5,072 research outputs found

    User Privacy in Mobile Advertising

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    With the pervasiveness of mobile devices in our daily life continuously increasing, mobile advertising is emerging as an important marketing strategy. However, due to its intrusive nature in practice, there has been a growing concern over users’ privacy in mobile advertising, especially push-based mode, which can affect consumers’ acceptance and effectiveness of mobile advertising. Aiming to gain a deeper understanding of not only users’ concerns of privacy intrusion in mobile advertising, but also the potential solutions to addressing those concerns, we conducted a survey in this study. The findings of this study provide a few useful insights for researchers, advertisers, and businesses on both the importance and methods of privacy protection in mobile advertising from a user perspective

    Antecedents and Consequences of Mobile Advertising Intrusiveness

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    Consumers’ negative perceptions toward mobile advertising have been a major impediment to its wider acceptance. This study examines the effects of perceived value of the mobile advertising and consumer privacy violation would have on consumers’ perceived mobile advertising intrusiveness, as well as the relationships of intrusiveness with perceived ad irritation and ad avoidance behavior. Results from a survey of 103 Chinese mobile consumers suggest that informativeness of mobile advertising reduces perceived intrusiveness, consumer privacy concern positively affects intrusiveness, while a higher level of perceived intrusiveness positively impacts ad irritation and ad avoidance behavior

    How smartphone advertising influences consumers’ purchase intention

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    In the last decade, the use of smartphones has grown steadily. The way consumers interact with brands has changed owing to the accessibility of an internet connection on smartphones, and ubiquitous mobility. It is crucial to understand the factors that motivate consumers to interact with smartphone advertisements and therefore what stimulates their decision to purchase. To achieve this goal, we proposed a conceptual model that combines Ducoffe’s web advertising model and flow experience theory. Based on the data collected from 303 respondents, from a European country, we empirically tested the conceptual model using a partial least squares (PLS) estimation. The results showed that advertising value, flow experience, web design quality, and brand awareness explain purchase intention. The study provides results that allow marketers and advertisers to understand how smartphone advertisements contribute to consumer purchase intention

    Contenido racional VS contenido emocional en la Publicidad a través del Móvil

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    Advertising tries to find its place in the new consumer-centered paradigm for media communication. Consumers no longer are a uniform group, passive and powerless. Mobile technology has set some specific conditions that determine this particular sender-receiver relationship. In this context, there is a need for evidence about the effectiveness of traditional advertising strategies in this rather new channel. This study explores the relationship between the relevance of rational or emotional mobile advertising contents and the product’s target cognitive and affective attitude components. An experiment was carried out in which two types of short messages (rational/emotional) advertising an eBook were sent to two groups of participants, and questions about its content were asked through an online questionnaire. Participants had been previously screened according their new role in the communication process. Results indicate that the cognitive processing component is significantly better rated than the affective component. Thus the rational strategy is more effective than the emotional one when talking about mobile advertising.La publicidad intenta encontrar su lugar en el nuevo paradigma comunicativo centrado en el consumidor. Este consumidor ha dejado de ser masivo, pasivo y sin poder. La tecnología móvil ha establecido unos condicionantes específicos que determinan una relación muy particular entre emisor y receptor. En este contexto, se precisan evidencias sobre la eficacia de las tradicionales estrategias de la publicidad en este nuevo medio. Este estudio explora la relación entre la relevancia de los contenidos racionales o emocionales en la publicidad a través del móvil y su correlación con los componentes cognitivos y actitudinales del target. Se llevó a cabo un experimento en el que dos tipos de mensajes (racional/emocional) publicitando un eBook fueron enviados a dos grupos de sujetos, a los que se les preguntó sobre su contenido mediante un cuestionario online. Los sujetos habían sido filtrados anteriormente de acuerdo a su nuevo rol en el proceso comunicativo. Los resultados indican que el componente de procesamiento cognitivo es puntuado significativamente mejor que el componente afectivo. Por lo tanto, la estrategia racional es más efectiva que la emocional en la publicidad móvil

    Real-Time Push Mobile Marketing Strategy: To What Extent Do Time and Relevance Matter?

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    The ubiquity of the smartphone has proven disruptive. The relevance of this medium can be observed through time spent on mobile media, google mobile search numbers, and direct and indirect sales generated by mobile devices. Consumer expectations of firms have likewise increased, and there is now an anticipation of readily reliable, responsive, and personalized services to support consumers’ everyday activities whenever they need it. Prior research focused on the following themes: mobile marketing strategy, permission marketing, proximity marketing, topicality, and utility. Empirical gaps were identified in the real-time mobile and push mobile marketing domain. A quantitative engaged scholarship research method was utilized to investigate this phenomenon empirically. In partnership with an online information marketplace, an empirical investigation was undertaken via an experiment that used real mobile application users. The empirical findings from the study have several possible implications. First, prior research suggests that mobile marketing is time-sensitive, but consumers require some lead time to respond to the communication. However, this study provides evidence that push mobile communication is different. Unlike traditional mobile marketing, real-time communication, and content topicality work together to increase consumer engagement in push mobile communication. Second, mobile application users would like a guided experience that is both relevant and in real-time. Failing to engage users with any communication or provide a guided experience on the mobile application is as counterproductive as sending users a push communication that is neither relevant nor in real-time. Third, in certain business contexts, typicality takes priority over the timing of the communication. When the business context is ephemeral in nature, timing and topicality are of equal importance. The study contributes to the research by plugging the real-time and push mobile communication literature gap. The study contributes to practice by providing a push mobile marketing framework for firms seeking to orchestrate a sound push mobile communication strategy. Finally, the study acts as a catalyst to a call for research on the scarcely explored areas of real-time and push mobile marketing to move the field forward


