2,800 research outputs found

    Partition genericity and pigeonhole basis theorems

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    There exist two notions of typicality in computability theory, namely, genericity and randomness. In this article, we introduce a new notion of genericity, called partition genericity, which is at the intersection of these two notions of typicality, and show that many basis theorems apply to partition genericity. More precisely, we prove that every co-hyperimmune set and every Kurtz random is partition generic, and that every partition generic set admits weak infinite subsets. In particular, we answer a question of Kjos-Hanssen and Liu by showing that every Kurtz random admits an infinite subset which does not compute any set of positive Hausdorff dimension. Partition genericty is a partition regular notion, so these results imply many existing pigeonhole basis theorems.Comment: 23 page

    Computable Jordan Decomposition of Linear Continuous Functionals on C[0;1]C[0;1]

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    By the Riesz representation theorem using the Riemann-Stieltjes integral, linear continuous functionals on the set of continuous functions from the unit interval into the reals can either be characterized by functions of bounded variation from the unit interval into the reals, or by signed measures on the Borel-subsets. Each of these objects has an (even minimal) Jordan decomposition into non-negative or non-decreasing objects. Using the representation approach to computable analysis, a computable version of the Riesz representation theorem has been proved by Jafarikhah, Lu and Weihrauch. In this article we extend this result. We study the computable relation between three Banach spaces, the space of linear continuous functionals with operator norm, the space of (normalized) functions of bounded variation with total variation norm, and the space of bounded signed Borel measures with variation norm. We introduce natural representations for defining computability. We prove that the canonical linear bijections between these spaces and their inverses are computable. We also prove that Jordan decomposition is computable on each of these spaces

    On the mathematical and foundational significance of the uncountable

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    We study the logical and computational properties of basic theorems of uncountable mathematics, including the Cousin and Lindel\"of lemma published in 1895 and 1903. Historically, these lemmas were among the first formulations of open-cover compactness and the Lindel\"of property, respectively. These notions are of great conceptual importance: the former is commonly viewed as a way of treating uncountable sets like e.g. [0,1][0,1] as 'almost finite', while the latter allows one to treat uncountable sets like e.g. R\mathbb{R} as 'almost countable'. This reduction of the uncountable to the finite/countable turns out to have a considerable logical and computational cost: we show that the aforementioned lemmas, and many related theorems, are extremely hard to prove, while the associated sub-covers are extremely hard to compute. Indeed, in terms of the standard scale (based on comprehension axioms), a proof of these lemmas requires at least the full extent of second-order arithmetic, a system originating from Hilbert-Bernays' Grundlagen der Mathematik. This observation has far-reaching implications for the Grundlagen's spiritual successor, the program of Reverse Mathematics, and the associated G\"odel hierachy. We also show that the Cousin lemma is essential for the development of the gauge integral, a generalisation of the Lebesgue and improper Riemann integrals that also uniquely provides a direct formalisation of Feynman's path integral.Comment: 35 pages with one figure. The content of this version extends the published version in that Sections 3.3.4 and 3.4 below are new. Small corrections/additions have also been made to reflect new development

    Uniformity, Universality, and Computability Theory

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    We prove a number of results motivated by global questions of uniformity in computability theory, and universality of countable Borel equivalence relations. Our main technical tool is a game for constructing functions on free products of countable groups. We begin by investigating the notion of uniform universality, first proposed by Montalb\'an, Reimann and Slaman. This notion is a strengthened form of a countable Borel equivalence relation being universal, which we conjecture is equivalent to the usual notion. With this additional uniformity hypothesis, we can answer many questions concerning how countable groups, probability measures, the subset relation, and increasing unions interact with universality. For many natural classes of countable Borel equivalence relations, we can also classify exactly which are uniformly universal. We also show the existence of refinements of Martin's ultrafilter on Turing invariant Borel sets to the invariant Borel sets of equivalence relations that are much finer than Turing equivalence. For example, we construct such an ultrafilter for the orbit equivalence relation of the shift action of the free group on countably many generators. These ultrafilters imply a number of structural properties for these equivalence relations.Comment: 61 Page

    The proof-theoretic strength of Ramsey's theorem for pairs and two colors

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    Ramsey's theorem for nn-tuples and kk-colors (RTkn\mathsf{RT}^n_k) asserts that every k-coloring of [N]n[\mathbb{N}]^n admits an infinite monochromatic subset. We study the proof-theoretic strength of Ramsey's theorem for pairs and two colors, namely, the set of its Π10\Pi^0_1 consequences, and show that RT22\mathsf{RT}^2_2 is Π30\Pi^0_3 conservative over IΣ10\mathsf{I}\Sigma^0_1. This strengthens the proof of Chong, Slaman and Yang that RT22\mathsf{RT}^2_2 does not imply IΣ20\mathsf{I}\Sigma^0_2, and shows that RT22\mathsf{RT}^2_2 is finitistically reducible, in the sense of Simpson's partial realization of Hilbert's Program. Moreover, we develop general tools to simplify the proofs of Π30\Pi^0_3-conservation theorems.Comment: 32 page

    Set Theory or Higher Order Logic to Represent Auction Concepts in Isabelle?

