26 research outputs found

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    [The New Media Challenge as a Religious Learning Medium and Solution from The Islamic Perspective] Cabaran Media Baru Sebagai Medium Pembelajaran Agama dan Penyelesaian dari Persektif Islam

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    Abstract Information and Communication Technology (ICT) awareness campaign has been launched by the then Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamed on October 11, 1997 aims to ensure that all Malaysians can take advantage of its technology. As a result, ICT is now extensively applied in various fields of life. This article aims to examine the issue of the use of new media as a medium of religious learning and the proposed solution due to problems from its use in accordance with Islamic perspective. Current developments indicate that ICT users are increasingly close to new media and its use has been stretched to the debate on religion and its need in daily life. However, new media has pros and cons effect on its users especially in terms of its content, resources and several other features as social media. Hence, the use of social media to spread religios information and various activities in the process of transforming online dakwah from users’ view and its solution from Islamic perspective will be discussed in more detail in this paper. The results of this study can serve as a basic guide by the Muslim missionaries and communities in receiving and using online information as a medium of religious teaching and learning.   Keywords: New media; Islamic shariah; Dakwah; religious teaching and learning; Interne

    Searching for the Sweet Spot: Managing Information as a Good that Improves with Use

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    ‘Additive’ goods and services are defined as those that improve with use. They are not naturally rival, or even non-rival, but are “anti-rival.” Information is an example. Information can be made excludable through the use of patents and copyrights, however this does not necessarily lead to socially optimal production and allocation. A more flexible, open access, and decentralized process for the production and allocation of information could improve social welfare. This dissertation describes the challenges and problems with privatizing and restricting access to information and reviews alternative mechanisms for its allocation. Two particular issues at opposite ends of the access spectrum are: (1) strict barriers to private industry databases and (2) quality perception and control of open access information. The first chapter discusses our current system of producing and distributing information and potential ways to stimulate the transition to a new regime. This paper concludes that some of the ideas to seed such a transition include: (1) redefining wellbeing metrics; (2) ensuring the wellbeing of populations during the transition; (3) reducing complexity and increase resilience within institutions; (4) expanding the “commons sector”; and (4) using the internet to remove communication barriers and improve democracy. The second chapter discusses our current system of determining which information to produce, which resources to allocate towards the production of information, and how to distribute that information once produced. The paper concludes that alternative incentive methods, both inside and outside of the market, of producing information and new methods for distributing it to those that can make best use of it, would improve social welfare. These include: (1) prizes; (2) non-monetary incentives; (3) capping salaries; (4) research consortium; and (5) publicly funded research. Chapter 3 explores the difficulty in determining basic energy information under the current proprietary information system using an analysis of the energy return on investment (EROI) of wind energy. It utilizes a meta-analysis of the energy return on investment (EROI) to obtain basic information about the energy inputs and outputs necessary for the manufacturing, installing, operating, and decommissioning of wind turbines. This analysis shows an average EROI for all studies (operational and conceptual) of 25.2 (n=114; std. dev.=22.3). It concludes that making information proprietary severely limits the accuracy of EROI estimates and increases the difficulty of making the best social choices. Chapter 4 explores the perceived credibility of web-based information using an experiment with Encyclopedia Britannica, Wikipedia, and the Encyclopedia of Earth. Compared to Encyclopedia Britannica, both Encyclopedia of Earth and Wikipedia were found to provide a statistically negative perception of credibility. The other factors analyzed (presence or absence of an author, references, a biased sponsor, or an award) contribute to “brand equity” a composite characteristic that takes significant time to develop. The relatively new Encyclopedia of Earth has not yet developed enough brand recognition to affect credibility one-way or the other, but its positive characteristics should help build the brand and credibility over time

    Evaluating Usages of Social Media and Educational Teaching Methods in Consonance with the Teachings of Islam

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    Social media plays a very important role in the present education system of the world on the whole and in Islamic Republic of Pakistan in special. People in this area prefer to find information on social sites rather than find them face to face. Social media sites provide a variety of mediums for interacting and communicating while learning. However, this widespread use of social media is misused by some of the less responsible. The use of social media that is not Islamic values ​​can be harmful to society. Integrity in the dissemination of information on social media has been an issue often overlooked by some writers. Therefore, the application of Islamic values ​​is important in preventing these problems from continuing to spread and producing less educated communities. Based on the analysis of the study, there are four topics that cover teaching methods through social media from an Islamic perspective. Firstly think of social media as a medium of teaching. Subsequently, this article addresses the issue of using social media as a medium of instruction. The application of Islamic values ​​in communicating information through social media is also elaborated. Finally, this article also discusses the importance and benefits of emphasizing Islamic values ​​in communicating information on social media

    Unicheck anchos

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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to identify liberalism thought among youth on social media. The liberalism influence was identified through the sharing of views and thoughts of the youth at risk on their social media account in the form of comments or writings uploaded. The study was conducted through a month of focussed observation on eleven youth at risk who were inclined towards promoting liberalism thought on the social media. The youth were selected based on the active share of their views on issues pertaining to Islam and the active status update via personal social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and page. The findings showed that three out of eleven youth uploaded an average of five to twelve statuses a day. Meanwhile, seven out of eleven youth uploaded statuses based on season and issues that occur at a time. The study also found that they have a network that helps them in terms of giving moral support or offering views that support one another and being vocal towards current issues especially the ones involving the Islamic Shariah, Shariah court and religious authority in Malaysia. The study contributes current reality for the nation’s policymaker to prepare guidelines for the use of social media among youth

