1,715 research outputs found

    A Tele-Operated Display With a Predictive Display Algorithm

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    Tele-operated display systems with head mounted displays (HMD) are becoming popular as visual feedback systems for tele-operation systems. However, the users are suffered from time-varying bidirectional delays caused by the latency and limited bandwidth of wireless communication networks. Here, we develop a tele-operated display system and a predictive display algorithm allowing comfortable use of HMDs by operators of tele-operation systems. Inspired by the kinematic model of the human head-neck complex, we built a robot neck-camera system to capture the field of view in any desired orientation. To reduce the negative effects of the time-varying bidirectional communication delay and operation delay of the robot neck, we developed a predictive display algorithm based on a kinematic model of the human/robot neck-camera system, and a geometrical model of a camera. Experimental results showed that the system provide predicted images with high frame rate to the user

    Towards the Implementation of a MPC-based Planner on an Autonomous All-Terrain Vehicle

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    Planning and control for a wheeled mobile robot are challenging problems when poorly traversable terrains, including dynamic obstacles, are considered. To accomplish a mission, the control system should firstly guarantee the vehicle integrity, for example with respect to possible roll-over/tip-over phenomena. A fundamental contribution to achieve this goal, however, comes from the planner as well. In fact, computing a path that takes into account the terrain traversability, the kinematic and dynamic vehicle constraints, and the presence of dynamic obstacles, is a first and crucial step towards ensuring the vehicle integrity. The present paper addresses some of the aforementioned issues, describing the hardware/software architecture of the planning and control system of an autonomous All-Terrain Mobile Robot and the implementation of a real-time path planner

    Network Latency in Teleoperation of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles:A Review of Trends, Challenges, and Mitigation Strategies

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    With remarkable advancements in the development of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), the integration of teleoperation has become crucial for improving safety and operational efficiency. However, teleoperation faces substantial challenges, with network latency being a critical factor influencing its performance. This survey paper explores the impact of network latency along with state-of-the-art mitigation/compensation approaches. It examines cascading effects on teleoperation communication links (i.e., uplink and downlink) and how delays in data transmission affect the real-time perception and decision-making of operators. By elucidating the challenges and available mitigation strategies, the paper offers valuable insights for researchers, engineers, and practitioners working towards the seamless integration of teleoperation in the evolving landscape of CAVs

    Cognitive Vehicle Platooning in the Era of Automated Electric Transportation

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    Vehicle platooning is an important innovation in the automotive industry that aims at improving safety, mileage, efficiency, and the time needed to travel. This research focuses on the various aspects of vehicle platooning, one of the important aspects being analysis of different control strategies that lead to a stable and robust platoon. Safety of passengers being a very important consideration, the control design should be such that the controller remains robust under uncertain environments. As a part of the Department of Energy (DOE) project, this research also tries to show a demonstration of vehicle platooning using robots. In an automated highway scenario, a vehicle platoon can be thought of as a string of vehicles, following one another as a platoon. Being equipped by wireless communication capabilities, these vehicles communicate with one another to maintain their formation as a platoon, hence are cognitive. Autonomous capable vehicles in tightly spaced, computer-controlled platoons will lead to savings in energy due to reduced aerodynamic forces, as well as increased passenger comfort since there will be no sudden accelerations or decelerations. Impacts in the occurrence of collisions, if any, will be very low. The greatest benefit obtained is, however, an increase in highway capacity, along with reduction in traffic congestion, pollution, and energy consumption. Another aspect of this project is the automated electric transportation (AET). This aims at providing energy directly to vehicles from electric highways, thus reducing their energy consumption and CO2 emission. By eliminating the use of overhead wires, infrastructure can be upgraded by electrifying highways and providing energy on demand and in real time to moving vehicles via a wireless energy transfer phenomenon known as wireless inductive coupling. The work done in this research will help to gain an insight into vehicle platooning and the control system related to maintaining the vehicles in this formation

