensive and structured taxonomy of available techniques for managing the handover process in mobility architectures. Representative works from the existing literature have been divided into appropriate categories, based on their ability to support horizontal handovers, vertical handovers and multihoming. We describe approaches designed to work on the current Internet (i.e. IPv4-based networks), as well as those that have been devised for the "future" Internet (e.g. IPv6-based networks and extensions). Quantitative measures and qualitative indicators are also presented and used to evaluate and compare the examined approaches. This critical review provides some valuable guidelines and suggestions for designing and developing mobility architectures, including some practical expedients (e.g. those required in the current Internet environment), aimed to cope with the presence of NAT/firewalls and to provide support to legacy systems and several communication protocols working at the application layer

    An empirical evaluation of a Shim6 implementation

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    Several solutions are proposed to enable scalable multihom- ing over IPv6. One of these proposals is Shim6, a host-based multihoming solution based on the modification of the Internet Protocol stack of the host. This modification adds a layer below the transport protocols but above the forwarding layer. As this approach makes the modifications to the network stack transparent, existing applications automatically ben- efit from Shim6 functionality. In this paper we investigated aspects of the performance of the LinShim6 implementation from Universit ́e Catholique de Louvain. We also outline our modifications of the LinShim6 implementation to allow external soft- ware to control the locators used between hosts

    Efficient mobility and multihoming support for mountain rescue

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    Introducing an IP-based communication system into the mountain rescue domain would enable carrying out search and rescue missions in an effective way. With efficient mobility and multihoming support, a Mountain Rescue Team would be able to establish more effective and reliable Internet communication. In this paper, we present the Multihomed Mobile Network Architecture (MMNA), a comprehensive multihomed mobility solution for complex nested mobility scenarios. It provides a multihoming management mechanism for gateway discovery and selection, on top of an efficient multihomed mobility model integrating different mobility and multihoming protocols. The design of the MMNA solution is first presented. We then describe how the MMNA was experimentally implemented and evaluated in a testbed setup to examine its effectiveness and feasibility considering a use case example of a mountain rescue scenario. The results highlight the practicality and advantages of deploying the MMNA into such a critical real-world scenario

    Preserving Established Communications in IPv6 Multi-homed Sites with MEX

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    This research was supported by the SAM (Advanced Mobility Services) project, funded by the Spanish National R&D Programme under contract MCYT TIC2002-04531-C04-03.A proper support for multimedia communications transport has to provide fault tolerance capabilities such as the preservation of established connections in case of failures. While multi-homing addresses this issue, the currently available solution based in massive BGP route injection presents serious scalability limitations, since it contributes to the exponential growth of the BGP table size. Alternative solutions proposed for IPv6 fail to provide equivalent facilities to the current BGP based solution. In this paper we present MEX (Muti-homing through EXtension header) a novel proposal for the provision of IPv6 multi-homing capabilities. MEX preserves overall scalability by storing alternative route information in end-hosts while at the same time reduces packet loss by allowing routers to re-route in-course packets. This behavior is enabled by conveying alternative route information within packets inside a newly defined Extension Header. The resulting system provides fault tolerance capabilities and preserves scalability, while the incurred costs, namely deployment and packet overhead, are only imposed to those that benefit from it. An implementation of the MEX host and router components is also presented.Publicad