40,578 research outputs found

    Patience of Matrix Games

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    For matrix games we study how small nonzero probability must be used in optimal strategies. We show that for nxn win-lose-draw games (i.e. (-1,0,1) matrix games) nonzero probabilities smaller than n^{-O(n)} are never needed. We also construct an explicit nxn win-lose game such that the unique optimal strategy uses a nonzero probability as small as n^{-Omega(n)}. This is done by constructing an explicit (-1,1) nonsingular nxn matrix, for which the inverse has only nonnegative entries and where some of the entries are of value n^{Omega(n)}

    Social dilemmas, time preferences and technology adoption in a commons problem

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    Agents interacting on a body of water choose between technologies to catch fish. One is harmless to the resource, as it allows full recovery; the other yields high immediate catches, but low(er) future catches. Strategic interaction in one 'objective'resource game may induce several 'subjective' games in the class of social dilemmas. Which unique 'subjective'game is actually played depends crucially on how the agents discount their future payo¤s. We examine equilibrium behavior and its consequences on sustainability of the common-pool resource system under exponential and hyperbolic discounting. A sufficient degree of patience on behalf of the agents may lead to equilibrium behavior averting exhaustion of the resource, though full restraint (both agents choosing the ecologically or environmentally sound technology) is not necessarily achieved. Furthermore, if the degree of patience between agents is sufficiently dissimilar, the more patient is exploited by the less patient one in equilibrium. We demonstrate the generalizability of our approach developed throughout the paper. We provide recommendations to reduce the enormous complexity surrounding the general cases

    The Value 1 Problem Under Finite-memory Strategies for Concurrent Mean-payoff Games

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    We consider concurrent mean-payoff games, a very well-studied class of two-player (player 1 vs player 2) zero-sum games on finite-state graphs where every transition is assigned a reward between 0 and 1, and the payoff function is the long-run average of the rewards. The value is the maximal expected payoff that player 1 can guarantee against all strategies of player 2. We consider the computation of the set of states with value 1 under finite-memory strategies for player 1, and our main results for the problem are as follows: (1) we present a polynomial-time algorithm; (2) we show that whenever there is a finite-memory strategy, there is a stationary strategy that does not need memory at all; and (3) we present an optimal bound (which is double exponential) on the patience of stationary strategies (where patience of a distribution is the inverse of the smallest positive probability and represents a complexity measure of a stationary strategy)

    The Big Match in Small Space

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    In this paper we study how to play (stochastic) games optimally using little space. We focus on repeated games with absorbing states, a type of two-player, zero-sum concurrent mean-payoff games. The prototypical example of these games is the well known Big Match of Gillete (1957). These games may not allow optimal strategies but they always have {\epsilon}-optimal strategies. In this paper we design {\epsilon}-optimal strategies for Player 1 in these games that use only O(log log T ) space. Furthermore, we construct strategies for Player 1 that use space s(T), for an arbitrary small unbounded non-decreasing function s, and which guarantee an {\epsilon}-optimal value for Player 1 in the limit superior sense. The previously known strategies use space {\Omega}(logT) and it was known that no strategy can use constant space if it is {\epsilon}-optimal even in the limit superior sense. We also give a complementary lower bound. Furthermore, we also show that no Markov strategy, even extended with finite memory, can ensure value greater than 0 in the Big Match, answering a question posed by Abraham Neyman

    Exact Algorithms for Solving Stochastic Games

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    Shapley's discounted stochastic games, Everett's recursive games and Gillette's undiscounted stochastic games are classical models of game theory describing two-player zero-sum games of potentially infinite duration. We describe algorithms for exactly solving these games