46 research outputs found

    Do They Pursue the Same? A Cross-culture Research on Career Anchor of IT/IS Personnel

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    While career anchor has been mainly studied in US society; this study extends research to Chinese cultural context to investigate the implications of career anchor in terms of job/career satisfaction and subsequent turnover intention among information technology/information systems (IT/IS) personnel in Taiwan and United Arab Emirates (UAE) societies. Chinese guanxi culture could be plays key roles in shaping career anchor and in affecting employees\u27 assessing their job/career and turnover decision. A survey study will be used for conducted to validate the hypotheses and compare the different with Taiwan and UAE two societies

    Intention to leave manufacturing organisation: A study of Honda Malaysia

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    This study attempts to present a picture of associates’ decision to resign from Honda Malaysia. The primary purpose of this study is to analyse turnover opportunities, career advancement and leadership, and to investigate reasons influencing the intention to leave a company or organisation. Therefore, this research focuses on variables that affect workers’ intention to leave sectors of the manufacturing industry in Malaysia, with a focus on Honda. The study population is comprised of the Honda Malaysia workforce. Data were collected from 247 respondents comprising assistant managers, senior executives, executives, and clerical staff. SmartPLS was used in order to determine whether the hypotheses were accepted. The results support two of the hypotheses of this study. We found that both leadership as well as turnover opportunities had significant (positive) effect on the decision to leave Honda Malaysia. The results also concluded that the prospect of career advancement does not support or influence associates’ intention to leave the organisation. Their decision is instead based on the output as received from the respondents of the survey. It is hoped that the outcome of this study can be used as a guide for Honda Malaysia to retain their workforce

    How Internship Experience Mediates Career Decision? Insight from Business Institutions

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    This research paper aims to examine business graduates’ pre-employment decisions relevant to pursue a satisfied and successful career after going through internship training. Subjects were the students who have undergone through an internship program and data was analyzed by using SPSS software. A five point Likert Scale has been used to examine the relation of dependent variable person career (PC) fit and independent variables (job attributes, PO-fit and PJ-fit).The internees degree of perceived pay, benefits, promotion as related to future growth opportunities , job location, peers’ relationship, firm’s image and job duties as major factors and key criterion to pursue a satisfied and successful career .The results also indicate that person job (PJ) fit contributes more than person organization (PO) fit towards person career (PC) fit.Offering internship programs and trainings allows employers the opportunity of exploring full time fresh graduates pool and best talent to recruit

    Managerial career anchors in a changing business environment

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    Trainers need to take into account changes in working practices, which it is argued, influence manager’s perceptions of their careers. 540 managers were interviewed, and a questionnaire used to measure the relative importance of individual career anchors. It was found younger managers were more orientated towards their own skills and what they could contribute, whereas older managers were more inclined to be aware of the limitations of their role in the organisation. It was stressed the difference between the perception of their careers of the younger and older managers is something the trainer needs to take into account. Also significant to the trainer was how similar male and female managers were in their perceptions of their career anchors

    Effect of Organizational Factors on Retention of Generation Y Employees in Parastatals: A Case of Kenya Revenue Authority

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    The purpose of this study was to establish generally the effect of organizational factors on retention of generation Y employees in Kenya Revenue Authority. The specific objectives for this study were:  career development, remuneration, employee recognition and management styles on retention of Generation Y employees in Kenya Revenue Authority. The target population for this study comprised of 461 the top level management, middle level management and lower level management.  The research used descriptive survey design and stratified sampling technique. The sample size was 285 respondents. The study used primary data collected using pre-determined questionnaires. The quantitative data was analyzed and presented using descriptive statistics, graphs, pie charts and qualitative data was analyzed through content analysis. The analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. Keywords: career development, remuneration, employee recognition, management styles and retention of generation y employees

    Factors that influence the resignation intention among middle managers in Tenaga Nasional Berhad

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    Employee resignations in nearly all organizations worldwide have raised great concerns. Rapid exit of employees presents serious obstacles to the organizations in achieving their organizational goals. Employee resignation should be analysed in order to forecast future losses and to identify various reasons for people leaving the organization. Hence, the scope of this research concentrates on the middle managers in Tenaga National Berhad because this group is the major contributor to the total resignation in this organization which is 200 out of 2270 middle managers had resigned for the past five years (1st January 2008 until 31st December 2012). TNB is now struggle to cope with the shortage of competent manpower to support the company in diversifying its business overseas, whilst at the same time defending company’s core business in Peninsular Malaysia. Thus, the overall purpose of this research is to find out the factors that influence the resignation intention among middle managers. Regression results indicated that pay and benefits, career advancement, recognition and senior leadership had explained 55.5% variances of resignation intention. The findings also concluded that pay and benefits and senior leadership have significant relationship with resignation intention. Meanwhile, career advancement and recognition have no relationship with resignation intention. Moreover, pay and benefits produced the highest influence on resignation intention among middle managers. It can be stated that compensation is a motivating factor to most middle managers in TNB according to need based and process theories of retentio

