6 research outputs found

    Centralized and Decentralized control of Microgrids

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    ABSTRACT Microgrid can be seen as an important controllable sub-system in future power systems. As a part of distribution network, the microgrid can operate in grid-connected or islanded mode to supply its local loads, and it consists of different renewable and non-renewable distribution generations that are connected to the system through power electronics (PE) interfaces. However, the control of microgrids is one of the important issues to focus on in order to overcome the challenges raised by high penetration of of renewable energy sources (RES). Depending on the responsibilities assumed by the different control levels, the microgrid can be controlled in centralized or decentralized modes. In centralized approach, the microgrid central controller (MGCC) is mainly responsible for the maximization of the microgrid value and optinization of its operation, and the MGCC determines the amount of power that the microgrid should import or export from the upstream distribution system by optimizing the local production or consumption capabilities. However, the MGCC should always consider the market prices of electricity, grid security concerns and ancillary services requested by the DSO when taking decisions. In this case an optimized operating scenario is realized by controlling the microsources and controllable loads within the microgrid, where non-critical, flexible loads can be shed, when profitable. Furthermore, the actual active and reactive power of the components are monitored. When a full decentralized control is implemented, the Management Center (MC) takes responsibilities and it competes or collaborates to optimize the production, satisfy the demand and provide the maximum possible export to the grid but all is done by considering the real time market prices. This thesis discusses the concepts of centralized and decentralized control of MG, where the main chapters introduce different control methods and PE interfaces that are involved in the microgrid control, while the final work presents simulation models that demonstrate how microgrids are controlled through inverters and the results. Using MATLAB/Simulink environment, PQ and V/f control modes of inverter are simulated and the results are discussed to point out their significant effect on balancing the voltage magnitude, maintaining the frequency and power sharing

    Renewable medium-small projects in Spain: Past and present of microgrid development

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    This paper reviews the on-going research studies and microgrid pilot projects focusing on the Spanish case because of its renewable energy potential with the objective set on highlights the main investigation drifts in the field such as the used technologies, control methods and operation challenges. That way, several smart grids have been commented and compared, finding that photovoltaic and wind power are the favourites energy generation technologies. Although batteries are the most widespread energy storage systems, green hydrogen has a strong presence, showing up in a third of the Spanish smart grids. Traditional control strategies are being displaced by advanced ones such as MPC or fuzzy logic due to its higher efficiency. The reader will have a clear view of the potential of renewable energy penetration in the form of smart grids in Spain, through the study of the equipment involved in the different facilities contribution and the main control strategies implemented, in a comparative analysis of the key aspect of this emerging technology.Consejer铆a de Conocimiento, Investigaci贸n y Universidad - Junta de Andaluc铆a PY18-RE-002

    Design and Implementation of a True Decentralized Autonomous Control Architecture for Microgrids

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    Microgrids can serve as an integral part of the future power distribution systems. Most microgrids are currently managed by centralized controllers. There are two major concerns associated with the centralized controllers. One is that the single controller can become performance and reliability bottleneck for the entire system and its failure can bring the entire system down. The second concern is the communication delays that can degrade the system performance. As a solution, a true decentralized control architecture for microgrids is developed and presented. Distributing the control functions to local agents decreases the possibility of network congestion, and leads to the mitigation of long distance transmission of critical commands. Decentralization will also enhance the reliability of the system since the single point of failure is eliminated. In the proposed architecture, primary and secondary microgrid controls layers are combined into one physical layer. Tertiary control is performed by the controller located at the grid point of connection. Each decentralized controller is responsible of multicasting its status and local measurements, creating a general awareness of the microgrid status among all decentralized controllers. The proof-of concept implementation provides a practical evidence of the successful mitigation of the drawback of control command transmission over the network. A Failure Management Unit comprises failure detection mechanisms and a recovery algorithm is proposed and applied to a microgrid case study. Coordination between controllers during the recovery period requires low-bandwidth communications, which has no significant overhead on the communication infrastructure. The proof-of-concept of the true decentralization of microgrid control architecture is implemented using Hardware-in-the-Loop platform. The test results show a robust detection and recovery outcome during a system failure. System test results show the robustness of the proposed architecture for microgrid energy management and control scenarios

