2,178 research outputs found

    Power Efficient VLC Transmitter Based on Pulse-Width Modulated DC-DC Converters and the Split of the Power

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    Visible Light Communication (VLC) has gained relevance during the last years. It consists in using High-Brightness LEDs (HB-LEDs) both for lighting and for transmitting information changing the light intensity rapidly. However, there are some bottlenecks that are slowing down the deployment of this technology. One of the most important problems is that the HB-LED drivers proposed for addressing high data rates in VLC achieve poor power efficiency. Since these HB-LED drivers must be able to reproduce fast current waveforms, the use of Linear Power Amplifiers (LPAs) has been adopted, which clearly damages the power efficiency of HB-LED lighting. In order to alleviate this problem, a HB-LED driver made up of two DC-DC power converters is presented in this work. One of them is responsible for performing the communication functionality by operating at high switching frequency (10 MHz), whereas the second converter fulfills the illumination functionality by ensuring a certain biasing point. The split of the power allows us to minimize the power delivered by the fast-response DC-DC power converter, which suffers from high switching losses. Thus, the overall efficiency can be maximized for each particular communication scenario and for scenarios with changing condition

    Interference Suppression in Massive MIMO VLC Systems

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    The focus of this dissertation is on the development and evaluation of methods and principles to mitigate interference in multiuser visible light communication (VLC) systems using several transmitters. All components of such a massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system are considered and transformed into a communication system model, while also paying particular attention to the hardware requirements of different modulation schemes. By analyzing all steps in the communication process, the inter-channel interference between users is identified as the most critical aspect. Several methods of suppressing this kind of interference, i.e. to split the MIMO channel into parallel single channels, are discussed, and a novel active LCD-based interference suppression principle at the receiver side is introduced as main aspect of this work. This technique enables a dynamic adaption of the physical channel: compared to solely software-based or static approaches, the LCD interference suppression filter achieves adaptive channel separation without altering the characteristics of the transmitter lights. This is especially advantageous in dual-use scenarios with illumination requirements. Additionally, external interferers, like natural light or transmitter light sources of neighboring cells in a multicell setting, can also be suppressed without requiring any control over them. Each user's LCD filter is placed in front of the corresponding photodetector and configured in such a way that only light from desired transmitters can reach the detector by setting only the appropriate pixels to transparent, while light from unwanted transmitters remains blocked. The effectiveness of this method is tested and benchmarked against zero-forcing (ZF) precoding in different scenarios and applications by numerical simulations and also verified experimentally in a large MIMO VLC testbed created specifically for this purpose

    On the Role of Power Electronics in Visible Light Communication

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    The continuous demand of increasing data rates provided by wireless communication systems is contributing to saturating the RF spectrum. Visible Light Communication (VLC) systems aim to alleviate this congestion by using the visible light spectrum. These systems have been proposed to make use of High-Brightness LEDs (HB-LEDs) not only for lighting, but also for transmitting information by rapidly changing the intensity of the emitted light. A critical issue is that VLC requires a fast HB-LED driver in order to reproduce the target light intensity waveforms, which can include components of several MHz. Consequently, the HB-LED drivers proposed to date are based on the use of an RF Power Amplifier (RFPA). These devices provide the required speed, but suffer from very high power losses. To overcome this drawback, different solutions based on the use of fast-response DC/DC converters are presented in this paper. Several DC/DC converters, either to be used instead of an RFPA or to help an RFPA to achieve high efficiency, are thus analysed. The proposed HB-LED drivers enable the implementation of VLC transmitters without sacrificing one of the most important advantages of HB-LED lighting, namely its high power efficienc

    Reproducing single-carrier digital modulation schemes for VLC by controlling the first switching harmonic of the dc-dc power converter output voltage ripple

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    A DC-DC power converter based on a two-phase synchronous buck converter that reproduces single-carrier digital modulation schemes by controlling the first switching harmonic of the output voltage ripple is presented in this work. The DC-DC power converter carries out both the lighting and the transmission functionalities of Visible Light Communication (VLC) transmitters. Control of both the amplitude and the phase of sinusoidal currents injected towards High-Brightness LEDs (HB-LEDs) enables the use of efficient modulation schemes such as Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM), Carrier-less Amplitude and Phase modulation (CAP), Amplitude-Shift Keying (ASK) and Phase-Shift Keying (PSK). These modulation schemes achieve higher spectral efficiency (i.e. more data can be transmitted using the same bandwidth) than previously proposed modulation schemes performed by VLC transmitters based on the use of DC-DC power converters. To the author's knowledge, the ratio between the bit rate achieved and the switching frequency of the DC-DC power converter presented in this paper is the highest that can be found in literatur

    Indoor Visible Light Communication:A Tutorial and Survey

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    Abstract With the advancement of solid-state devices for lighting, illumination is on the verge of being completely restructured. This revolution comes with numerous advantages and viable opportunities that can transform the world of wireless communications for the better. Solid-state LEDs are rapidly replacing the contemporary incandescent and fluorescent lamps. In addition to their high energy efficiency, LEDs are desirable for their low heat generation, long lifespan, and their capability to switch on and off at an extremely high rate. The ability of switching between different levels of luminous intensity at such a rate has enabled the inception of a new communication technology referred to as visible light communication (VLC). With this technology, the LED lamps are additionally being used for data transmission. This paper provides a tutorial and a survey of VLC in terms of the design, development, and evaluation techniques as well as current challenges and their envisioned solutions. The focus of this paper is mainly directed towards an indoor setup. An overview of VLC, theory of illumination, system receivers, system architecture, and ongoing developments are provided. We further provide some baseline simulation results to give a technical background on the performance of VLC systems. Moreover, we provide the potential of incorporating VLC techniques in the current and upcoming technologies such as fifth-generation (5G), beyond fifth-generation (B5G) wireless communication trends including sixth-generation (6G), and intelligent reflective surfaces (IRSs) among others

