6 research outputs found

    The Agent Pattern Driven Business Engineering (APBDE) approach enabled business-based systems

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    Agent design patterns form a new methodology used to improve the development of software agents. Agent design patterns can help by capturing solutions to common problems in agent design [Lange and Oshima, 1998].Agent design patterns are applied in different systems such as knowledge management systems, real-time systems, and network management systems. Agent design patterns for business-based systems, aim to support different ecommerce paradigms business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C).In this paper, we developed an approach for extracting agent-based design patterns for B2C e-commerce to improve business-based processes.This approach is called an Agent Pattern Driven Business Engineering (APDBE).Based on this approach, we derived two agent-based commerce design patterns namely, the De-coupler Design Pattern (DecDP), and the Dynamic Design Pattern (DynDP). These design patterns are used to support selling/buying-based processes in e-commerce domain

    Using spatiotemporal patterns to qualitatively represent and manage dynamic situations of interest : a cognitive and integrative approach

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    Les situations spatio-temporelles dynamiques sont des situations qui évoluent dans l’espace et dans le temps. L’être humain peut identifier des configurations de situations dans son environnement et les utilise pour prendre des décisions. Ces configurations de situations peuvent aussi être appelées « situations d’intérêt » ou encore « patrons spatio-temporels ». En informatique, les situations sont obtenues par des systèmes d’acquisition de données souvent présents dans diverses industries grâce aux récents développements technologiques et qui génèrent des bases de données de plus en plus volumineuses. On relève un problème important dans la littérature lié au fait que les formalismes de représentation utilisés sont souvent incapables de représenter des phénomènes spatiotemporels dynamiques et complexes qui reflètent la réalité. De plus, ils ne prennent pas en considération l’appréhension cognitive (modèle mental) que l’humain peut avoir de son environnement. Ces facteurs rendent difficile la mise en œuvre de tels modèles par des agents logiciels. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un nouveau modèle de représentation des situations d’intérêt s’appuyant sur la notion des patrons spatiotemporels. Notre approche utilise les graphes conceptuels pour offrir un aspect qualitatif au modèle de représentation. Le modèle se base sur les notions d’événement et d’état pour représenter des phénomènes spatiotemporels dynamiques. Il intègre la notion de contexte pour permettre aux agents logiciels de raisonner avec les instances de patrons détectés. Nous proposons aussi un outil de génération automatisée des relations qualitatives de proximité spatiale en utilisant un classificateur flou. Finalement, nous proposons une plateforme de gestion des patrons spatiotemporels pour faciliter l’intégration de notre modèle dans des applications industrielles réelles. Ainsi, les contributions principales de notre travail sont : Un formalisme de représentation qualitative des situations spatiotemporelles dynamiques en utilisant des graphes conceptuels. ; Une approche cognitive pour la définition des patrons spatio-temporels basée sur l’intégration de l’information contextuelle. ; Un outil de génération automatique des relations spatiales qualitatives de proximité basé sur les classificateurs neuronaux flous. ; Une plateforme de gestion et de détection des patrons spatiotemporels basée sur l’extension d’un moteur de traitement des événements complexes (Complex Event Processing).Dynamic spatiotemporal situations are situations that evolve in space and time. They are part of humans’ daily life. One can be interested in a configuration of situations occurred in the environment and can use it to make decisions. In the literature, such configurations are referred to as “situations of interests” or “spatiotemporal patterns”. In Computer Science, dynamic situations are generated by large scale data acquisition systems which are deployed everywhere thanks to recent technological advances. Spatiotemporal pattern representation is a research subject which gained a lot of attraction from two main research areas. In spatiotemporal analysis, various works extended query languages to represent patterns and to query them from voluminous databases. In Artificial Intelligence, predicate-based models represent spatiotemporal patterns and detect their instances using rule-based mechanisms. Both approaches suffer several shortcomings. For example, they do not allow for representing dynamic and complex spatiotemporal phenomena due to their limited expressiveness. Furthermore, they do not take into account the human’s mental model of the environment in their representation formalisms. This limits the potential of building agent-based solutions to reason about these patterns. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach to represent situations of interest using the concept of spatiotemporal patterns. We use Conceptual Graphs to offer a qualitative representation model of these patterns. Our model is based on the concepts of spatiotemporal events and states to represent dynamic spatiotemporal phenomena. It also incorporates contextual information in order to facilitate building the knowledge base of software agents. Besides, we propose an intelligent proximity tool based on a neuro-fuzzy classifier to support qualitative spatial relations in the pattern model. Finally, we propose a framework to manage spatiotemporal patterns in order to facilitate the integration of our pattern representation model to existing applications in the industry. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: A qualitative approach to model dynamic spatiotemporal situations of interest using Conceptual Graphs. ; A cognitive approach to represent spatiotemporal patterns by integrating contextual information. ; An automated tool to generate qualitative spatial proximity relations based on a neuro-fuzzy classifier. ; A platform for detection and management of spatiotemporal patterns using an extension of a Complex Event Processing engine