    Forecast-based Energy Management Systems

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    The high integration of distributed energy resources into the domestic level has led to an increase in the number of consumers becoming prosumers (producer + customer), which creates several challenges for network operators, such as controlling renewable energy sources over-generation. Recently, self-consumption as a new approach is encouraged by several countries to reduce the dependency on the national grid. This work presents two different Energy Management System (EMS) algorithms for a domestic Photovoltaic (PV) system: (a) real-time Fuzzy Logic-based EMS (FL-EMS) and (b) day-ahead Mixed Integer Linear Programming-based EMS (MILP-EMS). Both methods are tested using the data from the Active Office Building (AOB) located in Swansea University, Bay Campus, UK, as a case study to demonstrate the developed EMSs. AOB comprises a PV system and a Li-ion Battery Storage System (BSS) connected to the grid. The MILP-EMS is used to develop a Community Energy Management System (CEMS) to facilitate local energy exchange. CEMS is tested using the data from six houses located in London, UK, to form a community. Each household comprises a PV system and BSS connected to the grid. It is assumed that all six households use an EV and are equipped with a bidirectional charger to facilitate the Vehicle to House (V2H) mode. In addition, two shiftable appliances are considered to shift the demand to the times when PV generation is maximum to maximise community local consumption. MATLAB software is used to code the proposed systems. The FL-EMS exploits day-ahead energy forecast (assumed it is available from a third party) to control the BSS with the aim of reducing the net energy exchange with the grid by enhancing PV self-consumption. The FL-EMS determines the optimal settings for the BSS, taking into consideration the BSS's state of health to maximise its lifetime. The results are compared with recently published works to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed FL-EMS saves 18% on total energy costs in six months compared to a similar system that utilises a day-ahead energy forecast. In addition, the method shows a considerable reduction in the net energy exchanged between the AOB and the grid. The main objective of the MILP-EMS is to reduce the net energy exchange with the grid by including a two days-ahead energy forecast in the optimisation process. The proposed method reduces the total operating costs (energy cost + BSS degradation cost) by up to 35% over six months and reduces net energy exchanged with the grid compared to similar energy optimisation technique. The proposed cost function in MILP-EMS shows that it can outperform the performance of alternative cost function that directly reduce the net energy exchange. CEMS uses two days-ahead energy forecast to reduce the net energy exchange with the grid by coordinating the distributed BSSs. The proposed CEMS reduces the total operating costs (energy costs + BSSs degradation costs) of the community by 7.6% when compared to the six houses being operated individually. In addition, the proposed CEMS enhances community self-consumption by reducing the net energy exchange with the grid by 25.3% over four months compared to similar community energy optimisation technique. A further reduction in operating costs is achieved using V2H mode and including shiftable appliances. Results show that introducing the V2H mode reduces both the total operating costs of the community and the net energy exchange with the grid

    Gesti贸n eficiente de los convertidores de potencia conectados al bus DC de una Microrred h铆brida de generaci贸n distribuida