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    When faced with the question of how to represent properties in a formal proof system any user has to make design decisions. We have proved three of the theorems from Maskin's 2004 survey article on Auction Theory using the Isabelle/HOL system, and we have produced verified code for combinatorial Vickrey auctions. A fundamental question in this was how to represent some basic concepts: since set theory is available inside Isabelle/HOL, when introducing new definitions there is often the issue of balancing the amount of set-theoretical objects and of objects expressed using entities which are more typical of higher order logic such as functions or lists. Likewise, a user has often to answer the question whether to use a constructive or a non-constructive definition. Such decisions have consequences for the proof development and the usability of the formalization. For instance, sets are usually closer to the representation that economists would use and recognize, while the other objects are closer to the extraction of computational content. In this paper we give examples of the advantages and disadvantages for these approaches and their relationships. In addition, we present the corresponding Isabelle library of definitions and theorems, most prominently those dealing with relations and quotients.Comment: Preprint of a paper accepted for the forthcoming CICM 2014 conference (cicm-conference.org/2014): S.M. Watt et al. (Eds.): CICM 2014, LNAI 8543, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014. 16 pages, 1 figur

    "Weak yet strong'' restrictions of Hindman's Finite Sums Theorem

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    We present a natural restriction of Hindman’s Finite Sums Theorem that admits a simple combinatorial proof (one that does not also prove the full Finite Sums Theorem) and low computability-theoretic and proof-theoretic upper bounds, yet implies the existence of the Turing Jump, thus realizing the only known lower bound for the full Finite Sums Theorem. This is the first example of this kind. In fact we isolate a rich family of similar restrictions of Hindman’s Theorem with analogous propertie

    Coloring trees in reverse mathematics

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    The tree theorem for pairs (TT22\mathsf{TT}^2_2), first introduced by Chubb, Hirst, and McNicholl, asserts that given a finite coloring of pairs of comparable nodes in the full binary tree 2<ω2^{<\omega}, there is a set of nodes isomorphic to 2<ω2^{<\omega} which is homogeneous for the coloring. This is a generalization of the more familiar Ramsey's theorem for pairs (RT22\mathsf{RT}^2_2), which has been studied extensively in computability theory and reverse mathematics. We answer a longstanding open question about the strength of TT22\mathsf{TT}^2_2, by showing that this principle does not imply the arithmetic comprehension axiom (ACA0\mathsf{ACA}_0) over the base system, recursive comprehension axiom (RCA0\mathsf{RCA}_0), of second-order arithmetic. In addition, we give a new and self-contained proof of a recent result of Patey that TT22\mathsf{TT}^2_2 is strictly stronger than RT22\mathsf{RT}^2_2. Combined, these results establish TT22\mathsf{TT}^2_2 as the first known example of a natural combinatorial principle to occupy the interval strictly between ACA0\mathsf{ACA}_0 and RT22\mathsf{RT}^2_2. The proof of this fact uses an extension of the bushy tree forcing method, and develops new techniques for dealing with combinatorial statements formulated on trees, rather than on ω\omega.Comment: 25 page

    Computability of entropy and information in classical Hamiltonian systems

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    We consider the computability of entropy and information in classical Hamiltonian systems. We define the information part and total information capacity part of entropy in classical Hamiltonian systems using relative information under a computable discrete partition. Using a recursively enumerable nonrecursive set it is shown that even though the initial probability distribution, entropy, Hamiltonian and its partial derivatives are computable under a computable partition, the time evolution of its information capacity under the original partition can grow faster than any recursive function. This implies that even though the probability measure and information are conserved in classical Hamiltonian time evolution we might not actually compute the information with respect to the original computable partition

    "Weak yet strong" restrictions of Hindman's Finite Sums Theorem

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    We present a natural restriction of Hindman's Finite Sums Theorem that admits a simple combinatorial proof (one that does not also prove the full Finite Sums Theorem) and low computability-theoretic and proof-theoretic upper bounds, yet implies the existence of the Turing Jump, thus realizing the only known lower bound for the full Finite Sums Theorem. This is the first example of this kind. In fact we isolate a rich family of similar restrictions of Hindman's Theorem with analogous properties
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