26 research outputs found

    Flat counter automata almost everywhere!

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    This paper argues that flatness appears as a central notion in the verification of counter automata. A counter automaton is called flat when its control graph can be ``replaced\u27\u27, equivalently w.r.t. reachability, by another one with no nested loops. From a practical view point, we show that flatness is a necessary and sufficient condition for termination of accelerated symbolic model checking, a generic semi-algorithmic technique implemented in successful tools like FAST, LASH or TReX. From a theoretical view point, we prove that many known semilinear subclasses of counter automata are flat: reversal bounded counter machines, lossy vector addition systems with states, reversible Petri nets, persistent and conflict-free Petri nets, etc. Hence, for these subclasses, the semilinear reachability set can be computed using a emph{uniform} accelerated symbolic procedure (whereas previous algorithms were specifically designed for each subclass)

    An approach to computing downward closures

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    The downward closure of a word language is the set of all (not necessarily contiguous) subwords of its members. It is well-known that the downward closure of any language is regular. While the downward closure appears to be a powerful abstraction, algorithms for computing a finite automaton for the downward closure of a given language have been established only for few language classes. This work presents a simple general method for computing downward closures. For language classes that are closed under rational transductions, it is shown that the computation of downward closures can be reduced to checking a certain unboundedness property. This result is used to prove that downward closures are computable for (i) every language class with effectively semilinear Parikh images that are closed under rational transductions, (ii) matrix languages, and (iii) indexed languages (equivalently, languages accepted by higher-order pushdown automata of order 2).Comment: Full version of contribution to ICALP 2015. Comments welcom

    Decidability Issues for Petri Nets

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    This is a survey of some decidability results for Petri nets, covering the last three decades. The presentation is structured around decidability of specific properties, various behavioural equivalences and finally the model checking problem for temporal logics

    Unboundedness Problems for Languages of Vector Addition Systems

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    A vector addition system (VAS) with an initial and a final marking and transition labels induces a language. In part because the reachability problem in VAS remains far from being well-understood, it is difficult to devise decision procedures for such languages. This is especially true for checking properties that state the existence of infinitely many words of a particular shape. Informally, we call these unboundedness properties. We present a simple set of axioms for predicates that can express unboundedness properties. Our main result is that such a predicate is decidable for VAS languages as soon as it is decidable for regular languages. Among other results, this allows us to show decidability of (i) separability by bounded regular languages, (ii) unboundedness of occurring factors from a language K with mild conditions on K, and (iii) universality of the set of factors

    Integer Vector Addition Systems with States

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    This paper studies reachability, coverability and inclusion problems for Integer Vector Addition Systems with States (ZVASS) and extensions and restrictions thereof. A ZVASS comprises a finite-state controller with a finite number of counters ranging over the integers. Although it is folklore that reachability in ZVASS is NP-complete, it turns out that despite their naturalness, from a complexity point of view this class has received little attention in the literature. We fill this gap by providing an in-depth analysis of the computational complexity of the aforementioned decision problems. Most interestingly, it turns out that while the addition of reset operations to ordinary VASS leads to undecidability and Ackermann-hardness of reachability and coverability, respectively, they can be added to ZVASS while retaining NP-completness of both coverability and reachability.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Silent Transitions in Automata with Storage

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    We consider the computational power of silent transitions in one-way automata with storage. Specifically, we ask which storage mechanisms admit a transformation of a given automaton into one that accepts the same language and reads at least one input symbol in each step. We study this question using the model of valence automata. Here, a finite automaton is equipped with a storage mechanism that is given by a monoid. This work presents generalizations of known results on silent transitions. For two classes of monoids, it provides characterizations of those monoids that allow the removal of \lambda-transitions. Both classes are defined by graph products of copies of the bicyclic monoid and the group of integers. The first class contains pushdown storages as well as the blind counters while the second class contains the blind and the partially blind counters.Comment: 32 pages, submitte

    Parikh's Theorem: A simple and direct automaton construction

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    Parikh's theorem states that the Parikh image of a context-free language is semilinear or, equivalently, that every context-free language has the same Parikh image as some regular language. We present a very simple construction that, given a context-free grammar, produces a finite automaton recognizing such a regular language.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Bounded Context Switching for Valence Systems

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    We study valence systems, finite-control programs over infinite-state memories modeled in terms of graph monoids. Our contribution is a notion of bounded context switching (BCS). Valence systems generalize pushdowns, concurrent pushdowns, and Petri nets. In these settings, our definition conservatively generalizes existing notions. The main finding is that reachability within a bounded number of context switches is in NPTIME, independent of the memory (the graph monoid). Our proof is genuinely algebraic, and therefore contributes a new way to think about BCS. In addition, we exhibit a class of storage mechanisms for which BCS reachability belongs to PTIME