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Dos aspectos cr铆ticos en la operaci贸n de una microrred son las estrategias de control y gesti贸n de potencia implementadas, las cuales son esenciales para proporcionar su buen funcionamiento. La aplicaci贸n adecuada de dichas estrategias permite compensar los desequilibrios de potencia causados por la discontinuidad de la generaci贸n y de la demanda de energ铆a en las microrredes. En este sentido, el objetivo global de estas estrategias de gesti贸n es equilibrar adecuadamente el flujo de potencia en la microrred, mediante la aplicaci贸n de diferentes algoritmos que permiten cumplir con los criterios de estabilidad, protecci贸n, balance de potencia, transiciones, sincronizaci贸n con la red y gesti贸n adecuada de la microrred. En el caso de microrredes de peque帽a escala de potencia con bajo n煤mero de generadores y sistemas de almacenamiento distribuidos, las estrategias de control centralizado ofrecen un alto nivel de flexibilidad para lograr funcionalidades avanzadas en la microrred y una adecuada distribuci贸n de la potencia entre los convertidores que la conforman. Esta tesis se ha enmarcado en el contexto de algoritmos de gesti贸n centralizada de potencia de una microrred de generaci贸n distribuida en modo conectado a red. Los algoritmos presentados se pueden aplicar a los convertidores de potencia conectados al bus DC de una microrred AC/DC h铆brida o en una microrred de DC, donde el despacho de potencia es observado y gestionado por un controlador central. Este 煤ltimo adquiere datos del sistema mediante una infraestructura de comunicaciones y estima la potencia que gestionar谩 cada uno de los convertidores de potencia, sistemas de almacenamiento y cargas en funcionamiento. En este estudio se muestra la validaci贸n experimental de las estrategias de gesti贸n aplicadas en la microrred desde el enfoque del comportamiento de los convertidores de potencia, de las bater铆as y las cargas ante dicha gesti贸n. Se verifica la estabilidad de la microrred sometiendo a los convertidores a diferentes escenarios de funcionamiento. Estos escenarios pueden ser fluctuaciones en la irradiaci贸n, la demanda, el estado de carga de las bater铆as, los l铆mites m谩ximos de exportaci贸n/importaci贸n de potencia desde/hacia la microrred hacia/desde la red principal y de la tarifa el茅ctrica. Adicionalmente, se propone un sistema de almacenamiento de energ铆a en bater铆as encargado de mantener el equilibrio de potencia en el bus de DC de la microrred que permite aprovechar las fuentes de generaci贸n renovables presentes en la microrred y maximizar el tiempo de servicio de las bater铆as mediante la aplicaci贸n de un algoritmo de carga de las bater铆as. Este 煤ltimo se ajusta al procedimiento de carga especificado por el fabricante, estableciendo las tasas de carga en funci贸n de los escenarios en que la microrred se encuentre. El procedimiento de carga en las bater铆as es fundamental para garantizar las condiciones adecuadas de operaci贸n de las mismas, ya que toman en consideraci贸n los par谩metros establecidos por el fabricante, como son: tasas de carga/descarga, tensi贸n m谩xima de carga, temperaturas de operaci贸n, etc.[CA] Dos dels aspectes cr铆tics en l'operaci贸 d'una micro-xarxa s贸n les estrat猫gies de control i gesti贸 de pot猫ncia implementades, les quals s贸n essencials per proporcionar el seu bon funcionament. L'aplicaci贸 adequada de dites estrat猫gies permet compensar els desequilibris de pot猫ncia causats per la discontinu茂tat de la generaci贸 i demanda d'energia en les micro-xarxes. En aquest sentit, l'objectiu global de les nomenades estrat猫gies de gesti贸 茅s equilibrar adequadament el flux de pot猫ncia en la micro-xarxa mitjan莽ant l'aplicaci贸 de diferents algoritmes que permeten complir amb els criteris d'estabilitat, protecci贸, balan莽 de pot猫ncia, transicions, sincronitzaci贸 amb la xarxa i gesti贸 adequada de la micro-xarxa. En el cas de micro-xarxes de pot猫ncia a petita escala i amb baix nombre de generadors i sistemes d'emmagatzematge distribu茂ts, les estrat猫gies de control centralitzades ofereixen un alt nivell de flexibilitat per aconseguir funcionalitats avan莽ades en la micro-xarxa i una adequada distribuci贸 de la pot猫ncia entre els convertidors que la conformen. Aquesta tesi s'ha emmarcat al context d'algoritmes de gesti贸 centralitzada de pot猫ncia d'una micro-xarxa de generaci贸 distribu茂da en mode de connexi贸 a xarxa. Els