499 research outputs found

    SGD Frequency-Domain Space-Frequency Semiblind Multiuser Receiver with an Adaptive Optimal Mixing Parameter

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    A novel stochastic gradient descent frequency-domain (FD) space-frequency (SF) semiblind multiuser receiver with an adaptive optimal mixing parameter is proposed to improve performance of FD semiblind multiuser receivers with a fixed mixing parameters and reduces computational complexity of suboptimal FD semiblind multiuser receivers in SFBC downlink MIMO MC-CDMA systems where various numbers of users exist. The receiver exploits an adaptive mixing parameter to mix information ratio between the training-based mode and the blind-based mode. Analytical results prove that the optimal mixing parameter value relies on power and number of active loaded users existing in the system. Computer simulation results show that when the mixing parameter is adapted closely to the optimal mixing parameter value, the performance of the receiver outperforms existing FD SF adaptive step-size (AS) LMS semiblind based with a fixed mixing parameter and conventional FD SF AS-LMS training-based multiuser receivers in the MSE, SER and signal to interference plus noise ratio in both static and dynamic environments

    Performance Enhancement in SU and MU MIMO-OFDM Technique for Wireless Communication: A Review

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    The consistent demand for higher data rates and need to send giant volumes of data while not compromising the quality of communication has led the development of a new generations of wireless systems. But range and data rate limitations are there in wireless devices. In an attempt to beat these limitations, Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) systems will be used which also increase diversity and improve the bit error rate (BER) performance of wireless systems. They additionally increase the channel capacity, increase the transmitted data rate through spatial multiplexing, and/or reduce interference from other users. MIMO systems therefore create a promising communication system because of their high transmission rates without additional bandwidth or transmit power and robustness against multipath fading. This paper provides the overview of Multiuser MIMO system. A detailed review on how to increase performance of system and reduce the bit error rate (BER) in different fading environment e.g. Rayleigh fading, Rician fading, Nakagami fading, composite fading

    Air Interface for Next Generation Mobile Communication Networks: Physical Layer Design:A LTE-A Uplink Case Study

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    Advances in Multi-User Scheduling and Turbo Equalization for Wireless MIMO Systems

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    Nach einer Einleitung behandelt Teil 2 Mehrbenutzer-Scheduling für die Abwärtsstrecke von drahtlosen MIMO Systemen mit einer Sendestation und kanaladaptivem precoding: In jeder Zeit- oder Frequenzressource kann eine andere Nutzergruppe gleichzeitig bedient werden, räumlich getrennt durch unterschiedliche Antennengewichte. Nutzer mit korrelierten Kanälen sollten nicht gleichzeitig bedient werden, da dies die räumliche Trennbarkeit erschwert. Die Summenrate einer Nutzermenge hängt von den Antennengewichten ab, die wiederum von der Nutzerauswahl abhängen. Zur Entkopplung des Problems schlägt diese Arbeit Metriken vor basierend auf einer geschätzten Rate mit ZF precoding. Diese lässt sich mit Hilfe von wiederholten orthogonalen Projektionen abschätzen, wodurch die Berechnung von Antennengewichten beim Scheduling entfällt. Die Ratenschätzung kann basierend auf momentanen Kanalmessungen oder auf gemittelter Kanalkenntnis berechnet werden und es können Datenraten- und Fairness-Kriterien berücksichtig werden. Effiziente Suchalgorithmen werden vorgestellt, die die gesamte Systembandbreite auf einmal bearbeiten können und zur Komplexitätsreduktion die Lösung in Zeit- und Frequenz nachführen können. Teil 3 zeigt wie mehrere Sendestationen koordiniertes Scheduling und kooperative Signalverarbeitung einsetzen können. Mittels orthogonalen Projektionen ist es möglich, Inter-Site Interferenz zu schätzen, ohne Antennengewichte berechnen zu müssen. Durch ein Konzept virtueller Nutzer kann der obige Scheduling-Ansatz auf mehrere Sendestationen und sogar Relays mit SDMA erweitert werden. Auf den benötigten Signalisierungsaufwand wird kurz eingegangen und eine Methode zur Schätzung der Summenrate eines Systems ohne Koordination besprochen. Teil4 entwickelt Optimierungen für Turbo Entzerrer. Diese Nutzen Signalkorrelation als Quelle von Redundanz. Trotzdem kann eine Kombination mit MIMO precoding sinnvoll sein, da bei Annahme realistischer Fehler in der Kanalkenntnis am Sender keine optimale Interferenzunterdrückung möglich ist. Mit Hilfe von EXIT Charts wird eine neuartige Methode zur adaptiven Nutzung von a-priori-Information zwischen Iterationen entwickelt, die die Konvergenz verbessert. Dabei wird gezeigt, wie man semi-blinde Kanalschätzung im EXIT chart berücksichtigen kann. In Computersimulationen werden alle Verfahren basierend auf 4G-Systemparametern überprüft.After an introduction, part 2 of this thesis deals with downlink multi-user scheduling for wireless MIMO systems with one transmitting station performing channel adaptive precoding:Different user subsets can be served in each time or frequency resource by separating them in space with different antenna weight vectors. Users with correlated channel matrices should not be served jointly since correlation impairs the spatial separability.The resulting sum rate for each user subset depends on the precoding weights, which in turn depend on the user subset. This thesis manages to decouple this problem by proposing a scheduling metric based on the rate with ZF precoding such as BD, written with the help of orthogonal projection matrices. It allows estimating rates without computing any antenna weights by using a repeated projection approximation.This rate estimate allows considering user rate requirements and fairness criteria and can work with either instantaneous or long term averaged channel knowledge.Search algorithms are presented to efficiently solve user grouping or selection problems jointly for the entire system bandwidth while being able to track the solution in time and frequency for complexity reduction. Part 3 shows how multiple transmitting stations can benefit from cooperative scheduling or joint signal processing. An orthogonal projection based estimate of the inter-site interference power, again without computing any antenna weights, and a virtual user concept extends the scheduling approach to cooperative base stations and finally included SDMA half-duplex relays in the scheduling.Signalling overhead is discussed and a method to estimate the sum rate without coordination. Part 4 presents optimizations for Turbo Equalizers. There, correlation between user signals can be exploited as a source of redundancy. Nevertheless a combination with transmit precoding which aims at reducing correlation can be beneficial when the channel knowledge at the transmitter contains a realistic error, leading to increased correlation. A novel method for adaptive re-use of a-priori information between is developed to increase convergence by tracking the iterations online with EXIT charts.A method is proposed to model semi-blind channel estimation updates in an EXIT chart. Computer simulations with 4G system parameters illustrate the methods using realistic channel models.Im Buchhandel erhältlich: Advances in Multi-User Scheduling and Turbo Equalization for Wireless MIMO Systems / Fuchs-Lautensack,Martin Ilmenau: ISLE, 2009,116 S. ISBN 978-3-938843-43-