    A Survey on Aerial Swarm Robotics

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    The use of aerial swarms to solve real-world problems has been increasing steadily, accompanied by falling prices and improving performance of communication, sensing, and processing hardware. The commoditization of hardware has reduced unit costs, thereby lowering the barriers to entry to the field of aerial swarm robotics. A key enabling technology for swarms is the family of algorithms that allow the individual members of the swarm to communicate and allocate tasks amongst themselves, plan their trajectories, and coordinate their flight in such a way that the overall objectives of the swarm are achieved efficiently. These algorithms, often organized in a hierarchical fashion, endow the swarm with autonomy at every level, and the role of a human operator can be reduced, in principle, to interactions at a higher level without direct intervention. This technology depends on the clever and innovative application of theoretical tools from control and estimation. This paper reviews the state of the art of these theoretical tools, specifically focusing on how they have been developed for, and applied to, aerial swarms. Aerial swarms differ from swarms of ground-based vehicles in two respects: they operate in a three-dimensional space and the dynamics of individual vehicles adds an extra layer of complexity. We review dynamic modeling and conditions for stability and controllability that are essential in order to achieve cooperative flight and distributed sensing. The main sections of this paper focus on major results covering trajectory generation, task allocation, adversarial control, distributed sensing, monitoring, and mapping. Wherever possible, we indicate how the physics and subsystem technologies of aerial robots are brought to bear on these individual areas

    Nonlinear Model Predictive Control-based Collision Avoidance for Mobile Robot

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    This work proposes an efficient and safe single-layer Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) system based on LiDAR to solve the problem of autonomous navigation in cluttered environments with previously unidentified static and dynamic obstacles of any shape. Initially, LiDAR sensor data is collected. Then, the Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) algorithm, is used to cluster the (Lidar) points that belong to each obstacle together. Moreover, a Minimum Euclidean Distance (MED) between the robot and each obstacle with the aid of a safety margin is utilized to implement safety-critical obstacle avoidance rather than existing methods in the literature that depend on enclosing the obstacles with a circle or minimum bounding ellipse. After that, to impose avoidance constraints with feasibility guarantees and without compromising stability, an NMPC for set-point stabilization is taken into consideration with a design strategy based on terminal inequality and equality constraints. Consequently, numerous obstacles can be avoided at the same time efficiently and rapidly through unstructured environments with narrow corridors.  Finally, a case study with an omnidirectional wheeled mobile robot (OWMR) is presented to assess the proposed NMPC formulation for set-point stabilization. Furthermore, the efficacy of the proposed system is tested by experiments in simulated scenarios using a robot simulator named CoppeliaSim in combination with MATLAB which utilizes the CasADi Toolbox, and Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. Two simulation scenarios are considered to show the performance of the proposed framework. The first scenario considers only static obstacles while the second scenario is more challenging and contains static and dynamic obstacles. In both scenarios, the OWMR successfully reached the target pose (1.5m, 1.5m, 0°) with a small deviation. Four performance indices are utilized to evaluate the set-point stabilization performance of the proposed control framework including the steady-state error in the posture vector which is less than 0.02 meters for position and 0.012 for orientation, and the integral of norm squared actual control inputs which is 19.96 and 21.74 for the first and second scenarios respectively. The proposed control framework shows a positive performance in a narrow-cluttered environment with unknown obstacles