    Integração de reacção e deliberação em agentes inteligentes

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Redes de Comunicação e MultimédiaA integração de reacção e deliberação é um dos aspectos centrais em modelos de agentes inteligentes, nomeadamente em modelos de agente híbridos. O conceito de agente inteligente híbrido, surgiu nos anos 90, numa tentativa de combinar o melhor de dois mundos, após o percurso da inteligência artificial ter passado pelos paradigmas hierárquico e reactivo. Este tipo de agente é composto principalmente por duas camadas: reactiva e deliberativa. A camada reactiva reage a estímulos do ambiente enquanto a deliberativa tem um carácter pró-activo, utilizando um modelo interno para gerar planos de alto nível. Nesta dissertação propõe-se um modelo de agente inteligente híbrido constituído por uma camada adicional de carácter adaptativo. Essa camada tem por objectivo disponibilizar um nível de competência, no qual o agente tem capacidade de aprender com a experiência, complementando as competências nos níveis reactivo e deliberativo. A arquitectura do modelo de agente proposto tem uma organização vertical, onde somente a camada reactiva interage com o ambiente. Esta é responsável por adquirir a percepção e gerar uma acção resultante da composição de vários comportamentos. Já a camada adaptativa recebe a percepção da camada reactiva e efectua uma discretização, que irá suportar a aprendizagem resultante da interacção com o ambiente, de modo a complementar a camada reactiva nas suas limitações. Por último, a camada deliberativa recebe a percepção do nível hierárquico inferior, com base na qual gera uma representação interna do mundo para suporte dos mecanismos deliberativos. Deste modo, pretende-se ter um modelo agente capaz de responder às necessidades deoperação em tempo real em cenários complexos e dinâmicos.Abstract: The integration of reaction and deliberation is one of the main aspects in intelligent agent models, namely in hybrid agent models. The concept of hybrid intelligent agents emerged during the 90’s, in attempt to combine the best of both worlds after the area of artificial intelligence passed through the hierarchical and reactive paradigms. These kinds of agents are mainly composed of two layers: reactive and deliberative. The reactive layer reacts to stimuli while the deliberative layer has a proactive characterusing an internal model to generate higher level plans. In this document a hybrid intelligent agent model is proposed, composed by an additional layer of adaptive character. This layer aims to provide a level of competencein which the agent has ability to learn from experience, complementing the abilities in reactive and deliberative layers. The proposed model’s architecture has a vertical organization, in which only the reactive layer interacts with the environment. This layer is responsible for acquiring perception and generating actions as a result of the composition of many behaviors. The adaptive layer receives the perception from the reactive layer and performs a discretization which will support learning resulting from interaction with the environment, so it complements the reactive layer in their limitations. Lastly, the deliberative layer receives the perception from a hierarchical lower level, in which generates a world inner representation to support the deliberative mechanisms. In this way, the aim is to obtain an agent model capable of responding to real-time requirements of operation in complex and dynamic environments

    Modelado y diseño de Sistemas Multiagente centrados en organizaciones

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    Esta Tesis de Máster realiza un análisis de los métodos de diseño y modelado de los Sistemas Multiagente Centrados en Organizaciones y de ciertos mecanismos que facilitan la coordinación de los agentes de la organización, proponiendo un modelo formal y un lenguaje de modelado organizativo que integra dichos mecanismos.Esparcia García, S. (2010). Modelado y diseño de Sistemas Multiagente centrados en organizaciones. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/13846Archivo delegad

    Une approche logicielle du traitement de la dyslexie : étude de modèles et applications