    Iterative Near-Maximum-Likelihood Detection in Rank-Deficient Downlink SDMA Systems

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    Abstract—In this paper, a precoded and iteratively detected downlink multiuser system is proposed, which is capable of operating in rankdeficient scenarios, when the number of transmitters exceeds the number of receivers. The literature of uplink space division multiple access (SDMA) systems is rich, but at the time of writing there is a paucity of information on the employment of SDMA techniques in the downlink. Hence, we propose a novel precoded downlink SDMA (DL-SDMA) multiuser communication system, which invokes a low-complexity nearmaximum-likelihood sphere decoder and is particularly suitable for the aforementioned rank-deficient scenario. Powerful iterative decoding is carried out by exchanging extrinsic information between the precoder’s decoder and the outer channel decoder. Furthermore, we demonstrate with the aid of extrinsic information transfer charts that our proposed precoded DL-SDMA system has a better convergence behavior than its nonprecoded DL-SDMA counterpart. Quantitatively, the proposed system having a normalized system load of Ls = 1.333, i.e., 1.333 times higher effective throughput facilitated by having 1.333 times more DL-SDMA transmitters than receivers, exhibits a “turbo cliff” at an Eb/N0 of 5 dB and hence results in an infinitesimally low bit error rate (BER). By contrast, at Eb/N0 = 5 dB, the equivalent system dispensing with precoding exhibits a BER in excess of 10%. Index Terms—Iterative decoding, maximum likelihood detection, space division multiple access (SDMA) downlink, sphere decoding

    Multiple-Resampling Receiver Design for OFDM Over Doppler-Distorted Underwater Acoustic Channels

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this paper, we focus on orthogonal frequency-divisionmultiplexing (OFDM) receiver designs for underwater acoustic (UWA) channels with user- and/or path-specific Doppler scaling distortions. The scenario is motivated by the cooperative communications framework, where distributed transmitter/receiver pairs may experience significantly different Doppler distortions, as well as by the single-user scenarios, where distinct Doppler scaling factors may exist among different propagation paths. The conventional approach of front–end resampling that corrects for common Doppler scalingmay not be appropriatein such scenarios, rendering a post-fast-Fourier-transform (FFT) signal that is contaminated by user- and/or path-specific intercarrier interference. To counteract this problem, we propose a family of front–end receiver structures thatutilizemultiple-resampling (MR)branches,eachmatched to the Doppler scaling factor of a particular user and/or path. Following resampling, FFT modules transform the Doppler-compensated signals into the frequency domain for further processing through linear or nonlinear detection schemes. As part of the overall receiver structure, a gradient–descent approachis also proposed to refine the channel estimates obtained by standard sparse channel estimators. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed receivers are demonstrated via simulations, as well as emulations based on real data collected during the 2010 Mobile Acoustic Communications Experiment (MACE10, Martha’s Vineyard, MA) and the 2008 Kauai Acomms MURI (KAM08, Kauai, HI) experiment

    Performance enhancement of multiuser MIMO wireless communication systems

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    This paper describes a new approach to the problem of enhancing the performance of a multiuser multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) system for communication from one base station to many mobile stations in both frequency-flat and frequency-selective fading channels. This problem arises in space-division multiplexing systems with multiple users where many independent signal streams can be transmitted in the same frequency and time slot through the exploitation of multiple antennas at both the base and mobile stations, Our new approach is based on maximizing a lower bound for the product of signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) of a multiuser MIMO system. This provides a closed-form (noniterative) solution for the antenna weights for all the users, under the constraint of fixed transmit power. Our solution is shown by simulation to have better performance than previously proposed iterative or noniterative solutions. In addition, our solution requires significantly reduced complexity over a gradient search-based method that directly optimizes the product SINgs while still maintaining similar performance. Our solution assumes channel state information is present at the base station or transmitter
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