1,044 research outputs found

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    Shrub-depth: Capturing Height of Dense Graphs

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    The recent increase of interest in the graph invariant called tree-depth and in its applications in algorithms and logic on graphs led to a natural question: is there an analogously useful "depth" notion also for dense graphs (say; one which is stable under graph complementation)? To this end, in a 2012 conference paper, a new notion of shrub-depth has been introduced, such that it is related to the established notion of clique-width in a similar way as tree-depth is related to tree-width. Since then shrub-depth has been successfully used in several research papers. Here we provide an in-depth review of the definition and basic properties of shrub-depth, and we focus on its logical aspects which turned out to be most useful. In particular, we use shrub-depth to give a characterization of the lower ω{\omega} levels of the MSO1 transduction hierarchy of simple graphs

    Current Algorithms for Detecting Subgraphs of Bounded Treewidth Are Probably Optimal

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    The Subgraph Isomorphism problem is of considerable importance in computer science. We examine the problem when the pattern graph H is of bounded treewidth, as occurs in a variety of applications. This problem has a well-known algorithm via color-coding that runs in time O(n^{tw(H)+1}) [Alon, Yuster, Zwick\u2795], where n is the number of vertices of the host graph G. While there are pattern graphs known for which Subgraph Isomorphism can be solved in an improved running time of O(n^{tw(H)+1-?}) or even faster (e.g. for k-cliques), it is not known whether such improvements are possible for all patterns. The only known lower bound rules out time n^{o(tw(H) / log(tw(H)))} for any class of patterns of unbounded treewidth assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis [Marx\u2707]. In this paper, we demonstrate the existence of maximally hard pattern graphs H that require time n^{tw(H)+1-o(1)}. Specifically, under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH), a standard assumption from fine-grained complexity theory, we prove the following asymptotic statement for large treewidth t: For any ? > 0 there exists t ? 3 and a pattern graph H of treewidth t such that Subgraph Isomorphism on pattern H has no algorithm running in time O(n^{t+1-?}). Under the more recent 3-uniform Hyperclique hypothesis, we even obtain tight lower bounds for each specific treewidth t ? 3: For any t ? 3 there exists a pattern graph H of treewidth t such that for any ? > 0 Subgraph Isomorphism on pattern H has no algorithm running in time O(n^{t+1-?}). In addition to these main results, we explore (1) colored and uncolored problem variants (and why they are equivalent for most cases), (2) Subgraph Isomorphism for tw < 3, (3) Subgraph Isomorphism parameterized by pathwidth instead of treewidth, and (4) a weighted variant that we call Exact Weight Subgraph Isomorphism, for which we examine pseudo-polynomial time algorithms. For many of these settings we obtain similarly tight upper and lower bounds

    Distributed Dominating Set Approximations beyond Planar Graphs

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    The Minimum Dominating Set (MDS) problem is one of the most fundamental and challenging problems in distributed computing. While it is well-known that minimum dominating sets cannot be approximated locally on general graphs, over the last years, there has been much progress on computing local approximations on sparse graphs, and in particular planar graphs. In this paper we study distributed and deterministic MDS approximation algorithms for graph classes beyond planar graphs. In particular, we show that existing approximation bounds for planar graphs can be lifted to bounded genus graphs, and present (1) a local constant-time, constant-factor MDS approximation algorithm and (2) a local O(logn)\mathcal{O}(\log^*{n})-time approximation scheme. Our main technical contribution is a new analysis of a slightly modified variant of an existing algorithm by Lenzen et al. Interestingly, unlike existing proofs for planar graphs, our analysis does not rely on direct topological arguments.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1602.0299

    Current Algorithms for Detecting Subgraphs of Bounded Treewidth are Probably Optimal