    Can alternative indicators overcome language biases in citation counts? A comparison of Spanish and UK research

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Springer in Scientometrics on 09/09/2016, available online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-016-2118-8 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.This study compares Spanish and UK research in eight subject fields using a range of bibliometric and social media indicators. For each field, lists of Spanish and UK journal articles published in the year 2012 and their citation counts were extracted from Scopus. The software Webometric Analyst was then used to extract a range of altmetrics for these articles, including patent citations, online presentation mentions, online course syllabus mentions, Wikipedia mentions and Mendeley reader counts and Altmetric.com was used to extract Twitter mentions. Results show that Mendeley is the altmetric source with the highest coverage, with 80% of sampled articles having one or more Mendeley readers, followed by Twitter (34%). The coverage of the remaining sources was lower than 3%. All of the indicators checked either have too little data or increase the overall difference between Spain and the UK and so none can be suggested as alternatives to reduce the bias against Spain in traditional citation indexes

    IJET Unicheck

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    The emergence of new media as a result of the development of the Internet has made the media a democratic agent of information. In conjunction with the transition of current political culture, society is now more comfortable using social media as a source of political information acquisition. This study was conducted to identify the impact of social media use on politics in Malaysia as well as to analyze the level of social media use in determining the people's pattern of support for political parties and political candidates in Malaysia. This study was conducted using a quantitative approach which is survey. Questionnaire was used as the research instrument. A total of 993 respondents consisting of male (46.2%) and female (53.8%) were randomly sampled from peninsular Malaysia to participate in the study. The findings reveal that nearly two-thirds of respondents used newspapers (65.5%), followed by social media (63.5%) and television (59.5%) to search and read current political information in Malaysia. The findings also show that respondents agreed that social media play a role and has the advantage of channeling political information (min = 3.57) compared to conventional media. The respondents somehow agreed with political participation through social media. Respondents also agreed that social media have helped to enhance the image of candidates and political parties (min = 3.17) by displaying activities of candidates serving the people (min = 3.25). This suggests that today's society is very much concerned with what is shown on social media involving current political situation. Therefore, monitoring of political information shared on social media should be done to ensure that information is free from seditious elements that can diverge unity.Keywords: Use of Social Media; Political support; Political party; Political participation; MalaysiaCite as: Salman, A., Yusoff, M.A., Mohamad Salleh, M.A., & Hj Abdullah, M.Y. (2018). Pengunaan media sosial untuk sokongan politik di Malaysia [The use of social media for political support in Malaysia]. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 3(1),51-63. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol3iss1pp51-63 AbstrakKemunculan media baharu hasil daripada perkembangan rangkaian internet telah menjadikan media tersebut sebagai agen demokrasi maklumat. Bertepatan dengan peralihan budaya politik semasa, masyarakat kini lebih selesa menggunakan media sosial sebagai sumber perolehan maklumat politik terkini. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti impak penggunaan media sosial terhadap politik di Malaysia serta menganalisis tahap penggunaan media sosial dalam menentukan pola sokongan rakyat ke atas parti politik dan calon politik di Malaysia. Kajian ini telah dijalankan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dimana kaedah tinjauan (survey) jadi pilihan dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik sebagai instrumen kajian. Sebanyak 993 responden yang terdiri daripada lelaki (46.2%) dan perempuan (53.8%) telah dipilih secara random responden di negeri-negeri semenanjung Malaysia untuk mengambil bahagian dalam kajian ini. Antara hasil kajian adalah hampir dua pertiga daripada responden menggunakan akhbar (65.5%), diikuti media sosial (63.5%) dan televisyen (59.5%) untuk mencari dan membaca maklumat berkaitan dengan politik semasa di Malaysia. Hasil Kajian juga menunjukkan responden bersetuju bahawa media sosial berperanan dan mempunyai kelebihan dalam menyalurkan maklumat politik (min=3.57) berbanding dengan media konvensional. Kajian ini mendapati responden menyatakan persetujuan secara sederhana tentang partisipasi politik melalui media sosial. Responden bersetuju bahawa media sosial membantu mempertingkatkan imej calon dan parti politik (min= 3.17) dengan mempamerkan aktiviti calon dalam memberi khidmat kepada rakyat (min=3.25). Ini sedikit sebanyak menunjukkan bahawa masyarakat pada hari ini sangat prihatin dengan apa yang dipaparkan di media sosial berkenaan perkara-perkara yang melibatkan politik semasa. Oleh itu, pemantauan terhadap maklumat politik yang dikongsikan di media sosial perlu dilakukan bagi memastikan maklumat tersebut bebas dari unsur hasutan yang boleh memecah-belahkan perpaduan.Kata kunci: Penggunaan Media Sosial; Sokongan Politik; Malaysia; Parti politik; Partisipasi politik