    Exploring Personal Experience of Wartime Crisis Effects on Job Insecurity in Syria

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    The present research was conducted in Syria during the crisis conditions facing the nation in the years 2011-2014. We hypothesized that the broad effects of the Personal Experience of Wartime Crisis (PEoWTC) would be strongly and positively associated with increased job insecurity. We reasoned that employees are likely to experience intense unpredictability at work as a direct or indirect function of the national crisis. This line of inquiry represents a first in job insecurity research because PEoWTC has not previously been examined as a predictor of job insecurity. Thus, this research analyzes a new predictor of job insecurity, i.e., PEoWTC, and how its effects are indirectly transmitted via job insecurity to several organizational outcomes. Using a cross-sectional design, our preliminary data come from a sample consisting of 129 professionals, managers, and administrators. Our results show that PEoWTC positively predicts job insecurity. Additionally, our findings indicate that job insecurity significantly mediates the relationships between PEoWTC and job satisfaction, affective commitment, intention to quit, and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

    The effect of organizational justice towards organizational cynicism and job quit ıntentions: A research on hotels

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    Çalışmada örgütsel adalet algısının otel çalışanlarında örgütsel sinizm algılarına ve işten ayrılma niyetine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Didim bölgesindeki dört ve beş yıldızlı otel işletmeleri çalışmanın evreni olarak tanımlanmış, buna göre de 218 anket elde edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda örgütsel adalet sinizmi ve işten ayrılma niyetini negatif yönde etkilemektedir. Sinizmin duygusal boyutu dağıtım ve etkileşim adaletinden negatif yönde etkilenirken; davranış boyutu dağıtım ve etkileşim adaletinden negatif, işlemsel adaletten ise pozitif yönde etkilenmektedir. İşten ayrılma niyeti ise sadece işlemsel adaletten etkilenmektedir ve negatif yönlüdür.The present study aims to explain the effect of organizational justice towards organizational cynicism and job quit intentions of hotel employees. Four and five star hotels in Didim is selected as the sample of the study and 218 questionnaires are obtained. According to the results, organizational justice affects organizational cynicism and job quit intention negatively. While, the affective dimension of cynicism is afected by distributive and interactional justice negatively; the behavioral dimension is negatively affected by distributive and interactional justice, and positively affected by procedural justice. Besides, only procedural justice affects job quit intention and it is negativ

    Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Retention in Telecom Sector of Pakistan

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    Purpose – For gaining competitive advantage in this highly volatile business environment, the organizations are facing many challenges and one of the most important challenge is to retain its most talented employees. Effective Human Resource Management Practices of an organization plays a significant role in gaining competitive advantage by retaining the valuable employees.  For this reason the present research study was carried out to identify how and up to which extend the Human Resource Management Practices i.e. Training and Development and Career Development Opportunities helps in the Retaining the Employees in Telecom Sector of Pakistan, as from the past few years the telecom industry experience most threatening period regarding employee retention. Design/methodology/approach – This research is quantitative in nature. Data has been collected through a survey from 41 employees of sales and service departments of telecom sector from Warid, Mobilink and Telenor, as these companies are holding 85-90 % market share of Pakistan Telecom Industry. The purposed research hypotheses were tested through various statistical analyses. Findings – The research Findings suggested that HR practices i.e. Training and Development and Career Development Opportunities significant correlates with Employee Retention. Research limitations/implications – The present research study focused only two dimensions of Human Resource practices, so for future research studies other dimensions of HR practices should also be considered. Moreover this research is limited in terms of simple size, therefore by increasing the sample size in terms of number of respondents, departments, industries and cities could also provide more accurate and generalize results. Practical implications – Human Resource Management Practices helps the companies to retain its most critical and talented employees for a long term, make them more committed, and they perform well for the development of the organization that leads towards increase profitability and productivity. Originality/value – The research paper addresses the Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Training on Employee Retention in Pakistan Telecom Industry particularly in twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Keywords: Human Resource Practices, Training and Development, Career Development Opportunities, Employee Retention, Telecom Sector Pakistan