26,603 research outputs found

    1 A Performance Comparison Study of Ad Hoc Wireless Multicast Protocols

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    Abstract—In this paper we investigate the performance of multicast routing protocols in wireless mobile ad hoc networks. An ad hoc network is composed of mobile nodes without the presence of a wired support infrastructure. In this environment, routing/multicasting protocols are faced with the challenge of producing multihop routes under host mobility and bandwidth constraints. In recent years, a number of new multicast protocols of different styles have been proposed for ad hoc networks. However, systematic performance evaluations and comparative analysis of these protocols in a common realistic environment has not yet been performed. In this study, we simulate a set of representative wireless ad hoc multicast protocols and evaluate them in various network scenarios. The relative strengths, weaknesses, and applicability of each multicast protocol to diverse situations are studied and discussed. I

    Performance Evaluation of AODV and FSR Routing Protocols in MANETs

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    A mobilead hoc Network (MANET) is an infrastructure less, decentralized multi-hop network where the mobile nodes are free to move randomly, these making the network topology dynamic. MANET routing protocols show different performance in different mobile network scenarios. In this paper an attempt has been made to understand the characteristics/behavior of ad hoc on demand distance vector (AODV) and Fisheye State Routing (FSR)protocols. The analysis of these protocols has been done using NS-2

    Performance Analysis of On-Demand Routing Protocols in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have recently gained a lot of popularity due to their rapid deployment and instant communication capabilities. WMNs are dynamically self-organizing, self-configuring and self-healing with the nodes in the network automatically establishing an adiej hoc network and preserving the mesh connectivity. Designing a routing protocol for WMNs requires several aspects to consider, such as wireless networks, fixed applications, mobile applications, scalability, better performance metrics, efficient routing within infrastructure, load balancing, throughput enhancement, interference, robustness etc. To support communication, various routing protocols are designed for various networks (e.g. ad hoc, sensor, wired etc.). However, all these protocols are not suitable for WMNs, because of the architectural differences among the networks. In this paper, a detailed simulation based performance study and analysis is performed on the reactive routing protocols to verify the suitability of these protocols over such kind of networks. Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) routing protocol are considered as the representative of reactive routing protocols. The performance differentials are investigated using varying traffic load and number of source. Based on the simulation results, how the performance of each protocol can be improved is also recommended.Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), IEEE 802.11s, AODV, DSR, DYMO

    Performance Analysis between OLSR and FSR Protocols under Black Hole Attack Using FPGA

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    Security is an important part of wireless ad hoc network or mobile ad hoc network. A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is an infrastructure less category of wireless network. Routing protocols in Mobile ad hoc network is divided into three categories, Reactive (also known as on demand) routing protocol, Proactive (also known as table driven) routing protocol and Hybrid protocol. Security is an important part in MANET because when we send data source node to destination node in mobile ad hoc network, we want protection in path between source to destination and complete transfer data packet between source node to destination node. In this research paper we use two proactive routing protocol known as OLSR (Optimized Link state Routing) Protocol and FSR (Fisheye State Routing) Protocol. OLSR is a flat routing and Unipath protocol based on multipoint relay not multipath. FSR is a hierarchical routing and multipath protocol based on multiple paths. In this research work we check the performance of these two protocols under five different performance matrices known as Packet delivery ratio (PDR), Packet loss (PL), Average end to end delay (AEED), Normalized Routing load (NRL) and Throughput on black hole attack. Black hole attack is an active attack, in this attack attacker node absorbs the data packet and give the fake reply. In this research paper we analysis the performance two protocol one is unipath known as OLSR and second is Multipath known as FSR under Black hole Attack. The performance of FSR is better than OLSR, because OLSR is unipath and maximum data packet is absorbs in OLSR single path. FSR is better because FSR is Multipath and minimum data packet is absorbs in FSR multi path