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    Neuropsychological disorders are widespread and generate real public health problems. In particular in our modern society, where written communication is ubiquitous, dyslexia can be extremely disabling. Nevertheless we can note that the diagnosis and remediation of this pathology are fastidious and lack of standardization. Unfortunately it seems inherent to the clinical characterization of dyslexia by exclusion, to the multitude of different practitioners involved in such treatment and to the lack of objectivity of some existing methods. In this respect, we decided to investigate the possibilities offered by modern computing to overcome these barriers. Indeed we have assumed that the democratization of computer systems and their computing power could make of them a perfect tool to alleviate the difficulties encountered in the treatment of dyslexia. This research has led us to study the techniques software as well as hardware, which can conduct to the development of an inexpensive and scalable system able to attend a beneficial and progressive changing of practices in this pathology field. With this project we put ourselves definitely in an innovative stream serving quality of care and aid provided to people with disabilities. Our work has been identifying different improvement areas that the use of computers enables. Then each of these areas could then be the subject of extensive research, modeling and prototype developments. We also considered the methodology for designing this kind of system as a whole. In particular our thoughts and these accomplishments have allowed us to define a software framework suitable for implementing a software platform that we called the PAMMA. This platform should theoretically have access to all the tools required for the flexible and efficient development of medical applications integrating business processes. In this way it is expected that this system allows the development of applications for caring dyslexic patients thus leading to a faster and more accurate diagnosis and a more appropriate and effective remediation. Of our innovation efforts emerge encouraging perspectives. However such initiatives can only be achieved within multidisciplinary collaborations with many functional, technical and financial means. Creating such a consortium seems to be the next required step to get a funding necessary for realizing a first functional prototype of the PAMMA, as well as its first applications. Some clinical studies may be conducted to prove undoubtedly the effectiveness of such an approach for treating dyslexia and eventually other neuropsychological disorders.Les troubles neuropsychologiques sont très répandus et posent de réels problèmes de santé publique. En particulier, dans notre société moderne où la communication écrite est omniprésente, la dyslexie peut s’avérer excessivement handicapante. On remarque néanmoins que le diagnostic et la remédiation de cette pathologie restent délicats et manquent d’uniformisation. Ceci semble malheureusement inhérent à la caractérisation clinique par exclusion de la dyslexie, à la multitude de praticiens différents impliqués dans une telle prise en charge ainsi qu’au manque d’objectivité de certaines méthodes existantes. A ce titre, nous avons décidé d’investiguer les possibilités offertes par l’informatique actuelle pour surmonter ces barrières. Effectivement, nous avons supposé que la démocratisation des systèmes informatiques et leur puissance de calcul pourraient en faire un outil de choix pour pallier les difficultés rencontrées lors de la prise en charge de la dyslexie. Cette recherche nous a ainsi mené à étudier les techniques, aussi bien logicielles que matérielles, pouvant conduire au développement d’un système bon marché et évolutif qui serait capable d’assister un changement bénéfique et progressif des pratiques qui entourent cette pathologie. Avec ce projet, nous nous plaçons définitivement dans un courant innovant au service de la qualité des soins et des aides apportées aux personnes souffrant d’un handicap. Notre travail a ainsi consisté à identifier différents axes d’amélioration que l’utilisation de l’outil informatique rend possible. Chacun de ces axes a alors pu faire l’objet de recherches exhaustives, de modélisations et de développements de prototypes. Nous avons également réfléchi à la méthodologie à mettre en œuvre pour concevoir un tel système dans sa globalité. En particulier, nos réflexions et ces différents accomplissements nous ont permis de définir un framework logiciel propice à l’implémentation d’une plate-forme logicielle que nous avons appelée la PAMMA. Cette plate-forme devrait théoriquement pouvoir disposer de tous les outils permettant le développement souple et efficace d’applications médicales intégrant des processus métiers. Il est ainsi attendu de ce système qu’il permette le développement d’applications, pour la prise en charges des patients dyslexiques, conduisant à un diagnostic plus rapide et plus précis ainsi qu’à une remédiation plus adaptée et plus efficace. De notre effort d’innovation ressortent des perspectives encourageantes. Cependant, ce type d’initiative ne peut se concrétiser qu’autour de collaborations pluridisciplinaires disposant de nombreux moyens fonctionnels, techniques et financiers. La constitution d’un tel consortium semble donc être la prochaine étape nécessaire à l’obtention des financements pour réaliser un premier prototype fonctionnel de la PAMMA, ainsi que de premières applications. Des études cliniques pourront être alors menées pour prouver indubitablement l’efficacité d’une telle approche dans le cadre de la prise en charge de la dyslexie, ainsi qu’éventuellement d’autres troubles neuropsychologiques