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    The Subgraph Isomorphism problem is of considerable importance in computer science. We examine the problem when the pattern graph H is of bounded treewidth, as occurs in a variety of applications. This problem has a well-known algorithm via color-coding that runs in time O(ntw(H)+1)O(n^{tw(H)+1}) [Alon, Yuster, Zwick'95], where nn is the number of vertices of the host graph GG. While there are pattern graphs known for which Subgraph Isomorphism can be solved in an improved running time of O(ntw(H)+1ε)O(n^{tw(H)+1-\varepsilon}) or even faster (e.g. for kk-cliques), it is not known whether such improvements are possible for all patterns. The only known lower bound rules out time no(tw(H)/log(tw(H)))n^{o(tw(H) / \log(tw(H)))} for any class of patterns of unbounded treewidth assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis [Marx'07]. In this paper, we demonstrate the existence of maximally hard pattern graphs HH that require time ntw(H)+1o(1)n^{tw(H)+1-o(1)}. Specifically, under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH), a standard assumption from fine-grained complexity theory, we prove the following asymptotic statement for large treewidth tt: For any ε>0\varepsilon > 0 there exists t3t \ge 3 and a pattern graph HH of treewidth tt such that Subgraph Isomorphism on pattern HH has no algorithm running in time O(nt+1ε)O(n^{t+1-\varepsilon}). Under the more recent 3-uniform Hyperclique hypothesis, we even obtain tight lower bounds for each specific treewidth t3t \ge 3: For any t3t \ge 3 there exists a pattern graph HH of treewidth tt such that for any ε>0\varepsilon>0 Subgraph Isomorphism on pattern HH has no algorithm running in time O(nt+1ε)O(n^{t+1-\varepsilon}). In addition to these main results, we explore (1) colored and uncolored problem variants (and why they are equivalent for most cases), (2) Subgraph Isomorphism for tw<3tw < 3, (3) Subgraph Isomorphism parameterized by pathwidth, and (4) a weighted problem variant

    Space-Efficient Graph Coarsening with Applications to Succinct Planar Encodings

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    We present a novel space-efficient graph coarsening technique for n-vertex planar graphs G, called cloud partition, which partitions the vertices V(G) into disjoint sets C of size O(log n) such that each C induces a connected subgraph of G. Using this partition ? we construct a so-called structure-maintaining minor F of G via specific contractions within the disjoint sets such that F has O(n/log n) vertices. The combination of (F, ?) is referred to as a cloud decomposition. For planar graphs we show that a cloud decomposition can be constructed in O(n) time and using O(n) bits. Given a cloud decomposition (F, ?) constructed for a planar graph G we are able to find a balanced separator of G in O(n/log n) time. Contrary to related publications, we do not make use of an embedding of the planar input graph. We generalize our cloud decomposition from planar graphs to H-minor-free graphs for any fixed graph H. This allows us to construct the succinct encoding scheme for H-minor-free graphs due to Blelloch and Farzan (CPM 2010) in O(n) time and O(n) bits improving both runtime and space by a factor of ?(log n). As an additional application of our cloud decomposition we show that, for H-minor-free graphs, a tree decomposition of width O(n^{1/2 + ?}) for any ? > 0 can be constructed in O(n) bits and a time linear in the size of the tree decomposition. A similar result by Izumi and Otachi (ICALP 2020) constructs a tree decomposition of width O(k ?n log n) for graphs of treewidth k ? ?n in sublinear space and polynomial time

    On the computational tractability of a geographic clustering problem arising in redistricting

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    Redistricting is the problem of dividing a state into a number kk of regions, called districts. Voters in each district elect a representative. The primary criteria are: each district is connected, district populations are equal (or nearly equal), and districts are "compact". There are multiple competing definitions of compactness, usually minimizing some quantity. One measure that has been recently promoted by Duchin and others is number of cut edges. In redistricting, one is given atomic regions out of which each district must be built. The populations of the atomic regions are given. Consider the graph with one vertex per atomic region (with weight equal to the region's population) and an edge between atomic regions that share a boundary. A districting plan is a partition of vertices into kk parts, each connnected, of nearly equal weight. The districts are considered compact to the extent that the plan minimizes the number of edges crossing between different parts. Consider two problems: find the most compact districting plan, and sample districting plans under a compactness constraint uniformly at random. Both problems are NP-hard so we restrict the input graph to have branchwidth at most ww. (A planar graph's branchwidth is bounded by its diameter.) If both kk and ww are bounded by constants, the problems are solvable in polynomial time. Assume vertices have weight~1. One would like algorithms whose running times are of the form O(f(k,w)nc)O(f(k,w) n^c) for some constant cc independent of kk and ww, in which case the problems are said to be fixed-parameter tractable with respect to kk and ww). We show that, under a complexity-theoretic assumption, no such algorithms exist. However, we do give algorithms with running time O(cwnk+1)O(c^wn^{k+1}). Thus if the diameter of the graph is moderately small and the number of districts is very small, our algorithm is useable