6 research outputs found

    Pavlov's dog associative learning demonstrated on synaptic-like organic transistors

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    In this letter, we present an original demonstration of an associative learning neural network inspired by the famous Pavlov's dogs experiment. A single nanoparticle organic memory field effect transistor (NOMFET) is used to implement each synapse. We show how the physical properties of this dynamic memristive device can be used to perform low power write operations for the learning and implement short-term association using temporal coding and spike timing dependent plasticity based learning. An electronic circuit was built to validate the proposed learning scheme with packaged devices, with good reproducibility despite the complex synaptic-like dynamic of the NOMFET in pulse regime

    Motivacijske tehnike u nastavi informatike

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    Svako ciljno-orijentirano, ljudsko djelovanje je uzrokovano nekom vanjskom ili unutarnjom silom. Ta sila određuje ponašanje pojedinca u određenoj situaciji tj. prilikom ostvarivanja nekog cilja, a naziva se motivacija. U odgojno-obrazovnom procesu razlikuju se motivacija kao psihološka pojava i kao nastavna etapa. Motivacija kao psihološka pojava se odnosi na unutarnji proces, koji određuje ponašanje usmjereno cilju. Motivacija kao nastavna etapa se svrstava u početni tj. uvodni dio nastavnog sata, u kojemu nastavnik svojim umijećem kod učenika stvara povoljne uvjete za usvajanje novih znanja i vještina. Predmet diplomskog rada je motivacija u nastavi informatike

    Ensuring Quality Consumer Service Encounters

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    Counterproductive employee behaviors are inevitable, unpredictable, and widespread in the U.S. retail industry. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore U.S. midlevel retail leadership strategies used to prevent and correct employee behaviors that sabotage quality service encounters. Gilbert\u27s behavior engineering model, which links employee behaviors to performance, was the framework used in this study. The data-collection process comprised 7 semistructured interviews with midlevel retail leaders, online company documentation, and researcher observations and assisted in achieving methodological triangulation. Member checking ensured the accuracy of participant responses, while Moustakas\u27 modified van Kaam method was used to guide the data analysis process. Making the customer service experience special, employee rudeness and bad attitudes, and leading by example were the primary emergent themes. The participants revealed key behavior intervention and corrective strategies prior to termination consisted of only 2 steps: coaching or 1-on-1 discussions and formal training. The findings of this study may contribute to retail business practices by expanding existing leadership strategies to engineer employee behaviors that produce consistent quality service encounters, empower employees, improve consumer satisfaction, and increase retail profitability and competitiveness. Resultant retailers\u27 profitability and consumer satisfaction may contribute to social change by directly impacting the U.S. gross domestic product, local communal tax base, and reinforce human civility throughout the retail industry

    Cultural transmission : exploring the role of language and transmission pathways in social networks

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    This thesis investigates previously underexamined or unexplored aspects of the cultural transmission process with the overall aim of advancing cultural evolutionary theory. The first study implements the linear transmission chains experimental design to systematically compare language versus demonstration as social transmission modes in adult and child chains. Despite its importance in social learning, language is extremely underexamined as a distinct mode of transmission. The results, however, illustrate that it supports the type of high-fidelity social transmission that is required for cumulative cultural evolution, especially in children. The second study examines social learning from a multi-generational perspective. By using a novel design, it investigates how the context of acquisition of a cultural trait affects the onward transmission of that trait. This is the first experimental instance in which onward transmission is examined. The findings suggest that a context-congruence bias impacts cultural transmission and it even modulates model-based biases. The context-congruence bias is the first factor found to link acquisition and onward transmission. The third study uses qualitative data to explore how cultural information flows in a real-world social network. It explains how the previously proposed transmission biases may impact acquisition and onward transmission, and how vertical congruence – the result of our proposed context-congruence bias – can lead to increased longevity and stability. By exploring cultural transmission at the level of the individual, we uncover new questions and present new hypotheses. As different social learning and teaching mechanisms are documented, their connection with trait longevity is also considered. In the final chapter, the implications of the studies are discussed, as are their possible limitations and the avenues for future research that arise from the findings