    Using an LED as a sensor and visible light communication device in a smart illumination system

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    The need for more efficient illumination systems has led to the proliferation of Solid-State Lighting (SSL) systems, which offer optimized power consumption. SSL systems are comprised of LED devices which are intrinsically fast devices and permit very fast light modulation. This, along with the congestion of the radio frequency spectrum has paved the path for the emergence of Visible Light Communication (VLC) systems. VLC uses free space to convey information by using light modulation. Notwithstanding, as VLC systems proliferate and cost competitiveness ensues, there are two important aspects to be considered. State-of-the-art VLC implementations use power demanding PAs, and thus it is important to investigate if regular, existent Switched-Mode Power Supply (SMPS) circuits can be adapted for VLC use. A 28 W buck regulator was implemented using a off-the-shelf LED Driver integrated circuit, using both series and parallel dimming techniques. Results show that optical clock frequencies up to 500 kHz are achievable without any major modification besides adequate component sizing. The use of an LED as a sensor was investigated, in a short-range, low-data-rate perspective. Results show successful communication in an LED-to-LED configuration, with enhanced range when using LED strings as sensors. Besides, LEDs present spectral selective sensitivity, which makes them good contenders for a multi-colour LED-to-LED system, such as in the use of RGB displays and lamps. Ultimately, the present work shows evidence that LEDs can be used as a dual-purpose device, enabling not only illumination, but also bi-directional data communication

    Resource Optimization in Visible Light Communication Using Internet of Things

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    In the modern day, there is a serious spectrum crunch in the legacy radio frequency (RF) band, for which visible light communication (VLC) can be a promising option. VLC is a short-range wireless communication variant which uses the visible light spectrum. In this thesis, we are using a VLC-based architecture for providing scalable communications to Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices where a multi-element hemispherical bulb is used that can transmit data streams from multiple light emitting diode (LED) boards. The essence of this architecture is that it uses a Line-of-Sight (LoS) alignment protocol that handles the hand-off issue created by the movement of receivers inside a room. We start by proposing an optimization problem aiming to minimize the total consumed energy emitted by each LED taking into consideration the LEDs\u27 power budget, users\u27 perceived quality-of-service, LED-user associations, and illumination uniformity constraints. Then, because of the non-convexity of the problem, we propose to solve it in two stages: (1) We design an efficient algorithm for LED-user association for fixed LED powers, and (2) using the LED-user association, we find an approximate solution based on Taylor series to optimize the LEDs\u27 power. We devise two heuristic solutions based on this approach. The first heuristic solution, called the Low Complexity Two Stages Solution (TSS), optimizes the association between the LEDs and the mobile users before and then the power of each LED is optimized. In the second heuristic, named the Maximum Uniformity Approach, we try to improve the illumination uniformity first and then adjust the power values for each LED so that they do not go above a certain value. Finally, we illustrate the performance of our method via simulations

    Joint Optimization of Illumination and Communication for a Multi-Element VLC Architecture

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    Because of the ever increasing demand wireless data in the modern era, the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum is becoming more congested. The remaining RF spectrum is being shrunk at a very heavy rate, and spectral management is becoming more difficult. Mobile data is estimated to grow more than 10 times between 2013 and 2019, and due to this explosion in data usage, mobile operators are having serious concerns focusing on public Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) and other alternative technologies. Visible Light Communication (VLC) is a recent promising technology complementary to RF spectrum which operates at the visible light spectrum band (roughly 400 THz to 780 THz) and it has 10,000 times bigger size than radio waves (roughly 3 kHz to 300 GHz). Due to this tremendous potential, VLC has captured a lot of interest recently as there is already an extensive deployment of energy efficient Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). The advancements in LED technology with fast nanosecond switching times is also very encouraging. In this work, we present hybrid RF/VLC architecture which is capable of providing simultaneous lighting and communication coverage in an indoor setting. The architecture consists of a multi-element hemispherical bulb design, where it is possible to transmit multiple data streams from the multi-element hemispherical bulb using LED modules. We present the detailed components of the architecture and make simulations considering various VLC transmitter configurations. Also, we devise an approach for an efficient bulb design mechanism to maintain both illumination and communication at a satisfactory rate, and analyze it in the case of two users in a room. The approach involves formulating an optimization problem and tackling the problem using a simple partitioning algorithm. The results indicate that good link quality and high spatial reuse can be maintained in a typical indoor communication setting

    Illumination sensing in LED lighting systems based on frequency-division multiplexing

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    Recently, light emitting diode (LED) based illumination systems have attracted considerable research interest. Such systems normally consist of a large number of LEDs. In order to facilitate the control of such high-complexity system, a novel signal processing application, namely illumination sensing, is thus studied. In this paper, the system concept and research challenges of illumination sensing are presented. Thereafter, we investigate a frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) scheme to distinguish the signals from different LEDs, such that we are able to estimate the illuminances of all the LEDs simultaneously. Moreover, a filter bank sensor structure is proposed to study the key properties of the FDM scheme. Conditions on the design of the filter response are imposed for the ideal case without the existence of any frequency inaccuracy, as well as for the case with frequency inaccuracies. The maximum number of LEDs that can be supported for each case is also derived. In particular, it is shown that, among all the other considered functions, the use of the triangular function is able to give a better tradeoff between the number of LEDs that can be supported and the allowable clock inaccuracies within a practical range. Moreover, through numerical investigations, we show that many tens of LEDs can be supported for the considered system parameters. Remark on the low-cost implementations of the proposed sensor structure is also provided
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