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    This research paper aims to examine the relationship betweenthe predictors and consequences of SMS advertising value alongwith its mediating effect in the perspective of Islamic Republic ofPakistan. For this purpose causal and cross-sectional study withminimal researchers’ interference and focus on the attitude ofindividuals was put forward. A personally-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from those 194 undergraduate and graduate students of universities who were the users of cell phone. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the proposed hypotheses.There is significant relationship between infotainment, credibilityand SMS advertising value. Conversely irritation has no significant association with SMS advertising value. Advertising Value, in turns, has strong impact on attitude towards SMS advertisement. Advertising value also has full mediating effect between infotainment, credibility and attitude towards SMS advertisement and has no mediating effect between irritation and attitude towards SMS advertisement. This study imparts the enterprises and businesses with the modern and economical tool of advertisement and also a value addition to the literature

    Intention and adoption of mobile coupon among mobile phone users in Klang Valley

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    The arrival of mobile marketing communication has created a new method of sales promotion and advertising technique called mobile coupon. The main objective of this research is to examine the determinants of consumers’ intentions to subscribe mobile coupon and the consequence mobile coupon adoption by using Theory of Planned Behavior as the underpinning theory and perceived values, trust and perceived control are chosen as independent variables while consumer experience is selected as the moderator variable. The survey method is employed in the present study and sample consisted of 570 mobile coupon adopters between the ages of 15 - 49 years old located in Klang Valley. Data analysis involves descriptive analysis, factor analysis and multiple regression. Results indicated that 51.5 percent of consumers’ adoption to subscribe model coupon in contributed by the level of intention. It was also discovered that the level of consumers’ intention to subscribe mobile coupon service is at moderate level. Monetary factor has the highest influence on consumer intention to subscribe mobile coupon followed by emotional, convenient and trust factors. The result also indicated that consumer experience moderates the relationships between monetary and perceived control on consumers’ intention to subscribe mobile coupon. Finally, consumers’ intention to subscribe mobile coupon has significant effect on consumers’ adoption of mobile coupon. Based on the findings, implications to practice and academic research were offered. Limitations of the study and future research were all discusse

    Acceptance and attitudes towards mobile promotions in young portuguese adults

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    This master’s thesis is about Acceptance and Attitudes towards Mobile Promotions in Young Portuguese Adults. The research framework of this study intended to test if past mobile phone usage, characteristics of the mobile promotions messages and the past experience with mobile promotions would influence the attitude towards mobile promotions. Furthermore, it was also tested if this attitude influences brand engagement and behavioral intention. Finally it was verified if different mobile users’ profiles had different responses regarding attitudes, brand engagement and behavioral intention. For research purposes it was applied an online survey to a non-representative sample of Portuguese’s young adults, aged between 18 to 29 years old that had received at least one promotional message in the last 6 months. From April 13th to 23rd of 2012 were collected 513 valid surveys. From this research it was possible to conclude that the past mobile phone usage does not influence the attitude that people have towards mobile promotions. On the contrary, the characteristics of mobile promotions and the past experience with it influence the attitude towards it in a moderate and positive way. Usefulness is the factor that influences the most. And the majority of the respondents do not consider that had a good past experience with mobile promotions. Attitudes towards mobile promotions have a strong influence in brand engagement and behavioral intention of using the promotions. Finally, there were identified 4 clusters of mobile users’ profile in this sample: early adopters (46.2%), followers (30.6%), sociable (12.7%) and executives (10.5%).Esta tese de mestrado é sobre a aceitação e atitudes dos jovens portugueses em relação a promoções móveis. O modelo de investigação deste estudo pretende testar se o tipo de utilização passada do telemóvel, as características das mensagens promocionais no telemóvel e a experiência passada com as promoções móveis influenciam a atitude em relação a promoções móveis. Além disso, também foi testado, se esta atitude influencia a o envolvimento com a marca e intenção comportamental. Finalmente, foi verificado se diferentes perfis de usuários móveis tiveram respostas diferentes em relação às atitudes, o envolvimento com a marca e a intenção comportamental. Para fins de investigação foi aplicado um inquérito online a uma amostra não representativa de jovens portugueses, entre 18 a 29 anos, que receberam pelo menos uma mensagem promocional nos últimos 6 meses. De 13 a 23 de Abril de 2012, foram recolhidos 513 inquéritos válidos. A partir deste estudo foi possível concluir que o tipo de utilização passada do telemóvel,não influencia a atitude que as pessoas têm face às promoções móveis. Por outro lado, as características das promoções móveis e da experiência passada destas influencia a atitude de uma forma moderada e positiva. A utilidade é o factor que mais influencia. É importante ainda salientar que a maioria dos entrevistados não consideram ter tido uma boa experiência com promoções móveis. Atitudes face às promoções móveis têm uma forte influência no envolvimento com a marca e na intenção comportamental de usar as promoções. Finalmente, foram identificados nesta amostra 4 clusters de perfil de usuários móveis: early adopters (46,2%), seguidores (30,6%), sociáveis (12,7%) e executivos (10,5%)
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