7,789 research outputs found

    The interpretive approach to religious education and the development of a community of practice

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    The practitioners and researchers whose work is reported in this book have come together as a community of practice around particular principles and methods of education and research. The interpretive approach to religious education and a given model of action research provided common organising principles for the design, implementation and interpretation of the community’s diverse projects but they did not provide a rigid framework. Instead individual projects and shared reflections became testing grounds for them both. This book documents a development of thinking about the interpretive approach and action research so that the version of both presented in the later chapters will be seen to differ in some respects from the models from which the Warwick community of practice set out. It is therefore appropriate to begin this book with two chapters that explain the project’s starting points, the origins and initial formulations of those models

    The interpretive approach as a research tool : inside the REDCo project

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    This contribution shows how the author’s interpretive approach to religious education was used as a theoretical and pedagogical stimulus and an empirical research tool by researchers in the European Commission Framework 6 REDCo (Religion, Education, Dialogue, Conflict) Project. The origins and development of the interpretive approach, from its roots in the ethnographic study of children from religious backgrounds, are summarised, and an account is given about how its key concepts were used to frame a checklist of questions for REDCo researchers dealing with both empirical research methodology and pedagogy. Examples and case studies are presented illustrating how the approach was used by REDCo researchers as a methodological tool for empirical research, a pedagogical tool or stimulus to pedagogical clarification and a tool for meta-analysis and theory development

    Teaching about religions in the public sphere: European policy initiatives and the interpretive approach

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    This paper charts a policy shift within international and European inter-governmental institutions towards advocating the study of religions (or the study of religions and beliefs) in European publicly funded schools. The events of September 11, 2001 in the USA acted as a "wake up call" in relation to recognising the legitimacy and importance of the study of religions in public education. For example, policy recommendations from the Council of Europe and guiding principles for the study of religions and beliefs from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe have been developed and are under consideration by member or participating states of both bodies. In translating policy into practice, appropriate pedagogies need to be adopted or developed. The paper uses the example of the interpretive approach to indicate how issues of representation, interpretation and reflexivity might be addressed in studying religious diversity within contemporary societies in ways which both avoid stereotyping and engage students' interest

    Religiöse bildung im spiegel der europäischen politik

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    This chapter charts a policy shift within international and European intergovernmental institutions towards advocating the study of religions (or the study of religions and beliefs) in European publicly funded schools. The events of September 11, 2001 in the USA acted as a ‘wake up call’ in relation to recognising the legitimacy and importance of the study of religions in public education. For example, policy recommendations from the Council of Europe and guiding principles for the study of religions and beliefs from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europehave been developed and are under consideration by member or participating states of both bodies. In translating policy into practice, appropriate pedagogies need to be adopted or developed. The chapter uses the example of the interpretive approach to indicate how issues of representation, interpretation and reflexivity might be addressed in studying religious diversity within contemporary societies in ways which both avoid stereotyping and engage students’ interest

    The Application Of Blended Learning Model To Increase The Students Learning Achievement On Qur'an Hadits Subject Of Mts Qur'aniah Musi Rawas

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    The development of the world of education is increasing marked by changes in learning with sophisticated technology or another term called the industrial revolution 5.0, one of which is the use of educational technology. With a background in the changing pattern of teaching and learning during a pandemic with the familiar use of blended learning models or combining online and offline learning. However, with the model used, several problems arise, namely not being able to understand the material presented properly, the learning model used by the teacher has not been able to motivate students in learning. Have not used learning media that can make it easier for students to understand the subject matter presented by the teacher. With this problem, it will be discussed using the classroom action research method with the stages of action research in a cycle including planning or carrying out observations and reflections. Based on the results of descriptive and qualitative quantitative data analysis, the application of the Blended Learning model can improve the learning outcomes of Al-Qur'an Hadith subjects for class VIII MTs Qur'aniah, Musi Rawas Regency first, first, pre-cycle test results, the highest score is 80 and the lowest score is 60. , while the test results in the second cycle the highest score was 100 and the lowest score was 70. Second, the average grade based on the pre-cycle test results was 67.42, while in Cycle II the test results increased to 88.55. Third, students who finished studying from 29.03% pre-cycle and at the end of the second cycle in this study the students who scored according to the KKM increased to 93.55%

    An investigation of challenges in managerial ethics and its role in sustainable development of Iranian industries

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    This paper tries to demonstrate ethical value as being an essential element in order to achieve sustainability in many societies such as Iran. In addition this paper lays out some of obstacle and challenges about ethical issues in Iranian industries. The evidence from our investigation supports that employee and management rather tend to ethical values.ethic, managerial ethics, sustainable development, challenges

