25 research outputs found

    An Efficient Algorithm for Optimizing Adaptive Quantum Metrology Processes

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    Quantum-enhanced metrology infers an unknown quantity with accuracy beyond the standard quantum limit (SQL). Feedback-based metrological techniques are promising for beating the SQL but devising the feedback procedures is difficult and inefficient. Here we introduce an efficient self-learning swarm-intelligence algorithm for devising feedback-based quantum metrological procedures. Our algorithm can be trained with simulated or real-world trials and accommodates experimental imperfections, losses, and decoherence

    Implementasi Prilaku Berkelompok pada Swarm Robots Menggunakan Teknik Logika Fuzzy-Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Dalam paper ini dijelaskan teknik komunikasi swarm robot untuk mencapai suatu target yang telah ditentukan. Pada percobaan ini digunakan 3 robot sederhana yang identik dengan 3 sensor infra-red, sensor kompas dan X-Bee. Untuk mencapai target dan menentukan posisi dari masing-masing robot digunakan sebuah sensor kamera dengan metode deteksi perbedaan warna. Swarm robot dan sensor kamera terhubung dengan komputer yang berfungsi sebagai pusat informasi dan penyimpan data. Untuk menghasilkan kinerja yang baik maka teknik Logika Fuzzy-Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh hasil yaitu ketiga robot dapat menemukan posisi terbaik, menghasilkan pergerakan yang halus dan mampu mencapai target yang telah ditentukan

    A robot behavior-learning experiment using Particle Swarm Optimization for training a neural-based Animat

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    International audienceWe investigate the use of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and compare with Genetic Algorithms (GA), for a particular robot behavior-learning task: the training of an animat behavior totally determined by a fully-recurrent neural network, and with which we try to fulfill a simple exploration and food foraging task. The target behavior is simple, but the learning task is challenging because of the dynamic complexity of fully-recurrent neural networks. We show that standard PSO yield very good results for this learning problem, and appears to be much more effective than simple GA

    Implementasi Prilaku Berkelompok pada Swarm Robots Menggunakan Teknik Logika Fuzzy-Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Dalam paper ini dijelaskan teknik komunikasi swarm robot untuk mencapai suatu target  yang  telah  ditentukan.  Pada  percobaan  ini  digunakan  3  robot  sederhana  yang identik  dengan  3  sensor  infra-red,  sensor  kompas  dan  X-Bee.  Untuk  mencapai  target  dan  menentukan  posisi  dari  masing-masing  robot  digunakan  sebuah  sensor  kamera dengan metode deteksi perbedaan  warna. Swarm robot dan sensor kamera terhubung dengan komputer yang berfungsi sebagai pusat informasi dan penyimpan data. Untuk menghasilkan   kinerja   yang   baik   maka   teknik   Logika   Fuzzy-Particle   Swarm Optimization  (PSO)  digunakan  dalam  penelitian  ini.  Dari  pengujian  yang  telah dilakukan   diperoleh   hasil   yaitu   ketiga   robot   dapat   menemukan   posisi   terbaik, menghasilkan   pergerakan   yang   halus   dan   mampu   mencapai   target   yang   telah ditentukan

    Design and Implementation of an Intelligent PI Controller for a Real Time Non Linear pH Neutralization Process

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    In many chemical processes, pH is one of the most important parameter and control of the pH is highly non linear due to the complex nature of processes. PID controllers are widely used in process industries to control linear, non-linear and stable, unstable systems. Selection of the suitable controller tuning procedure is important to improve the performance of the PID controller and hence the process variable can be controlled in better manner. In this work, Firefly Algorithm (FA) based intelligent PI controller is attempted for a Non Linear pH control process in real time. The effectiveness of the FA controller is studied in the selected operating regions and the results are validated with Relay Feedback (RFB) method and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method based controllers in the simulation environment. The simulation results indicated that the steady state performance and error performance indices of the FA controller are better than the RFB and PSO controller in the selected operating regions. The FA controller is also implemented in the real time laboratory pH control system, the results confirm that the servo response and regulatory response of the proposed intelligent controller provides better performance with the FA based PI Controllers

    The Role of Environmental and Controller Complexity in the Distributed Optimization of Multi-Robot Obstacle Avoidance

