11 research outputs found

    Challenging Issues in Face Recognition

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    This paper provides a concise & up-to-date review of research efforts in face recognition techniques based on 2D and 3D images. Recent research has also demonstrated that the fusion of different imaging modalities and spectral components can improve the overall performance of face recognition. The majority of face recognition methods have been developed by scientists with a very technical background such as biometry, pattern recognition and computer vision methods using 3D shape applied to data embodying facial expressions. Different strategies to deal with expressions are presented. The underlying concepts and practical issues relating to the application of each strategy are given, without going into technical details. The discussion clearly articulates the justification to establish archival, reference databases to compare and evaluate different strategies

    VSG image processing and analysis (VSG IPA) toolbox

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    The VSG TOOLBOX is a free MATLAB compatible image processing and analysis toolbox which provides high level access to a wide range of image processing and analysis algorithms. This toolbox requires MathWorks' MATLAB 7.1 or later BUT DOES NOT REQUIRE the MathWorks' Image Processing Toolbox. This report outlines the mechanism by which you can interface MATLAB with the VSG IPA toolbox functions. This free software can be downloaded directly from: http://www.cipa.dcu.ie/code.htm

    Gait and Locomotion Analysis for Tribological Applications

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    ModĂ©lisation et asservissement du dĂ©collage vertical d’un drone aquatique Ă  voilure fixe

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    Les nouvelles applications des petits drones volants prolifĂšrent grĂące Ă  leur rĂ©cent gain de popularitĂ©. Un dĂ©savantage majeur de ces appareils est leur court temps de vol. Il est possible d’allonger la durĂ©e d’une mission d’un petit drone en effectuant une sĂ©rie de vols intermittents, possibles si l’appareil se pose sur un plan d’eau pour se recharger grĂące Ă  l’énergie solaire. La capacitĂ© de fonctionner dans les airs et sur l’eau ouvre Ă©galement de nouveau champs d’application, comme les patrouilles maritimes et des suivis Ă©cologiques. L’appareil dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Sherbrooke, le SUWAVE, vise Ă  combiner les avantages des petits drones volants Ă  ceux des modĂšles hybrides, aquatiques et aĂ©riens. Contrairement Ă  d’autres avions aquatiques, le SUWAVE effectue un dĂ©collage vertical Ă  partir de l’eau. Le prĂ©sent projet de recherche vise Ă  mieux comprendre la dynamique d’une telle manoeuvre afin de concevoir le contrĂŽle appropriĂ© pour garantir son succĂšs, malgrĂ© les perturbations du vent et des vagues