algoritmes presentats es poden aplicar als convertidors de pot猫ncia connectats al bus DC d'una micro-xarxa AC/DC hibrida o en una micro-xarxa de DC, on el despatx de pot猫ncia 茅s observat i gestionat per un controlador central. Aquest 煤ltim adquireix dades del sistema mitjan莽ant una infraestructura de comunicacions i estima la pot猫ncia que gestionar脿 cadascun dels convertidors de pot猫ncia, sistemes d'emmagatzematge i c脿rregues en funcionament. En aquest estudi es mostren la validaci贸 experimental de les estrat猫gies de gesti贸 aplicades en la micro-xarxa des d'un enfocament dels convertidors de pot猫ncia, de les bateries i les c脿rregues davant d'aquesta gesti贸. Es verifica l'estabilitat de la micro-xarxa exposant als convertidors a diferents escenaris de funcionament. Aquest escenaris poden ser fluctuants en la irradiaci贸, la demanda, l'estat de c脿rrega de les bateries, els l铆mits m脿xims d'exportaci贸/importaci贸 de pot猫ncia des de/cap a la micro-xarxa cap a/des de la xarxa principal i de la tarifa el猫ctrica. Addicionalment, es proposa un sistema d'emmagatzematge d'energia en bateries encarregats de mantindre l'equilibri de pot猫ncia al bus DC de la micro-xarxa i que permet aprofitar les fonts de generaci贸 renovables presents en la micro-xarxa i maximitzar el temps de servei de les bateries mitjan莽ant l'aplicaci贸 d'un algoritme de c脿rrega de bateries. Aquest 煤ltim s'ajusta al procediment de c脿rrega especificat pel fabricant, establint les taxes de c脿rrega en funci贸 dels escenaris en que la micro-xarxa es trobe. El procediment de c脿rrega a les bateries es fonamental per garantir les condicions adequades d'operaci贸 de les mateixes, ja que prenen en consideraci贸 els par脿metres establerts pel fabricant, com ara s贸n: taxes de c脿rrega/desc脿rrega, tensi贸 m脿xima de c脿rrega, temperatures d'operaci贸, etc.[EN] Two critical aspects in microgrids operation are the control and power management strategies, which are essential for their efficient operation. The adequate application of these strategies allows compensating the power imbalance caused by the discontinuity in the energy generation or changes in the power demand of the microgrid. In this sense, the overall objective of these power management strategies is to keep the power balance between the generation and the demand in the microgrid through the application of different algorithms that fulfill the criteria of stability, protection, smooth transitions and synchronization with the main grid. In the case of small-scale microgrids with a low number of distributed generators and energy storage systems, the centralized control strategies offer a higher level of flexibility to achieve advanced features in the microgrid and for the suitable power sharing between the converters that compose it. This thesis has been focused on centralized power management algorithms of a microgrid working in grid connected mode. These algorithms can be applied to the power converters connected to the DC bus of both hybrid AC/DC and DC microgrids, where the power dispatch is controlled by a central controller which acquires system data through a communication infrastructure and sets the power to be managed by each of the converters under operation. In this thesis, the experimental validation of the power management strategies of the microgrid is presented, from the point of view of the behavior of the power converters, batteries and loads. It is provided with a realistic evaluation under different microgrid operation scenarios. These scenarios were sudden changes of the irradiation, load, state of charge, the maximum power to be exported/imported from/to the microgrid to/from the grid, and the electricity tariff. Additionally, it is proposed a battery energy storage system that keeps the power balance at the DC bus of the microgrid, taking advantage from the renewable energy sources and adjusting the battery energy storage through a suitable charging procedure specified by the manufacturer. The proposed procedure changes the charging parameters of the batteries depending on the microgrid states. Its goal is to extend the service time of batteries and to allow proper energy management in the system.Salas Puente, RA. (2019). Gesti贸n eficiente de los convertidores de potencia conectados al bus DC de una Microrred h铆brida de generaci贸n distribuida [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/118658TESISCompendi