    Teacher Professionalism in Islamic Religious Education During The Covid 19 Pandemic At Baitul A'la Islamic Primary School in Lubuklinggau

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    This study is titled Teacher Professionalism in Islamic Religious Education during the Covid19 Pandemic at Baitul A'la Islamic Primary School in Lubuklinggau. The adoption of e-learning certainly requires teachers to be professional in performing their tasks and preparing for different sections. The research was carried out at Baitul A'la Islamic Primary School in Lubuklinggau using field research type, qualitative approach, data collection with interview, observation and documentation techniques. Check data source reliability, triangle processing time and technique. To summarize, first, teachers are committed to students and their learning process, teachers are masters of subject topics, teachers monitor student learning outcomes, teachers are able to systematically and teachers are part of a learning community in their professional setting. Online learning, which schools have had to do due to the COVID19 outbreak, needs to be balanced with the deeper role of the teacher. Teacher performance is required as a form of professionalism. Therefore, there is a need to empower teachers by developing  four key skills that already exist to deal with online learning today. The skills that emerged from these developments were literacy and science and technology skills, classroom management skills, and social and communication skills

    Edifices: A Critique of Home Management.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018

    The Doing of Datafication (And What this Doing Does): Practices of Edification and the Enactment of New Forms of Sociality in the Indian Public Health Service

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    In this paper, we offer a performative, praxeological account of ongoing attempts to cultivate practices of datafication in the Indian public health service. In particular, we distinguish between two broad forms that such practices took—systematic practices of datafication and edifying practices of datafication—that involve data being enacted or performed in different ways. We explore the power of these different kinds of datafication practices by examining what their doing does and demonstrate how each—by enacting particular kinds of subject and object positions—is deeply implicated in the (re)production of different forms of human sociality. Describing these socialities as “authoritarian-bureaucratic” and “dialogic”, we explore the distinctive kinds of moods and affectivities that they generate. We conclude by drawing out some of the implications for research and practice

    Helping Parents in the Toronto SDA Churches Understand and Deal With the Challenges of Adolescents and Work Towards a More Harmonious Relationship

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    Problem. Parenting is a process which requests a great deal of flexibility and understanding. Both parents and child are engaged in the human developmental process; in most cases parents reach the midlife crisis more or less at the same time when the child reaches the adolescence phase. In most cases neither the parents nor the adolescent understand what is really happening in their lives. They begin to dislike each other and a conflictual atmosphere exists in the home. This lack of understanding brings about the breakdown in the relation parent adolescent. On the other hand parents usually have certain goals for their children and ideas about how these goals should be achieved, but the children in the adolescence phase have goals and intentions of their own as well. Thus when there is a great difference between what the children do and what the parents expect them to do, this also causes a breakdown in the relationship between parents and adolescents. This project intends to elucidate some of the causes of this breakdown in the parent-adolescent relation and to propose certain elements of solution in order to help parents understand better their adolescents and maintain a more harmonious relationship with them. Method. The research method adopted for this project was the survey. This was conducted among the parents of a number of churches in the Ontario Conference including my former congregation, the Woodbridge Seventh-day Adventist Church, to ascertain the problems they experienced with their adolescents and what information would be most helpful in developing and maintaining a good relationship with their adolescents. A variety of churches were selected because of the cultural-ethnic background of the membership in the Ontario Conference. The adolescents were surveyed as well, in order to obtain their perspectives on the problem. The general findings from the survey and general insights gained from the literature review were used to develop seminars geared towards addressing these specific findings. These seminars were held in the Filipino-Canadian Church and were presented to parents and adolescents. A process of evaluation was used to verify the learning experience of the participants and the level of their understanding of issues during the adolescence stage in order to ascertain the pertinence of the content of the seminars and the usefulness of the information shared. Results. The parents who attended these seminars had their level of understating of the issues of adolescence increased and it is hoped that they are better equipped to deal with their adolescents and thus maintain a harmonious atmosphere in the family. We found that the level of understanding on the issues about the adolescence phase has increased for a number of parents who attended the seminars. Conclusion. Three seminars have been prepared in the context of this project, a survey has been administered to the participants before the presentation, and the same survey has been administered to participants after the presentation. A comparison of the pre- and the post-survey helped me to ascertain that education through seminars among the churches in the Ontario Conference can make a positive impact in the relations between the parent and adolescent. Nonetheless these three alone cannot address all the aspects of the dynamic of the relationship between parents and adolescents. This project opened the pathway for more work in this orientation. It is hoped that parents will benefit from the seminars and a harmonious relationship will be fostered in many families within the church