256 research outputs found

    Emulating long-term synaptic dynamics with memristive devices

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    The potential of memristive devices is often seeing in implementing neuromorphic architectures for achieving brain-like computation. However, the designing procedures do not allow for extended manipulation of the material, unlike CMOS technology, the properties of the memristive material should be harnessed in the context of such computation, under the view that biological synapses are memristors. Here we demonstrate that single solid-state TiO2 memristors can exhibit associative plasticity phenomena observed in biological cortical synapses, and are captured by a phenomenological plasticity model called triplet rule. This rule comprises of a spike-timing dependent plasticity regime and a classical hebbian associative regime, and is compatible with a large amount of electrophysiology data. Via a set of experiments with our artificial, memristive, synapses we show that, contrary to conventional uses of solid-state memory, the co-existence of field- and thermally-driven switching mechanisms that could render bipolar and/or unipolar programming modes is a salient feature for capturing long-term potentiation and depression synaptic dynamics. We further demonstrate that the non-linear accumulating nature of memristors promotes long-term potentiating or depressing memory transitions

    Asymptotic behavior of memristive circuits

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    The interest in memristors has risen due to their possible application both as memory units and as computational devices in combination with CMOS. This is in part due to their nonlinear dynamics, and a strong dependence on the circuit topology. We provide evidence that also purely memristive circuits can be employed for computational purposes. In the present paper we show that a polynomial Lyapunov function in the memory parameters exists for the case of DC controlled memristors. Such Lyapunov function can be asymptotically approximated with binary variables, and mapped to quadratic combinatorial optimization problems. This also shows a direct parallel between memristive circuits and the Hopfield-Little model. In the case of Erdos-Renyi random circuits, we show numerically that the distribution of the matrix elements of the projectors can be roughly approximated with a Gaussian distribution, and that it scales with the inverse square root of the number of elements. This provides an approximated but direct connection with the physics of disordered system and, in particular, of mean field spin glasses. Using this and the fact that the interaction is controlled by a projector operator on the loop space of the circuit. We estimate the number of stationary points of the approximate Lyapunov function and provide a scaling formula as an upper bound in terms of the circuit topology only.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures; proofs corrected, figures changed; results substantially unchanged; to appear in Entrop

    Physical Simulation of Si-Based Resistive Random-Access Memory Devices

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    We present a newly-developed three-dimensional (3D) physical simulator suitable for the study of resistive random-access memory (RRAM) devices. We explore the switching behavior of Si-rich silica (SiOx) RRAM structures, whose operation has been successfully demonstrated experimentally at ambient conditions [1]. The simulator couples self-consistently a simulation of oxygen ion and electron transport to a self-heating model and the `atomistic' simulator GARAND. The electro-thermal simulation model provides many advantages compared to the classical phenomenological models based on the resistor breaker network. The simulator is validated with respect to experimental data and captures successfully the memristive behavior of the simulated SiOx RRAMs, by reconstructing the conductive filament formation and destruction phenomena in the 3D space. The simulation framework is useful for exploring the little-known physics of SiOx RRAMs, and providing efficient designs, in terms of performance, variability and reliability, for both memory devices and circuits

    Cellular Nonlinear Networks: optimized implementation on FPGA and applications to robotics

