17,691 research outputs found


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    Plaintiff was a wholesale ice distributor, selling ice to independent contractors. Defendants were members and officers of a union which represented many of the truck drivers employed by these peddlers. In carrying out a scheme to unionize all peddlers, defendants attempted to obtain plaintiff\u27s agreement not to sell ice to non-union peddlers. Such an agreement would violate the state anti-trust law. On plaintiff\u27s refusal, defendants peacefully picketed its plant. Plaintiff immediately suffered an 85% loss of business, and the state court granted it an injunction against the picketing. On appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States, held, affirmed. A state court may enjoin picketing which has as its principal object the violation of a valid state statute. Giboney v. Empire Storage & Ice Co. (U.S. 1949) 69 S.Ct. 684


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    Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) such as meatball and other food traders are one of the small businesses currently experiencing a decline in income due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, the barriers to food peddlers, such as using inappropriate carts and the limited mobility of food selling, have become an obstacle to increasing income after the post-pandemic period. This community service activity aims to recover and increase the revenue of food peddlers by expanding selling mobility to reach potential buyers directly. To achieve this goal, the activities are carried out by designing and manufacturing by combined food peddler cart with a bicycle driven by an electric motor. In this way, it can impact increasing energy efficiency and operational costs so that sales turnover can increase. The method of implementing this activity program is through direct field observations to see the selling activities of food peddlers, followed by a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to obtain input regarding the constraints and expectations desired from these traders. The next step is to carry out the design and manufacture of electric bicycle carts. This activity was followed by business and financial management training using the Buku Warung application and registration for Gofood partners. The results of electric bicycle cart use by food peddlers, followed by an application of Buku Warung and Gofood services by food peddlers, showed an increase in income of around 50-60%

    The Fright Peddlers

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    Senator Kuchel from California authorized the Editors of this Law Review to publish, as his contribution to this Symposium, extracts from his address to Congress as reported in the Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the 88th Congress, First Session; Vol. 10g, No. 79; May 28, 1963. This article is, in effect, a brief digest of that address

    Book Review

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    Reviewing James Jackson Kilpatrick, The Smut Peddlers, Doubleday & Co., 196

    Tracing the Attributes of Sasak in the English of Peddlers

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    This paper is aimed at depicting how attributes of Sasak was transmitted in the English of local peddlers within the Sasak-speaking community. This study adapted attribute as a suggested term by Irawan (2017) to mention features and characteristic representing Sasak, which covered linguistic and cultural representations conveying fourteen items in each representation – considered essential for people who attempt to acquire a foreign language. Thus, the appearances of the Sasak language (SL) attributes were discussed based on two fundamental assumptions, i.e. interference (Ellis, 2008) and conceptualization (Sharifian, 2007). Hence, based on the framework, this study investigated chunks (secondary data) taken from two studies by Suadiyatno (2011; 2014) observing the English of peddlers in two tourism sites in Lombok, i.e. Kuta Beach and Gili Air Island. Results show that in terms of linguistic representation peddlers demonstrate overt and covert use of SL attributes. There were seven chunks indicated the overt use of SL attribute and seven were classified as covert, in which both categories were identified to fit ten items in linguistic representation, including independently meaningful units, preposition, pronouns, qualifiers, noun, adjective, verb, adverb, article, and tenses. Furthermore, in terms of  cultural representation, this study found only belief as the only item to be transmitted into English, in which other items could not be identified due to that fact that data provided by Suadiyatno was not prepared for similar purpose as Irawan’s. Based on findings, this study concludes that the English of peddlers in Kuta Beach and Gili Air make use SL attributes (linguistic and cultural representations). Therefore, it can be stated that the English of the peddlers to some extent have demonstrated assumptions of English as an international language (EIL), in which local linguistic and culture (of Sasak) are communicated in English


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    The aims of this research are (1) to know the perception of shop retailers and peddlers toward the existing of modern mart, (2) to know its’ impact toward peddlers, (3) to know the implementation of government’s rule about modern mart, and (4) to know the efforts of shop retailer and peddlers to survive.It is descriptive-exploratory research. Variables used are modern mart, shop retailers, and peddlers. Population gathered from shop retailers and peddlers in Batu Layar and Gunungsari. 30 of them are taken as sample. Data gathered through interview, questionnaire, and documentation. Data analyzed using percentage, mean, and ideal mean. Qualitative method followed reduction data, display, and conclusion drawing.Result shows that (1) the implementation of governments’ rule on modern mart is not running well, (2) high negative perception of shop retailers and peddlers toward modern mart, (3) negative impact of modern mart toward shop retailers’ and peddlers’ turnover (32% and 29%), income (30% and 17.5%), and customers (32% and 29%), and there is minimum effort for sustainability by shop retailers and peddlers

    Number of Lobbyist-Fundraisers for Presidential Candidates Already Exceeds 2004 Totals

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    The number of lobbyists raising money for the 2008 presidential candidates already has eclipsed the total for the entire 2004 campaign. A new Public Citizen study shows that so far, candidates still in the race have recruited 142 federal lobbyists to raise money for their campaigns, compared to 136 lobbyist fundraisers in 2004. It underscores the need to update the presidential public financing system so that presidential candidates wont rely on influence peddlers to fuel their campaigns

    Green River Ordinances : Where Does the Burden Belong?

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    Over the years, many communities have attempted to restrict door-to-door salespersons. Green River Ordinance is a term derived from an ordinance adopted in Green River, Wyoming, in November, 1931. The measure declared the practice of going in or upon private residences for the purpose of peddling, or soliciting orders for the sale of goods without prior consent of the owners or occupants of the residence a nuisance and subjected such activities to criminal penalties. The popularity of, and controversy over, these ordinances continue to this day

    On the Twain Food Supply Chain in China - Impact of Supermarket Development on Agricultural Sector and Agrifood Safety in China

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    Food safety is attracting more and more attention by sectors of various kinds. However, the contradiction faced by China is the continuous growing safety and quality agrifood market and export demand together with large volumes of distributed and un-organized small-scale rural household production. If we cannot effectively organize agrifood production of distributed rural households, provide technical guidance, and exercise supervision during the production process, it is obvious that it is difficult to supply safety and quality agrifood in large volumes, sustainably and steadily. In the first place, this study has put forward the fact that the rapid development of supermarket in China has created favorable and irreplaceable objective conditions for safety and quality agrifood production in China. The management and supervision costs over supermarket supply chain by the society and government departments are much lower than those in traditional country fairs and wholesale markets. We can adopt the model of "supermarket + leading enterprises (agrifood suppliers) + rural households," to guide thousands of small-scale rural households to access to supermarket supply chains so as to speed up the pace of the popularization of safety and quality agrifood.safety agrifood, agrifood distribution, supermarkets, agrifood supply chain, small-scale farmers, Marketing,
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