    Ad hoc network security and modeling with stochastic petri nets

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    Advances in wireless technology and portable computing along with demands for high user mobility have provided a major promotion toward the development of ad hoc networks. These networks feature dynamic topology, self-organization, limited bandwidth and battery power of a node. Unlike the existing commercial wireless systems and fixed infrastructure networks, they do not rely on specialized routers for path discovery and traffic routing. Security is an important issue in such networks. Typically, mobile nodes are significantly more susceptible to physical attacks than their wired counterparts. This research intends to investigate the ad hoc network routing security by proposing a performance enhanced Secure ad hoc On-demand Routing protocol (SOR). Specifically, it presents a method to embed Security Level into ad hoc on-demand routing protocols using node-disjoint multipath, and to use maximum hopcount to restrict the number of routing packets in a specific area. The proposed scheme enables the use of security as a marked factor to improve the relevance of the routes discovered by ad hoc routing protocols. It provides customizable security to the flow of routing protocol messages. In general, SOR offers an alternative way to implement security in on-demand routing protocols. Ad hoc network is too complex to allow analytical study for explicit performance expressions. This research presents a Stochastic Petri net-based approach to modeling and analysis of mobile ad hoc network. This work illustrates how this model is built as a scalable model and used to exploit the characteristics of the networks. The proposed scheme is a powerful analytical model that can be used to derive network performance much more easily than a simulation-based approach. Furthermore, the proposed model is extended to study the performance of ad hoc network security by adding multipath selection and security measurement parameters. This research gives a quantificational measurement to analyze the performance of a modified SPN model under the effect of multipath and attack of a hypothetical compromised node

    A Simulation-Based Performance Evaluation of AODV and DSR in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs)

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    This work evaluates and compares the performance of two reactive routing protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks: Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR). The study focuses on the design and evaluation of routing protocols in mobile ad-hoc networks. Study and implementation of these protocols are been carried out using network simulator (ns2) and metrics such as Packet Delivery Fraction, Average end-to-end Delay, Routing overhead and Normalized Routing are used for performance analysis. Results are presented as a function of these metrics and the graphs generated show that DSR performs better than AODV when fewer nodes are been used

    Performance Evaluation of AODV Protocol Using NS2 Simulator

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) represent complex distributed systems that comprise wireless mobile nodes which can dynamically self-organize into arbitrary and temporary, �ad-hoc� network topologies. This allows people and devices to seamlessly internetwork in areas with no pre-existing communication infrastructure. One interesting research area in MANET is routing. Routing in the MANETs is a challenging task and has received a tremendous amount of attention from researchers. This has led to development of many different routing protocols for MANETs. A mobile node is a collection point in the network which uses a particular protocol to forward data from source to destination. The nodes are free to move about and organize themselves into a network. The requirement of routing protocol is to send and receive information among the nodes with best suited path with the minimum delay. Correct and efficient route establishment between a pair of nodes is the primary goal of routing protocol. This paper is a simulation based analysis of Ad hoc on demand Distance Vector (AODV). The mobility models used in this work is Random Waypoint using network simulation tool NS2. The results presented in this work illustrate the performance of AODV routing protocols in an ad hoc environment

    Performance comparisons of AODV, secure AODV and adaptive secure AODV routing protocols in free attack simulation environment.

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    There have been various secure routing protocols proposed for mobile ad hoc networks. Most of these protocols are analyzed by three standard techniques: simulation, security analysis and real network testbed. In this paper, Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocols was selected as the basis of the entire simulations. Due to the needs of securing the routing in the wireless ad hoc networks, Secure AODV (SAODV) was developed to add security to original AODV which includes cryptographic operations that can have a significant impact on the routing performance. To get better performance while maintaining the secure routing, Adaptive SAODV (A-SAODV) was developed based on the SAODV implementation, which was claimed to introduce some improvement on the routing compared to the SAODV. Based on this justification, some analysis and studies are made on the performance and impacts using AODV, Secure AODV (SAODV) and Adaptive Secure AODV (A-SAODV) in a free-attack simulation environment to analyze these routing protocols and make some comparisons on the performance. The collection of simulation results will show the performance impact of security implementation into the original AODV after the implementations of SAODV and A-SAODV into the networks


