10 research outputs found

    Perceptually lossless High Dynamic Range image compression with JPEG 2000

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    Fully-automatic inverse tone mapping algorithm based on dynamic mid-level tone mapping

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    High Dynamic Range (HDR) displays can show images with higher color contrast levels and peak luminosities than the common Low Dynamic Range (LDR) displays. However, most existing video content is recorded and/or graded in LDR format. To show LDR content on HDR displays, it needs to be up-scaled using a so-called inverse tone mapping algorithm. Several techniques for inverse tone mapping have been proposed in the last years, going from simple approaches based on global and local operators to more advanced algorithms such as neural networks. Some of the drawbacks of existing techniques for inverse tone mapping are the need for human intervention, the high computation time for more advanced algorithms, limited low peak brightness, and the lack of the preservation of the artistic intentions. In this paper, we propose a fully-automatic inverse tone mapping operator based on mid-level mapping capable of real-time video processing. Our proposed algorithm allows expanding LDR images into HDR images with peak brightness over 1000 nits, preserving the artistic intentions inherent to the HDR domain. We assessed our results using the full-reference objective quality metrics HDR-VDP-2.2 and DRIM, and carrying out a subjective pair-wise comparison experiment. We compared our results with those obtained with the most recent methods found in the literature. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the current state-of-the-art of simple inverse tone mapping methods and its performance is similar to other more complex and time-consuming advanced techniques

    Optimal exposure compression for high dynamic range content

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    High dynamic range (HDR) imaging has become one of the foremost imaging methods capable of capturing and displaying the full range of lighting perceived by the human visual system in the real world. A number of HDR compression methods for both images and video have been developed to handle HDR data, but none of them has yet been adopted as the method of choice. In particular, the backwards-compatible methods that always maintain a stream/image that allow part of the content to be viewed on conventional displays make use of tone mapping operators which were developed to view HDR images on traditional displays. There are a large number of tone mappers, none of which is considered the best as the images produced could be deemed subjective. This work presents an alternative to tone mapping-based HDR content compression by identifying a single exposure that can reproduce the most information from the original HDR image. This single exposure can be adapted to fit within the bit depth of any traditional encoder. Any additional information that may be lost is stored as a residual. Results demonstrate quality is maintained as well, and better, than other traditional methods. Furthermore, the presented method is backwards-compatible, straightforward to implement, fast and does not require choosing tone mappers or settings

    A comparative survey on high dynamic range video compression

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    International audienceHigh dynamic range (HDR) video compression has until now been approached by using the high profile of existing state-of-the-art H.264/AVC (Advanced Video Coding) codec or by separately encoding low dynamic range (LDR) video and the residue resulted from the estimation of HDR video from LDR video. Although the latter approach has a distinctive advantage of providing backward compatibility to 8-bit LDR displays, the superiority of one approach to the other in terms of the rate distortion trade-off has not been verified yet. In this paper, we first give a detailed overview of the methods in these two approaches. Then, we experimentally compare two approaches with respect to different objective and perceptual metrics, such as HDR mean square error (HDR MSE), perceptually uniform peak signal to noise ratio (PU PSNR) and HDR visible difference predictor (HDR VDP). We first conclude that the optimized methods for backward compatibility to 8-bit LDR displays are superior to the method designed for high profile encoder both for 8-bit and 12-bit mappings in terms of all metrics. Second, using higher bit-depths with a high profile encoder is giving better rate-distortion performances than employing an 8-bit mapping with an 8-bit encoder for the same method, in particular when the dynamic range of the video sequence is high. Third, rather than encoding of the residue signal in backward compatible methods, changing the quantization step size of the LDR layer encoder would be sufficient to achieve a required quality. In other words, the quality of tone mapping is more important than residue encoding for the performance of HDR image and video coding

    Methods for Improving the Tone Mapping for Backward Compatible High Dynamic Range Image and Video Coding

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    International audienceBackward compatibility for high dynamic range image and video compression forms one of the essential requirements in the transition phase from low dynamic range (LDR) displays to high dynamic range (HDR) displays. In a recent work [1], the problems of tone mapping and HDR video coding are originally fused together in the same mathematical framework, and an optimized solution for tone mapping is achieved in terms of the mean square error (MSE) of the logarithm of luminance values. In this paper, we improve this pioneer study in three aspects by considering its three shortcomings. First, the proposed method [1] works over the logarithms of luminance values which are not uniform with respect to Human Visual System (HVS) sensitivity. We propose to use the perceptually uniform luminance values as an alternative for the optimization of tone mapping curve. Second, the proposed method [1] does not take the quality of the resulting tone mapped images into account during the formulation in contrary to the main goal of tone mapping research. We include the LDR image quality as a constraint to the optimization problem and develop a generic methodology to compromise the trade-off between HDR and LDR image qualities for coding. Third, the proposed method [1] simply applies a low-pass filter to the generated tone curves for video frames to avoid flickering during the adaptation of the method to the video. We instead include an HVS based flickering constraint to the optimization and derive a methodology to compromise the trade-off between the rate-distortion performance and flickering distortion. The superiority of the proposed methodologies is verified with experiments on HDR images and video sequences

    High dynamic range video compression exploiting luminance masking

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    Algorithms for compression of high dynamic range images and video