    Autonomous landing of fixed-wing aircraft on mobile platforms

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    E n esta tesis se propone un nuevo sistema que permite la operación de aeronaves autónomas sin tren de aterrizaje. El trabajo está motivado por el interés industrial en aeronaves con la capacidad de volar a gran altitud, con más capacidad de carga útil y capaces de aterrizar con viento cruzado. El enfoque seguido en este trabajo consiste en eliminar el sistema de aterrizaje de una aeronave de ala fija empleando una plataforma móvil de aterrizaje en tierra. La aeronave y la plataforma deben sincronizar su movimiento antes del aterrizaje, lo que se logra mediante la estimación del estado relativo entre ambas y el control cooperativo del movimiento. El objetivo principal de esta Tesis es el desarrollo de una solución práctica para el aterrizaje autónomo de una aeronave de ala fija en una plataforma móvil. En la tesis se combinan nuevos métodos con experimentos prácticos para los cuales se ha desarrollado un sistema de pruebas específico. Se desarrollan dos variantes diferentes del sistema de aterrizaje. El primero presta atención especial a la seguridad, es robusto ante retrasos en la comunicación entre vehículos y cumple procedimientos habituales de aterrizaje, al tiempo que reduce la complejidad del sistema. En el segundo se utilizan trayectorias optimizadas del vehículo y sincronización bilateral de posición para maximizar el rendimiento del aterrizaje en términos de requerimientos de longitud necesaria de pista, pero la estabilidad es dependiente del retraso de tiempo, con lo cual es necesario desarrollar un controlador estabilizador ampliado, basado en pasividad, que permite resolver este problema. Ambas estrategias imponen requisitos funcionales a los controladores de cada uno de los vehículos, lo que implica la capacidad de controlar el movimiento longitudinal sin afectar el control lateral o vertical, y viceversa. El control de vuelo basado en energía se utiliza para proporcionar dicha funcionalidad a la aeronave. Los sistemas de aterrizaje desarrollados se han analizado en simulación estableciéndose los límites de rendimiento mediante múltiples repeticiones aleatorias. Se llegó a la conclusión de que el controlador basado en seguridad proporciona un rendimiento de aterrizaje satisfactorio al tiempo que suministra una mayor seguridad operativa y un menor esfuerzo de implementación y certificación. El controlador basado en el rendimiento es prometedor para aplicaciones con una longitud de pista limitada. Se descubrió que los beneficios del controlador basado en el rendimiento son menos pronunciados para una dinámica de vehículos terrestres más lenta. Teniendo en cuenta la dinámica lenta de la configuración del demostrador, se eligió el enfoque basado en la seguridad para los primeros experimentos de aterrizaje. El sistema de aterrizaje se validó en diversas pruebas de aterrizaje exitosas, que, a juicio del autor, son las primeras en el mundo realizadas con aeronaves reales. En última instancia, el concepto propuesto ofrece importantes beneficios y constituye una estrategia prometedora para futuras soluciones de aterrizaje de aeronaves.In this thesis a new landing system is proposed, which allows for the operation of autonomous aircraft without landing gear. The work was motivated by the industrial need for more capable high altitude aircraft systems, which typically suffer from low payload capacity and high crosswind landing sensitivity. The approach followed in this work consists in removing the landing gear system from the aircraft and introducing a mobile ground-based landing platform. The vehicles must synchronize their motion prior to landing, which is achieved through relative state estimation and cooperative motion control. The development of a practical solution for the autonomous landing of an aircraft on a moving platform thus constitutes the main goal of this thesis. Therefore, theoretical investigations are combined with real experiments for which a special setup is developed and implemented. Two different landing system variants are developed — the safety-based landing system is robust to inter-vehicle communication delays and adheres to established landing procedures, while reducing system complexity. The performance-based landing system uses optimized vehicle trajectories and bilateral position synchronization to maximize landing performance in terms of used runway, but suffers from time delay-dependent stability. An extended passivity-based stabilizing controller was implemented to cope with this issue. Both strategies impose functional requirements on the individual vehicle controllers, which imply independent controllability of the translational degrees of freedom. Energy-based flight control is utilized to provide such functionality for the aircraft. The developed landing systems are analyzed in simulation and performance bounds are determined by means of repeated random sampling. The safety-based controller was found to provide satisfactory landing performance while providing higher operational safety, and lower implementation and certification effort. The performance-based controller is promising for applications with limited runway length. The performance benefits were found to be less pronounced for slower ground vehicle dynamics. Given the slow dynamics of the demonstrator setup, the safety-based approach was chosen for first landing experiments. The landing system was validated in a number of successful landing trials, which to the author’s best knowledge was the first time such technology was demonstrated on the given scale, worldwide. Ultimately, the proposed concept offers decisive benefits and constitutes a promising strategy for future aircraft landing solutions