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    ABSTRAKSI: Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) adalah sekumpulan mobile node yang terdesentralisasi yang mana proses pertukaran informasinya melalui media transmisi nirkabel / wireless. Pada Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), node yang dilengkapi dengan peralatan wireless memiliki kemampuan untuk mengelola dan mengorganisasi secara mandiri, walaupun tanpa kehadiran suatu infrastruktur jaringan, atau dengan kata lain bahwa sebuah node pada MANET ini dapat berperan sebagai source dan juga sebagai destination.Dalam Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) diperlukan protokol routing agar tiap node dapat melakukan komunikasi dengan node lain yang diluar jangkauannya, pada saat ini banyak penelitian yang dilakukan dari beberapa protokol yang ada di dalam jaringan wireless ad-hoc untuk mengetahui kinerja dari setiap protokol tersebut.Dalam tugas akhir ini dilakukan analisis performansi terhadap protokol routing Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) yang bersifat reaktif dengan Protokol routing Ad-hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing (AOMDV) . Dari hasil simulasi pada Network Simulator yang didapat, pada skenario perubahan kecepatan node dan penambahan jumlah node, nilai performansi dari AOMDV lebih unggul jika dilihat dari parameter throughput, delay, routing overhead, dan NRL jika dibandingkan TORA. Sedangkan dari nilai PDR, TORA sedikit lebih unggul jika dibandingkan dengan AOMDV. Sedangkan pada skenario ada tidaknya background traffic untuk sesama protokol routing AOMDV, performansi AOMDV dengan adanya background traffic lebih unggul jika dilihat dari parameter throughput, routing overhead dan NRL, namun dari nilai delay yang dihasilkan AOMDV tanpa background traffic lebih unggul. Pada nilai PDR, saat kecepatan 0 m/s dan 1 m/s AOMDV tanpa background traffic lebih unggul sedikit dibandingkan dengan adanya background traffic, sedangkan pada kecepatan 5 m/s, 10 m/s, 15 m/s, dan 20 m/s justru sebaliknya.Kata Kunci : MANET, Node, Protokol Routing, TORA, AOMDV dan Network SimulatorABSTRACT: Mobile Ad Hoc Network ( MANET ) is a collection of mobile nodes which decentralized where the information exchange is processed via wireless transmission media / wireless . In Mobile Ad hoc Network ( MANET ), the nodes are equipped with wireless devices have the ability to manage and organize independently, even without the presence of a network infrastructure , or in other words that a node in MANET can act as a source as well as destinationIn Mobile Ad Hoc Network ( MANET ) routing protocol is needed so that each node can communicate with another node that is out of reach, at the moment a lot of research done on several existing protocols in wireless ad-hoc network to determine the performance of each protocol .In this final project, an analysis of the performance of the routing protocols temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm ( TORA ) that are reactive with the routing protocol Ad - hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing ( AOMDV ). From the simulation results obtained in the Network Simulator, in the scenario of speed changes and increase in the number of nodes, the value of AOMDV performance is better when viewed from the parameters of throughput, delay, routing overhead, and the NRL than TORA . Whereas the value of PDR , TORA slightly is better when compared to AOMDV . While in the presence or absence of background traffic scenarios for fellow AOMDV routing protocol , performance in the presence of background traffic AOMDV is better when viewed from the parameters throughput , routing overhead and NRL, but from the resulting delay value AOMDV is better without background traffic . In the PDR value , while the speed of 0 m / s and 1 m / s AOMDV without background traffic slightly is better when compared with background traffic , while at the speed of 5 m / s , 10 m / s , 15 m / s , and 20 m / s just the opposite .Keyword: MANET, Node, Protokol Routing, TORA, AOMDV dan Network Simulato
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