5 research outputs found

    Anahita: A System for 3D Video Streaming with Depth Customization

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    Producing high-quality stereoscopic 3D content requires significantly more effort than preparing regular video footage. In order to assure good depth perception and visual comfort, 3D videos need to be carefully adjusted to specific viewing conditions before they are shown to viewers. While most stereoscopic 3D content is designed for viewing in movie theaters, where viewing conditions do not vary significantly, adapting the same content for viewing on home TV-sets, desktop displays, laptops, and mobile devices requires additional adjustments. To address this challenge, we propose a new system for 3D video streaming that provides automatic depth adjustments as one of its key features. Our system takes into account both the content and the display type in order to customize 3D videos and maximize their perceived quality. We propose a novel method for depth adjustment that is well-suited for videos of field sports such as soccer, football, and tennis. Our method is computationally efficient and it does not introduce any visual artifacts. We have implemented our 3D streaming system and conducted two user studies, which show: (i) adapting stereoscopic 3D videos for different displays is beneficial, and (ii) our proposed system can achieve up to 35% improvement in the perceived quality of the stereoscopic 3D content

    Scalable Remote Rendering using Synthesized Image Quality Assessment

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    Depth-image-based rendering (DIBR) is widely used to support 3D interactive graphics on low-end mobile devices. Although it reduces the rendering cost on a mobile device, it essentially turns such a cost into depth image transmission cost or bandwidth consumption, inducing performance bottleneck to a remote rendering system. To address this problem, we design a scalable remote rendering framework based on synthesized image quality assessment. Specially, we design an efficient synthesized image quality metric based on Just Noticeable Distortion (JND), properly measuring human perceived geometric distortions in synthesized images. Based on this, we predict quality-aware reference viewpoints, with viewpoint intervals optimized by the JND-based metric. An adaptive transmission scheme is also developed to control depth image transmission based on perceived quality and network bandwidth availability. Experiment results show that our approach effectively reduces transmission frequency and network bandwidth consumption with perceived quality on mobile devices maintained. A prototype system is implemented to demonstrate the scalability of our proposed framework to multiple clients

    Perceptual Depth Compression for Stereo Applications

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    Presenting stereoscopic content on 3D displays is a challenging task, usually requiring manual adjustments. A number of techniques have been developed to aid this process, but they account for binocular disparity of surfaces that are diffuse and opaque only. However, combinations of transparent as well as specular materials are common in the real and virtual worlds, and pose a significant problem. For example, excessive disparities can be created which cannot be fused by the observer. Also, multiple stereo interpretations become possible, e. g., for glass, that both reflects and refracts, which may confuse the observer and result in poor 3D experience. In this work, we propose an efficient method for analyzing and controlling disparities in computer-generated images of such scenes where surface positions and a layer decomposition are available. Instead of assuming a single per-pixel disparity value, we estimate all possibly perceived disparities at each image location. Based on this representation, we define an optimization to find the best per-pixel camera parameters, assuring that all disparities can be easily fused by a human. A preliminary perceptual study indicates, that our approach combines comfortable viewing with realistic depiction of typical specular scenes