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    The ability to move in complex environments is a fundamental requirement for robots to be a part of our daily lives. Increasing the controller complexity may be a desirable choice in order to obtain an improved performance. However, these two aspects may pose a considerable challenge on the optimization of robotic controllers. In this paper, we study the trade-offs between the complexity of reactive controllers and the complexity of the environment in the optimization of multi-robot obstacle avoidance for resource-constrained platforms. The optimization is carried out in simulation using a distributed, noise-resistant implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization, and the resulting controllers are evaluated both in simulation and with real robots. We show that in a simple environment, linear controllers with only two parameters perform similarly to more complex non-linear controllers with up to twenty parameters, even though the latter ones require more evaluation time to be learned. In a more complicated environment, we show that there is an increase in performance when the controllers can differentiate between front and backwards sensors, but increasing further the number of sensors and adding non-linear activation functions provide no further benefit. In both environments, augmenting reactive control laws with simple memory capabilities causes the highest increase in performance. We also show that in the complex environment the performance measurements are noisier, the optimal parameter region is smaller, and more iterations are required for the optimization process to converge

    Pengembangan Algoritme Niching Particle Swarm Optimization untuk Pencarian Target pada Sistem Multi-Robot

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    Robot seringkali digunakan untuk mencari target, dalam hal ini target bisa korban, barang berbahaya dan tidak bisa dijangkau oleh manusia sehingga diganti menggunakan robot.Robot melakukan pencarian untuk menemukan target yang kemudian mengalokasikan diri ketarget dengan asumsi bahwa targetnya dapat memancarkan sinyal. Permasalahan tersebut dipandang sebagai suatu masalah optimasi. Salah satu teknik yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah optimasi merupakan algoritme Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Masalah yang sering ditangani PSO sampai saat ini hanya sebatas masalah single-target. Beberapa masalah pada dunia nyata merupakan masalah multi-target, sehingga tidak dapat diselesaikan dengan algoritme PSO. Multi-target merupakan pencarian multi-robot untuk mengoptimasi pencarian target pada satu atau lebih titik optimum di dalam ruang pencarian. Masalah optimasi pada multi-target dapat diselesaikan menggunakan algoritme Niching Particle Swarm Optimization (NichePSO). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan algoritme NichePSO untuk pencarian target pada sistem multi-robot. Pengembangan algoritme dilakukan dengan menggabungkan algoritme NichePSO dengan parameter robot e-puck yang merupakan kontribusi pertama pada penelitian ini. Kontribusi kedua adalah menerapkan algoritme penghindaran dan menggunakan teknik reflecting untuk robot yang keluar dari batas area pencarian.Pada studi ini membandingkan hasil performa antara algoritme NichePSO tanpa algoritme penghindaran dan dengan algoritme penghindaran, diuji dengan beberapa rintangan dalam lingkungan statis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan algoritme NichePSO pada tanpa algoritme penghindaran dan dengan algoritme penghindaran jauh berbeda dalam jumlah tabrakan tetapi tidak berbeda secara signifikan dalam waktu pencarian dan nilai fitnes. Abstract Robots are often used to find targets, in this case targets can be victims, dangerous goods and cannot be reached by humans so they are replaced using robots. The robot does a search to find a target which then allocates itself to the target assuming that the target can emit a signal. This problem is seen as an optimization problem. One technique that can solve optimization problems is the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The problem that is often handled by PSO to date is only limited to single-target problems. Some real-world problems are multi-target problems, so they cannot be solved by the PSO algorithm. Multi-target is a multi-robot search to optimize target search at one or more optimum points in the search space. The problem of optimization on multi-targets can be solved using the Niching Particle Swarm Optimization (NichePSO) algorithm. This study aims to develop a NichePSO algorithm for target search on multi-robot systems. The development of the algorithm is done by combining the NichePSO algorithm with the e-puck robot parameters which is the first contribution to this research. The second contribution is to apply avoidance algorithms and use reflecting techniques for robots that come out of the boundary of the search area. In this study comparing the performance results between the NichePSO algorithm without the avoidance algorithm and with the avoidance algorithm, tested with several obstacles in a static environment. The results showed that the development of the NichePSO algorithm without the avoidance algorithm and with the avoidance algorithm differed significantly in the number of collisions but did not differ significantly in search time and fitness values. Robot seringkali digunakan untuk mencari target, dalam hal ini target bisa korban, barang berbahaya dan tidak bisa dijangkau oleh manusia sehingga diganti menggunakan robot. Robot melakukan pencarian untuk menemukan target yang kemudian mengalokasikan diri ke target dengan asumsi bahwa targetnya dapat memancarkan sinyal. Permasalahan tersebut dipandang sebagai suatu masalah optimasi. Salah satu teknik yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah optimasi merupakan algoritme Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Masalah yang sering ditangani PSO sampai saat ini hanya sebatas masalah single-target. Beberapa masalah pada dunia nyata merupakan masalah multi-target, sehingga tidak dapat diselesaikan dengan algoritme PSO. Multi-target merupakan pencarian multi-robot untuk mengoptimasi pencarian target pada satu atau lebih titik optimum di dalam ruang pencarian. Masalah optimasi pada multi-target dapat diselesaikan menggunakan algoritme Niching Particle Swarm Optimization (NichePSO). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan algoritme NichePSO untuk pencarian target pada sistem multi-robot. Pengembangan algoritme dilakukan dengan menggabungkan algoritme NichePSO dengan parameter robot e-puck yang merupakan kontribusi pertama pada penelitian ini. Kontribusi kedua adalah menerapkan algoritme penghindaran dan menggunakan teknik reflecting untuk robot yang keluar dari batas area pencarian.Pada studi ini membandingkan hasil performa antara algoritme NichePSO tanpa algoritme penghindaran dan dengan algoritme penghindaran, diuji dengan beberapa rintangan dalam lingkungan statis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan algoritme NichePSO pada tanpa algoritme penghindaran dan dengan algoritme penghindaran jauh berbeda dalam jumlah tabrakan tetapi tidak berbeda secara signifikan dalam waktu pencarian dan nilai fitnes