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    The recent advances in sensor and display technologies have brought upon the High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging capability. The modern multiple exposure HDR sensors can achieve the dynamic range of 100-120 dB and LED and OLED display devices have contrast ratios of 10^5:1 to 10^6:1. Despite the above advances in technology the image/video compression algorithms and associated hardware are yet based on Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) technology, i.e. they operate within an effective dynamic range of up to 70 dB for 8 bit gamma corrected images. Further the existing infrastructure for content distribution is also designed for SDR, which creates interoperability problems with true HDR capture and display equipment. The current solutions for the above problem include tone mapping the HDR content to fit SDR. However this approach leads to image quality associated problems, when strong dynamic range compression is applied. Even though some HDR-only solutions have been proposed in literature, they are not interoperable with current SDR infrastructure and are thus typically used in closed systems. Given the above observations a research gap was identified in the need for efficient algorithms for the compression of still images and video, which are capable of storing full dynamic range and colour gamut of HDR images and at the same time backward compatible with existing SDR infrastructure. To improve the usability of SDR content it is vital that any such algorithms should accommodate different tone mapping operators, including those that are spatially non-uniform. In the course of the research presented in this thesis a novel two layer CODEC architecture is introduced for both HDR image and video coding. Further a universal and computationally efficient approximation of the tone mapping operator is developed and presented. It is shown that the use of perceptually uniform colourspaces for internal representation of pixel data enables improved compression efficiency of the algorithms. Further proposed novel approaches to the compression of metadata for the tone mapping operator is shown to improve compression performance for low bitrate video content. Multiple compression algorithms are designed, implemented and compared and quality-complexity trade-offs are identified. Finally practical aspects of implementing the developed algorithms are explored by automating the design space exploration flow and integrating the high level systems design framework with domain specific tools for synthesis and simulation of multiprocessor systems. The directions for further work are also presented

    Stereoscopic high dynamic range imaging

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    Two modern technologies show promise to dramatically increase immersion in virtual environments. Stereoscopic imaging captures two images representing the views of both eyes and allows for better depth perception. High dynamic range (HDR) imaging accurately represents real world lighting as opposed to traditional low dynamic range (LDR) imaging. HDR provides a better contrast and more natural looking scenes. The combination of the two technologies in order to gain advantages of both has been, until now, mostly unexplored due to the current limitations in the imaging pipeline. This thesis reviews both fields, proposes stereoscopic high dynamic range (SHDR) imaging pipeline outlining the challenges that need to be resolved to enable SHDR and focuses on capture and compression aspects of that pipeline. The problems of capturing SHDR images that would potentially require two HDR cameras and introduce ghosting, are mitigated by capturing an HDR and LDR pair and using it to generate SHDR images. A detailed user study compared four different methods of generating SHDR images. Results demonstrated that one of the methods may produce images perceptually indistinguishable from the ground truth. Insights obtained while developing static image operators guided the design of SHDR video techniques. Three methods for generating SHDR video from an HDR-LDR video pair are proposed and compared to the ground truth SHDR videos. Results showed little overall error and identified a method with the least error. Once captured, SHDR content needs to be efficiently compressed. Five SHDR compression methods that are backward compatible are presented. The proposed methods can encode SHDR content to little more than that of a traditional single LDR image (18% larger for one method) and the backward compatibility property encourages early adoption of the format. The work presented in this thesis has introduced and advanced capture and compression methods for the adoption of SHDR imaging. In general, this research paves the way for a novel field of SHDR imaging which should lead to improved and more realistic representation of captured scenes

    Efficient streaming for high fidelity imaging

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    Researchers and practitioners of graphics, visualisation and imaging have an ever-expanding list of technologies to account for, including (but not limited to) HDR, VR, 4K, 360°, light field and wide colour gamut. As these technologies move from theory to practice, the methods of encoding and transmitting this information need to become more advanced and capable year on year, placing greater demands on latency, bandwidth, and encoding performance. High dynamic range (HDR) video is still in its infancy; the tools for capture, transmission and display of true HDR content are still restricted to professional technicians. Meanwhile, computer graphics are nowadays near-ubiquitous, but to achieve the highest fidelity in real or even reasonable time a user must be located at or near a supercomputer or other specialist workstation. These physical requirements mean that it is not always possible to demonstrate these graphics in any given place at any time, and when the graphics in question are intended to provide a virtual reality experience, the constrains on performance and latency are even tighter. This thesis presents an overall framework for adapting upcoming imaging technologies for efficient streaming, constituting novel work across three areas of imaging technology. Over the course of the thesis, high dynamic range capture, transmission and display is considered, before specifically focusing on the transmission and display of high fidelity rendered graphics, including HDR graphics. Finally, this thesis considers the technical challenges posed by incoming head-mounted displays (HMDs). In addition, a full literature review is presented across all three of these areas, detailing state-of-the-art methods for approaching all three problem sets. In the area of high dynamic range capture, transmission and display, a framework is presented and evaluated for efficient processing, streaming and encoding of high dynamic range video using general-purpose graphics processing unit (GPGPU) technologies. For remote rendering, state-of-the-art methods of augmenting a streamed graphical render are adapted to incorporate HDR video and high fidelity graphics rendering, specifically with regards to path tracing. Finally, a novel method is proposed for streaming graphics to a HMD for virtual reality (VR). This method utilises 360° projections to transmit and reproject stereo imagery to a HMD with minimal latency, with an adaptation for the rapid local production of depth maps