8 research outputs found

    Performance Enhancement of Quality of Service of IP Mobility for Real-Time Traffic

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    Future Internet traffic will be huge both for real time and non-real time traffic in an IP mobility environment due to proliferation of mobile nodes. MIPv4 is one of IETF defined IP mobility protocols but with QoS issues like end-to-end delay due to triangular routing, jitter and throughput. OPNET Modeler 14.5 was used in this research to simulate MIPv4 based WiMax network combining MPLS and Diffserv to improve upon the service quality of the network. The end-to-end delay for 20 mobile nodes (MN) was reduced considerably to less than 0.09 second for VoIP traffic and 0.7 second for video conferencing. Jitter was virtually eliminated and good improvement on service throughput. With this improvement in MIPv4 network performance, it can be integrated with MIPv6 network for better future Internet service delivery

    Performance Enhancements in IEEE 802.11 DCF MANET through Variation of SIFS Values in Distance Vector Routing Environment

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    This paper describes and investigates the performance enhancement techniques used in IEEE 802.11g MANET in AODV and DSDV routing environment. Through variation of Short Interframe Space (SIFS) values, a better scheme to enhance the wireless network performance can be achieved. This is important especially to assign high priority network nodes that carry time sensitive data to reach the intended receiver in a timely manner. Using NS-2, network simulations are done and the findings are presented. It is showed that nodes using the variated SIFS values can achieve higher throughput compared to nodes using the default SIFS values


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    Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) is a mobility management protocol that enables mobile nodes to always be connected while moving around in IPv6 network. The need for MIPv6 is important because a mobile device cannot maintain its connectivity with the previous link when changing location and IP address. The purpose of the mobility management protocol is that the applications on the network can be countinue on the network. Mobile IPv6 itself requires optimization to improve performance so in this study conducted a comparison analysis performance of MIPv6 with its development series that is Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) to see the impact of performance improvement that can be done. Implementation of this protocol performance is done on the scope of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), where mobile node to moving from one WLAN network to another WLAN network and simulated with network simulator 2. Performance parameters that measured are average throughput, packet loss and handoff latency which scenarios increasing the speed of node movement. From the simulation results, it can be seen that HMIPv6 performs better than MIPv6 protocol, because in HMIPv6 provides lower packet loss and handoff latency rather than MIPv6.Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) merupakan sebuah protokol mobility management yang memungkinkan mobile node untuk selalu dapat terkoneksi walaupun melakukan perpindahan pada cakupan jaringan IPv6. Kebutuhan akan MIPv6 menjadi penting karena sebuah perangkat mobile tidak dapat menjaga konektivitasnya dengan link sebelumnya ketika melakukan perpindahan lokasi dan pergantian alamat IP. Tujuan dari protokol mobility management adalah agar aplikasi pada jaringan dapat beroperasi secara kontinu di jaringan nirkabel ataupun kabel ketika mobile node melakukan perpindahan dalam jaringan. Mobile IPv6 sendiri memerlukan optimasi untuk meningkatkan performansinya sehingga pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisa perbandingan performansi MIPv6 dengan rangkaian pengembangannya yaitu Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) untuk melihat seberapa besar peningkatan performansi yang dapat dilakukan. Pengujian kinerja protokol ini dilakukan pada cakupan Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), dimana mobile node melakukan perpindahan dari satu jaringan WLAN ke jaringan WLAN lain yang disimulasikan dengan network simulator 2. Parameter performansi yang diukur adalah packet loss dan handoff latency yang diuji dengan peningkatan kecepatan pergerakan node. Dari hasil simulasi, dapat dilihat bahwa HMIPv6 menunjukkan performansi yang lebih baik dibandingkan protokol MIPv6, karena HMIPv6 memberikan packet loss serta handoff latency yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan MIPv6

    Mobility Management in All-IP Networks

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    Mobilnost korisnika u današnjem telekomunikacijskom okruženju ključan je faktor zadovoljenja korisničkih potreba. Mobilnost podrazumijeva omogućavanje kontinuirane komunikacije korisnicima prilikom kretnje korištenjem bilo koje pristupne mreže i tehnologije. Pristupanje uslugama korištenjem bilo koje vrste pristupne mreže i tehnologije omogućeno je kroz All-IP mrežu. All-IP mreža predstavlja jezgrenu mrežu u potpunosti baziranu na Internetskom protokolu koja konvergira sve pristupne mreže u jedinstveno IP mrežno okruženje. Mobilnost korisnika unutar All-IP mrežnog okruženja postiže se primjenom protokola za upravljanje mobilnošću. IP protokola za podršku mobilnosti korisnika i proxy IP protokol za podršku mobilnosti korisnika omogućuju kvalitetan nadzor i upravljanje korisničkih komunikacija prilikom kretanja.The mobility of users in today's telecommunications environment is a key factor to satisfy user requirements. Mobility means enabling continuous communications to users during movements using any of access networks and technologies. Accessing the Services using any type of access network and technology is enabled through the All-IP network. All-IP network is a core network completely based on the Internet Protocol, which converges all access networks into a single IP network environment. User mobility within the All-IP network environment is achieved using the protocols for mobility management. IP protocol to support the mobility of users and proxy IP protocol to support the mobility of users provide quality supervision and management of user communication during movement

    Mobility Management in All-IP Networks

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    Mobilnost korisnika u današnjem telekomunikacijskom okruženju ključan je faktor zadovoljenja korisničkih potreba. Mobilnost podrazumijeva omogućavanje kontinuirane komunikacije korisnicima prilikom kretnje korištenjem bilo koje pristupne mreže i tehnologije. Pristupanje uslugama korištenjem bilo koje vrste pristupne mreže i tehnologije omogućeno je kroz All-IP mrežu. All-IP mreža predstavlja jezgrenu mrežu u potpunosti baziranu na Internetskom protokolu koja konvergira sve pristupne mreže u jedinstveno IP mrežno okruženje. Mobilnost korisnika unutar All-IP mrežnog okruženja postiže se primjenom protokola za upravljanje mobilnošću. IP protokola za podršku mobilnosti korisnika i proxy IP protokol za podršku mobilnosti korisnika omogućuju kvalitetan nadzor i upravljanje korisničkih komunikacija prilikom kretanja.The mobility of users in today's telecommunications environment is a key factor to satisfy user requirements. Mobility means enabling continuous communications to users during movements using any of access networks and technologies. Accessing the Services using any type of access network and technology is enabled through the All-IP network. All-IP network is a core network completely based on the Internet Protocol, which converges all access networks into a single IP network environment. User mobility within the All-IP network environment is achieved using the protocols for mobility management. IP protocol to support the mobility of users and proxy IP protocol to support the mobility of users provide quality supervision and management of user communication during movement

    A Seamless Vertical Handoff Protocol for Enhancing the Performance of Data Services in Integrated UMTS/WLAN Network

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    The Next Generation Wireless Network (NGWN) is speculated to be a unified network composed of several existing wireless access networks such as Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), Global System for Mobile (GSM), Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), and satellite network etc

    A Seamless Vertical Handoff Protocol for Enhancing the Performance of Data Services in Integrated UMTS/WLAN Network

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    The Next Generation Wireless Network (NGWN) is speculated to be a unified network composed of several existing wireless access networks such as Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), Global System for Mobile (GSM), Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), and satellite network etc