    Discrete Multi-Valued Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Discrete optimization is a difficult task common to many different areas in modern research. This type of optimization refers to problems where solution elements can assume one of several discrete values. The most basic form of discrete optimization is binary optimization, where all solution elements can be either 0 or 1, while the more general form is problems that have solution elements which can assume nn different unordered values, where nn could be any integer greater than 1. While Genetic Algorithms (GA) are inherently able to handle these problems, there has been no adaption of Particle Swarm Optimization able to solve the general case

    Analysis of Fitness Noise in Particle Swarm Optimization: From Robotic Learning to Benchmark Functions

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    Population-based learning techniques have been proven to be effective in dealing with noise and are thus promising tools for the optimization of robotic controllers, which have inherently noisy performance evaluations. This article discusses how the results and guidelines derived from tests on benchmark functions can be extended to the fitness distributions encountered in robotic learning. We show that the large-amplitude noise found in robotic evaluations is disruptive to the initial phases of the learning process of PSO. Under these conditions, neither increasing the population size nor increasing the number of iterations are efficient strategies to improve the performance of the learning. We also show that PSO is more sensitive to good spurious evaluations of bad solutions than bad evaluations of good solutions, i.e., there is a non-symmetric effect of noise on the performance of the learning

    Distributed Particle Swarm Optimization using Optimal Computing Budget Allocation for Multi-Robot Learning

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    Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a population-based metaheuristic that can be applied to optimize controllers for multiple robots using only local information. In order to cope with noise in the robotic performance evaluations, different re-evaluation strategies were proposed in the past. In this article, we apply a statistical technique called Optimal Computing Budget Allocation to improve the performance of distributed PSO in the presence of noise. In particular, we compare a distributed PSO OCBA algorithm suitable for resource-constrained mobile robots with a centralized version that uses global information for the allocation. We show that the distributed PSO OCBA outperforms a previous distributed noise-resistant PSO variant, and that the performance of the distributed PSO OCBA approaches that of the centralized one as the communication radius is increased. We also explore different parametrizations of the PSO OCBA algorithm, and show that the choice of parameter values differs from previous guidelines proposed for stand-alone OCBA