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    L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi consisteix a estudiar la factibilitat d'implementar un sensor càmera CNN amb plena funcionalitat basat en FPGA de baix cost adequat per a aplicacions en robots mòbils. L'estudi dels fonaments de les xarxes cel•lulars no lineals (CNNs) i la seva aplicació eficaç en matrius de portes programables (FPGAs) s'ha complementat, d'una banda amb el paral•lelisme que s'estableix entre arquitectura multi-nucli de les CNNs i els eixams de robots mòbils, i per l'altre banda amb la correlació dinàmica de CNNs i arquitectures memristive. A més, els memristors es consideren els substituts dels futurs dispositius de memòria flash per la seva capacitat d'integració d'alta densitat i el seu consum d'energia prop de zero. En el nostre cas, hem estat interessats en el desenvolupament d’FPGAs que han deixat de ser simples dispositius per a la creació ràpida de prototips ASIC per esdevenir complets dispositius reconfigurables amb integració de la memòria i els elements de processament general. En particular, s'han explorat com les arquitectures implementades CNN en FPGAs poden ser optimitzades en termes d’àrea ocupada en el dispositiu i el seu consum de potència. El nostre objectiu final ens ah portat a implementar de manera eficient una CNN-UM amb complet funcionament a un baix cost i baix consum sobre una FPGA amb tecnología flash. Per tant, futurs estudis sobre l’arquitectura eficient de la CNN sobre la FPGA i la interconnexió amb els robots comercials disponibles és un dels objectius d'aquesta tesi que se seguiran en les línies de futur exposades en aquest treball.El objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en estudiar la factibilidad de implementar un sensor cámara CNN con plena funcionalidad basado en FPGA de bajo coste adecuado para aplicaciones en robots móviles. El estudio de los fundamentos de las redes celulares no lineales (CNNs) y su aplicación eficaz en matrices de puertas programables (FPGAs) se ha complementado, por un lado con el paralelismo que se establece entre arquitectura multi -núcleo de las CNNs y los enjambres de robots móviles, y por el otro lado con la correlación dinámica de CNNs y arquitecturas memristive. Además, los memristors se consideran los sustitutos de los futuros dispositivos de memoria flash por su capacidad de integración de alta densidad y su consumo de energía cerca de cero. En nuestro caso, hemos estado interesados en el desarrollo de FPGAs que han dejado de ser simples dispositivos para la creación rápida de prototipos ASIC para convertirse en completos dispositivos reconfigurables con integración de la memoria y los elementos de procesamiento general. En particular, se han explorado como las arquitecturas implementadas CNN en FPGAs pueden ser optimizadas en términos de área ocupada en el dispositivo y su consumo de potencia. Nuestro objetivo final nos ah llevado a implementar de manera eficiente una CNN-UM con completo funcionamiento a un bajo coste y bajo consumo sobre una FPGA con tecnología flash. Por lo tanto, futuros estudios sobre la arquitectura eficiente de la CNN sobre la FPGA y la interconexión con los robots comerciales disponibles es uno de los objetivos de esta tesis que se seguirán en las líneas de futuro expuestas en este trabajo.The main goal of this thesis consists in studying the feasibility to implement a full-functionality CNN camera sensor based on low-cost FPGA device suitable for mobile robotic applications. The study of Cellular Nonlinear Networks (CNNs) fundamentals and its efficient implementation on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) has been complemented, on one side with the parallelism established between multi-core CNN architecture and swarm of mobile robots, and on the other side with the dynamics correlation of CNNs and memristive architectures. Furthermore, memristors are considered the future substitutes of flash memory devices because of its capability of high density integration and its close to zero power consumption. In our case, we have been interested in the development of FPGAs that have ceased to be simple devices for ASIC fast prototyping to become complete reconfigurable devices embedding memory and processing elements. In particular, we have explored how the CNN architectures implemented on FPGAs can be optimized in terms of area occupied on the device or power consumption. Our final accomplishment has been implementing efficiently a fully functional reconfigurable CNN-UM on a low-cost low-power FPGA based on flash technology. Therefore, further studies on an efficient CNN architecture on FPGA and interfacing it with commercially-available robots is one of the objectives of this thesis that will be followed in the future directions exposed in this work

    Multistate resistive switching in silver nanoparticle films.

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    Resistive switching devices have garnered significant consideration for their potential use in nanoelectronics and non-volatile memory applications. Here we investigate the nonlinear current-voltage behavior and resistive switching properties of composite nanoparticle films comprising a large collective of metal-insulator-metal junctions. Silver nanoparticles prepared via the polyol process and coated with an insulating polymer layer of tetraethylene glycol were deposited onto silicon oxide substrates. Activation required a forming step achieved through application of a bias voltage. Once activated, the nanoparticle films exhibited controllable resistive switching between multiple discrete low resistance states that depended on operational parameters including the applied bias voltage, temperature and sweep frequency. The films' resistance switching behavior is shown here to be the result of nanofilament formation due to formative electromigration effects. Because of their tunable and distinct resistance states, scalability and ease of fabrication, nanoparticle films have a potential place in memory technology as resistive random access memory cells