1,323 research outputs found

    Hybrid Petri net model of a traffic intersection in an urban network

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    Control in urban traffic networks constitutes an important and challenging research topic nowadays. In the literature, a lot of work can be found devoted to improving the performance of the traffic flow in such systems, by means of controlling the red-to-green switching times of traffic signals. Different techniques have been proposed and commercially implemented, ranging from heuristic methods to model-based optimization. However, given the complexity of the dynamics and the scale of urban traffic networks, there is still a lot of scope for improvement. In this work, a new hybrid model for the traffic behavior at an intersection is introduced. It captures important aspects of the flow dynamics in urban networks. It is shown how this model can be used in order to obtain control strategies that improve the flow of traffic at intersections, leading to the future possibility of controlling several connected intersections in a distributed way

    Versatile Markovian models for networks with asymmetric TCP sources

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    In this paper we use Stochastic Petri Nets (SPNs) to study the interaction of multiple TCP sources that share one or two buffers, thereby considerably extending earlier work. We first consider two sources sharing a buffer and investigate the consequences of two popular assumptions for the loss process in terms of fairness and link utilization. The results obtained by our model are in agreement with existing analytic models or are closer to results obtained by ns-2 simulations. We then study a network consisting of three sources and two buffers and provide evidence that link sharing is approximately minimum-potential-delay-fair in case of equal round-trip times. \u

    Performance evaluation of an emergency call center: tropical polynomial systems applied to timed Petri nets

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    We analyze a timed Petri net model of an emergency call center which processes calls with different levels of priority. The counter variables of the Petri net represent the cumulated number of events as a function of time. We show that these variables are determined by a piecewise linear dynamical system. We also prove that computing the stationary regimes of the associated fluid dynamics reduces to solving a polynomial system over a tropical (min-plus) semifield of germs. This leads to explicit formul{\ae} expressing the throughput of the fluid system as a piecewise linear function of the resources, revealing the existence of different congestion phases. Numerical experiments show that the analysis of the fluid dynamics yields a good approximation of the real throughput.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures. A shorter version can be found in the proceedings of the conference FORMATS 201

    Dependability Analysis of Control Systems using SystemC and Statistical Model Checking

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    Stochastic Petri nets are commonly used for modeling distributed systems in order to study their performance and dependability. This paper proposes a realization of stochastic Petri nets in SystemC for modeling large embedded control systems. Then statistical model checking is used to analyze the dependability of the constructed model. Our verification framework allows users to express a wide range of useful properties to be verified which is illustrated through a case study

    Petri net modeling and performance analysis of can fieldbus

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    The CAN FB (Controller Area Network FieldBus) has been in existence for ten years. It supports automated manufacturing and process control environments to interconnect intelligent devices such as valves, sensors, and actuators. CAN FieldBus has a high bit rate and the ability to detect errors. It is immune to noise and resistant to shock, vibration, and heat. Two recently introduced mechanisms, Distributed Priority Queue (DPQ) and Priority Promotion (PP) enable CAN FieldBus networks to share out the system bandwidth and grant ail upper bound on the transmission times so as to meet the requirements in real-time communications. Modeling and analysis of such networks are an important research area for their wide applications in manufacturing automation. This thesis presents a Petri net methodology which models and analyzes CAN FieldBus access protocol. A Reachability Graph of the Petri net model is -utilized to study the behavioral properties of the protocol. A timed Petri net simulator is used to evaluate the performance of the protocol. Performance measures include the completion time for successful events and operations. Operational parameters investigated using the Petri Net model are FieldBus speed, the length of each frame, and the number of frames in a message

    Toward a decision support system for the clinical pathways assessment

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    This paper presents a decision support system to be used in hospital management taskswhich is based on the clinical pathways. We propose a very simple graphical modeling lan-guage based on a small number of primitive elements through which the medical doctorscould introduce a clinical pathway for a specific disease. Three essential aspects relatedto a clinical pathway can be specified in this language: (1) patient flow; (2) resource uti-lization; and (3) information interchange. This high-level language is a domain specificmodeling language calledHealthcare System Specification (HSS), and it is defined as anUnified Modeling Language (UML) profile. A model to model transformation is also pro-posed in order to obtain, from the pathways HSS specification, a Stochastic Well-formedNet (SWN) model that enables a formal analysis of the modeled system and, if needed, toapply synthesis methods enforcing specified requirements. The transformation is based onthe application of local rules. The clinical pathway of hip fracture from the “Lozano Blesa”University hospital in Zaragoza is taken as an example
